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中国文化通览提纲一 中国地理环境和经济结构。中国位于东亚大陆,地理环境相对封闭。中国内部西高东低,分布有辽河、黄河、长江、珠江几个流域。中国古代文明主要在黄河流域和长江流域。远古时代,不同地理环境形成了农耕、游牧和渔猎三种不同的生产方式。中国长期以来处于以小农经济占主导地位的农业社会。二中国各朝代内容简介。三皇五帝(4000多年前)1. 文化东夷文化:黄河下游,舜等西夏文化:黄河中上游,炎帝、黄帝、尧等南蛮文化:江淮流域2. 宗法制 禅让制3. 故事神话:开天辟地;女娲造人;女娲补天;夸父逐日;精卫填海;嫦娥奔月;后羿射日;八仙过海;大禹治水。寓言:愚公移山。民间故事:牛郎织女。夏、商、西周(公元前22世纪-公元前256)1. 文化 青铜文化;商甲骨文,西周青铜铭文,出现文献;宗法专制的礼乐文化成型。2. 政治王权专制国家发展,大一统观念形成。Chinese Culture:An Introduction一The Geographical Surroundings and the Economic Structure of the Chinese CultureChina is located in the east Asian continent, geographical environment relatively closed. Chinas internal west and lower in the east, distribution has liaohe, Yellow River, Yangtze river and pearl river several river basin. Chinas ancient civilization, mainly in the Yellow River and the Yangtze river basin. In ancient times, different geographical environment formed farming, nomadic and fishing and hunting three different mode of production. China had long in the small-scale peasant economy dominated by the agricultural society. 二Chinese dynasties content abstract 3Huang 5Di(4000多年前)1. Culturethe Eastern Yi culture:lower Yellow River Valley,Shun etc.the western Xia culture:middle Yellow River Valley ,Yandi, Huangdi ,Yao etc.the Southern Man culture:Yangtza-Huaihe Valley2. Patriarchal Clan SystemShanrang Zhi3. StoriesMyths:The Creation of the Earth;N Wa Made Man;N Wa Mended the Sky;Kua Fu Chased the Sun;Jing Wei Tries to Fill Up the Sea with Pebbles;Chang E Flew to the Moon;When the Eight Genii Crossed the Sea;Da Yu Led People in Curbing Floods.Fable:Old Man Yu Gong Moved Away Mountains.Folklores:The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver. Xia/Shang/Western Zhou(AD22Century-AD256)1. Culturethe brilliant Bronze culture;the inscriptions on tortoise shells or animal bones of the Shang Dynasty;the inscriptions on bronze or copper wares in the Western Zhou Dynanty,appear literature;The patriarchal culture of rites and music was completed.2. PoliticsUnified patriarchal state based on the autocracy of royal right,the notion of great national unity.3 故事历史故事:姜太公钓鱼。寓言:杞人忧天。东周春秋战国1. 文化百家争鸣儒学道学 创始人(春秋时期)孔子;“礼”,“仁”;修订五经;建立私家学派老子;“道”的本体论,自然无为;建立私家学派代表人物(战国时期)孟子:“仁政”,性善论,“反求诸己”;荀子:“礼法”,性恶论,“制度强制”黄老学派:政治哲学,无为而治;庄子:人生学说,自然不同点重人事;“有为政治”重天道;“无为”政治共同点“天人合一”;辩证思维2. 政治列强争霸兼并3. 生产力进入铁器时代4. 故事历史故事:卧薪尝胆;孟母三迁;完璧归赵;毛遂自荐;寓言:画蛇添足;南辕北辙;鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利;拔苗助长;东施效颦;塞翁失马,焉知非福民间故事:鲁班的故事3 Stories Chinese Historical Tales:Fish the Same Way as Jiang Taigong Did. Fables:To Act like the Man of the Qi State Who Feared that the Sky Might Fall.Weastern ZhouThe Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period1 Culture Contention of numerous schools of thought of ideologyConfucianismTaoismFounder(The Spring States)Confucius;”Propriety”,”Benevolence”;Revised The Five Classics;Build Private SchoolLao Zi;”Tao”as the framework;nature and inaction;Build Private SchoolRepresentative(the Warring States Period)Mencius:”benevolent government”,original goodness of human nature;Xun Zi:”law and discipline rite”,original badness of human nature,”stressing system and discipline”The Huang-Lao School:a political philosophy,ruling with inaction;Zhuang Zi:the outlook on life,natralnessDifferencesStress personnel;politics of “action”Stress tiandio;politics of “inaction”Similarities“oneness”;speculative thinking2. Politics The Separatist Regime.3. Production Enter the Iron Age.4. Stories Chinese Historical Tales:Gou Jian Slept on Firewood and Tasted Gall to Avenge a National Humiliation;Three Moves by Mencius Mother;Xiangru Returned the Jade Intact to the Zhao State;Recommend Oneself for a Position as Mao Sui Did. Fables To Draw a Snake and Add Feet to it;To Go South by Driving the Chariot Northward;When the Snipe and the Clam Grappled,It Was the Fisherman Who Stood to Benefit;To Help the Shoots Grow by Pulling Them Upward;Dong Shi,an Ugly Woman,Knitting Her Brows Imitation of the Famous Beauty Xi Shi,Only to Make Herself All the Uglier;Misfortune May Be an Actual Blessing. Folklores Three Legends of Lu Ban.5. 文化名人、名著、名篇春秋末军事家:孙武孙子兵法楚国爱国诗人:屈原楚辞离骚秦朝(公元前221-公元前206)1. 文化尊奉法家思想2. 政治建立第一个统一的专制主义中央集权皇朝3. 故事历史故事:焚书坑儒;荆轲刺秦王;四面楚歌;寓言:自相矛盾;守株待兔;民间传说:孟姜女哭长城4. 文化名人法家代表人物:韩非子汉朝(公元前206-公元220)1. 文化初黄老学说后儒学号称“经学”;佛教引入2. 政治汉承秦制3. 故事罢黜百家,独尊儒术4. 外交张骞出使西域开辟丝绸之路5. 科技文化5. Famous People/Literary Works/Military strategist in late spring and autumn period:Sun Wu,The Art of WarPatriotic poet :Qu Yuan,Chu CiLi SaoQin Dynasty(BC221-BC206) 1. Culture The system of court academician was initiated 2. Politics Establishing the first centralized feudal empire was founded; 3. Stories Chinese Historical Tales:Jing Ke Attempted to Kill the King of the Qin State;Xiang Yu Heard the Folk Songs of the Chu State on All Sides. Fables Self-Contradiction;Wait for a Windfall. Folklores Meng Jiang Girl 4. Famous People Representative of Legalist school:Han Fei Han Dynanty(BC206-AD220) 1. Culture First the Huang-Lao schoolthen the “Imperial Confucianism”;the influx of Buddhism from India. 2. Politics The Han Dynasty followed the same system as the Qin Dynasty3. StoriesEmperor wudi paid supreme tribute to Confucianism while banning all other schools of thought. 4. Diplomacy Zhang Qian opened the trade route between China and the West.5 Science Culture造纸术;数学著作;中医经典;浑天仪和候风地动仪6. 故事寓言:叶公好龙民间故事:董永与七仙女7. 文化名人史学家:司马迁史记丝绸之路开辟者:张骞无神论思想家:王充天文学家:张衡医学家:华佗三国(公元220-280)晋(公元265-420)南北朝(公元386-581)1. 文化士族文化兴盛民族间文化的冲撞和融合;玄学;佛学广泛传播;敦煌莫高窟,大同云冈石窟,洛阳龙门石窟。2. 政治分裂割据3. 科技文化圆周率;齐民要术,脉经。4. 故事历史故事:三顾茅庐;七步成诗;代人捉刀;望梅止渴;悬梁刺股民间传说:梁山伯与祝英台The invention of papermaking technology;a classic work on mathematics;Chinese medical science;an armillary sphere and worlds first seismograph.6 StoriesFables:Lord Yes Love of DragonsFolklores:Dong Yong and the Seventh Fairy;7 Famous PeopleHistorian:Sima Qian shijiZhang QianThe thinker of the atheism:Wang ChongAstronomer:Zhang HengMedical scientist:Hua TuoThreeCountries(AD220-280)Jin(AD265-420)Northern and Southern Dynasties 1. Culture The culture ofShi zu ,the influential and privileged families of scholar-officials,plus the cultural conflict and fusion of different nationalities;xuan xue;Buddhism development;Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes,Datong Yungao agarottoes,Luoyang Longmen Grottoes. 2. Politics Tumultuous division3. cience Culture The figure of ;Qi Min Yao Shu;Treatise on the Pulse4. Stories ChineseHistorical Tales:Repeated andSincereInvitations;Composing a Poem Within Seven Paces;To Ghostwrite For;To Look at Pluns to Quench Thirst;Tske Great Pains with Ones Study; Folklores:Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai5. 文化名人东晋书法家:王羲之南朝数学家:祖冲之曹操:短歌行木兰诗 隋朝(公元581-618)唐朝(公元618-907)1. 文化儒、道、佛三家兼容;唐诗;书法;绘画。2. 政治封建专制3. 外交世界文化中心,中外文化交流的高潮;造纸术与印刷术传向海外。4. 科技文化 天文学5. 故事寓言:黄粱美梦;黔驴技穷;画龙点睛6. 文化名人诗人:李白将进酒,杜甫;白居易:琵琶行;张若虚春江花月夜五代(公元907-960)十国宋(公元960-1279)1. 文化程朱理学;宋词;清明上河图,重文轻武。2. 政治守内虚外3. 科技 5. Famous People/Literary Works/ Eastern Jin Writer:Wang Xizhi; Southern mathematician:Zu Chongzhi;Cao CaoA Brief Cantus; The Song Of MulanSui Dynasty (AD581-618)and the Tang Dynasty(AD618-907) 1. Culture Integrate Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism ;Tang Poetry;handwriting;painting. 2. Politics Feudal autocracy 3. Diplomacy World cultural center,The climax of the Sino-foreign cultural exchanges;The art of papermaking and block printing was passed on to other nations. 4. Science Culture Astronomy; 5. Stories Fables:Pipe Dream;The Guizhou Donley Has Used Up All Its Tricks;To Add The Touch That Brings a work of Art to Lif. 6. Famous People/Literary Works/ The Poet:Li Bai Invitation to Wine,Du Fu ;Bai Juyi Song of Lute Player;Zhang Ruoxun Flowers and Moonlight Night on the Spring River Five Dynasties(AD907-960)Ten States Song(AD960-1279)1. CultureCheng-Zhu Li Xue;Song Ci;The Festival of Pure Brightness on the River;stress on the cultural achievement while making light of the military exploits. 2. PoliticsInternal defence and external slackening3. Science火药,印刷术,指南针三大发明在技术上取得进步;沈括梦溪笔谈。4. 故事历史故事:司马光砸缸;岳母刺字;民间传说:白娘子传奇5. 文化名人苏轼水调歌头、念奴娇赤壁怀古,李清照声声慢;思想家:朱熹;乐府诗集;水经注;齐民要术。辽夏金元(公元1271-1368)1. 文化元曲。2. 政治封建专制。3. 文化名人关汉卿窦娥冤王实甫西厢记明朝(公元1368-1644)清朝(公元1644-1911)1. 文化主张“工商皆本”;古典文献收集整理;考据学兴盛;小说。2. 政治封建专制3. 外交西学东渐4. 科技河防一览,农政全书,徐霞客游记等。 The Chinese further developed the art of painting,the making of the gunpowder and compass;Shen Kuo sketchbook of dream brook4. Stories ChineseHistorical Tales:Sima Guang Smashed the Vat;Yue FeiMother Tattooed Characters on the Skin of Yue Fei; Folklores:Yhe Legend of Lady White5. Famous People/Literary Works/Su Shi Shuidiaogetou/Niannujiao in memory of Chibl,Li Qingzhao Shengshengman ;Thinker:Zhu xi;A Collection of Yue Fu Poetry;Shuijing Zhu;Qimin YaoshuLiao,Xia,and Jin DynastiesYuan(AD1271-1368) 1. Culture Yuan Opera 2. Politics Feudal autocracy 3. Famous People/Literary Works/ Guan Hanqing Dou-e Yuan;Wang Shifu The West Chamber Ming Dynasty(AD1368-1644)Qing dynasty(AD1644-1911)1. CultureBoth industry and commerce were foundation;collect and systemize a tremendous amount of ancient books;upsurge of textual criticism;novels.2. Politics Feudal autocracy3. DiplomacyThe introduction of western Learning to China 4. ScienceA Survey of Fiood-Prevention Work;Complete Treatise on Agriculture;Xu Xiakes Travel Notes etc.5. 文化名人李时珍本草纲目;名科学家:徐光启小说家:曹雪芹三国演义,水浒传,西游记,牡丹亭,三言两拍:喻世明言,警世通言,醒世恒言,天工开物,聊斋志异,红楼梦,儒林外史,四大谴责小说:官场现形记,二十年目睹之怪现象,老残游记,官场现形记民国、共和国1. 近现代文化名人,名著翻译家:严复;近代著名学者:王国维人间词话;文学家:鲁迅阿Q正传;郭沫若女神;矛盾子夜;朱自清背影;老舍骆驼祥子;闻一多红烛;冰心繁星、春水;巴金激流三部曲:家,春,秋;钱钟书围城;沈从文边城;曹禺雷雨三 中国传统世界观、价值观和思维模式1 世界观:理性的求和谐平衡的世界观2 价值观:大一统的观念和注重整体利益的价值取向3 思维模式:辩证思维和经学思维英本103班周东方5. Famous People/Literary Works/Li Shizhen Compendium to Materia Medica ;Xu Guangqi,Cao Xueqin;Three Kindoms,Outlaws of the M


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