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Questions 1 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.He kept a diary, for his own pleasure. Because the days (1)_ by so quickly, he found it interesting to think of the past. Hed write and then go back and see how he had (2) _his time, and with whom. He was (3) _that his remarks were sometimes far from kind, but the people he wrote about were never going to read his writings, so what difference did it make? The current diary was usually on his desk, the (4) _ones on a shelf in his closet. And they were beginning to (5) _room. He got older. His wife got older. They (6) _deeper into their seventies without any sense of large changes but only of one day following another. Still, the days were full, pleasant, and worth (7) _. So he went on writing his thoughts. (8) _, along with his feelings about old age, his fear of dying, his declining strength, and his envy of the children that he saw running down the street. Though his wife had never felt the slightest desire to read his diary, she knew something was wrong (9) _as carelessly as he did his opened mail. Once she saw where he had hidden the current diary, (10) _. She didnt though, and put back the diary, exactly as it was before. Questions 11 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.We use all sorts of services without thinking how we get them. But such services cost money. We pay for them through (11) _. What would happen if everyone in a city (12) _paying taxes? The water supply would stop. The streets might not be (13) _. There would be no police force to protect people and (14) _. The chief duty of every government is to protect persons and their property. More than three (15) _of the money spent by our government is used for this purpose. The next (16) _amount of public money goes to teach and train our citizens. Billions of dollars each year are spent on schools and (17) _. Public money is used to pay teachers and other public officials. Years ago the government (18) _. Most of the best public lands have now been sold. The money raised was used to (19) _. There are still some public lands that contain oil, coal, gas, and other natural products. They could be sold, but (20) _. So we all must pay our share for the services that make our lives comfortable. Questions 21 to 30 are based on the same passage or dialog.We return to the question Socrates asked almost twenty-five hundred years ago. Can (21) _be taught, and if so, how? All parents face the question of the best way to help their child (22) _a reliable capacity for self-control. What history has taught us is that we cannot rely on the most common methods of trying to teach children self-discipline (23) _, disciplinary measures, and rewards. We will show you another way to think about (24) _your child toward responsible adulthood. Loving control is a means of protecting children from the (25) _of their immaturity while at the same time offering them your love and admiration. When you help your child make constructive choices in a (26) _of a close relationship, your child will come to recognize the deepest happiness. This is happiness which results from loving and feeling lovable and loved rather than from satisfying (27) _desires or achieving specific goals. That is perhaps the best way to help your child. Your child will learn to control herself better (28) _from fear of negative consequences. (29) _and how to use loving control to manage her immature behaviors. With the rules we provide, you can help your child (30) _by success, failure, or other ups and downs of daily life. That will enable your child to reach her full potential. Questions 31 to 40 are based on the same passage or dialog.Tai chi has been described as magical, and it certainly feels that way. (31) _, there is some difficulty, the same as when learning any new thing. It takes time, (32) _and effort to learn the ancient Chinese exercise form of Tai chi. Once you have learned it, the (33) _is like music in your soul. Feeling, perception and ability (34) _into a centrally-balanced and flowing consciousness. You are in (35) _, yet one with the flow. Its quite exciting, but also (36) _and relaxing. Tai chi (37) _growth. Sure, other sports do too. But people practicing the exercise enjoy significant improvement in the condition of their hearts and quality-of-life measurements, (38) _. The movements are very slow and careful and involve a great deal of body movement. People believe that the exercise can help (39) _. And there is the building of energy. Learning Tai chi is an opportunity to learn (40) _. The exercise can help people improve strength and prevents them from tiring as easily. And improvements in one area often carry over into another. Questions 41 to 50 are based on the same passage or dialog.An elderly woman yesterday made an official claim against a department store. She did so because it had wrongly said she was (41) _a Christmas card. Mrs. Doss White, 71 years old, is claiming (42) _in damages from the store for improper procedure. In addition, shes taking them to court for their (43) _charges. Mrs. White visited the store while doing Christmas (44) _but did not buy anything. She was (45) _through the town by a store manager. He had been told that a (46) _saw her take a card and put it in her shopping bag. He (47) _her at a bookstore as she was reading a book. Mrs. White said, This man, a total stranger, suddenly (48) _. She was taken back to the store and (49) _until the police arrived. At the police station she was body-searched by a policewoman and nothing was found. Her lawyer said that (50) _and they insisted that she may have been stealing. The hearing continues today. Questions 51 to 60 are based on the same passage or dialog.Most of us dont give serious thought to our mouths. We use them to eat, talk, and (51) _. We rarely give them any (52) _beyond keeping our teeth clean and white. But the mouth can also be a (53) _for bacteria. And research is now showing how our mouths can (54) _impact the rest of our bodies. This comes as a (55) _to many people. People who have gum (齿龈) (56) _have a great chance of having heart attacks. Theyre also more likely to (57) _other health problems than those people who have healthier gums. So it is clear that we should consider our mouths more. In fact, recent studies show the amount of bacteria in the mouth is (58) _. Over time, this can cause blood to be blocked from traveling freely. And this can ultimately lead to heart attacks. Experts say that (59) _with professional cleanings two or even three times a year. But even for people without gum disease, (60) _. So be sure to take care of your mouth! Questions 61 to 70 are based on the same passage or dialog.Everyone agrees that education is important. Everyone agrees serious problems in our schools must be (61) _. However, I find it sad that new ideas are often met with a (62) _attitude. And very few seem willing to (63) _an honest debate about real solutions. I believe the way we are preparing our students for life can make a (64) _difference. It is essential that we have a (65) _and responsive education system for our students. If a school is showing (66) _improvement, lets allow it to continue. At the same time we should allow students to (67) _their unique interests if they have any. As no one (68) _, I call on officials at all levels of government to join me in restoring good faith to this debate. We should put an end to (69) _. While we can never guarantee our students great success for the future, we must be willing to debate and invest in common-sense ideas that (70) _. Only then will success in school truly mean success in life. Questions 71 to 80 are based on the same passage or dialog.Education doesnt just happen in the classroom. The home is also an important learning (71) _. The importance of family involvement was a key message (72) _and agreed upon by educationalists. When family members are directly (73) _in education, children are better behaved. The family supports children in (74) _time, space and materials needed for studying. Children should be (75) _regular household tasks to help develop responsibility. Its important for children to (76) _rules in their out-of-school activities. Parents should also guide the use of (77) _time so that it is constructive. Its also important for parents to reward success in a consistent manner so that children will (78) _. Parents should encourage childrens overall development and progress in school. When parents express an interest in childrens school work, (79) _. Encourage children to explain projects and other work. Attend appropriate school events, and stay in touch with your childrens teachers. Education should not be seen as an activity in which only children are involved. Families should discuss current events, (80) _together to find their educational value. At this age, children frequently try to push away from their parents, but there is no substitute for family involvement in education. Questions 81 to 90 are based on the same passage or dialog.Do you happen to know something about the police? In police work, you can never (81) _the next crime or problem. No working day is (82) _to any other. So there is no (83) _ day for a police officer. Some days are relatively slow, and the job is (84) _; other days are so busy that there is no time to eat. I think I can describe police work in one word: (85) _. Sometimes its (86) _ One day, for example, I was working on a special assignment; that is, I was on the job, but I was wearing (87) _clothes, not my police uniform. I was trying to catch (88)_ _. Suddenly, seven bad men jumped out at me; one of them had a knife, and we got into a fight. (89) _; but the other four ran away. Another day, I helped a woman who was going to have a baby. She was trying to get to the hospital, but there was a bad traffic jam. I put her in my police car to get her there faster. I thought (90) _. But fortunately, the baby waited to arrive until we got to hospital. Questions 91 to 100 are based on the same passage or dialog.Suicide (自杀) rates went up in the 1980s. As a result, new suicide (91) _programs were created and set up in schools. Schools were seen as a logical place to (92) _youth, the most at risk for suicide. Schools seemed logical because school students are in a place where they are (93) _to listen. They are also (94) _toward learning and organized in peer groups. However, concern over the past two (95) _has grown about the effectiveness and safety of such programs. The idea behind school-based education programs is that students will get help for themselves if they know about suicide warning (96) _and sources of help. They might also be (97) _to tell their friends to get help. The efforts of suicide education programs to help students discuss feelings and promote communication (98) _. Our efforts could be harmful, regardless of how good our intentions are, (99) _. To date there is insufficient evidence (100) _. This is why I believe more study should be done. Questions 101 to 110 are based on the same passage or dialog.People arent completely certain how the character Uncle Sam was created, or who (if anyone) he was named after. The prevailing (101) _is that Uncle Sam was named after Samuel Wilson. Wilson was born in Arlington, Massachusetts, on September 13, 1766. His (102) _home was in Mason, New Hampshire. In 1789, he and his brother Ebenezer (103) _to Troy, New York. During the War of 1812, Wilson was (104) _of processing and packing meat. He (105) _meat to the US Army, in barrels that were stamped with the initials U.S. This was done to identify the country of (106) _. Supposedly, someone who saw the U.S. stamp suggested-perhaps as a (107) _-that the initials stood for Uncle Sam Wilson. The suggestion that the meat came from Uncle Sam (108) _. Samuel Wilson died in 1854. His grave is in Troy. Uncle Sams traditional appearance (109) _. Samuel Wilson, however, (110) _. For example, Wilson was clean-shaven, while Uncle Sam is usually pictured with a beard. Questions 111 to 120 are based on the same passage or dialog.In the middle of the eighteenth century France and Britain clashed in a conflict that has come to be known as the French and Indian War. French and Indian soldiers, sensing their mutually (111) _situation in the American frontier, pulled together. And they (112) _against British forces. But the powerful British Empire briefly (113) _its hand in North America with victory in this struggle. The French slowly (114) _of North America. The British, for their (115) _, determined to hand over a great piece of land. They decided that the territory west of the Allegheny Mountains and north of the Ohio River should (116) _as a large Indian settlement closed to general settlement by English colonists. By 1783 the American Revolution had produced an (117) _change of fortune in North America. The United States of America (118) _todays Michigan and Ohio). Americans eyed these lands, which (119) _. As Americans moved westward into the new frontier, they replaced the French and Indian middle ground social agreements with (120) _. Cultural ideals that promoted Christian civilization, marked Indians as animals, and created a firm distinction in sex roles grew in this new system. Questions 121 to 130 are based on the same passage or dialog.The first step in stopping drug use is learning why people start using drugs. The reasons people use drugs are as (121) _as people are from one another. But there seems to be one common (122) _: people seem to take drugs to change the way they feel. They want to feel better or feel happy or to feel (123) _. Sometimes, they want to forget or to remember. People often feel better about themselves when they are under the influence of drugs. But the (124) _dont last long. Drugs dont (125) _problems. They just hide them. No matter how far drugs may take you, its always a (126) _trip. After a while, people who miss drugs may feel (127) _about themselves, and then they may use more drugs. If someone you know is using drugs, you can help. You can let your friends know that you care. You can listen and (128) _. Two people together can often solve a problem that seems too big for one person alone. Therefore, (129) _. Studies of heavy users in the United States show that they felt unloved and unwanted. They didnt have close friends to talk to. When (130) _, youre all helping to stop drugs abuse. After all, what is a friend for? Questions 131 to 140 are based on the same passage or dialog.There have been many changes in the city of New Orleans. One such change was (131) _, allowing black children into white public schools. The first attempts to integrate New Orleans public schools aroused (132) _in 1960. Since then blacks have come to comprise the large (133) _of students and teachers in the school system. As a response, many whites have moved to the suburbs. Further changes took place as the New Orleans government tried to create urban (134) _. In the 1970s, many new buildings were erected as the city benefited from high oil prices. In the 1980s, however, the economy


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