



摘要摘要 蚁族 是对 高校毕业生低收入聚居群体 的典型概括 该群体高知 弱小 聚居 是继三大弱势群体 农民 农民工 下岗职工 之后的第四大弱 势群体 他们受过高等教育 在社会上主要从事临时性工作 有的甚至处于失 业半失业状态 浙江的大多数大学都坐落在杭州市 杭州也成为浙江本省大学 生就业的首选目标 面对日益增多的 蚁族 本文从四个方面介绍当下 蚁族 的现象及本质 第一部分发现问题 即存在有很大一部分大学生毕业后成为蚁 族这一现象 第二部分做调查 通过案例对比等对调查问卷进行分析 得出蚁 族的主要特征 第三部分结合调查结论 通过查阅资料 借助某些实用工具 深入剖析蚁族出现的原因 第四部分根据得出的原因 针对蚁族的现状提出合 理化建议 以求能够为即将毕业的大学生和蚁族们提供有效的提高生活质量的 方法 关键词 蚁族 教育 就业 住房 1 1 绪论 绪论 1 11 1 研究背景研究背景 目前大学生就业问题一直是高校工作的重中之重 但 蚁族 现象似乎在为 大学生毕业后的状态敲响警钟 高校和有关教育部门在就业问题上不能只关注 数字 更应该看到数字下面毕业生真实的生存状况和他们渴望教育体制改变的 无力挣扎 1 21 2 研究意义研究意义 让 蚁族 有一个相对安全 健康的生活环境 是社会的责任 而一个城 市怎样对待外来人员 既能够体现这个城市的襟怀与底蕴 同时也是城市发展 的重要课题 城市管理者首先应设法让这些群体获得相对低廉 卫生的居住环 境 条件允许的话 还应当建造若干廉价公寓 使之成为 蚁族 居住和工作 的 中转站 处于 生存之上 生活之下 状态中的 蚁族 不该成为被遗 忘的角落 蚁族 的青春与梦想 需要整个社会的呵护与关爱 2 2 关于 关于 蚁族蚁族 的概述的概述 2 1 2 1 蚁族蚁族 的定义的定义 蚁族是继农民 农民工 下岗工人之后出现在中国的又一弱势群体 大 学毕业生聚居群体 之所以把这个群体形象地称为 蚁族 是因为该群体具有 诸多同蚂蚁类似的特点 如高智商 群居态 个体弱小等 根据该群体所处地 域的不同 分别冠之以京蚁 北京 沪蚁 上海 江蚁 武汉 秦蚁 西安 穗蚁 广州 等称呼 2 22 2 蚁族蚁族 的表现特征的表现特征 蚁族 大多从事保险推销 电子器材销售 餐饮服务和临时性的工作等 收入低且不稳定 大多生活在城乡结合部或城中村 蚁族 的生活条件差 缺乏 社会保障 思想和情绪波动较大 故而挫折感 焦虑感等心理问题较为严重 他们普遍不愿意与家人说明真实境况 与外界的交往主要是靠在互联网上宣泄 自己的情绪 2 32 3 蚁族蚁族 的现状的现状 这个群体基本都是 80 后 他们是有如蚂蚁般的 弱小强者 他们受过高等教 育 却多数从事推销 餐饮服务等临时性工作 他们拥有知识和理想 却在现 实中徘徊迷茫 他们有着上百万人的庞大规模 却 蜗居 在狭小的空间 他 们的名字叫 蚁族 即大学毕业生低收入聚居群体 3 3 国内 国内 蚁族蚁族 现状的分析现状的分析 3 13 1 一线城市一线城市 蚁族蚁族 的现状分析的现状分析 蚁族 为了幸福 放弃大城市 十年之前 大学生们为了在一线城市谋得 一席之地孜孜以求 十年之后 一线城市生活压力剧增和二 三线城市的崛起 大学生们开始重新选择 分流到一些中小城市 而高房价是首当其冲的影响因 素 3 23 2 中小城市中小城市 蚁族蚁族 的现状分析的现状分析 在目睹了大城市年轻人工作压力大 无限制加班 每天上下班两小时车程 等生活苦状后 很多人都愿意转向二三线城市 调查显示 76 7 的人期待二 三线城市 完善医疗保障 教育等 免除后顾之忧 67 1 的人希望 营造更 公平的就业环境 4 4 国内 国内 蚁族蚁族 产生的根源产生的根源 4 14 1 宏观原因宏观原因 4 1 14 1 1 社会原因社会原因 1 供求矛盾 2 雷尼尔效应 的消极影响 3 整个社会的产业机制问题 4 我国当前社会保障制度不能适应非正规就业发展要求的问题 4 1 24 1 2 高校体制高校体制 1 大学专业因素 2 大学的培养现状 3 我国就业政策的调整 4 大学生择业观的相对滞后 5 高等教育发展与社会需求的差异 4 1 34 1 3 个人原因个人原因 1 成功与否很大程度上受到家庭背景的影响 2 大城市的吸引力 3 目标不明确 没有合理的计划 4 一些大学生的自身能力欠缺 4 4 2 2 微观原因微观原因 1 房租低廉 交通便利是 蚁族 形成的客观原因 2 追求群体间的认同是 蚁族 形成的主观原因 3 对独立生活状态的追求 导致了少量在校生选择在 聚居村 居住 5 5 对美国对美国 蚁族蚁族 的调研分析的调研分析 5 15 1 美国美国 蚁族蚁族 现状现状 也许 每座繁华的超级大都市背后 都有这样一个唐家岭 曼哈顿的 唐 家岭 集中在东百老汇地区 而法拉盛的则散落在华埠的民居里 它们有着共 同的特点 离商业区不远 不需要汽车代步 比起动则 1500 美元 月的公寓房 租来说 租金低廉且生活设施完备 于是 这里成了 80 后华人 蚁族 的最好 选择 把破旧的老房子分隔成若干房间 一个房间七八个平方米 铺 3 张床 每 个床位 250 300 美元 月 几十个人合用一个厕所 浴室 然而令人震惊的是 与此同时 拉斯韦加斯 200 英里的下水道也是 1000 个在赌城艰辛生活的人的寄 居地 5 25 2 美国美国 蚁族蚁族 产生的原因分析产生的原因分析 第一 美国金融危机对留学生就业的巨大影响 第二 美国相关政策的调整对留学生就业的影响 第三 国内激烈的就业竞争导致的出国热潮对留学生就业的影响 5 35 3 国内外国内外 蚁族蚁族 现状对比现状对比 1 居住环境方面 国内 蚁族的生活现状大多都是十人左右拥挤在不到二三十平米的房间 由于他们的工资只有不到两千元 所以只能几个人合租这个月租不到 700 元的 小房子 光线差 屋子里面的空气流通也不是很好 地上还有成箱的方便面 而这就是他们这十来个人的 家 美国 把破旧的老房子分隔成若干房间 一个房间七八个平方米 铺 3 张 床 每个床位 250 300 美元 月 几十个人合用一个厕所 浴室 然而令人震惊 的是 与此同时 拉斯韦加斯 200 英里的下水道也是 1000 个在赌城艰辛生活的 人的寄居地 2 支出方面 国内 蚁族 每月平均总支出 1867 元 支出最多的项目是三餐 每月 616 元 其次房租 411 元 社交 342 元 交通 107 元 通讯 102 元 美国 收入的三分之一用来交房租 其余的用来支出每日三餐和其他消费 3 婚恋方面 国内 蚁族 中未婚者占绝大部分 其中 23 2 与异性同居 美国 1950 年 美国 18 岁至 29 岁年轻人自己独立居住的人数只占这个年 龄段人数的 1 1980 年为 7 5 1990 年后为 7 2009 年美国 18 岁至 29 岁年 轻人一个人独立居住的比例为 7 3 30 岁至 49 岁中年人一个人独立居住的比 例是 9 5 而 60 岁以上老年人一个人独立居住的比例高达 30 1 6 6 如何解决 如何解决 蚁族蚁族 问题问题 6 16 1 微观微观层面层面 1 明确市场行情 准确把握社会需求 由于高校市场化改制的不断推进以及招生规模的不断扩大 如果将大学生 作为商品提供方以及产品本身来看 其增长速度远大于当下社会所能提供的就 业岗位的增长速度 从而使供给曲线不断右移 在商品供给不断提高的同时 均衡价格不断下降 即毕业大学生的总体的实际收入下降 2 找准适宜岗位 适者勇敢挺近 不适者另辟蹊径 在校大学生可以初步判断适合自己的岗位 并通过假期实习等方法进一步 明确自身定位以及兴趣 需求等综合情况 树立信心和目标 坚定信念 做好 吃苦的准备 相信道路是曲折的 前途是光明的 自己一定能顺利渡过 蚁族 期 3 挖掘自身优势 提高自我的核心竞争力 随着社会的不断进步发展 需求的不断扩张 大学生作为一种社会产品 其内涵和外延也都必须不断扩大 紧跟时代步伐 6 26 2 客观客观层面层面 1 客观对待就业环境 实行差异化发展模式 对于那些有能力 有潜力的 蚂蚁 我们鼓励他们坚持到底 其相对面 即从目前看来在杭发展前景不是那么乐观的 蚁族 我们建议他们面向合适地 区 做到激流勇退 不至于越陷越深 而无法自拔 2 实现针对性产品升级 弥补原有缺陷 实现销售 随着社会消费者需求的不断扩展与提升 对产品提出了新的要求 蚁族 需要根据产品市场需求 在产成品原有的基础上 对产品有针对性地在包装 功能以及销售方式等方面进行升级 达到市场要求 满足消费者需求 从而实 现销售 3 加大宣传力度 增加产品销量 有效使用营销策略以增加就业率 6 36 3 宏观层面宏观层面 1 解决 蚁族 的住房问题 房价高涨是低收入的蚁族来说是最大的困境 政府应加大公租房的建设力 度 为其提供配套设施相对完善的经济租赁房 同时推出相应优惠政策 完善 租赁制度 2 加强中小城市的建设 对发展给予政策扶持 城市发展的不平衡和地区的发展差距是形成 蚁族 的重要原因 3 适时提供政策扶持 加大保障力度 例如 推出创业基金 福利救助资金等政策以及失业保障等 4 高校要减慢或适时暂停扩招的步伐 需要政府的监督配合 政府及教育部门要加强监管 对高校的办学建立严 格的制度 5 从高校到学生贯彻职业规划体系 公开透明用人单位的信息 Abstract Ant colony typically as the group of low income college graduates Kochi group and weak the settlement comes on the heels of three vulnerable groups farmers migrant workers laid off workers the fourth largest vulnerable groups Their higher education in the community is mainly engaged in temporary work and some even unemployed underemployed Most universities are located in Zhejiang in Hangzhou Zhejiang province Hangzhou has become a prime target for employment of university students the face of increasing ant this article describes four aspects of the phenomenon and the current nature of ants The first part of that problem that there is a large part of university graduates into the phenomenon of ants to do the second part of the investigation through case and contrast the questionnaire were analyzed and the main characteristics of ants third part survey conclusion through access to information with some practical tools in depth analysis of the reasons for ants appear fourth draw in part on the reasons for the status quo for ants rationalization proposals in order to be able to graduating students and ants are provides an effective method to improve the quality of life KEY WORDS Ant colony education employment housing 1 The introduction 1 1 background At present college students employment is always the top priority in the work of the university but ant phenomenon seems to be in the family for university graduates the state of the college and alarming about education department in the employment problem can t focus only on digital should see more digital below the survival condition of graduates real and that they want to education system of the struggle to change 1 2 research significance Let the ant race had a relatively safe healthy living environment is social responsibility And a city how to deal with the external personnel which can reflect the city with the inside story is also a means of urban development as an important issue City managers should first try to make these groups get relatively cheap health living environment and if conditions allow shall build some cheap apartment make it become the ant family living and working station In survival on under a state of life ant family shouldn t be the corner that is forgotten Ant youth and the dream of the whole society need care and love 2 Overview the ant family 2 1 ant colony definition The ant is the peasants migrant workers after laid off workers in China and a weak group university graduates inhabit a group The group is called image because the ant family group with ants are many similar features such as high IQ social state individual weak etc According to the group of the area is different the crown to the ant respectively Beijing Shanghai ant Shanghai jiang ant wuhan qin ant xian spike ant guangzhou call 2 2 ant of the performance characteristics Ant engaged in insurance sell the most electronic equipment sales food and beverage service and the temporary work such as low income and unstable Most live in urban rural or villages Ant the living conditions of the poor family the lack of social security thought and emotion so volatile frustration anxiety and more serious psychological problems they are generally not willing to show real situation with his family and outside communication is mainly on the Internet divulges own mood 2 3 The present status of the ant This group is basic it is 80 they are like ants after the weak the strong They have received higher education but most engaged in promoting temporary work food service etc They have the knowledge and the ideal but in reality around confused They have millions of people vast size but humble abode in the narrow space They name is ant namely the university graduates low income inhabit a group 3 Analysis the current situation of the domestic ant colony 3 1 analysis the current situation of the ant in big cities Ant race for happiness give up big cities Ten years ago the college students in a line in order to get a place city sought after Ten years later a city life in pressure and two three city s rise the students began to choose again tap to some small and medium sized cities But high house prices is the influencing factors 3 2 analysis the current situation of the ant in small and medium sized cities See the big cities in young people working pressure unlimited overtime two hours drive away commuting life such as bitter shape a lot of people are willing to turn to two three city In the poll 76 7 of people look forward to two three city perfect medical security education and so on exempt from worries 67 1 of the people want to create more fair employment environment 4 The causes of the domestic ant colony 4 1 macro reasons 4 4 1 social reasons 1 the contradictions between the supply and demand 2 ray Neil effect of negative influences 3 the whole social industry mechanism 4 our country s present social security system can t adapt to the requirements of the development of informal employment 4 1 2 university system 1 university major factors 2 the cultivation of university status quo 3 our country employment policy adjustments 4 the relative lag corrected of the college students 5 the differences between college development and social needs 4 1 3 personal reasons 1 success or not has a great extent by the effect of family background 2 the attraction of the big cities 3 has no clear goals and no reasonable plan 4 some students lack the abilities 4 2 microscopic reasons 1 the rent is cheap convenient transportation is ant objective reasons of the formation of the family 2 pursue groups identification is the ant form of the subjective reason 3 to the pursuit of an independent life led to a state school choice in a small village live inhabit 5 analysis of the United States ant 5 1 the situation of the United States ant Maybe all the busy behind a city there is such a TangGuLing Manhattan TangGuLing focus on east Broadway area and the scattered in flushing meadows the houses of Chinatown They have the same characteristics not far from downtown don t need a car instead of walking More than 1500 month starting the apartment for rent the rent are lower and life complete facilities So here became 80 Chinese ant after the best choice Worn out old house into space room a room square meters the shop three beds each bed 250 300 month dozens of men share a toilet and bathroom However alarming at the same time Las Vegas 200 miles of sewer is 1000 in Las Vegas hard life of the people s living 5 2 analysis the causes of the United States ant family First the financial crisis to the great influence of the foreign students who obtain employment Second the United States of policies to the influence of foreign students employment adjustment Third the domestic intense employment competition leads to go abroad to the influence of foreign students employment boom 5 3 contrast the ant situation at home and abroad 1 The living environment aspects Domestic ant of life situation are mostly about ten people in less than square meters of the crowded room because of their pay is only less than two thousand yuan so only a few people share this rent less than 700 yuan of small houses the bad light room air circulation is not very good the ground and those boxes of instant noodles And this is what they the ten to personal home The United States worn out old house into space room a room square meters the shop three beds each bed 250 300 month dozens of men share a toilet and bathroom However alarming at the same time Las Vegas 200 miles of sewer is 1000 in Las Vegas hard life of the people s living 2 Expenditure Domestic ant a monthly average of total spending the 1867 spending most of the project three meals is 616 yuan a month then the rent is 411 yuan 342 yuan social traffic 107 yuan 102 yuan communication The United States one third of her income to pay the rent the rest of the used to spending three meals per day and other spending 3 Marriage Domestic ant singles in the account for most part of which 23 2 and heterosexual cohabiting The United States in 1950 the United States 18 to 29 the number of young people live their own independent accounts for only 1 of the number of this age group 7 5 in 1980 and after 1990 years of 7 In 2009 the United States 18 to 29 years old young man a man independent living was 7 3 30 to 49 years old middle aged people live a independent of the ratio is 9 5 and 60 years old or older is one of the independent living as high as 30 1 6 How to solve the ant problem 6 1 micro level 1 clear market an accurate grasp of the social needs Due to the development of the college marketization reform and the recruitment of students scale continues to expand if will provide party and university students as a commodity product itself to see which is growing faster than the society can provide jobs growth speed so that the supply curve constantly right shift in supply of goods improve at the same time the equilibrium price declining namely the overall graduated students the real income of decline 2 pinpoint the appropriate post the fittest brave it s quite near the cyber unfit person College students can preliminary judgment for his post and through the summer internships and further clear positioning itself as well as the method of interest the demand of the integrated circumstance build confidence and the goal the firm faith prepared to work hard to believe that the road is tortuous but the future is bright you must can smoothly through the ant race period 3 mining of their own advantages improve the core competitiveness of the self With the development of society development demand expansion of the college students as a social product its connotation and the extension must be expanded constantly keep pace with the pace 6 2 the objective aspect 1 objective treatment of employment environment different development modes For those who have the ability has the potential to ant we encouraged them to stick to the end The relative face that is from now it looks in hangzhou development prospect is not so optimistic ant we suggest that the appropriate areas do they face torrent not brave retreat deeper and can t from pull out 2 and realize the s


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