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翻译专练:I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 衰退达人(recessionist)是2008年最佳新词之一。 (good)2. 有经历并不一定就意味着有经验。 (mean)3. 我发现到处都在讨论教育问题。 (issue)4. 我们相信,金融危机不会阻止我们的经济改革。 (prevent)5. 不管发生了什么,或者将要发生什么,我们都永远不会失去自己的价值。 (No matter)6. 真正的成功者,就是那些未雨绸缪,根据情况变化随时调整的人。 (expect)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 那场空难使二百多人丧生。 (cost)2. 他把装有重要文件的手提箱遗忘在出租车上了。 (leave)3. 青年人很有必要学会对自己所做的事情负责。 (essential)4. 关于这次地震可能的成因,科学家尚未得出结论。 (conclusion)5. 早上电梯出了故障,他被困在里面达半小时之久。 (trap)6. 他致力于科学研究的精神给我留下了深刻的印象,但我对他那些抽象的理论不太感兴趣。 (devotion)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 所有学生都赞成在教室里举办晚会。 (in favour of)2. 为了生命,我们应该特别注意食品安全问题。 (emphasis)3. 只要你有规律地锻炼,就一定可以达到健身的目的。(surely)4. 乔治面试没通过,是因为他的工作经验没有约翰丰富。 (inferior)5. 最近一项研究显示,由于全球性的金融危机,很多大学生在考虑毕业后自己创业。 (consider)6. 如此多的人喜欢去农村旅游,这是因为大自然能给他们提供轻松的环境,有助于缓解压力。 (The reason)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 在月光下散布很惬意。 (It)2. 我希望你别忘记列出一份学生读书清单。 (make out)3. 在这里,每瓶一升的矿泉水售价是六元钱人民币。 (sell)4. 这个中国画画展很出色,确实是十年来最棒的一次。 (indeed)5. 尽管人们还不能充分的使用,可是人脑的潜力几乎是无限的。 (limitless)6. 配以大自然的声音和美丽风景图片的药物治疗有助于病人暂时忘记疾病。 (along with)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 这事需要讨论。 (need)2. 妈妈不允许我晚上单独外出。 (permit)3. 他一做完实验,就用肥皂洗干净双手。 (The moment)4. 学校图书馆在暑假期间天天开放。 (available)5. 他从不满足于从书本和老师身上学到的知识。 (gain)6. 当我们觉得自己所从事的工作有意义和价值时,就不在乎赚的多少了。 (how much)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 在这所学校里,所有的学生都与众不同。 (different)2. 处于困境时,越怕越糟。 (the more, the more)3. 如果我们勇气去追求梦想,所有的梦想都能成真。 (pursue)4. 不是我不想去,而是我没空。 (but)5. 我们应该记住:与他人谈话时要敞开心扉,真诚待人。 (it)6. 我们应对变化、抵抗干扰的能力在很大程度上决定了我们能否过上平安、幸福的生活。 (determine)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 考试时一定要仔细。 (in)2. 一个人年轻时多学点是有好处的。 (beneficial)3. 一旦你承诺要做某事,就要守信用。 (once)4. 夏天还没到呢,孩子们就迫不及待地想游泳了。 (wait)5. 人们普遍认为学会合作有利于问题的解决。 (It)6. 在过去的三十年里,中国人民以巨大的勇气、信心和创造力取得了了不起的成就,这令整个世界震惊。 (, which)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 我们对实验的结果非常满意。 (satisfy)2. 你认为有必要再学一门外语吗? (it)3. 许多外国游客对中国文化感到好奇。 (curious)4. 由于缺乏经验,他最终输了这场比赛。 (lack)5. 只要你对自己充满信心,你迟早会实现童年的梦想。 (as long as)6. 绿色产品虽然价格较贵,但对环保有益,这越来越受到人们的亲睐。 (good)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 很可惜我不会烹饪。 (It)2. 我宁愿考不及格,也不愿考试作弊。 (would rather)3. 所有游客都经不住对如此美景惊叹不已。 (marvel)4. 杰克受到老师表扬这件事使他的父母很高兴。 (动名词)5. 学校运动会的闭幕式是否如期举行取决于天气。 (depend)6. 我们从不怀疑我们学的东西越多,将来就能工作得越好。 (the more, the more)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 歌咏比赛将于下周三举行。 (hold)2. 再努力一点,你会做得更好。 (and)3. 面对这样复杂的问题,他一筹莫展。 (loss)4. 人人都愿意和乐于助人、有幽默感的人交朋友。 (who)5. 毋庸置疑,他将会被选为2010年志愿者,因为他有很强的沟通能力。 (truth)6. 一般来说,你越了解一个国家的历史和文化,你就越对这个国家怀有敬意。(more)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 那所学校的学生都被他的创新思想吸引住了。 (fascinated)2. 这位科学家写这本书花费了大量的时间和精力。 (consume) 3. 上周,他们买了一套家具齐全的旧公寓。 (furnish)4. 老师希望全班同学参加关于上海2010年世博会的讨论。 (participate)5. 这个房间宽约15米,长约24米。 (measure, meter)6. 尽管虽然经济上没有补偿,但是志愿者工作实际上是很有意义的。 (compensate, actually)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 我们已五年没见面了。 (It)2. 年龄6至10岁的男孩通常很顽皮。 (range v. 分词作定语)3. 他没能抓住这篇文章的主旨大意。 (fail)4. 这项研究成果将极大地有利于沙漠地区的农业发展。 (benefit)5. 据说中国在医疗(medical care)方面有重大的改革。 (report)6. 参加体育活动是劳逸结合的重要方式之一。 (balance n.)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 春天,山上开满了美丽的野花。 (grow)2. 越来越多的人更乐于用手机短信传递祝福。 (prefer)3. 人们的兴趣爱好往往与社会环境和个人学习经历有关。 (relevant)4. 网上购物虽然便捷,但个人信息的安全问题不容忽视。 (while)5. 由于一系列新的地铁线路的开通,我市公共交通状况有了很大改善。 (Due to)6. 进了这所寄宿制学校(boarding school)后我才意识到自己以前是多么依赖父母。 (Not until)I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 母亲被认为是每个孩子的第一位老师。 (regard)2. 玛丽一声不响,她一定很失望。 (must)3. 迄今为止,还没有学生进过新建的学校阅览室。 (enter)4. 没有和他接触过的人不太会知道他的真实想法。 (it)5. 离开家乡多年以后,他常常梦到老宅前的小河和无忧无虑的童年生活。 (dream)6. 无论天气如何恶劣,志愿者们都会想方设法,做到每天按时将饭菜送到每一位老人的家中。 (manage)答案部分:I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 衰退达人(recessionist)是2008年最佳新词之一。 (good)8. 有经历并不一定就意味着有经验。 (mean)9. 我发现到处都在讨论教育问题。 (issue)10. 我们相信,金融危机不会阻止我们的经济改革。 (prevent)11. 不管发生了什么,或者将要发生什么,我们都永远不会失去自己的价值。 (No matter)12. 真正的成功者,就是那些未雨绸缪,根据情况变化随时调整的人。 (expect)Key1. Recessionist is one of the best words of 2008.2. Having experiences doesnt definitely mean having experience.3. I find/found the issue of education talked/discussed everywhere.4. We believe that the financial crisis will not prevent our economic reforms.5. No matter what happened or what will happen, we will never lose our value.6. The truly successful person expects the unexpected, and is prepared to make adjustments according to different situations.The truly successful people are those who expect the unexpected, and are prepared to adjust themselves to different situations.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 那场空难使二百多人丧生。 (cost)8. 他把装有重要文件的手提箱遗忘在出租车上了。 (leave)9. 青年人很有必要学会对自己所做的事情负责。 (essential)10. 关于这次地震可能的成因,科学家尚未得出结论。 (conclusion)11. 早上电梯出了故障,他被困在里面达半小时之久。 (trap)12. 他致力于科学研究的精神给我留下了深刻的印象,但我对他那些抽象的理论不太感兴趣。 (devotion)Key1. That air crash cost over 200 people their lives.2. He left a brief case containing/ with many important files/ documents in a taxi.3. It is essential for young men / young people/ youngsters to learn to be responsible for what they have done.4. As to/ As for the probable/ possible cause of the earthquake, scientists are still unable to come to/ draw a conclusion.5. The lift was out of order this morning, and/ so he was trapped in it for half an hour/ for as long as half an hour.6. His devotion to scientific research has impressed me a lot, but I am not quite interested in his abstract theories.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 所有学生都赞成在教室里举办晚会。 (in favour of)8. 为了生命,我们应该特别注意食品安全问题。 (emphasis)9. 只要你有规律地锻炼,就一定可以达到健身的目的。(surely)10. 乔治面试没通过,是因为他的工作经验没有约翰丰富。 (inferior)11. 最近一项研究显示,由于全球性的金融危机,很多大学生在考虑毕业后自己创业。 (consider)12. 如此多的人喜欢去农村旅游,这是因为大自然能给他们提供轻松的环境,有助于缓解压力。 (The reason)Key1. All the students are in favour of holding an evening party in the classroom.2. For the sake of life, we should lay/ put/ place special emphasis on food safety.3. As long as you exercise regularly, you will surely reach/achieve the goal to keep fit.4. George failed in the interview because he was inferior to John in working experience.5. A recent study/research shows that many college students are considering starting their own business after graduation because of the global financial/economic crisis.6. The reason why so many people like traveling in the countryside is that nature can provide them with a relaxing environment and help (them) relieve their pressure.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 在月光下散布很惬意。 (It)8. 我希望你别忘记列出一份学生读书清单。 (make out)9. 在这里,每瓶一升的矿泉水售价是六元钱人民币。 (sell)10. 这个中国画画展很出色,确实是十年来最棒的一次。 (indeed)11. 尽管人们还不能充分的使用,可是人脑的潜力几乎是无限的。 (limitless)12. 配以大自然的声音和美丽风景图片的药物治疗有助于病人暂时忘记疾病。 (along with)Key1. It is delightful (wonderful) to walk (take a walk) in the moonlight.2. I hope that you wont forget to make out a reading list for the students.3. Each one-liter bottle of mineral water is sold for 6 yuan here.4. The exhibition of the Chinese painting(s) is great/excellent/wonderful and is indeed the best (one) in these (the recent) ten years.5. The potential of the human brain is limitless although people can not make full use of it (it hasnt been made full use by human beings.)6. Along with the sound of nature and beautiful scenery pictures, the medicine (medical) treatment helps patients (to) forget their diseases temporarily.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 这事需要讨论。 (need)8. 妈妈不允许我晚上单独外出。 (permit)9. 他一做完实验,就用肥皂洗干净双手。 (The moment)10. 学校图书馆在暑假期间天天开放。 (available)11. 他从不满足于从书本和老师身上学到的知识。 (gain)12. 当我们觉得自己所从事的工作有意义和价值时,就不在乎赚的多少了。 (how much)Key1. It needs discussing/to be discussed/discussion.2. Mum doesnt permit me to go out alone at night.3. The moment he finished (doing) the experiment, he washed his hands with soap.4. The school library is available every day during the summer vacation.5. He was never satisfied with the knowledge (that) he gained from books and teachers.6. When we feel that the work/job we take up is important and worthwhile, we wont/dont care how much we earn.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 在这所学校里,所有的学生都与众不同。 (different)8. 处于困境时,越怕越糟。 (the more, the more)9. 如果我们勇气去追求梦想,所有的梦想都能成真。 (pursue)10. 不是我不想去,而是我没空。 (but)11. 我们应该记住:与他人谈话时要敞开心扉,真诚待人。 (it)12. 我们应对变化、抵抗干扰的能力在很大程度上决定了我们能否过上平安、幸福的生活。 (determine)Key1. All the students are different from each other in the school.2. When in trouble, the more fearful/frightened you are, the worse the situation will be/become.3. All our dreams can come true/be realized if we have the courage to pursue them.4. Not that I dont want to go, but that I have no time.5. It should be remembered that we should be open and honest with others in a conversation. / when (we are) talking with others.6. Our ability to cope with change and disturbance determines, to a great degree, our peace and happiness in life. Our ability to deal with change and disturbance determines, to a great extent, whether we can live a peaceful an happy life.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 考试时一定要仔细。 (in)8. 一个人年轻时多学点是有好处的。 (beneficial)9. 一旦你承诺要做某事,就要守信用。 (once)10. 夏天还没到呢,孩子们就迫不及待地想游泳了。 (wait)11. 人们普遍认为学会合作有利于问题的解决。 (It)12. 在过去的三十年里,中国人民以巨大的勇气、信心和创造力取得了了不起的成就,这令整个世界震惊。 (, which)Key1. Do be careful in the exam.2. To learn more when one is young I beneficial to him. It is beneficial for a person/one to learn more when he is young.3. Once you promise to do something, you ought to keep your words. Once youve made a promise, you should keep it.4. Summer hasnt arrived, but the kids cant wait for swimming. Summer hasnt arrived, but the kids cant wait to go swimming.5. It is generally believed that learning to cooperarte is beneficial to solving problems.It is generally considered that learning to be cooperative does good to solving problems.It is generally believed that learning to cooperate helps to solve problems.6. The Chinese people have made outstanding achievements with great courage, confidence and creativity in the past 30 years, which has shocked/astonished the whole world.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 我们对实验的结果非常满意。 (satisfy)8. 你认为有必要再学一门外语吗? (it)9. 许多外国游客对中国文化感到好奇。 (curious)10. 由于缺乏经验,他最终输了这场比赛。 (lack)11. 只要你对自己充满信心,你迟早会实现童年的梦想。 (as long as)12. 绿色产品虽然价格较贵,但对环保有益,这越来越受到人们的亲睐。 (good)Key1. We are quite satisfied with the result of the experiment.2. Do you think it necessary to learn a new foreign language?3. Many foreign visitors are curious about Chinese culture.4. He finally lost the game as he lacked the experience.5. As long as you are confident about yourself, you will realize your childhood dream sooner or later.6. Although green products are expensive, it does good to environmental protection and (it) is more and more popular with people.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 很可惜我不会烹饪。 (It)8. 我宁愿考不及格,也不愿考试作弊。 (would rather)9. 所有游客都经不住对如此美景惊叹不已。 (marvel)10. 杰克受到老师表扬这件事使他的父母很高兴。 (动名词)11. 学校运动会的闭幕式是否如期举行取决于天气。 (depend)12. 我们从不怀疑我们学的东西越多,将来就能工作得越好。 (the more, the more)Key1. Its a shame/pity (that) I cant cook.2. I would rather fail than cheat in the exam.3. All the tourists couldnt help but marvel at such beautiful scenery/ beauty.4. Jacks having been praised by the teacher pleased his parents.5. Whether the closing ceremony of the school sports meet will be held on schedule depends on the weather.6. We never doubt that the more we study now, the better we will be able to work in the future.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 歌咏比赛将于下周三举行。 (hold)8. 再努力一点,你会做得更好。 (and)9. 面对这样复杂的问题,他一筹莫展。 (loss)10. 人人都愿意和乐于助人、有幽默感的人交朋友。 (who)11. 毋庸置疑,他将会被选为2010年志愿者,因为他有很强的沟通能力。 (truth)12. 一般来说,你越了解一个国家的历史和文化,你就越对这个国家怀有敬意。(more)Key 1. The singing competition/ contest will be/ is to be/ is going to be held next Wednesday.2. Work harder/ Try harder/ Make (a bit) more efforts/ A bit more efforts, and you will do better.3. Faced with/ Facing such a complicated problem, he was at a loss how to solve it/ what to do.4. Everybody likes/ would like to make friends with a humorous person who is ready to help others. Everyone enjoy making friends with those who have a sense of humor and are ready to help others.5. There is no doubt that she will be chosen as/ to be a volunteer for the World Expo 2010, because/ for she is good at communication/ has great/remarkable/ability to communicate (with others).6. Generally speaking, the more you know about/learn about the history and culture of a county, the more respect you (will) have/feel/show for it.Generally speaking, the more you know /learn about the history and culture of a county, the more you (will) respect it.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 那所学校的学生都被他的创新思想吸引住了。 (fascinated)8. 这位科学家写这本书花费了大量的时间和精力。 (consume) 9. 上周,他们买了一套家具齐全的旧公寓。 (furnish)10. 老师希望全班同学参加关于上海2010年世博会的讨论。 (participate)11. 这个房间宽约15米,长约24米。 (measure, meter)12. 尽管虽然经济上没有补偿,但是志愿者工作实际上是很有意义的。 (compensate, actually)Key1. The students of that school were fascinated by his creative ideas.2. The scientist consumed much time and energy in writing this book.3. Last week, they bought a second-hand apartment which was well furnished.4. Everyone in the class is expected by the teacher to participate in the discussion about the 2010 Expo (to be held) in Shanghai.5. This classroom measures about 15 meters in width and 24 meters in length.6. Although it does not compensate financially, volunteer work is actually quite meaningful.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.7. 我们已五年没见面了。 (It)8. 年龄6至10岁的男孩通常很顽皮。 (range v. 分词作定语)9. 他没能抓住这篇文章的主旨大意。 (fail)10. 这项研究成果将极大地有利于沙漠地区的农业发展。 (benefit)11. 据说中国在医疗(medical care)方面有重大的改革。 (report)12. 参加体育活动是劳逸结合的重要方式之一。 (balance n.)Key1. It is five years since we met (last).2. Boys ranging in age from six to ten are usually very naughty.3. He failed to grasp the main idea of the passage.4. The findings of the research will greatly benefit the agricultural development in this desert area.5. It is reported that there will be a great reform in medical care in China.6. Taking part in sports is one of the important forms to keep balance between work and play.I. TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the


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