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Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? 教学设计(SectionA 1a2c) 石门镇中 刘新文一、教学目标在本节课结束时,学生将能够:谈论地理和自然景观,并能进行适当的对比;掌握具有比较功能的句式结构。(一)知识目标1、能正确朗读、理解并简单运用下列各词:facts, square, meter, deep, desert, population, Asia.2、能正确运用下列词组:than any other, the deepest of all, one of the oldest countries, have the biggest population.(二)能力目标1、能正确运用数词表述物体的长、宽、高等。2、能正确运用比较级和最高级对事物进行比较。(三)情感目标通过了解世界之最,增强对大自然的热爱。二、教学重难点(一)教学重点1能运用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级谈论地理与自然。2训练在听力过程中抓住关键词的技能。(二)教学难点比较级和最高级的正确运用。1能够较为熟练地运用多种比较级和最高级的句式进行比较。如:higher than any other mountain, a lot bigger than, almost as big as等。2. 地名词汇的正确朗读。三、过程与方法采用任务型教学方法进行自主学习、小组合作探究学习策略;利用教学图片、幻灯片等来展开课堂教学;通过Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动开展口头练习。本单元的教学法建议:语音教学让学生能在朗读或对话中正确使用连读;词汇教学采取图片、memory challenge游戏环节进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学采取pairwork问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动互相操练;听力教学采取根据听到内容的先后排序,听后回答问题等方式;写作教学以填词、回答问题、写简单的短文为主;四、教学策略语音教学让学生能在朗读或对话中正确使用连读;词汇教学采取图片,循环强化训练和memory challenge游戏环节进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学采取pairwork问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动互相操练;听力教学采取记录信息,根据听到内容的先后排序,听后回答问题等方式;设计贴近学生生活情景的活动对目标语言进行训练。五、教学过程Step 1:Lead-in(2)Activity: Enjoy a video and a picture of numberT: Guess:Whats its Chinese name of this mountain? ().What do you know about this number? Its the height of Qomolangma.And its the highest moutain in the world.【设计意图】通过欣赏有关珠穆朗玛峰小视频和学生已有的常识引入新课,贴近学生日常生活,自然而顺畅。Step 2:Presentation(7)Activity1:Study some famous places and several nouns by using some pictures one by one.( desert,salt lake, the Sahara, the Caspian Sea, the Nile.)【设计意图】学习一些著名的地理名称。图片学习新单词,实现情景化教学,激发学习兴趣。Activity 2:Memory challenge.Play a guesing game by choosing the best one in every group.【设计意图】通过小循环和大循环,汉译英和英译汉的强化训练,让学生对新单词有较为有效的记忆,然后快速闪现图片、英文和中文,使学生回顾刚才学习的词汇。通过memory challenge 不但激发学生学习英语的兴趣而且建立小组良性竞争机制;Step 3:Sentence structures learning(5)Activity1:1a Match the facts you know.Activity 2:Lead the Ss to read larger numbers.【设计意图】初步感知如何用含有大数字的数量结构表述地理信息。Step4:Listening1b(4)Activity : Listen to1b again,and complete the sentences.Qomolangma is _ than any other mountain in the world.The Sahara is _ desert in the world.The Caspian Sea is _of all the salt lakes.The Nile is _river in the world.The Amazon is _ river in the world.【设计意图】这个活动在教材原有的内容之上添加了一个第5个句子,这样学生所获得的信息就较为全面。1b的内容呈现了这四个地方的比较级和最高级结构,学生通过听后填空熟悉这些结构的含义和用法。Step 5: Pairwork(5)Activity:Use the information in1b to make conversations,like this:A: What is the highest mountain in the world?B: Qomolangma.A: How high is it?B:Its 【设计意图】 用这四个地方的相关信息让学生结对操练,模仿听力中大数字的读法,并口头说出这些大数字。 Step 6:Listening(2a&2b)(7)Activity 1:Talk about China and US freely by some pictures to lead to 2a. Then listen and number the facts1-4 in the order you hear them.Activity 2: Predict the blanks in 2a with the numbers in the box,then listen again and finish 2b. Activity 3:Retell the facts and make comparisons.HistoryChina is _ than the US.The US is _ the youngest _.PopulationThe population of China is _ than the population of the US.AreaChina is about _ the US.【设计意图】通过2a-2b的听力对话,地理与自然的话题更加深入地开展。借助我国人口、历史、河流的话题内容,将学生带人我们自己的地理与人文语境中;通过排序和记录关键信息等活动,要求学生能够地理知识中的一些重要数据及与之相关的文化信息。Step 7:Role play ( 6)Activity 1:听对话并回答问题 What are they talking about?Activity 2:What facts can you know about the Ming Great Wall from the guides saying?It is 8,850 kilometers long.Its the longest wall in the world.The ancient emperors built it to protect their part of the country.There are no man-made objects as big as this.【设计意图】2d的材料为学生呈现了一个完整的关于明长城基本信息的对话范例,让学生体会所学语言在真实语境中的使用情况,并为学生模仿语言和进一步拓展该话题提供了示范。Step 8:Introduce your home city to us.(8)Information about Qinhuangdao 1. Size7,812km22. Population2,700,0003. Places of interestThe Great Wall Qinhuangdao Wild Animal ZooBeidaiheActivity 1:Work in groups to finish the writing.Activity 2:Introduce your hometown in front of the classmates.【设计意图】创设真实语言环境,运用所学目标语介绍自己熟悉的地理与人文情况,学生实践所学语言在真实语境中的使用。Step 10:Homework(1)Task1: To memorize the important phrases and sentences.Task2:To make some dialogues about your hometown.【设计意图】1、学生根据自己实际情况选择作业,以解决作业单一或过于困难而不能完成问题;2、本课的话题需要足够的事实信息进行支撑,为此要想进一步练习本课话题,利用所学目标语提高学生的写作能力。板书设计:Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the


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