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高二年级词汇专题练习高二(上)词汇专题练习一. 语音:从A. B. C. D中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项 1、 chance A. alarm B. language C. magic D. garage 2. cartoon A. woodcutter B. flood C. bamboo D. cooker3. remain A. Britain B. brain C. certain D. captain 4. tobacco A. composition B. host C. smoker D. nodding 5. manage A. wave B. village C. nature D. island 6. Asia A. social B. sale C. sugar D. newspaper7. deliver A. exactly B. editor C. section D. check 8. uncertain A. mountain B. paint C. Britain D. rainy9. possible A. notice B. silver C. skin D. holiday10. village A. advance B. palace C. cabbage D. age11. average A. distance B. refer C. serve D. fur 12. poison A. container B. computer C. hold D. operate13. ought A. found B. thought C. double D. famous 14. present A. pianist B. mouse C. pleasant D. recent 15. breathe A. bath B. think C. breath D. that 16. area A. measure B. Russia C. idea D. ocean17. fortunate A. afford B. tailor C. favor D. comfortable 18. tanker A. anxious B. aunt C. unkind D. country19. character A. choice B. chemical C. machine D. maths20. honour A. heaven B. human C. hotel D. while二.根据中文或单词的首字母填写单词21. He shouted loudly to _(引起) attention. 22. The teacher would talk to many students before the meting but he had to talk to them _(分别地) . 23. He _(比喻) homemade bread to a lump of rock. 24. You will not feel _(舒适) talking with someone with his finger in his nose. 25. The _(飓风) destroyed many buildings. 26. Poor as they were, they _(设法) to send their children to school. 27. His suddenly _(出现) surprised me. 28. He _(扩展) the little store into a department store. 29. The poor boy _(依靠) on his uncle for his school fees after his fathers death. 30. His health is _(慢慢地) improving. 31. Dont drink the water. Its p_. 32. You should get rid of your bad h_. 33. He was badly i_ in the accident . 34. English is the native or o_ language on one-fifth of the land area of the world. 35. I have never i_ that he has changed so much. 36. Its good m_ to stand when you are talking with an old person. 37. When she came all the boys f_ their eyes on her. 38. The examination was very difficult. F_ I passed it. 39. He is a _ to know the result of the exam40. Im u_ about grammar and some idioms. 三根据所给注释写出单词41. a person who draws paints or takes photos as his job. _42. to understand and believe a fact _43. look carefully in order to find something _44. use, work or develop natural resources. _45. a large area of land covered with sand _四从右列释义中找出左列单词的相应解释 (A)46. garage A. a funny play or film that usually ha a happy ending47. sign B. a person who is invited to somebodys home 48. well-known C. a mark that always has a special meaning 49. composition D. to be able to do something 50. manage E. the act of appearing in front of many people 51. guest F. a building in which cars can be kept 52. appearance G. a piece of writing 53. comedy H. famous (B)54. limit A. take letters, parcels, goods to houses, persons55. present B. home of God and the saints 56. deliver C. to keep below or are a certain point 57. heaven D. hurt, damage 58. broadcast E. send out in all directions esp. By radio or TV59. afford F. appearing in a place 60. injure G. spare or find enough time or money for五找出和划线部分意思相近的选项61. People said gold could easily be picked up by washing sand. A. take up B. collected C. brought D. gave hope to 62. His success encouraged me to work even harder. A. helped B. operated C. brought D. gave hope to63. Wheres the nearest rest room? A. toilet B. bed room C. to have a rest in a room D. sitting room. 64. The body is calling for a new supply of the drug nicotine. A. need B. call at C. call about D. call up65. As soon as they know what to do, they get down to work. A. fall down B. sit down C. start D. arrange 66. The doctor told the boys mother to take it easy and they boy would be well soon. A. to stay calm B. to feel it easy C. not to relax D. take it seriously 67. He had no luck but he never lost heart. A. was unhappy B. was in deep thought C. was disappointed D. felt sorry68. Day after day the color of the clothes made by silk turned grew. A. The day after tomorrow B. Every two days C. Many days later D. Every day 69. Millions of young trees have already been planted to take the place of those which were blown down. A. to take place B. to replace C. to happen D. to replanted 70. You can take the lift, which is operated by electricity. A. worked B. lifted C. made D. builttype, publish, make use of , settle, bring down, deal with official language, ought to, possible ,pay attention to六用所给的词或词组的正确形式填空71. Could you please do me a favour to get this article _?72. Nobody knows how to _ that problem. 73. People in Tibet _ water for producing electricity. 74. Youd better _ it out with a typewriter or a computer before you hand in your paper to your professor. 75. In Hong Kong there are two _, Chinese and English. 76. You must _ what the teacher said in class for his accent is difficult to understand . 77. My uncle went to work in the northwest of China in 1960s and then _there. 78. I wrote him several letters last month, but it seemed she didnt receive them. I guess ,he has _ changed her address. 79. The electricity lines that _ in the earthquake were very dangerous to the people and animals. 80. All the adults _ know something about first aid. 七.选择填空81. The box is _,please take it away. A. in the way B. in this way C. by the way D. on the way 82. Keep on trying. Dont _. I believe youll succeed some day. A. lose hearts B. lose the hearts C. lose heart D. lose your hearts 83. Once you _ smoking, it is hard for you to _. A. are used to; give up it B. used to ; give up it C. get into the habit of; give it up D. are used ;give it up84. He has formed the habit of _ me on every Sunday evening. A. calling in B. calling for C. calling at D. calling on85. I_ him to study carefully, but he doesnt think it important. A. hope B. advise C. advice D. persuaded86. Australia is _ country. A. a spoken English B. a speaking English C. an English-speaking D. an English-spoken87. “Could you carry the box for me ?” “Yes. I can _. ”A. afford B. do it out C. try it D. manage it88. Her husband left his own lab work and joined her _ this unknown radiation. A. to search of B. in her search to C. in her search of D. in a search89. He was _ in the legs in an unexpected accident. . A. wounding B. hurt C. injured D. harming 90. It is _ for you to help _when theyre in trouble. A. good manners; other B. good manner; others C. a good manner ;the others D. good manners; the others 91. She refused _ have a look at his new necklace. A. to let me to B. letting me to C. to letting me D. to let me92. Now children _ the problem and worked it out in ten minutes. A. get down to B. work down C. get out to D. get down on 93. Popular science readings _ some farmers, they read them so as to get more information. A. is popular with B. is popular to C. are popular with D. is popular by 94. The doctor suggested that we _ more exercise. A. were taking B. would take C. take D. took 95. It is the only book that is _ worth reading now. A. little B. well C. very D. much better96. Youll make mistakes again if you do it _. A. in a short while B. in a minute C. at the same time D. in a hurry97. Lei Feng was always ready to help others, as _ all. A. is known for B. is known to C. is known as D. is known of 98. He didnt make himself _, although the teacher _ him several times. A. understand; explained B. understood; explained to C. understood; explained it to D. understood; explained 99. These tall buildings_ the beauty of the street. A. add up to B. add to C. add in D. add up 100. The watch is beautiful but too dear. I cant _ to buy it. A. allow B. want C. offer D. afford101. He wouldnt say a word no matter _ happened. A. which B. who C. when D. what 102. We shouldnt _ a person by his appearance. A. understand B. judge C. recognize D. realize103. The lady took care of the baby _ she were her own daughter. A. because B. for C. as D. as if 104. The Yellow River is _ river in China. A. second long B. the longest second C. the second longest D. a second longest 105. Shes bought some lovely _ to make herself a blouse. A. material B. clothes C. design D. clothing106. He thought the piano of little _, so her only pay 500 yuan. A. cost B. price C. money D. value 107. The man, who was later killed in a traffic _, had told us about the XiAn_ which occurred in 1938. A. affair; Incident B. incident ;Event C. accident; Incident D. event; accident 108. The situation was _. People were _. A. in danger ;dangerous B. danger; danger C. dangerous; in dangerous D. dangerous; in danger109. If the population keeps on _, we will find no _ for us to live. A. growing ;room B. increasing; room C. go increase ;spaces D. increasing; spots110. The little girl _ out for the flower but it was too far away. A. reached B. got C. extended D. arrived 高二(下)词汇专题练习一. 语音:A. B. C. D中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项1、 cheque A. quarter B. quite C. quiet D. headache 2、 pollute A. professor B. doctor C. prove D. solid 3、 height A. painting B. scientific C. container D. join 4、 jazz A. have B. lace C. liberate D. labor 5、 snake A. finger b. hunger C. singer d. sign6、 pillow A. blow B. now C. cow D. brown7、 forgive A. detective B. bicycle c. pilot D. silence8、 wrestling A. strike B. honestly C. whistle D. transport 9、 vote A. cross B. connect C. pole D. voyage 10、 thread A. peace B. deaf C. hearing D. treatment 11、 bathe a. though B. bath C. thank D. thought12、 central A. course B. citizen C. discovery D. camera13、 belief A. field B. deaf C. flaming D. science 14、 unfair A. various B. beer C. march D. fire 15、 rescue A. bush B. include C. introduce d. republic16、 extremely A. example B. excited C. examine D. exercise 17、 sing A. danger B. language C. passenger D. kingdom18、 depth A. thread B. with C. otherwise D. there 19、 object A. otherwise B. over C. occur D. model20、 besides A. advice B. advise C. peace D. fasten二. 根据中文或单词首字母填写单词21、 His whole advanced _(教育) was only two years. 22、 The headmaster made a speech at the meeting and he _(坚持) to his opinion. 23、 The _(大多数) of the students in our class are girls. 24、 He _(很少) made so many mistakes. 25、 Some musicians enjoy _(表演) in the street in the United states. 26、 Ill speak to him _(私下) about this matter . 27、 He _(原谅) me for losing his watch. 28、 Im not _(熟悉) with the names of birds. 29、 The machine is too difficult to control. It is not_(实用). 30、 This car runs 30 kilometres per liter on the _(平均). 31、 When you dont understand somebody and want him to repeat, you should say “ I beg your p_”. 32、 With the development of modern agriculture and I_ more and more waste is produced. 33、 That is because he has got a disease which p_ him from speaking. 34、 I try to p_ him to stop smoking, but he still go on smoking. 35、 The prisoner a _ to escape, but failed. 36、 There are millions of o_ in space that you can not see with your eyes. 37、 The spring Festival is a n_ holiday in China. 38、 The relativity theory was p_ to be right later. 39、 Someone who is n _ is worried and frightened. 40、 Japanese television are famous for the e_ quality of picture. 三. 从右列释义中找出左列单词的相应解释41、 announce A. employee in an office 42、 believe B. legal union between a man and a woman43、 catptain C. person in charge of a ship or civil aircraft 44、 onversation D. feel sure of the truth of sth. 45、 voyage E. make sth. Known publicly 46、 transport F. long journey, esp. By sea or in space47、 secretary G. power of the mind by which facts can be remembered48、 memory H. informal talk 49、 marriage I. take sth. sb. From one place to another 50、 niece J. daughter of ones brother or sistertake sides, circle, turn up, delay, affair, forbid, lead to ,bathe, throughout, keep in touch with 四. 用所给的词或词组的正确形式填空51、 They hated wards and never _ in them. 52、 This will _ trouble in the future if we are not careful enough now. 53、 Lets sit in a _ round the table to have a round-table meeting. 54、 You should tell your host if your plane is _ for some reason. 55、 The two presidents had a friendly talk on international _. 56、 The river is seriously polluted. It is dangerous to _ in the water. 57、 This set of textbooks are used _ China. 58、 Sometimes we _ each other by making telephone calls. 59、 When Miss Zhou _ at the party, everyone got very excited. 60、 Smoking is strictly _ in chemical factory and gas station五. 找出和划线部分意思相近的选项61、 What is the boy up to the fire? A. doing B. feeling C. coming D. playing 62、 He said he was out of work. A. was worried about B. lost C. didnt D. was unfit for 63、 Water is lost into air because of the heat of the sun. A. goes into B. breaks into C. comes into D. changes into64、 The three roads meet in the center of the city. A. see B. join C. build D. set 65、 Sherlock Holmes was a well-known detective in England. A. important B. kind C. famous D. great66、 A ladder stood against the wall. A. between B. far from C. opposite D. next to 67、 At present too much energy is used in developed countries. A. from now on B. Now and then C. Often D. Now68、 All the parcels will be sent by post. A. by mail B. by train C. by plane D. by ship 69、 Lincoln was strongly against slavery. A. suggested B. opposed C. was agree D. opposite 70、 A man came to a corner and struck a match. A. burn B. threw C. hit D. lit六. 单项选择71、 I havent got any letter from him _. A. at present B. so far C. right now D. just now 72、 We _ him to give up smoking and drinking, but he wouldnt listen. A. suggested B. persuaded C. tried to advise D. tried to persuade 73、 He thought his plan was good and he _ it. A. stuck to B. kept on C. insisted D. go on74、 The pupils were told that the sun _ the east. A. rose from B. raised in C. rises in D. was raised from75、 He doesnt feel like_ now. A. going for swimming B. to go swim C. going swimming D. to go to swim76、 “I want to go to cinema after school, what about you?” “_ tennis. ”A. Id rather to play B. Id rather play C. Id rather playing D. Id rather played77、 The children went to the zoo, _ all the way. A. to sing and to laugh B. sang and laughed C. singing or laughing D. singing and laughing 78、 The professor came into the classroom _ by his assistants. A. followed B. following C. to follow D. be followed 79、 The thief was put into prison _. A. after questioning B. to be questioned C. after being questioned D. to be questioned80、 The mother _ her little daughter in the nursery on her way home. . A. sent out B. picked up C. picked out D. sent up81、 She _ have quarrels _ her husband about housework. A. was used to ;over B. used to ;with C. used to ;about D. use to; with82、 _ we have a party, what do you say? A. Dream B. Think C. Imagine d. suppose 83、 He is _ interested in English, and he often works at it until_ into the night. A. deeply; deeply B. deep; deep C. deep; deeply D. deeply; deep 84、 _ students agreed with him . A. The minority of B. The majority of C. The more of D. both A and B85、 We _ him to write to us as soon as he got there. A. expected B. thought C. hoped D. supposed86、 The last _ of the play would take place on Sunday. A. act B. show C. performance D. sight87、 I have some difficulty _ the maths problem. A. working up B. to work put C. work out D. working out88、 The murderer was put into prison, several days later he _. A. was sentenced death B. sentenced death C. was sentenced to death D. would sentenced by death89、 _ her address , we couldnt _ with her. A. Knowing not; keep in touch B. Not knowing ;keeping in touch C. Knowing no; get to touch D. Not knowing ;get in touch90、 What he said suggested that he _ with us. A. didnt agree B. should agree C. agreeing D. not agree 91、 The letters IBM _ International Business Machine. A. stands for B. stand for C. stand by D. stand in92、 So badly _ in the accident that he was taken to hospital for treatment. A. did he injure B. was he injured C. he was injured D. were he injured 93、 Its high time we _ the crops. A. gathered B. gather C. are gathering D. are going to94、 _ of the students in our class are boys. A. Two fifth B. Two fifths C. Second fifths C. Second fifths D. Two fives 95


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