江苏省徐州市睢宁县菁华高级中学高中英语 Unit1 The written word Reading(1)四步教学法课时教学设计 牛津译林版 (1).doc_第1页
江苏省徐州市睢宁县菁华高级中学高中英语 Unit1 The written word Reading(1)四步教学法课时教学设计 牛津译林版 (1).doc_第2页
江苏省徐州市睢宁县菁华高级中学高中英语 Unit1 The written word Reading(1)四步教学法课时教学设计 牛津译林版 (1).doc_第3页
江苏省徐州市睢宁县菁华高级中学高中英语 Unit1 The written word Reading(1)四步教学法课时教学设计 牛津译林版 (1).doc_第4页




江苏省徐州市睢宁县菁华高级中学高中英语 unit1 the written word reading(1)四步教学法课时教学设计 牛津译林版 年级组别高二英语备课组审阅(备课组长)审阅(学科校长)主备人使用人授课时间课 题牛津版高中英语模块八第一单元reading(1)课 型新授课课标要求能从文中获取重要的信息;学会论说文文章的阅读策略。教学目标知识与能力掌握论说文的阅读技巧;理解语篇意义。过程与方法通过阅读回答问题,讨论小说的几个要素及短文填空等提高学生的综合技能。情感、态度与价值观熟悉外国文学方面的知识,树立正确的世界观教学重点to master the skills of reading persuasive passages教学难点how to master the skills 教学方法fast-reading ;detailed reading; discussion; fill-blanks reading教学程序设计教学过程及方法环节一 明标自学过程设计二次备课step 1 greetings step 2 show ss learning aims:1. to learn something about classic literature.2. to know something about the great novelist charles dickens.3. to get the general idea about great expectation教学过程及方法环节二 合作释疑 环节三 点拨拓展(备注:合作释疑和点拨拓展可以按照顺序先后进行,也可以根据教学设计交叉进行设计)过程设计二次备课step 3: to get the general idea of the passage through several activities:activity 1:快速阅读短文,了解作家狄更斯的生平以及其相关的作品。guidance:you should read the passage as fast as possible and try to get some information about his experience and its influence on his works.activity 2:快速阅读文章,完成part a部分三个小题。guidance:you should read the passage as fast as possible. you can use skimming and scanning reading skills.fast reading 1. what is classic literature?2. who is charles dickens?3. how old is pip when the story begins?activity 3 : detailed reading: (cooperation and extension.) read the passage again and answer the following questions: guidance:you should read the passage in detail. pay attention to some useful information.1. why dont many people like classics?2. what does liz think about classic novels?3. what is written on charles dickens tomb?4. what kind of person is joe?5. who gives pip a lot of money?6. what kind of person does pip become after he moves to london?7. why is pip embarrassed by joe?8. what does pip learn by the end of the novel?activity 4: discussionwhats the main element to consider when reading a novel?characters, setting, symbol, theme and plotscan the article and match the elements with the correct examples in part c11. characters a a mist2. setting b what it means to be a gentleman3. symbol c england in the early 18004. theme d pip joe estella5. plot e a stranger gives pip a lot of money, then pip moves to london and becomes ashamed of his backgroundactivity 5:reading strategyguidance:you should read the reading strategy and answer the following questions:1. what does a persuasive essay try to do? 2. whats the writers point of view in this essay?3. how does the author tries to convince the reader?activity 6: comprehend the meanings of words from the context and match them with the correct definitions.(part d p4)教学过程及方法环节四 当堂检测二次备课self-assessment:activity 1: finish the exercise of part e on page 5 and check the answers.activity 2: fill in the blanks with the following wordsvain husband fortune symbol gentleman pip novel writers theme england great expectations is my favorite book. it waswritten by one of englands greatest _,charles dickens, and is now seen as classic literature. the main character in the novel is _, a poor boy from england. he lives with his mean sister and her _, joe.the story is set in _ in the early 1800s. it is misty night when the story begins. mist is a _ for danger and uncertainty used throughout the _.later in the story, pip receives a large sum of money froma stranger. he uses the _ to move to london without any companions. he settles there so he can become an educated _. pip changes from a pleasant young man into a very _ one. what it means to be a gentleman is an important _ in great expectations.pip is not really a gentleman because he has prejudice against joe.课堂小结课后作业1. find more information about


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