【导与练】高考英语二轮专题能力提升限时训练 阅读理解(猜测词义类)+书面表达(含解析)(1).doc_第1页
【导与练】高考英语二轮专题能力提升限时训练 阅读理解(猜测词义类)+书面表达(含解析)(1).doc_第2页
【导与练】高考英语二轮专题能力提升限时训练 阅读理解(猜测词义类)+书面表达(含解析)(1).doc_第3页
【导与练】高考英语二轮专题能力提升限时训练 阅读理解(猜测词义类)+书面表达(含解析)(1).doc_第4页
【导与练】高考英语二轮专题能力提升限时训练 阅读理解(猜测词义类)+书面表达(含解析)(1).doc_第5页
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能力提升限时训练 阅读理解(猜测词义类)+书面表达(限时35分钟).阅读理解(a)(对应学生用书第129页)【逸闻趣事类】jayne fisher watched anxiously as her 17-year-old daughter katie pulled her untamed lamb into the madison county junior livestock for sale.katie was battling against cancer.this was her first chance in months to be outdoors having fun,away from hospitals and treatments,and she had come with high hopes for earning some sizable spending money.she had wavered a little on her decision to part with the lamb,but with lamb averaging two dollars a pound,katie was looking forward to a lot more than pin money.so she centered the lamb for viewing,and the bidding began.thats when roger wilson,the auctioneer(拍卖师),had a sudden inspiration that brought some unexpected results.“we sort of let everybody here know that katie had a situation that wasnt too pleasant,” is how he tells it.he hoped that his introduction would push the bidding up,at least a little bit.well,the lamb sold for $11.50 a pound,but things didnt stop there.the buyer paid up,then decided to give the lamb back so that it could be sold again.that started a chain reaction,with families buying the animal and giving it back,over and over again.when local businesses started buying and returning,the earnings really began to pile up.the first sale is the only one katies mom remembers.after that,she was crying too hard as the crowd kept shouting,“resell! resell!”katies lamb was sold 36 times that day,and the last buyer gave it back for good.katie ended up with more than $16,000 to pay her medical expensesand she still got to keep her famous lamb.1.katie sold her lamb in order to .a.earn an amount of money to cover her medical expensesb.help her mother support their family and keep more lambsc.show her lamb was a famous one and raise some moneyd.get some unexpected results from a chain reaction2.why did families buy katies lamb and return it repeatedly?()a.they had fun in reselling it.b.the auctioneer ordered them to do so.c.they wanted to help katie from the heart.d.katies mother cried for help.3.the underlined word “waver” in the second paragraph probably means .a.agreeb.hesitatec.refused.focus4.what is the best title of the passage?()a.battling against cancerb.a warm-hearted auctioneerc.bidding from the heartd.a wise lamb语篇解读:文章主要讲述katie,一位患癌症的小女孩为赚取医疗费用拍卖自己心爱的小羊羔。答案及剖析:1.a事实细节题。根据文章最后一段最后一句katie ended up with more than $16,000 to pay her medical expenses.得知答案为a。2.c事实细节题。由文章三、四、五段得知小羊被拍卖后,又被归还的原因是人们真心想帮助katie赚得更多的医疗费用。3.b猜测词义题。根据画线部分的那句话可得知katie既需要医疗费用又不愿与小羊分开的矛盾心情,可猜出生词与hesitate意思相近。4.c主旨大意题。通读全文大意可得知答案。【疑难词汇解读】1.bidding n.出价i want a high bidding 我想出个高价。2.look forward to 盼望,渴望i am looking forward to your reply.我盼望得到你的回信。【长难句子分析】she主语 had wavered谓语 a little on her decision宾语 to part with the lamb.状语她犹豫了稍许,才决定与小羊分开(b)(对应学生用书第129页)【社会文化类】when did you last visit a shopping mall? in many places,the answer would be “last weekend.” some people go even more often.why? for one thing,malls offer goods and services that people need all in one place:food,clothing,things for their houses,entertainment,even medical services.so,are malls one of the highlights of modern civilization? environmental activists would say no! they would go even further and say that consumer behavior is causing a huge environmental disaster.they cause consumers of ignorance of the side effect of their shopping-urban sprawl (扩大).social scientists agree that patterns of development have changed the landscape a great deal in the last half century.prior to 1950,most people lived in towns or cities and either walked to work or took public transportation.only very wealthy people had automobiles.farmers lived in rural areas or isolated villages and came into town only when they needed things they couldnt produce themselves.if you gazed at the landscape you would see towns surrounded by countryside.then a massive change occurred.automobiles became affordable and people were quick to adopt them.now ambitious workers could live in the suburbs,the areas just outside cities,which started to grow rapidly.as long as there was lots of cheap land in the suburbs,no one paid much attention to the usage of that land.malls,fast food restaurants,cinemas,and car dealerships spread out in large,flat buildings.these one-storey buildings and their parking lot took up a great deal space.well-meaning farmers thought they were better off selling their land than growing crops.in ignorance,no one realized that once the land was built up in urban sprawl,the good farming land would be ruined forever.there was no way to preserve it.only in recent years have people come to mourn the old way of life as they have developed insight into the problems of unconditional grows.now people realize that urban sprawl has come with serious environmental problems.the negative aspects of sprawl include air and water pollution,loss of agricultural land,traffic jams,and the death of businesses in the old town centers.many scholars think the time has come to analyze the problems better so we can develop appropriate policies to control further sprawl.some think the best way to do is to educate citizens about their priceless environment.5.what is mainly discussed in the passage?()a.weekend fun.b.urban sprawl.c.new automobiles.d.isolated villages.6.what does the underlined word “they” refer to in the first paragraph?()a.malls.b.activists.c.farmers.d.scientists.7.what do scholars think should be done about urban sprawl?()a.understand the situations better.b.follow customary policies.c.start school in shopping malls.d.charge polluters a lot of money.8.what is the scholars attitude toward urban sprawl?()a.respectful.b.disapproving.c.pessimistic.d.doubtful.语篇解读:人们的生活水平在改善,质量在提高,但同时城市无序扩张这一弊端也开始出现。文章围绕这一问题进行论述,阐述其起因及解决办法。答案及剖析:5.b主旨大意题。第一段“they cause consumers of ignorance of the side effect of their shoppingurban sprawl”,第三段“in ignorance,no one realized that once the land was built up in urban sprawl”以及第四段“now people realize that urban sprawl has come with serious environmental problems”中都提及“urban sprawl”,故b项正确;a、c、d三项虽在文中出现了,但不是主题。6.a猜测指代题。根据第一段“for one thing,malls offer goods and services that people need all in one place:food,clothing,things for their houses,entertainment,even medical services.so,are malls one of the highlights of modern civilization?”可知,a项正确。7.a推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句可知,权威人士认为只有更好地分析问题让市民引起重视,才能制定相关的政策解决问题,故a项正确。8.b观点态度题。根据第二段中的“if you gazed at the landscape you would see towns surrounded by countryside.then a massive change occurred.”,第三段“there was no way to preserve it.”及第四段“the negative aspects of sprawl include air and water pollution,loss of agricultural land,traffic jams,and the death of businesses in the old town centers.”可以看出作者是不赞同城市无序扩张的,故b项正确。a项“尊敬的”、c项“悲观的”和d项“怀疑的”都不符合语境。【疑难词汇解读】1.highlight n.最有意思或最精彩的部分the highlights of the match will be shown on tv tonight.比赛的最精彩场面将在今晚的电视节目中播放。2.appropriate adj.适当的,合适的his formal style of speaking was appropriate to the occasion.他郑重其事的讲话方式适合于那个场合。【长难句子分析】only in recent years状语 have people come to mournthe old way of life部分倒装asthey have developed insight intothe problems of原因状语从句unconditional grows.原因状语从句只是在近几年,人们才开始痛惜过去的生活方式,因为他们已经注意到了无限制发展的问题。.书面表达(对应学生用书第130页)请你写一篇文章,介绍你校校报为高三学生创立的“flying feelings”专栏(column),并谈谈自己的感想。内容要点包括:开设目的:缓解压力,确保健康专栏优势:专业的心理指导专栏内容:专业的建议,学生的心声你的感想注意:1.词数120左右;2.开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。our school has set up a column called“flying feelings”for senior 3 students. our school has set up a column called“flying feelings”for senior 3 students.this column,aimed at relieving pressure and ensuring the health of us students,has a unique advantage that the experts in psychology can give us some professional guidance.besides,it co


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