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【创新设计】(广东专用)高考英语 大二轮总复习高考倒计时第21天.doc_第4页




高考倒计时第21天.常考句型【句型1】as a matter of fact,.“事实上”仿写:事实上,健康才是最重要的。as_a_matter_of_fact,it_is_health_that_counts.【句型2】for example,.“比如”仿写:比如,我们盲目地提高生活水准。for_example,we_improve_the_living_standards_blindly.【句型3】besides,we should not.in addition,we should not.“此外,我们不应”仿写:此外,我们不应忽视简单的事实。besides,we_should_not_neglect_simple_facts.in_addition,we_should_not_neglect_simple_facts.完形填空sometimes it can be difficult to homeschool(进行家庭教育) on your own.thats why its _1_to connect or have a support group that will help you succeed in homeschooling.the first step is to find a(n)_2_that has similar goals and ideas as you.maybe they homeschool in the same way,use the same curriculum or have the same ages of students.its important to make sure that you decide what youre looking for out of a support group and then you can go and_3_for it using the internet or local organization.do you want your group to just support homeschool families and parents or do you _4_want to hold classes?are you organizing around a _5_event like field trips,a topic,or classes themselves?if your homeschool support group is just for parents,consider advertising_6_.getting together a group of homeschooling parents can really help you to_7_ideas that will help improve your homeschool program and can help you succeed in the long run.if youre going to include_8_in your support group,make sure to organize them by_9_level so theyre with other students of the same age.if you want to include classes as a part of your homeschool group,you need to decide what type of_10_youll offer,enrichment,art,athletic,or even core curriculum.identify a teacher early on and a leader.you dont want to be the_11_leader in your homeschool group.you want to find people that you can trust to _12_alongside you.communication is the key.you want to set up an email group,a phone chain and maybe even website to keep everyone_13_.whether you find a local group to join or_14_one of your own,having a support group can really help you_15_in homeschooling.【语篇导读】本文介绍了如何通过参加或创办互助小组,来取得家庭教育的成功。1a.accessiblebimportantcevidentdnatural解析语境理解。上句讲到,独自进行家庭教育可能很困难的,所以联系或拥有一个互助小组是“重要”的。答案b2a.groupbcompanioncleaguedorganization解析语境理解与前后照应。根据上段或下段的support group可知。答案a3a.paybapplycstruggledsearch解析语境理解。利用因特网或当地组织“寻找(search for)” 一个互助小组。易误选b项。答案d4a.deliberatelybparticularlycactuallydconsequently解析语境理解。句意:你是想互助小组仅仅是支持进行家庭教育的家庭或父母,还是实际上(actually)进行上课?根据句意,排除deliberately(故意地)、particularly(尤其,特别)和consequently(因此,所以)。答案c5a.vitalbcurrentcspecificdrandom解析语境理解与推理。“field trips,a topic,or classes”都属于“具体活动(specific event)”。答案c6a.locallybcautiouslyctemporarilydnationally解析语境理解与推理。根据“getting together a group of homeschooling parents”可知,既然是要把家长们召集在一起,所以是在“当地(locally)”做广告。答案a7a.approvebexchangecinterpretdadopt解析语境理解。exchange ideas意为“交流思想,交换看法”。答案b8a.parentsbteacherscmanagersdstudents解析语境理解。前两句讲到,如果互助小组只是为家长(just for parents)服务则应如何做;与之对应,本句讲的是如果也包括学生在内,则应该怎样做。答案d9a.gradebmanagementcstressdsecurity解析语境理解。根据年级将学生分类,以便他们能与同龄人在一起。答案a10a.teachersbclassescleadersdgroups解析语境理解与前后照应。由本段开头的“if you want to include classes”可知。答案b11a.topbformerconlydsame解析语境理解。前一句讲到identify.a leader,所以说“你不希望是唯一的领导者”。答案c12a.followbdictatecobeydlead解析语境理解与前后照应。根据前两句出现的leader可知。答案d13a.informedbaccustomedccontenteddalarmed解析语境理解。由communication可知,建立电子邮件群,手机网和网站的目的是“使大家得到通知,保持联系(keep sb informed)”。答案a14a.purchasebsupportcsubscribedstart解析语境理解。句意:无论你是参加一个当地的互助小组,还是创办你自己的小组。答案d15a.succeedbreflectcparticipatedaccumulate解析语境理解与前后照应。根据文章第一段的“.help you succeed in homeschooling”可知。答案a.语法填空the local elementary school had just let out and i found myself behind a school bus as i was driving home.the bus _1_ (stop) by a house sitting on top of a hill.a little girl no more than seven years old jumped down the bus steps and started running up the driveway toward the house.i looked up the hill to see _2_ she was going and saw her dad waiting for her.as she got closer and closer her dad smiled and knelt down to greet her.the second she got to him he folded her in _3_ powerful arms and gave her a huge hug.my eyes watered a bit as i watched this scene and remembered all the times_4_ my own children had ran into my arms with _5_ (smile) faces.every single hug from _6_ was a fountain of youth and a treasure of joy.my lovely trip down memory lane was interrupted when i heard the car_7_ me sound its horn(喇叭)i saw _8_ school bus quickly pulling away.i started to follow it again with a _9_ (light) spirit than i had before.i took that beautiful moment and stored it _10_ (safe) in my soul where i knew it would remain forever.【语篇导读】 作者驾车回家途中看到一名父亲拥抱放学归来的女儿,不禁陷入沉思中,想起与自己孩子们拥抱的情景。1stopped考查谓语动词时态。本文是叙述过去发生的经历,用一般过去时。需注意两点:1.stop的过去式要双写字母p;2.by a house意为“在房子旁边”,不可理解为被动语态的施动者。2where考查宾语从句。根据句意“我抬头朝山上望去,想看她朝哪儿去了”,可知用where引导宾语从句。3his考查代词。指代“her dads”。句意:她一走到他身边,他就用强壮的胳膊搂住她,热情地拥抱她(the second意为“一就”)。4when考查定语从句。因先行词为times,指时间,且定语从句不需要补充主语或宾语,所以用when引导定语从句,并在从句中作时间状语。5smiling考查非谓语。smiling face意为“笑脸”,其中smiling为现在分词作定语。6them考查代词。指代my own children。根据was a fountain of youth可知,作者是以家长的身份叙述自己内


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