



9A Unit 1 Know yourselfPeriod 2 Reading 1姓名:_ 班级:_【学习目标】1. 认识四位在各自工作领域表现杰出的人物。2. 掌握描述工作和性格的词汇。【学习重难点】掌握描述工作和性格的词汇。【前置学习】一、 背诵单词表Unit1P8-11生词并默写1. 天生的_ 2. 给留下印象_ 3. 雕塑,塑像_ 4. 赞扬,表扬_ 5. 销售部_6. 总的,普遍的,首席的_7. 竞赛,赛跑_ 8. 不是就是,或者或者_9. 领先地位;榜样_ 10. 处于领先地位_ 11. 落后_ 12. 挑战_ 13. 首要的,主要的_ 14. 高速的_ 15. 与相连,连接_ 16. 错误,过失_ 17. 和几乎一样,简直是_18. 注意,专心_ 19. 标准_ 20. 先锋,开拓者_ 21. 外科大夫_ 22. 粗心_ 23. 额外的,附加的_ 24. 把贡献,把专用于_ 25. 尊敬,敬重_ 26. 合适的,适宜的_ 27. 搭档,合作伙伴_ 前置学习【合作释疑】1. 根据描述用形容词表示不同人物的性格特点:1)Suzy keeps all her things in good order._2)Millie doesnt get angry easily._3)Daniel never shows off._4) Sandy often has exciting ideas._5) Simon always plays football for hours._6) Samuel often comes up with new ideas._7) Billy likes asking questions._2. 快速浏览课文并回答以下问题。1) How many people are mentioned in the article? _2) Who and what are they? _3. 听录音,跟读课文,回答下列问题。Para 11)Does Wu Wei like to talk? _2)What has he won from the art community for his sculptures? _Para 23) Is Su Ning active and energetic? _4) What do you think is more suitable for her, an accountant or a manager? _Para 35) What is Liu Haos personality? _6) Is Liu Haos personality suitable for his job? _Para 47) How long does Fang Yuan often do operations a day? _8) Why do people in the town respect her? _3. 重要语言点1) be suitable/fit for=suit/fit适合 more suitable, the most suitable2) praise v. un.表扬,赞扬 win high praise_3) born 天生的 adj. v._ 天生的作家_4) impress vt.给留下印象 impress sb. with =impress sb. _ 他的高超的绘画技巧给我留下了很深的印象。 His _ drawing skills _ me.=He _ me _ his _ drawing skills.5) devote专心致力于,奉献 v.,后接oneself/ones life/ones time/ones effort(努力) devotion n.热爱,忠诚 devoted献身于的,致力于的 adj. devoteto (doing) sth._ devote oneself to致力于,献身于 她将全部身心用于照料贫病交加的人。 She devoted _ _ _ _ _poor sick people.【展示提升】讨论组内成员的性格特点,每组推选一名同学全班展示【巩固测评】 一、根据句意及英汉语提示或首字母提示完成单词。1.Who is _(suit) to be the new chairperson of the Students Union?2.I think Yang Liping is a_(bear)dancer. She was good at dancing at a very young age.3.My father works in the _(sell)department in the shopping mall.4The song Where has the time gone won high p_ from the people all over our country.5.Do you like to be_(先锋)in this area?6.To clean the sky, more and more cities in Jiangsu have started to use stricter national_ (标准).7.My Uncle is a g_ manager of a big company.8.Your mother is a_(外科大夫),isnt she?9.Theres no _(雕塑)in front of the teaching building.10.To a doctor, a m_ is as good as a mile.巩固测评【运用拓展】一、根据提示完成下列句子。1.你认为你的个性适合你的工作吗? Do you think your _ _ _ _your job?=Do you think your _ _your job?2.他的作品赢得了很高的赞誉。 His works have_ _ _ .3.他很谦虚并且容易打交道。 He is modest and _ _ _ _.4.西湖因它的美给世人留下深刻印象。 The West Lake _ _ _ _ its beauty.5.他把每周日都用于学英语。 He _ each Sunday _ _ English.6.他们将自己完全奉献给了音乐。 They _ _ entirely _ music.7.为了实现他的梦想, 那


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