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ii 摘要摘要 劳伦斯的文学作品自从解禁之后吸引了众多学者的深入研究, 他作为现代主 义文学巨匠的地位也得到了承认和正视。然而,除了小说家、诗人、剧作家等身 份之外,劳伦斯同时还是一位风格独特、见解精辟的文学评论家。无论在数量上 还是视角的多样性上,这方面的研究都相对较少。在劳伦斯的文学生涯中,他不 仅写过大量的文学评论专著, 并且在他的短文和书信里也提出过一系列关于文学 创作的真知灼见。而这些文学评论观点同样适用于他自己的作品。 本论文试从劳伦斯文学观点中最为独到和重要的四点入手, 探讨他的文学观 点是怎样在他自己的主要小说作品中得以体现。首先,男女关系是劳伦斯的小说 所致力探索的基本主题,而记录布兰温一家三代婚恋生活的虹和恋爱中的 女人则是劳伦斯对两性之间理想关系模式的不懈探索。第二,劳伦斯曾指出小 说应具备三个本质特征,代表着他小说创作最高成就的恋爱中的女人正是这 三个本质特征的典型体现。第三,虽然劳伦斯一生饱受审查制度及作品被禁止出 版发行的困扰,他对小说的道德标准有自己的理解和看法。 查太莱夫人的情人 正是劳伦斯道德观的体现。最后,劳伦斯信仰艺术胜于科学,而在所有的艺术形 式中,他认为小说对帮助人们重建完整的人格、获得真正的生命最有意义。他的 半自传体小说儿子与情人就是最好的体现。通过研究劳伦斯的文学评论观点 是如何体现在他自己的小说作品的,读者可以更好地理解他的作品,并对他的文 学成就有更全面的认识。 关键字:关键字:文学评论观点,男女关系,本质特征,道德标准,小说意义 iii abstract while lawrences literary creations have received much interest for intensive research and study, and there have been quite a lot of achievements in the academic field, the study on his literary views and criticism falls far behind, either in quantity or in diversity of perspectives. in his literary life, lawrence has conducted serious and substantial critical practices in form of prefaces, reviews, correspondence, and miscellaneous essays that reflect his critical views on literature. while his views reveal his own perceptions on the creation of literary works, ranging from the theory of the novel to the relation of art to morality, they are also applicable to his own works. among the piles of insightful commentaries by lawrence, this paper picks up four of the most significant views, and tries to explore how these views are illustrated throughout the major fictional works of his own. first, the relationship between man and woman is the basic concern of lawrences novels, and the rainbow and women in love, if considered together, which trace the love and marriages taking place in the three generations of the brangwens, are actually lawrences unremitting explorations of the ideal relation mode between the two sexes. secondly, in lawrences views, there are three essential qualities of novel“quick”, “interrelated”, and “honorable”. women in love, which represents the highest maturity and skills in techniques, can serve as a typical illustration of the three qualities. thirdly, although persecuted by censorship and accused of pornography most of his life, lawrence has his own perceptions of the morality of novel. and last but not least, lawrence puts a premium on art over science. and among all the various forms of arts, he regards novel as the most privileged one, in that he believes this genre is significant in helping people restore the integrity and ensuring the true aliveness of man. by these studies of how lawrences major novels manifesting his own literary views, one gets a better understanding of his works and a more complete knowledge of his literary achievements. iv keywords: critical views on literature, relationship, essential qualities, morality, significance of novel 1 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下, 独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本 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names i cannot list one by one here, for all the knowledge and skills i have learned from them and their patience and tolerance for me. last but not least, i also owe a lot of thanks to the librarians of sofl, who allow me to have access to all the valuable books pertinent to this thesis. 1 chapter i: introduction eastwood, a growing colliery village in nottinghamshire, central england, becomes remarkable in the history of british literature because of one person, who always called eastwood “the country of my heart”1 with deep affection and nostalgia. this great son of eastwood grew up to become a novelist, poet, essayist, critic, and painter. he helped to define modern literature with his carefully constructed, highly original, and socially conscious novels and short stories. he was identified as the first person who tried to revolutionize the modern english attitude toward sex by casting off the restraints of conventions and inverting the traditional values. england, or even the whole literary world, owed him a posthumous apology since he had been criticized, censored and dismissed in his lifetime. he stands now, however, as the major imaginative novelist of the early twentieth century who attained that eminence by the comprehensiveness of his human understanding and sympathy. this very figure is d. h. lawrence. 1.1 the acceptance of lawrences literary works in china as “the most widely studied author in the english language ever after shakespeare”2, lawrence has inevitably evoked numerous studies and criticisms from academic circles all over the world, with china not being an exception. however, looking back, we see the acceptance process of lawrences literary works didnt move along a smooth and level path in china. instead, it roughly underwent three phases. the first wave of the studies on lawrence began in 1920s and lasted till the later part of 1930s. according to the extant documentation, it is in 1922 that lawrence and his works made the first appearance in chinese magazine, and the first practice of translating lawrences novel was performed by xu zhimo in 1925.3 among all the writers and literary critics who were devoted to introducing and commenting on 1 aldington, richard, ed. (1996) d. h. lawrence: selected letters. new york: penguin books. p. 161. 2 niven, alastair. “d. h. lawrence: literary criticism and recent publications”. in british book news, september 1985. p. 516. 3 廖杰锋 20 世纪 80 年代前 d. h. 劳伦斯在中国的传播综论 ,载衡阳师范学院学报 ,2005 年第 2 期, 第 78 页。 2 lawrences works, lin yutang and yu dafu provided a most objective and just account, including the authors major literary ideas and the thematic depth in his works. as the heralds of the studies on lawrence, together with other scholars, they promoted the circulation of lawrences works in china at this early stage of acceptance and study. during the end of 1930s to 1980s, the study on lawrence moved into a long period of interregnum, largely owing to the special political circumstances of that time. lawrences literary creations and his attitudes toward the social reality, after one decade of mass introduction and commendation, gradually diminished from the literary circle and the reach of ordinary readers. however, the propagation and researches of lawrences works again entered a brand-new stage after the 1980s, and this period exerted a profound influence on the chinese literary creation at the same time. with his works introduced again and studied in depth, lawrence achieved a prospered resurrection in china. the publication of a series of monographs and systematic researches announced that the study on lawrence has been moving “from the part to the whole and from the superficial to the deeper layer”4, and was no longer restricted to the translation and criticism of his novels. 1.2 the fields the current studies mainly focus on according to study perspectives, the current studies on lawrence mainly fall into two categorieshis literary views and attitudes, and the techniques of his literary creation on the level of art, each involving several angles focusing on different fields. the negation of ration and industrial civilization, and the yearning of the restoration of natural human instincts are the kernels of lawrences literary creations. thus, a large part of the studies regarding the thematic concerns in lawrences works tend to explore how the industrial civilization has alienated modern human beings under its dehumanizing impact, holding the view that the process of capitalist 4 李命 20 世纪 80-90 年代劳伦斯作品在中国的译介与影响 ,湘潭大学未发表论文,2003 年,第 18 页。 3 industrialization has not only destroyed natural environment, but also to a more crucial extent, devastated human nature and distorted the mutual relationship between individuals. therefore, the sexual scenes and the natural surroundings, which have been poured much ink in depicting, are regarded as a prescription provided by lawrence to heal the wounds in human souls and social realities. and lawrences attitudes toward sex and the significance he has imbued into sex have always been adopted as a guideline in reading, understanding, and studying his works. the biographical accounts of lawrence are also a productive source of study inspirations. the close connection between his life experiences and his literary creations has been acknowledged long since the publication of his early works. his antagonizing position with his father, his intense attachment to his mother, his love affairs, and his wandering life during most part of his short lifetime, have all inevitably exerted great influences on his creations, and these life traces can be detected in his works. besides the thematic concerns that catch the major attention of the researchers from their early phase of study on lawrence, the aesthetic values and techniques have aroused more and more interest of scholars and researchers as the study develops and deepens. the most controversial dispute in the technique field used to be whether lawrence belongs to modernist or realist, for this awareness directly contributes to the understanding of his works. gradually a general agreement was finally achieved in the literary criticism circle that lawrence is a spokesman of modernism with relatively traditional and realistic techniques. however, his works are still greatly different from realistic pieces, in that he doesnt care too much of telling a good story in an enchanting way or providing a complete development from the beginning to the end of the story, which distinguishes him essentially from realistic writers.5 and the pervasive adoption of symbols, psychological depiction, and other typical techniques of modernism have solidified lawrences identity as a modernist writer. the fictional characters in lawrences major works have also drawn much attention of the researchers, for in the characterization of his heroes and heroines 5 邢建昌 (2003) 劳伦斯传 , 北京:中国广播电视出版社, 第 47 页。 4 reveal his views on men and women, and certain traces of changes in the attitude towards men and women can be discerned. and with the development of narratology, the exploration of the narrative structures of his fictions adds to the diversity of the studies on his writing techniques. as they are enriched, western critical theories have provided quite a few possibilities for new critical approaches, such as psychoanalysis, feminist criticism, myth and archetypal criticism, and so on. in addition, comparative study also creates a fresh angle to arrive at a better understanding of lawrences works. among the papers on lawrence which were published between 1994 and 2004, studies from a comparative approach cover a remarkable percentage.6 for example, his novels have been compared with chinese classics such as chin ping mei or works by contemporary writers like yu dafu. through comparison, the profundity in lawrences indulgent presentation of sexual scenes has been more clearly perceived. conclusively, with the introduction and acceptance of lawrences works, the academic studies have also been developed and deepened. chinese scholars and researchers have made enormous effort in exploring the thematic concerns and the technical devices of lawrence, mainly in his four major novels. however, although a few of lawrences poems and correspondence have been studied and analyzed as well, his essays, dramas and literary theories are still left in a relative blankness in the study field. 1.3 lawrences contributions as a literary critic while d. h. lawrence, the talented novelist in modern british literature, has become more and more popular in china, lawrence as a unique, perceptive critic is almost unknown to many of us, including the literary study circles. although his reputation as a literary critic is still marginal, his criticism, if judged by its quantity, quality, and scope, should surely be ranked as a crucial part of his achievement. as a literary critic, lawrences primary interest is the literature of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, especially american, russian, english, and italian literatures. he 6 杨斌 吴格非 中国的劳伦斯研究述评 ,载成都教育学院学报 ,2005 年第 5 期, 第 6 页。 5 is also passionately interested in questions of literary theory and in problems related to the relationship between arts and morality. during his lifetime, the only substantial critical work he published was studies in classic american literature, which exists in different versions. this work of criticism stands as “a milestone in the serious study of early american writers such as melville, hawthorne, cooper and poe.”7 another great work, study of thomas hardy, was not published until after lawrences death. for the rest, his literary criticism found its way into reviews, occasional articles, prefaces, letters, and even into the fiction. actually, he did engage himself constantly in reviewing books, doing prefaces and introductions for works that impressed him, and writing a number of excellent, most perceptive essays of criticism that “british literature has ever produced on the novel as a genre, on its moral values and social function, on the question of pornography as well as the subtle impact of puritanism upon the arts.”8 besides, the large amount of lawrences personal letters and correspondence is also an invaluable treasury of his literary reflections and criticisms. taken together, these forms constitute an impressive body of the critical writing that spans his entire literary career. the undervaluation of lawrence as a critic may be due in part to the long inaccessibility of essential sources, for the collections of his essays and scattered letters havent been issued until after his death. but two things that impress the reader deeply as soon as s/he begins reading any piece of criticism by lawrence are informality and subjectivity. just as he himself remarks in “john galsworthy”, literary criticism can be no more than a reasoned account of the feeling produced upon the critic by the book he is criticizing. criticism can never be a sciencethe touchstone is emotion, not reason.9 the nature of much of his criticism is matched by a flexible, improvised style which 7 salgado, gamini. (1982). a preface to d. h. lawrence. london: longman. p. 151. 8 朱通伯 (选编) (2003) 劳伦斯文论精选 ,上海:上海外语教育出版社, 第 i 页。 9 lawrence, d. h. (1928) “john galsworthy”. 见朱通伯 (选编) (2003) 劳伦斯文论精选 ,上海:上 海外语教育出版社, 第 128 页。 6 is much closer to speech, without facile epigram or parenthetical pedantry. as to subjectivity, lawrences criticism about authors or works he is interested in, though insightful and straight to the essence, is by no means cool and distant. he takes up a manner combined with involvement and passion, usually much tinted with intense emotions of an individual, without speaking from lofty heights. however, his subjectivity is quite different from being reduced to self-willed subjectivism in that his point of view is deeply rooted in his concept of literature and life, which opens up a wider horizon of understanding. martin turnell, who values personal force above all else in critical practices, has a very high opinion of lawrences criticism. and david j. gordon concludes that “for all his improprietiesit is this passionate and encompassing sense of life that explains why even his terse and angry squibs are often richly suggestive.”10 lawrence has manifested nearly all the qualities one looks for in a critic: independence of outlook and freshness of approach, creative artists awareness of and interest in practical problems, sympathy and understanding, high intelligence and wide-ranging knowledge, “an energetic curiosity about the rationale of both criticism and creative writing and a gift for utterance that is as memorable as it is distinctive.”11 through the continually unfolding canon of posthumously published writings, lawrence makes his own contribution to the shaping of his critical reputation. 1.4 the research topic and structure of this thesis as mentioned above, despite the widening and deepening studies of lawrence in the chinese academic circle on literature, despite lawrences recognized status as a literary critic, the studies concerning his critical views on literature still remain relatively deficient. however, this stretch of blankness leaves much room for original studies. in this thesis, i tend to conduct an intensive exploration of how lawrences literary views are manifested in his own literary creations, to be


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