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复活节的习俗中英文介绍【篇一:复活节简介(中英文)】 友归 复活节 基督教节日, 但是事实上,最初的复活节是异教徒的节日。 in fact, easter was originally a pagan festival。 the ancient saxons celebrated the return of spring with an uproarious festival commemorating their goddess of offspring and of springtime, eastre. when the second-century christian missionaries encountered the tribes of the north with their pagan celebrations, they attempted to convert them to christianity. they did so, however, in a clandestine manner。 古撒克逊人庆祝春至时非常热闹,因为这也纪念他们祖先和春天的复活。在公元200年,基督教的传教士并偶然来到这个拥有异教庆典的北方部落。这些传教士尝试让撒克逊人改信基督教,而他们使用的方法非常隐秘。 it would have been suicide for the very early christian converts to celebrate their holy days with observances that did not coincide with celebrations that already existed. to save lives, the missionaries cleverly decided to spread their religious message slowly throughout the populations by allowing them to continue to celebrate pagan feasts, but to do so in a christian manner。 与以往其他任何节日庆典都不同的是,早期的基督教人为了庆祝他们神圣的节日而在仪式中自杀。为了拯救生命,传教士略施小计,在人群中慢慢散布神明的信息,谎称神明允许人们继续庆祝异教节日,但是要使用基督教的方式进行庆祝。as it happened, the pagan festival of eastre occurred at the same time of year as the christian observance of the resurrection of christ. it made sense, therefore, to alter the festival itself, to make it a christian celebration as converts were slowly won over. the early name, eastre, was eventually changed to its modern spelling, easter。 就这样,复活节在同年出现了,而且被当作耶稣复活的基督教仪式。因此,这个节日就被慢慢被改变,渐渐转变为基督教的一个节日。于是,人们渐渐皈依基督教。而复活节早期的名字eastre,最后也被改成流传至今的拼法easter。 a.d. 325,the council of nicaea was convened by emperor constantine. it issued the easter rule which states that easter shall be celebrated on the first sunday that occurs after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox. (春分)【秋分 autumnal equinox】the ecclesiastical vernal equinox is always on march 21. ( it does not always occur on the same date as the astronomical full moon. )therefore, easter must be celebrated on a sunday between the dates of march 22 and april 25. 公元前325年,康斯坦丁大帝组建了一个理事会,这个理事会制定了复活节的标准:复活节应该在第一个满月后或是春分后的第一个星期天进行庆祝。基督教的春分通常是3月21日,而第一个满月的时间则每年有所不同,所以复活节的日期不会是每年的同一天。通常是在3月22日-4月24日之间的其中一个星期天进行庆祝。 the easter bunny 复活兔 the symbol originated with the pagan festival of eastre. the goddess, eastre, was worshipped by the anglo-saxons through her earthly symbol, the rabbit。 复活兔起源于异教的复活节。当时,盎格鲁撒克逊人的黎明女神eostre的世俗象征是一个兔子,因此被人们所供奉。the germans brought the symbol of the easter rabbit to america. it was widely ignored by other christians until shortly after the civil war. in fact, easter itself was not widely celebrated in america until after that time。 而德国人将复活兔带到了美国。直至美国南北战争后,复活兔才被大多数基督教人士所重视。事实上,在这次内战结束后,复活节也未在美国被人们广泛地庆祝。 the easter egg 复活蛋 as with the easter bunny and the holiday itself, the easter egg predates the christian holiday of easter. the exchange of eggs in the springtime is a custom that was centuries old when easter was first celebrated by christians。与复活兔和复活节一样,复活蛋预示着圣诞节的即将到来。当基督教徒庆祝第一个复活节后,人们开始春天互相交换复活蛋,而这已成为了人们好几百年的习俗。 from the earliest times, the egg was a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. eggs were often wrapped in gold leaf or, if you were a peasant, colored brightly by boiling them with the leaves or petals of certain flowers。 在早期,复活蛋许多文明中象征着再生。人们常常用金色的叶子包裹复活蛋,或是农民的做法:将复活蛋画得色彩斑斓,并把它和叶子或是真花瓣一起煮沸。 today, children hunt colored eggs and place them in easter baskets along with the modern version of real easter eggs - those made of plastic or chocolate candy。 在今天,孩子们到处搜刮复活蛋,并将这些蛋放到复活节篮子中。为什么呢?他们只是为了复活蛋的现代意义:复活蛋是由软糖或巧克力做的【篇二:2013复活节(easter)介绍及风俗习惯】 过复活节(easter)的国家 一, 过西方教派复活节的国家: 北欧国家:冰岛、挪威、丹麦、瑞典、芬兰。 西欧国家:英国、法国、爱尔兰、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡。 中欧国家:瑞士、德国、奥地利、捷克、斯洛伐克、波兰、列支敦士登。 南欧国家:西班牙、葡萄牙、安道尔、意大利、梵蒂冈、圣马利诺、马耳他、克罗地亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、斯洛文尼亚、阿尔巴尼亚、罗马尼亚、保加利亚、匈牙利。 北美国家:加拿大、美国 南美国家:巴西、阿根廷、智利、哥伦比亚、秘鲁、乌拉圭、巴拉圭、委内瑞拉、苏里南、厄瓜多尔、玻璃维亚和圭亚那。 2013年西方教派的复活节是3月31号。 二,过东正教复活节的国家: 俄罗斯,乌克兰,白俄罗斯,罗马尼亚,摩尔多瓦,保加利亚,塞尔维亚,黑山,马其顿,希腊,亚美尼亚,格鲁吉亚 2013年东正教复活节是在5月5号。 三, 复活节预示着新希望 复活节饰品复活节中最具代表性的吉祥物就是彩蛋和兔子了,古人常把蛋视为多子多孙和复活的象征。后来基督教徒又赋予蛋新的涵义,认为它是耶稣墓的象征,未来的生命就是从其中挣脱而出世的。复活节时人们把鸡蛋染成红色,代表耶稣受难时流出的鲜血,同时也象征复活后的快乐。 实际上,复活节期间的活动,除基督教的宗教仪式外,许多习俗都源于异教。比如:在英国,每年都要举行复活节化装游行,其间有民族风格的风笛乐队,孩子们装扮的维多利亚女皇时代的皇宫卫队等。在美国纽约,则要举行复活节时装游行。在希腊,有的地方要举行象征性的耶稣葬礼。吃复活蛋,是复活节期间最重要的、也最有趣的习俗。鸡蛋是新的生命的象征。复活节也是合家团聚,或踏青郊游的日子。在西方,不少国家都把节期定为固定假日,大学生也自这一天开始放春假。此时,正是春暖花开,万木争荣时节,不少地方几乎倾城而出,或到公园,或到野外,尽情享受节日的欢乐。 四, 复活节假日 很多地区,尤其是欧洲地区,复活节假期约为4-7天不等。大部分客户所在国家从3月29号开始放假。【篇三:美国节日双语介绍】 圣诞节 christmas is one of the most beautiful holidays of all time. it is the day when gods son was born on earth. hence, this day is sacred for all christians around the world. the christmas season gives rise to a number of christmas traditions that come along. here are a few of them that are celebrated with zest and enthusiasm worldwide for centuries. 圣诞节一直是个美好的节日。这是上帝之子诞生的日子,因此对世界各地的基督徒来说,这一天是非常神圣的。圣诞季节自然少不了各种圣诞传统。下面这些传统,可是几个世纪以来一直世界各地的人们一直热闹欢庆的习俗。on this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services. during the christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and christmas trees.圣诞节当天,许多人会去教堂,在圣诞节,他们还会交换礼物,及用冬青、榭寄生和圣诞树来装饰自己的家。 preparation of the christmas cake 烘烤圣诞蛋糕 this was an english tradition which started centuries ago. on christmas eve, plum porridge was served to the people. as years passed, various other things like dry fruits, honey and spices were used. soon this porridge got replaced with the christmas cake. christmas cakes are made using eggs, butter, confections, fruits, etc. today a christmas cake is an integral part of a christmas menu. 这项英式传统早在几个世纪以前就流传开了,以前人们在平安夜喝梅花粥。随着时间慢慢推移,人们还会享用果脯、蜂蜜及香料食物等,随后圣诞蛋糕便代替梅花粥出现了。圣诞蛋糕由鸡蛋、黄油、甜点、水果等烘制而成。现如今,圣诞蛋糕已成为圣诞菜谱不可或缺的一部分。 decorating the christmas tree 装扮圣诞树 this refers to the tradition of decorating a pine tree using lights, tinsels, garlands, ornaments, candy canes, etc. today, a christmas tree is an indispensable part of christmas celebration. 这个传统指的是用彩灯、金箔、花环、饰品、糖果条等装扮松树。现如今,圣诞树也是欢庆节日不可或缺的一部分。lighting up the christmas candle 点燃圣诞蜡烛 this refers to the tradition of placing a lighted candle outside houses during the christmas season. a candle signifies hope as it brings light even to the darkest room. in the earlier times, when christians were persecuted, they were not allowed to practice prayers. hence, a single candle used to be placed outside the house as a sign that christian prayers were being conducted inside. 这个传统指的是人们会在圣诞期间在屋子外面放一支点燃的蜡烛。即便在最黑暗的屋子,蜡烛也能带来光明,寓意希望。早些年代,也就是基督徒深受迫害的时候,他们被禁止布道祷告。因此,基督徒们在屋外放一支蜡烛,暗示他们仍在心里默默祷告。 sending gifts to loved ones 给亲友送礼物 this tradition comes from the story of the three wise men who got gifts for baby jesus on christmas. every christmas, gifts are exchanged among loved ones, especially children. the story of santa claus also comes from this tradition. 这个传统源自一个传说:三位智者在圣诞节给婴儿耶稣送出了礼物。每年圣诞节,亲朋好友尤其是孩子们都会互赠礼物,圣诞老人的故事也源自这个传统。 singing christmas carols 唱圣诞颂歌 it refers to the age-old custom of enchanting a number of traditional christmas songs during the christmas season. it adds to the joy and fun to the atmosphere. different christmas hymns or carols like the first noel, jingle bells, joy to the world, etc are sung every christmas as a part of the christmas celebration. 这是一个古老的习俗:圣诞期间总是回荡着一首又一首圣诞传统歌曲。歌曲给人们带来欢乐,也增添了节日的气氛。每年欢度圣诞之际,第一个圣诞节、铃儿响叮当、普世欢腾等各种圣诞圣歌或颂歌都会奏响旋律。distributing christmas candies分发圣诞糖果 this is one of the most wonderful traditions of all. christmas candies are distributed to neighbors during the yuletide season. on the day of christmas, all misunderstandings and grudges are forgotten and the community comes together to celebrate the birth of christ. 这是所有传统中最有趣的一个。圣诞季人们向邻居们分发圣诞糖果;圣诞节那天,所有误会与仇恨统统化解,邻里之间团结一致共同庆祝耶稣的诞生。making of cribs 制作圣诞马槽 this is yet another age-old tradition of christmas. a crib refers to the nativity scene that is prepared using small statues. the first crib ever was made outside a church of st. francis of assisi for children to show them how the nativity scene was like. since then, this tradition became very popular. 这也是一个古老的圣诞习俗。人们用小雕像和马槽营造耶稣诞生的场景。第一个马槽建在圣法兰西斯一所教堂外面,意在向孩子们展示耶稣诞生的场景。从那以后这个习俗便一直流传了下来。 these traditions have been carried out for decades, yet they are celebrated with more and more exuberance each year. the level of excitement has never gone down. it just keeps getting better and better with time. 这些传统沿袭已有几十年,一年比一年热闹,盛况可谓有增无减。相信随着时间的推移,人们对传统习俗的热情只会越来越高。 复活节 easter is the christian commemoration of the resurrection of jesus as a religious holiday. over the past year the spring equinox, the first full moon of the first sunday after easter. church of christ in the early years of the date of easter, there have been controversial, causing momentary confusion, until 325 ad, the priests of the church of the meeting before deciding on a day to celebrate the unification of the easter. 复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的一个宗教节日。每年春分过去,第一次月圆后的第一个星期日就是复活节。早年在基督教会中对复活节的日期曾经有过争议,引起一时混乱,直到公元年,教士会议才决定整个教会统一在一天庆祝复活节。 there are a lot of the traditional easter celebration, easter egg is a symbol of the most typical. in ancient times the eggs are often seen as more children and grandchildren and a symbol of resurrection, because it breeds new life. later, christians also gives new meaning to the egg that it is a symbol of the tomb of jesus, the life of the future is born from it and get rid of. easter eggs are often dyed red to represent the crucifixion of jesus when the blood flow, but also a symbol of happiness after the resurrection. there is an ancient custom, the egg is cooked to the street children play. their eggs from rolling down the hillside: who broke the last egg, will win, all property of all of his eggs. white house to play this game every year, but is rolling eggs on the lawn only. 复活节有不少传统的庆祝活动,蛋就是复活节最典型的象征。古时人们常把蛋视为多子多孙和复活的象征,因为它孕育着新的生命。后来基督教徒又赋予蛋以新的涵义,认为它是耶稣墓的象征,未来的生命就是从其中挣脱而出世。复活节人们常把蛋染成红色,代表耶稣受难时流的鲜血,同时也象征复活后的快乐。还有一种古老的习俗,是把煮熟的彩蛋送给街头的孩子们做游戏。他们把彩蛋从山坡上滚下:谁的蛋最后破,谁就获得胜利,全部彩蛋都归他所有。美国白宫每年也玩这种游戏,只不过是把蛋放在草坪上滚动而已。 rabbit is a symbol of easter. now every easter, the united states the total size of a candy shop to sell chocolate made with the easter bunny and eggs. these eggs and egg is almost small, big melon big surprise, the children eat them with relish. to the relatives and friends, but also be a good gift. 兔子也是复活节的象征。现在每逢复活节,美国大小糖果店总要出售用巧克力制成的复活节小兔和彩蛋。这些彩蛋小的和鸡蛋差不多,大的竟有甜瓜那么大,孩子们吃起来津津有味。送给亲戚朋友,也不失为上佳礼品。 感恩节 thanksgiving day is a very important troditional holiday in america. on the fourth thursday of each november,families and friends gather together for the occasion to celebrate with a traditional turkey dinner,usually in themid-afternoon.thanksgiving day originated as a celebration of the years harvest and is similar to the mid-autumn festival in china. 感恩节是一个很重要的美国传


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