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Unit Four,Three Kinds of Fatigue Jane Brody,Warm-up,Discussion When do you usually feel tired? What may be the cause for your fatigue? And how do you keep healthy physically and mentally?,The term Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) refers to a symptom complex of marked and prolonged fatigue for which no identifiable cause can be found. Other symptoms frequently present include generalized muscle weakness and pain, low-grade fever, sore throat, painful lymph nodes淋巴结 in the neck and armpits腋窝, exacerbation恶化;加剧 of fatigue after moderate or strenuous费力的 exercise for periods of 24 hours or more, transient pains in a number of joints, and various disturbances of neuropsychological function including confusion, irritability, poor concentration and visual changes. Despite the range of other symptoms being extensive, none are essential for the diagnosis to be made in the presence of profound fatigue of 6 months or more duration. Chronic fatigue syndrome is frequently seen in association with psychiatric illnesses such as depression and anxiety but has not been shown to be causally related to any particular psychiatric disease.,What is the difference between the fatigue in old days and the fatigue in modern days? And according to the text, what causes the difference? Old days: over-activity Modern days: under-exertion,What are the three main categories of fatigue? Physical fatigue Pathological fatigue Psychological fatigue,Three main categories of fatigue: a) Physical: Cause: overwork of muscles Solution : rest, give your body a chance to get rid of accumulated wastes and restore muscle fuel b) Pathological: Cause: underlying physical disorder/illness Solution : go slow to have a chance to recover fully/have a thorough physical checkup if you feel drained for weeks on end c) psychological: The causes of prolonged fatigue: emotional problems and conflicts depression and anxiety Solution : express repressed emotional conflicts openly,According to the text, what can help to avoid fatigue? Diet Exercise Sleep Know yourself Take breaks,Para.(9-15) Good ways to avoid fatigue. (prolonged fatigue and periodic tiredness),a) diet: To eat a proper breakfast, low in sugar and fairly high in protein, which will provide a steady supply of blood sugar throughout the morning. b) exercise: exercise enhances energy. Some regular conditioning exercises help you to resist fatigue by increasing your bodys ability to handle more of a work load. c) sleep: Make yourself have enough time to sleep. d) know yourself : Try to schedule your most taxing jobs for the time of day when youre at your peak. Dont overextend yourself. e) take breaks: Do remember to stop and stretch during working.,Translation Practice,He would halt bilateral contact with North Korea until Pyongyang resumed negotiations with South Korea. 在平壤恢复与韩国谈判之前,他不会与朝鲜进行双边接触。,Translation Practice,Genetic information is the raw material of the burgeoning biotechnology industry, which uses human DNA to build specialized proteins that may have some value as disease-fighting drugs. 基因信息是目前正蓬勃发展的生物科技工业的原料;此工业利用人类DNA制造特化蛋白质,而这些蛋白质或许可作为治病药物之用。,1. 此研究之所以重要在于它确定了侵犯行为与酗酒的关系.,This research is important in that it confirms the existence of a relationship between aggression and the use of alcohol.,in that,aggression,abuse of alcohol,Translation Practice,4. 更可能的情况是,不同文化背景的人在一起时会做出一些令对方感到 不舒服的事 他们并非故意要这样做,而是有时甚至连自己都为察觉。,More likely than not, people from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable without meaning to or sometimes without even realizing it.,More likely than not,each other,mean to,realize,Translation Practice,6. 中国经济学者在总结改革经验、探索海外工商企业成功模 式的基础上,/确信(股份制是一种资本组织形式,有利于所有权和经营权 的分离,有利于提高企业和资本的运作效率)。,Based on summarizing the reform experience and studying the successful model of foreign enterprises, /Chinese economists rest assured that the share holding system is a way of organizing capital, and is good for separating ownership and management, raising the working e


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