



Unit 4 These are flowers一、教学目标(一)知识目标:1、能听懂、会说新单词 flowers trees eggs birds grass sheep these those.2、能听懂、会说本课对话。3、能初步了解名词单复数概念。(二)能力目标:能将句型what are thesethose?.运用到生活中。(三)情感目标:1.培养学生爱护花草树木和小动物的习惯。2.培养学生对大自然的喜爱之情。二、教学重点及难点重点:掌握新单词,用运用“What are these/those?”“These/Those are”辨别事物,单复数的变化。难点:these和those的区别。三、教具准备PPT 卡片 小礼品四、教学过程Step 1 Warming up1、greetingT:Good morning, Boys and girls.Ss: Morning, Miss Huang.2、Leading inT: Where did you go on National Day ?(学生可用中文)Ss: 乡村(Coutryside)、北京T:Do you want to know where have I been?I have gone on an outing and I saw many things in nature.(出示大自然的图,一一播放新单词对应的事物)。What is this?Ss: 花朵(Flowers).T:flower (a flower)一张有两朵花三朵花的幻灯片T:two flowersthree flowers一张花海的幻灯片T:flowersT:What is this?Ss:树(tree)也同样以教花朵的方式呈现T:What can we see in this tree?Ss:birds (a birdtwo birds three birds ) T:What does birds lay?(a egg-two eggs-eggs)教导学生不要碰鸟蛋T:Lets see another picture.what can you see?Ss:羊T:sheep(a sheep two sheep ).what does sheep eat?Ss:草(grass)将单数单词和对应物图片呈现、带读(左)。再讲所对应的复数和图片(右)。加深学生对复数的理解。These 和those 的处理(采用幻灯片)T:We have watched many so many beautiful pictures ,do you want to go for an outing with the children in our books? Lets go!播放课文视频(Part A)What do you see in this vedio?S1:flowers S2:eggsS3:birds.T:Could you tell me what happened?S4:一群孩子在郊游,他们看到了美丽的花一、T:Wonderful. Look at picture1. Read after me :The children are on an outing .将句子带读一遍,选出较难单词带读,翻译单词、句子。二、T:What does Mingming say in picture 2?Ss:These are flowers.(带读、翻译)T:How about Lingling?S5:Yes.They are beautiful.(带读、翻译)三、T:用鼠标指着绿色的鸟问 what are those? 以此引出下一个句子。Can we shoot them?(教育孩子们保护生物)四、T:Look at picture 4, how many eggs are there?Ss:two eggs.T:Those are eggs,right?Ss:yesT:They are hens eggs or birds eggs?Ss: They are birds eggs.带读、解释名词所有格birds eggs(鸟的蛋) hens eggs(鸡的蛋) 加入hens eggs是学生更深的理解名词所有格T:What is the difference between birds eggs and birds eggs?.Can we touch the eggs? Ss:No ,we cant.T:So we can say “Dont touch them.”Practice跟音频读3遍课文后,老师与一个同学进行示范表演,一个扮演明明,一个扮演玲玲。请同学们熟读课文与同桌进行合作,表演时老师读第一副图的内容。最后小组竞赛


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