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英语外位结构 Separate Constructions,1他虽年近五十,两鬓斑白,却精神饱满,充满热情。 2就算你的理论是对的,又怎麽把它付诸实践呢? 3要想见识广,广泛阅读非常必要。 4读了那封信之后,我的心兴奋得直跳。 5当我看到这些旧照片时,童年时代当即浮现在脑海里。 6年轻而有雄心,他的目标变得更高。 7五岁时,母亲开始教她弹钢琴。 8在极度绝望中,人们不难想象一个人将会做些什麽。 9作为一件生日礼物,他送给她一本新出的汉英词典。 10熊是天性好奇的动物,甘饵之香气总是吸引着它们。 11他还是个小孩,他对姑娘没什么兴趣。 12正当聚精会神看书的时候,一位不速之客来访。,动词非谓语形式,1他虽年近50,两鬓斑白,却精神饱满,充满热情。 Nearly fifty, with hair graying at the temples, he is still high-spirited and full of enthusiasm. 2就算你的理论是对的,又怎麽把它付诸实践呢? Admitted to be right, how could you put your principle into practice? 3要想见识广,广泛阅读非常必要。 To be well-informed, one needs to read widely. 4读了那封信之后,我的心兴奋得直跳。 After reading the letter, I felt my heart throbbing with excitement. 5当我看到这些旧照片时,童年时代当即浮现在脑海里。 On seeing the old photos, I recalled my childhood.,形容词短语,6这些民歌,刻画生动,形式活泼,把革命的现实主义同革命的浪漫主义巧妙地结合起来。 Vivid in imagery, catchy in tune and lively in form, the folk songs artistically combine revolutionary realism and revolutionary romanticism 7年轻而有雄心,他的目标变得更高。 Young and ambitious, he aims higher. 8为了对学生负责,那个问题不值得考虑。 Responsible for the students, the teacher suggest the matter shouldnt be worth considering.,介词短语,95岁时,母亲开始教她弹钢琴。 At the age of five, she began to learn piano playing from her mother. 10在极度绝望中,人们不难想象一个人将会做些什麽。 In utter despair, what a man would do is easily imaginable. 或 People could easily imagine what a man in utter despair would do. 11作为一件生日礼物,他送给她一本新出的汉英词典。 He gave her a newly-published Chinese-English dictionary as a birthday gift.,名词短语,12一对夫妻只生一个孩子,这项政策使许多家庭享受到幸福。 One couple one child, this policy makes many a family happy (or enjoy happiness) 13熊是天性好奇的动物,甘饵之香气总是吸引着它们。 Bears, naturally inquisitive creatures, are always attracted by the smell of sweet things.,状语从句省略形式,14他还是个小孩,他对姑娘没什么兴趣。 As a small boy, he has little interest in a girl. 15正当聚精会神看书的时候,一位不速之客来访。 While absorbed in reading, she was called on by an unexpected visitor.,那是力争上游的一种树,笔直的干,笔直的枝。 With straight trunks and branches, white poplars aim high. 它所有的丫枝呢,一律向上,而且紧紧靠拢,也像是加过人工似的,成为一束,绝无横斜逸出(指树枝从树干的旁边斜伸出来) Their twigs, also like things artificially shaped, all reach out towards the sky and grow close together in a cluster without any sideway growth.,汉语外位成分,“全心全意为人民服务,这是我们各项工作的宗旨。” “That we serve the people whole-heartedly is the sole purpose of our work.” “To serve the people whole-heartedly, that is the sole purpose of our work.” “Serving the people whole-heartedly, that is the sole purpose of our work.”,1. 外位成分+复指词+陈述 2. 外位成分+陈述(前)+复指词+陈述(后) 例如: 在爱喝酒的人中间而自己不喝酒,那是很占便宜的。 Its a great advantage not to drink among hard-drinking people (drinking addicts?) 亚洲引进了各式各样的稻麦新品种,人们称之为“绿色革命”。 The introduction of new varieties of rice and wheat in Asia has been known as the “Green Revolution”.,Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole wor


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