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,Taboo,Beyond the food taboos can make the person to death., The taboo of food,通常大家都有食物禁忌,每个人根据自身情况不同禁忌也会不一样。 不过食物禁忌也有共通性。,食物搭配禁忌 Food collocation taboo,1、鸡蛋忌糖精同食中毒,多食死亡 2、豆腐忌蜂蜜同食耳聋 3、葱类忌蜂蜜同食伤眼睛 4、土豆忌香蕉同食生雀斑 5、牛肉忌红糖同食胀死人 6、黄鳝忌狗肉同食伤肝 7、芹菜忌兔肉同食脱头发 8、狗肉忌绿豆同食伤元气 9、螃蟹忌柿子同食腹泻,多食死亡 10、鹅肉忌鸭梨同食伤肾脏 11、黄瓜忌生花生米同食伤脾 12、甲鱼忌苋菜同食中毒 13、皮蛋忌红糖同食呕吐 14、人参忌萝卜同食伤元气 15、白酒忌柿子同食心闷,多食亡,16、豆腐忌菠菜同食生结石 17、鸡肉忌菊花多食死亡 18、鲤鱼忌甘草同食死亡 19、羊肉忌南瓜同食腹胀难忍 20、栗子忌牛肉同食麻木 21、鸭肉忌梅子多食发老病 22、山芋忌白酒同食生胃病 23、梨子忌开水同食泄泻 24、蛇肉忌萝卜同食则亡 25、田螺忌蚕豆多食肠绞痛 26、羊肉忌西瓜多食肝腹水 27、海带忌洋葱多食便秘 28、西药片忌酒同食胃穿孔 29、猪肉忌麻花(植物)同食亡 30、雀肉忌香蕉多食过敏,大家都不吃?,Everyone not to eat?,1, germination, paly(发芽的) potatoes toxic, cant eat.,2, fresh daylily (金针菇)(lily flower) is poisonous, cant eat.,3, Not the green beans and stir-fry(大火炒) until done is toxic(有毒的), shall not eat.,4, old chickens head (5 years ) has a great poison, shall not eat.,5, rotten(腐烂的) ginger(姜)is very toxic,must not eat.,6, raw soybean oil(生豆油) contains benzene(苯), shall not eat.,7, pickled(腌制的) food contain carcinogenic substance(致癌物质)。,8, Cannot hollow(空腹) eat persimmon(柿子).,Western food taboo,1. Dont eat animal internal organs,Chinese favorite animal internal organs, they dont accept. Of course, western methods of different internal organs, such as French goose liver sauce, because after processing, cant see raw materials, so wont let a person feel terror.,2. Dont eat animal head and feet,Our country fete guests like to use whole chicken whole fish, the head to the who have exquisite, foreigners are not so, fish eyes stare will affect their appetite, of course, Chinese style chicken feet, pig, fish head in clay pot, etc are more to avoid.,3. Dont eat freshwater fish,Freshwater fish earthy taste heavy, thorns, not easy processing, more difficult to deal with a knife and fork. They prefer to eat Fried kind of fish, had better be to bone fish block.,4. Dont eat pet,Cats and dogs absolute dont eat, in their eyes, dogs are friends of human beings.,5. Dont


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