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Economics of the Public Sector,Chongjin Wang Email: ,lecture No.1,Introduction,content 1.About the course 1.1 the definition for “public sector” 1.2 “Economics of the public sector” and “public finance” 2.About the author 3. My Experiences and my suggestions,1. About the Course,At the center of our countrys political life are some basic economic questions: What should the government do? Should government do more than it is currently doing, or less? This course will provide a framework for us.,1.1 the definition for “public sector”,Definition The Public Sector, sometimes referred to as the state sector is a part of the state that deals with either the production, delivery and allocation of goods and services by and for the government or its citizens, whether national, regional or local/municipal.,1.1 the definition for “public sector”,Examples of public sector activity range from delivering social security, administering urban planning and organizing national defenses.,1.1 the definition for “public sector”,The organization of the public sector (public ownership) can take several forms, including: Direct administration funded through taxation; the delivering organization generally has no specific requirement to meet commercial success criteria, and production decisions are determined by government.,1.1 the definition for “public sector”,(continue) Publicly owned corporations (in some contexts, especially manufacturing, “state-owned enterprises“); which differ from direct administration in that they have greater commercial freedoms and are expected to operate according to commercial criteria, and production decisions are not generally taken by government (although goals may be set for them by government).,1.1 the definition for “public sector”,(continue) Partial outsourcing (of the scale many businesses do, e.g. for IT services), is considered a public sector model. (Source: /wiki/Public_sector),1.2 “Economics of the public sector” and “public finance”,1959年,美国著名学者理查德马斯格雷夫(Richard Abel Musgrave)出版了被奉为经典著作的财政学原理:公共经济研究(The Theory of Public Finance:A Study on Public Economics)首次引入了“公共经济学”概念。 在马斯格雷夫的带动下,许多著名财政学家如费尔德斯坦(M.S.Feldstein)、斯蒂格利茨(J.E.Stiglitz)、阿特金森(A.B.Atkinson)、杰克逊(P.M.Jackson)等人相继出版的著述都开始把财政学改称为“公共经济学”或“公共部门经济学”。1966年开始,又有了在公共经济学名义下召开的定期会议和阿特金森主持的公共经济学会及会刊。,公共部门经济学,财政学,1.2 “Economics of the public sector” and “public finance”,特征1:研究范围的差异 “公共经济学”这个词语是在20世纪70年代被采纳来取代财政学的,这是因为财政学这个词语似乎是太狭窄了。 许多学者认为财政学太多地集中在筹集收入(税收)【古典政治经济学中“财政学”仅仅研究“国家和君主的收入” 】 (罗宾鲍德威) ;后来又扩展至“围绕着政府收入支出过程中出现的复杂问题”(马斯格雷夫,1959)。,1.2 “Economics of the public sector” and “public finance”,特征1:研究范围的差异(续) 而公共经济学则不仅研究政府财政收支本身的问题,而且把研究的重心转向政府财政收支活动对整个社会经济的影响,即财政收支活动对全部资源配置活动的效率和社会福利变化的影响。更具体地讲,”理解支出和税收政策如何影响个人行为和政府本身如何制定政策“(哈维罗森,1985) “公共经济学”的研究范围包括了政府在税收、支出、社会保险和管制等所有的制定政策问题(罗宾鲍德威);“虽然公共家庭(政府)的活动涉及到收入和支出的流量,但基本问题不是财政问题,而是资源分配、收入分配、充分就业以及价格水平稳定与经济增长的问题。因此我们必须把我们的经验看成是研究公共经济的原理,或者更准确地说研究的是通过预算管理中出现的经济政策问题(马斯格雷夫,1959) 。,1.2 “Economics of the public sector” and “public finance”,特征1:研究范围的差异(续) 引起公共财政学向公共经济学的全面转变,既是当时经济理论的发展,也是现实经济的需要。公共财政学研究范围的扩大,不完全信息下的公共经济、管制经济学、公共选择、公共产品、评价政府行为对经济造成的影响以及由次优理论引起的政府对福利经济的重新关注,最终引起了公共财政学向公共经济学的转变。,1.2 “Economics of the public sector” and “public finance”,特征2:现代经济学方法的运用 在理论方面,将对政府开支和政府的分析用基本的经济理论更加密切地联系在一起了。自20世纪50年代以来,公共产品、公共选择、最优税收等理论都得到严格的证明。一个主要的例子就是最适税收(optimal taxation)的文献。最适税收就是试图使用标准的经济工具而不是根据一套特别的税制设计原则为政府的财政行为获得解决问题的方法。 在实证方面,广泛应用了计量经济学的工具,迈利斯(G.D.Myles)在1995年的公共经济学(Public Economics)中指出,公共经济学文献出现的趋势之一就是数量方法的应用,包括模拟并证明经济行为和运用数据评估政策建议两个方面。比如税收领域的CGE模型的应用。,1.2 “Economics of the public sector” and “public finance”,另一方面: 哈威罗森作为马斯格雷夫和费尔德斯坦的学生,他(1985)坚定地认为,财政学就是公共经济学或公共部门经济学,是分析政府征税和支出政策的一门经济学学科。 张文春:当代国内的经济学范畴中,“财政学”和“公共经济学”实际上是一回事,公共经济学和财政学是一脉相承的。不论是章节的安排还是对问题的讨论,基本上都是对“国家(或政府和公共部门)经济活动的研究” 。 蒋洪:费心地去区分二者在学术上的差别完全没有意义。仔细对照那些以公共经济学、公共部门经济学或财政学为书名的教材,我们发现它们涉及的是同一个领域,使用的是同一套理论体系和方法,讨论的是同一类问题。,公共经济学未来更可能朝着集经济学(特别是制度经济学)、政治学、社会学、管理学、信息学等多学科综合、多维交叉的方向前进。 还有,实验经济学开创了经济实验系统化的先河,加速了公共经济学方法论的创新,有理由相信,在未来公共经济理论体系的不断丰富下,“经济实验”将会占有极其重要的地位。,1.2 “Economics of the public sector” and “public finance”,关于“公共经济学”与“财政学”之间关系的参考资料: 张文春,财政学与公共经济学的关系及其发展趋势对部分世界著名经济学家的调查,财贸经济,2007年第3期,43-62; 蒋洪,公共经济学,上海:上海财经大学出版社,2006,前言部分; 陈柳钦,公共经济学的发展动态分析;来自网络,【推荐】 王俊,公共经济学未来发展的趋势,公共经济评论,2003年第2、3期; Jean-Jacques Laffont, Public economics yesterday, today and tomorrow, Journal of Public Economics 86 (2002) 327334.,Joseph E. Stiglitz, 1993-95, a member of the Council of Economic Advisers (1946) during the Clinton administration; 1995-97, CEA chairman; 1997-2000, Chief Economist and Senior Vice-President of the World Bank 2001, Economics Nobel Prize winner.,2. About the author,Academic attributions: He helped create a new branch of economics, “The Economics of Information,“ exploring the consequences of information asymmetries and pioneering such pivotal i concepts as adverse selection and moral hazard, which have now become standard tools not only of theorists, but of policy analysts.,2. About the author,Academic attributions (continued): He also has made major contributions to macro-economics and monetary theory, to development economics and trade theory, to public and corporate finance, to the theories of industrial organization and rural organization, and to the theories of welfare economics and of income and wealth distribution. In the 1980s, he helped revive interest in the economics of R&D.,2. About the author,Academic attributions (continued): His work has helped explain the circumstances in which markets do not work well, and how selective government intervention can improve their performance. Source: /faculty/jstiglitz,2. About the author,3. My Experiences and my suggestions,Lectures for undergraduate: Economics of the public sector,2006ws2009ss; Game Theory(博弈论),2007ws2008ss Public Finance(财政学),2008ss Lectures for master student: Specialty English, 2008ss,2009ws,Content Sect.1,The economic roll of government; 1.1, a mixed economy 1.2, different perspectives on the role of government 1.3, different role of government in the U.S 1.4, different role of government in China 1.5, different role of government in others 1.6, conclusion,Ch. 1 The Public Sector in a mixed Economy,1.1,a mixed economy,What does “a mixed economy” mean? Market: Economic activities are undertaken by private firms, for example, private goods.- an invisible hand Planning(government): Economic activities are undertaken by government, for example, public traffic, national defense, education, and so on. - an visible hand,1.1,a mixed economy,“Mixed Economy”: While many economic activities are undertaken by private firms, others are undertaken by the government.,Dichotomy in this field is not enough!,1.1,a mixed economy,In addition, the government alters the behavior of the private sector, either intentionally or unintentionally, through a variety of regulations, taxes, and subsidies.,1.1,a mixed economy,It seems that such definition for mixed economy is perfect, however, it is difficult to define the appropriate boundaries between government and private activities?,1.1, a mixed economy,现代制度经济学家杰弗里M霍奇逊(Hodgson GM)认为,一个纯粹的市场体系是行不通的,“一个市场系统必定渗透着国家的规章条例和干预”,“干预”本质上一定是制度性的,市场通过一张“制度网”发挥作用,这些制度不可避免地与国家和政府纠缠在一起。 2009年2月,温家宝剑桥大学演讲时提到:不受管理的市场经济是注定行不通的。,To understand better contemporary perspectives on the economic role of government, it can be helpful to consider the different perspectives that have evolved in the past.,1.2, Different perspectives on the role of government,Argument 1: One dominant view in the 18th century, the government should actively promote trade and industry.,1.2, Different perspectives- argument 1,Mercantilists(重商主义者),Pro.,1.2, Different perspectives-argument 2,Competition and profit motive would lead individuals serve the public interest when they pursue their own interest.,Adam Smith, “invisible hand”,The government should leave the private sector alone; it should not attempt to regulate or control private enterprise,Con.,Argument 2,Laissez faire (自由放任),1.2,Different perspectives-argument 3,Writers like Charles Dickens attempted to portray the plight (苦难) of the working classes in novels.,Not all nineteenth-century social thinkers were persuaded by Smiths reasoning.,查尔斯狄更斯,最著名的作品是描写劳资矛盾的长篇代表作艰难时期(1854)和描写1789年法国革命的另一篇代表作双城记(1859)。 前者展示了工业资本家对工人的残酷剥削和压迫,描写了工人阶级的团结斗争,并批判了为资本家剥削辩护的自由竞争原则和功利主义学说。 后者以法国贵族的荒淫残暴、人民群众的重重苦难和法国大革命的历史威力,来影射当时的英国社会现实,预示这场“可怕的大火”也将在法国重演。 其他作品有奥列佛特维斯特(又译雾都孤儿1838)、老古玩店(1841),董贝父子(1848),大卫科波菲尔(1850)和远大前程(1861),等等。,1.2,Different perspectives-argument 3,Furthermore,


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