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永恒正确的分类,工作、学习、生活 例:科技的发展有什么好处?,Logic Structure,Major ideas and Important information Organization of ideas and concepts,主题,习惯性认知误区: 找不准主题or主题不停重复 写作特点: 结构主体-支撑 细节主体-填充 嵌套三层次-论文结构 Introduction Topic Subtopic Body Analysis Evidence Conclusion Topic,主题句,每段都要有主题句,通常位于段首或段末,主题句写作练习,Baseball is a popular sport in the United States. There are two teams of nine players each. Players on one team take turns batting, and the other team tries to put the batters out. The batter hits the ball and then tries to run around the bases and get “home” safely. The other team tries to put the batter out by catching the ball before it hits the ground, throwing the ball to the base before the batter gets there or by tagging the batter with the ball. The batter can stop at any one of the three bases if it is impossible to make it “home.”,Baseball, a popular game in the United States, is played in the following way.,Many students cannot afford a car. The city bus service usually passes the university, so those students can get to class on the bus. Many universities have a special shuttle bus that is provided for student transportation. Some students like to ride to class on bicycles. This is good exercise. Also, it is easier to find a space to leave a bicycle than to find a parking space for a car on a crowded university campus. Those students who live close to campus or on campus can enjoy a leisurely walk to their classes.,For the many students who cannot afford a car, there are several alternative ways of getting to class.,加主题句 First, the fast-food restaurant is good for people who must have a quick bite because of a busy schedule. Second, the food is inexpensive yet tasty. A person can eat an enjoyable meal out and stay within a limited budget. Finally, the food is usually consistent. For example, a cheeseburger from a well-known fast-food restaurant looks and tastes about the same no matter where in the world it is purchased. Consequently, buyers know exactly what they are getting.,Fast food has a lot of advantages. A number of A variety of A series of A wide range of A multitude of,The white pages of an American telephone book give the phone numbers of residences. The blue pages contain the numbers of government offices, and the yellow pages have advertisements and business numbers. There are maps as well as indexes at the back of the book. The telephone books of larger cities may provide separate books for different sections of the city, while those of small towns may have room to include the numbers from several towns all in one book.,American telephone books are divided into several sections.,重要信息细节,习惯性认知错误: 没有细节or零散无关 细节作为重要信息所包含的内容 我们的口号: 每一个论点都要有理由 每一个理由都要有例子 每一个例子都要有细节,细节性问题,理由不能太具体,否则不容易展开 例:建餐馆不好 1、导致水污染 2、导致空气污染 3、导致交通堵塞 解决方案:往上升一个层次 1、导致水污染环境 2、导致空气污染环境 3、导致交通堵塞便利,过渡词汇、段落衔接,表示次序: first of all in the first place for one thing on the one hand first and foremost to begin with,in the second place moreover,whats more,furthermore for another, besides, plus on the other hand in addition additionally,finally last but not least,in conclusion/summary to conclude/sum up in short in brief on the whole,Sentence Structure,习惯性认知误区: 语法不好英语同样能学好 语法的重要性: 语法之于语言等于法律之于社会 写作如何进行语法考察: 输入能力(阅读、听力)中的语法考察 设置障碍能否绕过 输出能力(口语、写作)中的语法考察 是否主动犯错,语法缺陷解决方案,语法书的选择 剑桥中级语法 语法书的使用方法: 看中文 是手册而不是教材,Lexical Resources,习惯性认知的误区: 提高词汇量就等于提高了写作能力 写作词汇考查方式: 1、词汇变化 2、连词成句,写作如何背单词,音 phenomenon vocabulary 形 词性:economy success 名词:复数形式 information U-uncountable C-countable -or, -er -es 如字母 x;-s;-ch;-th 动词:过去式、过去分词、现在分词 形容词:副词、比较级、最高级 义 observe 遵守、庆祝 suggest 建议、暗示 用 provide 比 offer/provide,单词记忆的方法 原则:高频率重复 1、重复周期15天 2、不要狂抄单词 3、使用零散时间背单词 4、阅读和背单词相结合 5、视觉刺激和听觉刺激相结合,Best Words,写作五大恶心词汇: 1、Think assume believe claim consider maintain suppose recognize realize regard,in my point of view/viewpoint/standpoint I hold the opinion that as far as I am concerned from my perspective of view to my way of thinking on my personal level,2、Thing issue event phenomenon problem question debate argument controversy,3、but yet however nevertheless nonetheless while whilst whereas,4、because for since owe to due to contribute to account for responsible for,5、important vital crucial critical essential significant necessary indispensable matter count,感性认知写作的各种特征,从理论到实践 1106 My View on Online Shopping 1. 现在网购已经成为一种时尚 2. 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题 3. 我的建议,我们的状态和写作的本质,我们的状态: 写作速度 打字速度 写作耐力 思维同步 构思选材 过渡词汇、段落衔接 重要信息:主题信息、细节信息 单词、语法,写作本质:,Vary Input Practice 公共邮箱: Key:writingvip,作文学习方法,提高实力 背诵经典范文 滚瓜烂熟、脱口而出、多多益善 默写、发现写作弱点 中译英、提高写作能力 写作、模仿 掌握技巧 万能框架(一个超强模板) 写作是表达而不是翻译,作文学习方法,写出来 写正确 15篇 不限时写作 300字 610篇 1小时 300字 检查 1120篇 30min 300字 润色 写漂亮 show off,高分策略:,字迹清楚、段落明朗 内容完整、紧扣提纲 首保完整、再求闪光 先总后分、连词用上,形式: 对立观点型 解决问题型 现象解释型 图表图画型 应用写作型,Best Structure,开头 主体 结尾,文章开头,开头1 背景论题Which 写背景的好处: 第一印象 增加字数,提出一种普遍的或值得关注的现象(紧扣论题)作为背景 注:最多两句话必须进入论题 例:大学生住在校内还是校外好 现在经济迅速发展,家长有更多的钱想让孩子住在校外使其生活更舒适,这种现象引起了教育界和社会的广泛讨论。,Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? Recently, the university campus is becoming a new scenic spot for people, one can always find visitors taking pictures and enjoying the scenery in university campus, which arises/gives rise to wide attention on this phenomenon. (People hold different ideas towards this issue.),现象解释型开头句式: 1、No one could have failed to notice the fact that _ is enjoying increasing popularity among Chinese citizens. 2、The past several years have witnessed a growing/increasing number of _emerging from our society. 3、The early years of the 21st century have experienced an increasingly prevalent phenomenon arising from our society, namely, _.,官方、权威数据、调查研究结果作为背景 例:大学生住在校内还是校外好 现在中国最权威最受大学生欢迎的网站调查显示,如果条件允许的话有70%的大学生喜欢在校外居住,这种现象引起了社会界和教育界广泛的讨论。(有人认为还有人认为我认为),0912 Creating a Green Campus A recent survey conducted by China Daily, which enjoys the most popularity among Chinese people indicates that 80% of the schools and colleges are willing to rebuild their campus to make it more environmental if possible, which,调查报告型开头句式,One new survey conducted by experts demonstrates that According to the figures released by a recent study, it can be learned that,调查报告型开头句式,the the by ,it can be,According to As can be seen in As is shown in As is evidenced in,figures/statistics findings/data graph/table,released provided,a the,recent new latest,study investigation poll survey,learned seen predicted,A One,recent new general nationwide,study survey poll investigation,conducted taken,at a factory/university by officials/scientists/experts,indicates/shows/reveals/suggests/proves/ demonstrates,开头2 论题+事例 注意: 简洁 时态语态 做合适的推论,9201 Is Failure a Bad Thing? 1.失败是常有的事? 2.人们对失败有各种不同的态度 3.我对失败的态度,Failure is a common thing in our daily life. As students, we sometimes fail to get high scores in our examinations. When we play games, we might be beaten by others. As Adults, there are even more frequent times when we fail to do satisfactory work and be criticized by our boss. (All these failures happen naturally and almost every one of us has such experiences.),0301 It Pays to Be Honest 1. 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象 2. 诚实利人利已,做人应该诚实,Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some students cheat in the exams; some businessmen sell fake products to their consumers; some irresponsible doctors prescribe expensive medicines just for high profits.,CET6 The Digital Age 1.如今,数字化产品越来越多,如 2.使用数字化产品对于人们学习工作和生活的影响,Living in the digital age, we are unavoidably exposed to all kinds of digital products. People use digital cameras to take pictures to keep the unforgettable experience and moment when they go travelling; office workers use digital computers to deal with daily stuff and make their time more efficient; students use digital dictionaries to help them understand difficult English words and improve their English study.,文章结尾,总结全文 (重述论点和理由) (提出建议/深化意义) 深化意义 展望未来对国家社会的好处,0812 Limiting the Use of Disposable Bags To sum up, for the factors mentioned before, we can safely reach the conclusion that the prevalence of disposable products is bound to cause a chain of undesirable effects. In view of the present situation, it is high time that the government tried every means to protect the environment. Only in this way, can we have a bright future.,结尾句型,From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that Undoubtedly, all the evidences stated above support a remarkable conclusion that,结尾句型,满分结尾例子 In a word, I believe that universities should require students to take classes in many subjects rather than require students to specialize in one subject. Only by developing the comprehensive knowledge and skills can a student use what he has learned in a more effective way and really enjoy the fruits of their hard work. Whats more, the greater comprehensive expertise the students have, the stronger a nation will be, the more fulfilled life our future will achieve.,文章主体框架四种模式,1+1方案问题解决型 文章四段 写两个论点分别具体阐述 第一段:描述问题 第二段:揭示危害A 第三段:揭示危害B 第四段:评价措施,0906 Free Admission To Museums 1、现在越来越多的博物馆向公众开放 2、有人认为会带来很多问题 3、我认为 开头略 Some people hold the opinion that free admission to museums will contribute to numerous problems ranging from the damage to the facilities of the museums to the harm of the surrounding environment.,To begin with, an increasing number of children visit museums without accompany of their parents, they may touch the treasures as they please and destroy the facilities, which is bound to exert a far-reaching influence on the inner equipments of museums. Whats worse, it is known that some visitors will throw away the garbage here and there at liberty or even trample on the grass, which will surely breed a profound impact on the surroundings of museums. 结尾略,0812 Limiting the Use of Disposable Bags 1. 一次性塑料袋曾被广泛使用 2. 使用一次性塑料袋带来的问题 3. 限制使用塑料袋的意义 开头略 The problems brought by disposable plastic bags are various, ranging from the damage of environment to the harm of peoples health.,In the first place, it takes years for the plastic products to be absorbed by the soil, so that they may pollute our environment for a relatively long time, which is bound to exert a far-reaching influence on the environment. Furthermore, people usually buy food packed into disposable bags without being informed of the chemical materials they will release in high temperature, which will surely breed a profound impact on peoples health. 结尾略,问题解决型文章模板,描述问题段(严重性) 要旨:主题句+(例证) 揭示危害段 (分层次论述) 要旨:段落主题句+1、2 主题句:people+认为+论题+引起问题+range from A to B 论点:过渡词汇+现象+which 建议措施段: 要旨:段落主题句+建议措施+展望未来,情况如此危急,解决这个问题刻不容缓。 The situation being so serious, it is high time that we took some effective measures to solve the problem. 首先,个人应该被教育提高意识; On the one hand, people should be educated to raise the awareness that 第二,我们必须制订一些法律和法规。 On the other hand, it is essential that laws and regulations should be worked out. (legislations/principles/institutions),真题练习,9801 My View on Fake Commodities 假冒伪劣商品的危害 怎样杜绝假冒伪劣商品,2-1 方案对立观点型 支持面两点理由充分论述 +反对面一点理由简略论述 第一段:主体背景 第二段:论证观点A、B 第三段:论证观点C 第四段:我的看法,切忌:支持面优点=反对面缺点 例:愿意在校内还是校外住,0806 Recreational Activities 1. 娱乐活动多种多样 2. 娱乐活动可能使人受益,也可能有危害性 3. 作为大学生,我的看法 开头略 (Such activities are beneficial as well as harmful to us if undertaken inappropriately. People hold different ideas towards this phenomenon.),Supporters of the first group, who claim that recreational activities are of great significance of human beings assume the reasons as following. To begin with, they believe that it can help us build our body, people may go to gyms with their friends on weekends to get relaxed after five-day intense work.,In addition, they maintain that leisure activities can also improve our communication, people might choose to surf the internet to chat with friends.,Nevertheless, the critics, who suggest that we cannot spend too much


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