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最新河南电大翻译(2)教学考一体化网考形考作业试题及答案100%通过2015年秋期河南电大把翻译(2)纳入到“教学考一体化”平台进行网考,针对这个平台,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的题库,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。单选题1.the winter solstice(4.00分)A. 冬至B. 外资存量C. 避暑胜地D. 知情权2. G8 Summit(4.00分)A. 平等互利的原则B. 法老C. 八国集团首脑会议D. 互不干涉内政3.安理会常任理事国(4.00分)A. the third session of the Seventh National Peoples CongressB. the suspension or termination of the contractC. harmonious societyD. permanent member of the Security Council4.享受免税的优惠待遇(4.00分)A. the socialist market economyB. enjoy the preferential treatment of tax exemptionC. achieve the great cause of national reunificationD. rejuvenate China through science and education5.summer resort (4.00分)A. 外资存量B. 知情权C. 避暑胜地D. 冬至6.和谐社会 (4.00分)A. the third session of the Seventh National Peoples CongressB. harmonious societyC. the suspension or termination of the contractD. permanent member of the Security Council7.七届人大第三次会议(4.00分)A. harmonious societyB. permanent member of the Security CouncilC. the third session of the Seventh National Peoples CongressD. the suspension or termination of the contract8. the principle of equality and mutual benefit(4.00分)A. 互不干涉内政B. 平等互利的原则C. 八国集团首脑会议D. 法老9.社会主义市场经济(4.00分)A. enjoy the preferential treatment of tax exemptionB. the socialist market economyC. achieve the great cause of national reunificationD. rejuvenate China through science and education10.presidential campaign (4.00分)A. 总统竞选B. 先进的农业技术C. 违反合同D. 经济制裁11.完成祖国统一大业(4.00分)A. rejuvenate China through science and educationB. the socialist market economyC. enjoy the preferential treatment of tax exemptionD. achieve the great cause of national reunification12.Pharaoh(4.00分)A. 法老B. 平等互利的原则C. 八国集团首脑会议D. 互不干涉内政13.economic sanctions (4.00分)A. 经济制裁B. 违反合同C. 总统竞选D. 先进的农业技术14.From both sides of the valley little streams slipped out of the hill canyons and fell into the Salinas River. (4.00分)A. 从峡谷洼地的两面流出了涧水,注入萨利纳斯河。B. 从峡谷洼地的两面流出的涧水注入萨利纳斯河。C. 洼地两面的峡谷都有涧水流出,汇入萨利纳斯河床。D. 洼地两面的峡谷流出的涧水注入萨利纳斯河。15.advanced agrotechnology (4.00分)A. 总统竞选B. 违反合同C. 经济制裁D. 先进的农业技术16.the stock of foreign investment(4.00分)A. 冬至B. 避暑胜地C. 外资存量D. 知情权17.a breach of contract(4.00分)A. 总统竞选B. 违反合同C. 先进的农业技术D. 经济制裁18.non-interference in each others internal affairs(4.00分)A. 互不干涉内政B. 法老C. 八国集团首脑会议D. 平等互利的原则19.合同的中止或终止(4.00分)A. the suspension or termination of the contractB. permanent member of the Security CouncilC. the third session of the Seventh National Peoples CongressD. harmonious society20.王佐良在翻译中的文化比较一文中谈及了译者的“文化意识”问题。他认为翻译者必须_。(4.00分)A. “养成认真负责、谦虚谨慎的学风”B. “是一个真正意义上的文化人”C. 注意由于中西思维方式不同而造成的英汉语言各种差异D. 具有逻辑分析这张“王牌”21.用严复提出的标准来衡量他译的天演论,可以看出他对_ 十分重视,但对_ 并不十分重视。(4.00分)A. “信”“雅”B. “信”“达”C. “雅”“信”D. “雅”“达”22.与鸠摩罗什的译文相比,玄奘的译文更_。(4.00分)A. 倾向于音译B. 倾向于直译C. 倾向于意译D. 倾向于音意结合23._ 在1954年全国文学翻译工作会议上指出:“我们对翻译工作绝不能采取轻率的态度。翻译工作者必须具有高度的责任感。”(4.00分)A. 傅雷B. 郭沫若C. 王佐良D. 茅盾24.right to know (4.00分)A. 知情权B. 冬至C. 避暑胜地D. 外资存量25.科教兴国(4.00分)A. rejuvenate China through science and educationB. enjoy the preferential treatment of tax exemptionC. achieve the great cause of national reunificationD. the socialist market economy1._ 于1790年提出了著名的翻译三原则。(4.00分)A. 泰特勒B. 费道罗夫C. 西塞罗D. 哲罗姆2.傅雷认为翻译重在_. (4.00分)A. 观察B. 理论C. 实践D. 创新3.foreign exchange dealing (4.00分)A. 外汇交易B. 人均C. 全球变暖D. 奥运吉祥物4.荒漠(4.00分)A. ocean tourismB. conciliation or arbitrationC. aquatic productsD. desert5.maternal grandfather(4.00分)A. 文学家B. 矿藏C. 罗马天主教堂D. 外祖父6.志愿者(4.00分)A. the 17th National Congress of the CPCB. volunteersC. food safetyD. Shanghai Cooperation Organization7.global warming (4.00分)A. 人均B. 奥运吉祥物C. 外汇交易D. 全球变暖8.per capita(4.00分)A. 奥运吉祥物B. 人均C. 外汇交易D. 全球变暖9.食品安全(4.00分)A. Shanghai Cooperation OrganizationB. volunteersC. the 17th National Congress of the CPCD. food safety10.海洋旅游业(4.00分)A. desertB. aquatic productsC. conciliation or arbitrationD. ocean tourism11.“化境”作为翻译标准,是由_ 提出来的。(4.00分)A. 严复B. 杨宪益C. 钱钟书D. 林纾12.Roman Catholic cathedral (4.00分)A. 矿藏B. 外祖父C. 文学家D. 罗马天主教堂13.the Clean Air Act Amendment(4.00分)A. 空气洁净法修正案B. 总干事C. 近海石油勘探D. 交通动脉14.man of letters (4.00分)A. 文学家B. 矿藏C. 外祖父D. 罗马天主教堂15.水产品(4.00分)A. aquatic productsB. ocean tourismC. conciliation or arbitrationD. desert16.Olympic mascot(4.00分)A. 全球变暖B. 人均C. 奥运吉祥物D. 外汇交易17.director-general(4.00分)A. 空气洁净法修正案B. 近海石油勘探C. 总干事D. 交通动脉18.mineral deposits (4.00分)A. 罗马天主教堂B. 外祖父C. 文学家D. 矿藏19.offshore oil exploration (4.00分)A. 交通动脉B. 总干事C. 近海石油勘探D. 空气洁净法修正案20.上海合作组织(4.00分)A. food safetyB. the 17th National Congress of the CPCC. volunteersD. Shanghai Cooperation Organization21.中共十七大 (4.00分)A. food safetyB. the 17th National Congress of the CPCC. Shanghai Cooperation OrganizationD. volunteers22.王佐良认为译者在处理个别的词时,他面对的是_。(4.00分)A. 两种文化B. 两大片文化C. 两套语法体系D. 两种语言23.调解或仲裁 (4.00分)A. desertB. ocean tourismC. conciliation or arbitrationD. aquatic products 24.arteries of communication (4.00分)A. 交通动脉B. 近海石油勘探C. 空气洁净法修正案D. 总干事25.针对鲁迅提出的“宁信而不顺”的主张,瞿秋白提出_。(4.00分)A. “信”和“顺”不应对立起来B. “宁顺而不信”C. 要容忍“多少的不顺”D. 要保存原作的丰姿1.investment in cash and in kind(4.00分)A. 埃塞俄比亚B. 以现金和实物进行投资C. 收入和支出预算D. 大英百科全书2.专属经济区(4.00分)A. social securityB. the exclusive economic zonesC. Beijing-Hangzhou Grand CanalD. the Qinghai-Tibet railway3.Universal Copyright Convention(4.00分)A. 润滑油B. 人民币升值C. 世界版权公约D. 航空和海事保险4.geneticist(4.00分)A. 多边原则B. 遗传学家C. 通过自力更生实现自给自足D. 柴油机车5.aviation and marine insurance(4.00分)A. 润滑油B. 航空和海事保险C. 人民币升值D. 世界版权公约6.lubricating oil(4.00分)A. 润滑油B. 人民币升值C. 世界版权公约D. 航空和海事保险7._ 认为“以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。” (4.00分)A. 郭沫若B. 茅盾C. 傅雷D. 王佐良8.文学流派 (4.00分)A. school of literatureB. the non-government organizationsC. the welcoming banquetD. European Union9.青藏铁路(4.00分)A. the Qinghai-Tibet railwayB. the exclusive economic zonesC. Beijing-Hangzhou Grand CanalD. social security10.Ethiopia(4.00分)A. 收入和支出预算B. 埃塞俄比亚C. 大英百科全书D. 以现金和实物进行投资11.京杭大运河(4.00分)A. Beijing-Hangzhou Grand CanalB. the exclusive economic zonesC. the Qinghai-Tibet railwayD. social security12.self-sufficiency through self-reliance (4.00分)A. 遗传学家B. 柴油机车C. 多边原则D. 通过自力更生实现自给自足13.在“翻译三论”一文中提出“雅”应当“得体”来理解的是_。(4.00分)A. 王佐良B. 周煦良C. 傅雷D. 钱钟书14.appreciation of RMB (4.00分)A. 世界版权公约B. 润滑油C. 航空和海事保险D. 人民币升值15.中国有12亿多人口,陆地自然资源人均占有量低于世界平均水平。(4.00分)A. The 1.2 billion people in China have lower and natural resources than in the world each.B. Chinas population is 1.2 billion, and the natural resources on the land per head are lower than the worlds average level.C. China has a population of more than 1.2 billion, and its land natural resources per capita are lower than the worlds average.D. The land natural resources 1.2 billion Chinese have are less than the world has.16.diesel locomotive(4.00分)A. 柴油机车B. 遗传学家C. 通过自力更生实现自给自足D. 多边原则17.multilateral principle(4.00分)A. 柴油机车B. 遗传学家C. 多边原则D. 通过自力更生实现自给自足18.欧洲联盟(4.00分)A. school of literatureB. the welcoming banquetC. European UnionD. the non-government organizations19.非政府组织(4.00分)A. the welcoming banquetB. European UnionC. the non-government organizationsD. school of literature20.the budget for revenues and expenditures (4.00分)A. 以现金和实物进行投资B. 大英百科全书C. 埃塞俄比亚D. 收入和支出预算21.Encyclopaedia Britannica (4.00分)A. 以现金和实物进行投资B. 收入和支出预算C. 大英百科全书D. 埃塞俄比亚22.对初学者来说,翻译的标准是_. (4.00分)A. 文雅B. 忠实和通顺C. 传神D. 忠实23._ 不喜欢重复,如果在一句话里或相连的几句话里需要重复某个词语,则用_ 来代替,或以其他手段来避免重复。 (4.00分)A. 英语,代词B. 汉语,名词C. 汉语,代词D. 英语,副词24.社会保障(4.00分)A. the exclusive economic zonesB. the Qinghai-Tibet railwayC. Beijing-Hangzhou Grand CanalD. social security25.欢迎宴会(4.00分)A. the welcoming banquetB. school of literatureC. European UnionD. the non-government organizations1.GNP(4.00分)A. 电信B. 国民生产总值C. 化学毒物D. 生效2.剧团(4.00分)A. opera troupeB. the May 4th MovementC. the imperial gardenD. budget3.著名翻译家王佐良教授以翻译英诗为主,他对译诗的看法是_。(4.00分)A. 译诗须像诗,要忠实传达原作的内容、意境、情调B. 译者在自己的译文风格上不必追求创新和探索C. 格律要如原诗,追求每行字数的一律D. 语言要设法接近原作,要保持其原有的新鲜或锐利,但是形象可以意译4.Vatican (4.00分)A. 生物控制学B. 学术交流C. 梵蒂冈D. 专属经济区5.宣传活动(4.00分)A. the cradle of human civilizationB. publicityC. fishing groundD. the rejuvenation of China6.御花园(4.00分)A. opera troupeB. budgetC. the imperial gardenD. the May 4th Movement7.poisonous chemicals (4.00分)A. 国民生产总值B. 电信C. 化学毒物D. 生效8.the science of biotic control (4.00分)A. 梵蒂冈B. 专属经济区C. 学术交流D. 生物控制学9.According to A.F.Tytler, the three principle of translation are the following except that_. (4.00分)A. the translation should have all the ease of the original compositionB. the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the originalC. the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original workD. the merit of the original work should be completely transfused into another e into force (4.00分)A. 生效B. 化学毒物C. 国民生产总值D. 电信11.预算(4.00分)A. the May 4th MovementB. budgetC. opera troupeD. the imperial garden12.人类文明的发祥地(4.00分)A. publicityB. the rejuvenation of ChinaC. the cradle of human civilizationD. fishing ground13.Olympic Games (4.00分)A. 奥运会B. 人员不足C. 批准书D. 大规模杀伤性武器14.五四运动(4.00分)A. budgetB. the imperial gardenC. the May 4th MovementD. opera troupe15.昨晚上她发高烧,一会儿热,一会儿冷!脸上红得像抹了胭脂。(4.00分)A. Last night, she ran a fever, burning hot one moment and icy cold the next. Her face was as red as if she put some rouge on it.B. Last night, she ran a fever, sometimes hot and sometimes cold. Face as red as rouge.C. Last night, she ran a fever, burning hot one moment and icy cold the next. Face as red as rouge.D. Last night, she ran a fever, sometimes hot and sometimes cold. Her face was as red as if she put some rouge on it.16.academic exchanges (4.00分)A. 生物控制学B. 学术交流C. 专属经济区D. 梵蒂冈17.instrum


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