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Unit 5,First aid,Section Warming Up & Reading,First Aid,First aid means what it says: the aid, or help, that can be given to an injured person first, that is before any other help arrives.Nowadays there is usually a telephone not far away and the first thing we should do if a serious accident happens is to telephone for an ambulance.But sometimes quick action by us may save someones life.Even when this is not so, there is often much that we can do to help.,1 Broken bones.Do not move the patient.Send for an,ambulance at once.Treat for shock if necessary.,2Bleeding.A little bleeding does no harm.It washes dirt from,the wound.If the bleeding continues, try to stop it by placing a clean cloth firmly over the wound until the bleeding stops or until help arrives.If the wound is a small one, and made by something clean, wash it gently with soap and water.Then bandage it firmly but not too tightly.A large wound, or a dirty one, should be treated by a doctor.,3Burns and Scalds (烫伤)Cover the place with a piece of clean dry cloth.Do not put any oil or ointment ( 软膏) on it.If it is,serious, see a doctor.,4Dog Bites.Treat a bitewash it and bandage it.See a doctor,at once.,5 Snake Bites.The person bitten must get to a doctor or,hospital at once.Speed is very important.It will help the doctor greatly if you can tell him what kind of snake it was, or describe it.,小组讨论,1 Have you ever given first aid to others or been given first,aid? Is it important to learn some skills of first aid?,2If your friend burns herself while she is cooking, what could,you do to help?,一、概括课文大意(约 30 词) From the passage, we know that first (1)_ is very important in the treatment of burns.Burns, caused by a variety of reasons, can be classified into (2)_ types, named, first, second and third degree burns, each of (3)_ has its own (4)_ The passage also tells us (5)_ steps of first aid treatments of burns.,aid,three,which,seven,characteristics,1.In which condition do you think first aid should be,performed?,AA baby catches high fever at night.,BA sportsman has sprained his ankle and got to a clinic. CA little girl eats a peanut when playing, and she is choking. DAn old man feels dizzy in the street.,2 According to the text, if ones skin suffered from very,serious burns, _.,Ahe may lose his sense of touch in this part of body,B the skin can still protect him against poison and the suns,harmful rays,Che always feels painful,Dthe skin may turn white when pressed,3When someone gets first degree burns, he _. Aneed not remove his jewellery because it is not serious Bmight feel hurt so much,Cmay recover in one day or two,D need go to hospital as fast as possible and let doctor,perform first aid,4If a wireman is shocked by electricity, _. Ahe should be put under cold water immediately Bhe doesnt feel painful at all Conly three layers of his skin are affected Dhe should be taken to hospital at once 5 A baby gets burned when his parents forget to pour cold water first in the basin.His parents should _. Acool burns immediately with cool water Bstop the baby rubbing the burns Cnot hold the baby up Dput some medicine on the burns,【答案】15,CACDA,三、段落大意匹配,Part 1Part 1 2Part 2 3Part 3 4Part 4 5Part 5,Main Idea AThe function/purpose of skin. BThe three types of burns. CWhat to do if someone gets burned. DThe symptoms of burns. EHow we can get burns.,四、课文内容填空 There is no need to argue that the skin is essential to (1)_ Our skin can sometimes be burned due to our,【答案】15,AEBDC,us,(2)_ (care) Therefore, first aid shows its importance (3)_ the treatment of burns.(4)_ (general) speaking, burns, which are caused by hot (5)_, fire, radiation and so on, can (6)_ (divide) into (7)_ typesfirst degree, second degree and third degree depending on the (8)_ (injure) layers of the skin.To minor burns, cool water proves to be helpful in stopping the burning process and preventing (9)_ reducing pains.But as for severe burns, it is (10)_ to get the victim to the doctor or hospital immediately.,carelessness,Generally,liquids,be divided,three,injured,or,vital,in,First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.急救是人们在找到医生之前给予突然生病或受伤的人的 一种暂时性帮助。 1aid n& vt.帮助;援助;资助,典例,I cant read this without the aid of a dictionary.,没有字典的帮助,我读不懂这个。,拓展,give/offer/do first aid to.对实施急救,with the aid of sb.在某人的帮助下 in aid of 为了帮助 aid sb.in doing sth.帮助某人做某事,运用,完成句子,(1)_ ( 在 的 帮 助 下 ) class-mates, my,English improves rapidly.,aided me in,(2)He _ (帮助我) making the plan. (3)She pulled the drowning man from the water and gave him _ (急救),With the aid of,first aid,2fall ill 生病,点拨,fall ill 为系表结构,其中 fall 用作系动词。如:,She has to stay home because her son falls ill. 因为儿子生病所以她得待在家里。,拓展,fall asleep 睡着,fall silent 变得沉默 fall behind 落后 fall over 跌倒 fall into the habit of 沾染/养成的习惯,运用,完成句子,(1)Working too hard and lack of sleep, he _,(生病) at last.,fell ill,(2)Study hard, or you will _ ( 落 后 ) the,other students.,fall behind,(3)He _ ( 沾 染 了 的 习 惯 ) smoking when he was at the age of 15.,点拨,get injured 为系表结构,其中 get 用作系动词。get,也常与 beat, break, hurt, damage, dress, marry, paint, repair, strike, tear, drink 等动词的过去分词连用,构成被动语态。如: He got injured because of his carelessness. 他由于不小心而受伤了。 The fence gets painted every year.这篱笆每年粉刷一次。,fell into the habit of,3get injured 受伤,辨析,injure/hurt/harm/wound,(1)injure 指因意外或事故而受伤。 (2)hurt 一般用于指肉体或精神上受到伤害。 (3)harm 表示人在心理、健康、事业、权利上受到损害。 (4)wound 指受到外伤(刀伤、枪伤、剑伤等)。,运用,用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空,(1)He got _ in the fighting. (2)He was badly _ in a traffic accident. (3)Her words _ me deeply. (4)Getting up early wont _ your health.,wounded,injured,hurt,harm,You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the suns harmful rays.你有三层皮 肤,它们相当于一道屏障,阻挡了疾病、有毒物质以及太阳的 有害光线。,4poison n毒药;毒害,vt.毒害;使中毒,典例,He killed himself by taking poison.他服毒自杀了。,My dog was poisoned to death yesterday. 我家的狗昨天被人毒死了。,运用,用所给单词的适当形式填空,poisoned,(1)Industrial wastes have _ (poison) this river. (2)The doctor found _ (poison) in the coffee.,poison,.it prevents your body from losing too much water.它(皮肤)能保持体内水分不过多流失 5prevent.(from) doing sth.阻止/防止做某事,典例,Nothing can prevent us from carrying out the plan.,无论什么都不能阻挡我们实施这个计划。,拓展,表示“阻止做某事”还可以用:,stop.(from) doing sth. keep.from doing sth.(from 不可省略),运用,完成句子,prevent/stop/keep him from saying,Nothing could _ (阻止他说) that.,You can get burned by a variety of things. 你可能因 为各种各样的原因被烧伤 6a variety of 各种各样的,典例,The mall sells a variety of goods.,这个购物中心出售各种商品。,拓展 运用,all kinds of 各种各样的 完成句子,He is often late for school for _ ( 各种各 样的) excuses.,a variety of/all kinds of,Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by touching a hot pan, stove or iron for a moment.( 一度烫伤或烧 伤的)例子包括轻微的晒伤,以及触碰到热锅、炉子或烙铁而导 致的烫伤。 7mild adj.轻微的;温和的;温柔的;暖和的;味淡的,典例,Edward suffered a mild heart attack.,爱德华有轻微的心脏病。 Shes the mildest person I have ever met in my life. 她是我平生见过的最温柔的人了。 Id like a piece of mild cheese.我想来块淡味奶酪。,辨析,mild/gentle/soft,(1)mild 用于人时侧重指性格温和、不暴躁;用于物时指适 度、祥和、给人愉快的感觉。 (2)gentle 用于人时指举止温和,侧重对对方的体贴;用于 物时指运动变化的缓和。 (3)soft 用于人时指心肠软,言语婉转;用于物时指物质的,表面柔软、光滑或声音的温和、低小等。,mild,运用,用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空,gentle,(1)The nurse is always _ with the patients.,soft,(2)Julia was too _ to punish the little boy seriously. (3)She is so _ that I never saw her getting angry.,dry, red and mildly swollen 干燥、变红且轻微肿胀 8swollen,点拨,swollen 是形容词,意为“肿胀的”。其动词为 swell,,意为“(使)膨胀;隆起”,可作及物或不及物动词。如: His face was swollen with the toothache. 他的脸因牙痛而肿了起来。 His injured ankles began to swell. 他受伤的脚踝开始肿起来了。 Small extra costs all swell the total. 零星的额外费用积少成多使总数增大了。,拓展,swell out,(使)鼓起,swell up 肿/胀起来,运用,完成句子,(1)Wood often _ (膨胀) when wet. (2)Your ankle _ (肿得厉害); youd better go to see a doctor. (3)The sails _ (鼓起) in the wind.,swells,is badly swollen,swelled out,Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱 掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。,9stick to 粘在之上;坚持,典例,A piece of chewing gum stuck to my shoe.,一片口香糖粘在了我的鞋上。 My idea is that we should stick to our original plan. 我的意见是我们应该按原计划行事。,运用,完成句子,(1)If you _ ( 坚持) the truth, you will have nothing to fear. (2)Mud has _ (粘在) my shoes.,stick to,stuck to,.squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area.拧干它们,把它们放在烧伤的地方 10squeeze vt.& vi.榨;挤;压榨,点拨,squeeze 常与 out/out of/from 连用。如:,She squeezed some juice out of/from a lemon. 她从一个柠檬中挤出了一些汁。,运用,完成句子,He tried to _ ( 挤 出 ) the last bit of toothpaste.,squeeze out,Hold the bandage in place with tape.用胶布把绷带固 定。 11in place 在适当的位置;适当,典例,As soon as all the chairs are in place, we can let the,people in. 所有的椅子都放好了,我们就让人们进来。,拓展,out of place 不在适当的位置;不合适,take the place of 代替;取代 in place of 代替,in the first place 首先;第一,运用,完成句子,(1)Youd better put things back _ (在适当的 位置)Otherwise, it will be difficult to find them. (2)Chopsticks _ ( 代 替 ) knife and fork in China.,in place,take the place of/are in place of,-ty,-y,-ous,-ly,-un,-able,运用,用所给单词的适当形式填空,unbearable,1I cant,_ the _ noise.(unbearable),2 She said with a _ look, “I was only _ interested in English when I took it up.” (mild) 3A person of hot _ is not afraid of _ in the,_ battle for the country.(bleed),bloody,4 Most people protect themselves from _ for their self-respect, for they think if their self-respect is _ greatly, they will feel _.(injury) 5 Frequent quarrels will _ husband and wifes feelings.This is a _ snake.(poison),bear,mild,mildly,blood,bleeding,injuries,injured,injured,poison,poisonous,6She _ her clothes every day and she has _ kinds of clothes of her own, which makes her life full of change and,_.(variety),variety,1 .it keeps you warm or cool.它(皮肤)能保暖或御 寒,点拨,keep you warm or cool 为 keep 的复合结构,即“keep,宾语宾补”,表示“使处于某种状态”。宾补除了可 由形容词充当外,还可由名词、现在分词、过去分词、介词短 语等充当。如:,varies,various,The teacher keeps the students sitting in the classroom. 老师让学生们坐在教室里。 The curtain keeps light outside the window. 窗帘将光线挡在窗外。 They kept the bell hung over the bridge. 他们把铃铛悬挂在桥上。,运用,完成句子,(1)We need more fresh air.Please _ (保持 窗户开着) (2)It rained outside, so he had to _ ( 待在,屋里),keep the window open,keep himself in th


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