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基于ERSA体验模式的,绍兴市稽山中学 蔡红 2013年10月31日,高中英语阅读策略的培养,一、英语学习的重要原则,如何体验?,体验什么?,英语课程应从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导学生在教师的指导下,通过体验、实践、参与、合作和交流的学习方式,发现语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能,不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力。 普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿),2003教育部,二、阅读的策略,体验什么?,刘丹丹(2002): “预测、词汇技巧、略读、浏览、结构分析、推论 (26个子策略)”,戴军熔(2013): “预测、略读、寻读、猜测、推理(21个子策略)”,如何体验?,David Kolb:,三、ERSA体验模式,显性阅读策略&隐性阅读策略(Cohen,2000),四、课例展现,Elias story,1. 目标定位:解读文本,设定指向策略体验的教学目标,并在教学设计中渗透相应策略的体验。, 题目:Elias story,Predicting the style of narration from the title;,故事要素:wh-s, 结构:before and after E met M,Skimming for the structure;,Scanning for details;,生词/句:,.only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.,Black people could not vote or choose their leaders.,However,this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.,He told me how to get the correct papers so I could stay in Johannesburg.,He offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems.,四、课例展现,Elias story,1.目标定位:, 题目:Elias story,故事要素:wh-s, 结构:before and after E met M,Skimming for the structure;,Scanning for details;,生词:,Guessing the meaning for “guidance, legal, passbook, papers, vote” and paraphrasing the sentence “only then did we decide to answer violence with violence” ;,句子/语段:,Inferring 1) Mandelas attitude to the unfair situation; 2) Mandelas qualities; 3) the indicative meaning of “this” and “then” in the second quote; 4) the authors purpose of employing the two quotes.,Predicting the style of narration from the title;,四、课例展现,2. 目标的达成:落实体验,创设指向策略体验的问题或活动,在教学过程中实现策略培养的目标,1. 目标的定位:解读文本,设定指向策略体验的教学目标,在教学设计中渗透相应策略的体验,Task: Skim the text and fill in the blanks:,Experience, a_black worker; a very _ period of my life.,Elias life _ he met Mandela, I do not like violence but I helped him blow up ; I was _ because it would help us achieve our dream.,Elias life _ he met Mandela,片段一, I _ because I had very little education., The day when Mandela helped me was one of my _., It was the truth that “we” almost have no rights at all.,Reflect,1-2,3-5, a poor black worker; a very difficult period of my life., I needed his help because I had very little education.,Elias life _he met Mandela, The day when Mandela helped me was one of my happiest., It was the truth that “we” almost have no rights at all., I do not like violence but I helped him blow up ; I was happy because it would help us achieve our dream.,Elias life _he met Mandela,before,after,T: Why did you divide the text in this way?,片段一,Summarize,Summary: Skimming. It is a reading strategy used to identify the main idea or the structure of a text. We may achieve the goals by reading: 1. the first paragraph completely; 2. the first sentences of remaining paragraphs; 3. the summary or the last paragraph completely.,T: What reading strategy did you use? How do we usually use it in reading practice?,片段一,Task: Read the text carefully and answer the following questions:,Experience,1. What is a “passbook”? 2. What does “papers” refer to in Para.3? 3. Can you find another expression which is closest in meaning to the word “vote” in Para. 4? 4. Can you paraphrase the sentence “only then did we decide to answer violence with violence”?,片段二,Reflect,Group discussion: Think aloud and note down the word-guessing strategies.,1.What is a “passbook”? S:,The word “passbook ” contains two parts “pass” and “book”,so it might be some paper document which allows people to do something. 2) By the plot “one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg” and “I didnt have one and I worried about whether I would become out of work”,it can be concluded that a passbook should be a certificate which permitted people to live and work in Johannesburg.,片段二,Reflect,3.Can you find another expression which is closest in meaning to the word “vote” in Para. 4? S:,By reading the sentence “vote or choose their leaders”, “vote” is similar to “choose ones leaders” in meaning.,片段二,Group discussion: Think aloud and note down the word-guessing strategies.,2. What does “papers” refer to in Para.3? S:,Elias needed the “papers” to get a passbook from the government. According to life experience, it should be documents.,4. Can you paraphrase the sentence “only then did we decide to answer violence with violence”? S:,When a peaceful way was not allowed, we deceided to turn to violence to deal with the unfair situation.,“We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was not allowed . only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.”,片段二,Reflect,Group discussion: Think aloud and note down the word-guessing strategies.,this,then,Summarize,Summary: Guessing. It is a reading strategy for the meaning of words or sentences. The meaning can be obtained by: 1.word formation: roots, prefixes, suffixes, combination; 2.background knowledge: readers experience; 3.context clues of: 1) situation: the plot or the logic of the text; 2) explanation: punctuations or words like “meaning, such as, or, is called, etc. ” ; 3)contrast: words like “although, but, while”, “instead, yet”, “on the other hand, on the contrary”, or other linking words for contrast.,片段二,T: What reading strategy did you use? How do we usually use it in reading practice?,2. 阅读策略的培养并不止步于课堂教学,它需要课外及时的应用和巩固,1. 阅读策略的培养并不是说教,它是阅读中润物细无声的体验,五、教学反思,In a different light When I was young, we lived in an old wooden house in a suburb of Limbang, a small town in Northern Sarawak, Malaysia. The tiny collection of rooms inside could hardly contain our family Father, Mother and eleven children. I was the second eldest. We children often ran about, and when we got too noisy, the whole house shook. “The house is going to fall down!” my mother would yell at us. We seemed to always live in the dark. The nearby trees blocked out much of the sunlight during the day. The nights were always a terrible time. That was the 1950s and early 1960s, and we had no electricity. We lit kerosene lamps(煤油), which gave only dim light. As little children, we were sometimes just afraid of the dark, and Mother would ask in a fearful voice, “Why are you so afraid? What do you see?“ Although we saw nothing, her questions made us even more frightened. They aroused in us fear of meeting a ghost.,Read the following passage and answer the questions.,Our friends, probably afraid of the dark, ugly appearance of the house, rarely came over to play. My sisters, brothers and I preferred to play football in a big grass field in the centre of town. As it turned dark, we would reluctantly return home with a feeling of fear. We would hang out there until the last moment. By the time I was a teenager, my fears had been replaced by feelings of dissatisfaction and anger. I began to envy all my friends. They had nicer homes but we didnt even have a bathroom. When I was in my mid-teens, we got electricity. The living room, the bedrooms and kitchen each had a light bulb. Still, I could see nothing much to appreciate about my home. To me, it was ugly. Then, when I was sixteen, some teachers from my school came to visit. As my art teacher, Mr Ho, entered, he said, “Rebecca, your home is situated in such a beautiful setting. I had to stop and admire it from your road. All those trees make it look picturesque.“ Suddenly, I saw my house in a different light from Mr Hos artistic point of view. I had not thought of it before.,Apply,In a different light,1. How many parts does the text consist of? 2. Was the house big enough to hold the writer and her family? 3. According to the passage, what was the writers


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