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Unit 5(Book 9) 非常学案,2011.9.15,Aims:,1.复习最近所学,查缺补漏; 2.讲评江苏卷阅读理解; 3.结束Unit 4“非常学案”。,全神贯注,提高效率,希望当堂多记住一些。,Unit 5 非常学案短语等复习(一) 1. persuade sb to do sth. warn/ rob/ 等等; 5. make sense (of) 6. make no sense 7. common sense 8. target at/ on sth 9. be dead on the target 10. the target of bitter criticism 11. fit in (with) & fit into 12. Round-the-clock service features this store. 13. The calm surface of the lake reflected her features like a mirror. 14. at sbs expense 15. broadcast the news 16. broadcast rumors 17. rely on,Unit 5 非常学案短语等复习(二) 18. come into use 22. ban sb from doing 23. promote awakeness of environmental issues 24. promote friendship between nations 25. promote reform/ sleep促进改革/睡眠;promote the new toothpaste推销新型牙膏,Unit 5 非常学案短语等复习(三) 26. come about/ across/ true/ up/ up with (提出)/ out/ down with(付钱;染上病) 27. operate on给动手术 28. whetheror不管是还是; whether old or young; whetheror not; 29. some+单数名词=a certain +单数名词; 30. beware (of)对小心;谨防;1)Beware of the dog. 2) Beware of him. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. 3) Beware of the computer virus . take care of your belongings请保管好自己的物品,二、非常学案重点句型总结: 1. P 60,左下角:had intended to do“本来打算做(却没有做)”,是对过去的虚拟,类似短语有:had meant/ hoped/ wanted/ planned to do。这些短语也可转换成intended/ meant/ hoped/ wanted/ planned to have done。 2. P62,左侧: 1)这篇文章值得学习。(6种翻译。) 2)据说这部电影很值得一看。 3)a worthy gentleman/ worthy citizens。,3. P 63,右侧(单词拼写第5题):The sights of the gun(瞄准器)must be in agreement with(与一致)the t_. 4. P63,右侧(单词拼写第7题): Good heat preservation is a f_ of the electric cooker of this brand. 5. P63,右侧(单词拼写第8题):That he desires honour is not w_ of honour.,arget,eature,orthy,6. P 63,(单项填空第1题):conscious有知觉的,意识到的;be conscious of=be aware of; 7. P64,题2:refresh使清新,使振作;refresh sb/ oneself可以提神,清醒头脑。 8. P64,题4:respond to对做出回答/响应/反应; 9. P64,题5:come out(vi.)出来;出版;开花; 结果是,结局;透露,(真相)大白;eg:1) That magazine comes out every Monday. 2) Some flowers have begun to come out. 3) The truth has come out at last. 4) How did the movie finally come out? 5) She came out first in the examination.,10. P64:题7:technique the/ a lack of,三、补语 补语分两种:宾补 to sing 2) It was so cold that they kept the fire _ all night. A. to burn B. burn C. burning D. burned,3) He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting 4) Did you meet anyone _ at the party? No, in fact, I found the party rather _. A. interesting; boring B. interested; boring C. interesting; bored D. interested; bored 5) The salesman scolded the girl caught _ and let her off. A. to have stolen B. to be stealing C. to steal D. stealing,6) Dont leave the water_ while you brush your teeth. A. run B. running C. being run D. to run 7) The _ boy was last seen _ near the East Lake. A. missing; playing B. missing; play C. missed; played D. missed; to play 8) A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ in the kitchen. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked 9) You should understand the traffic rule by now. Youve had it _ often enough. A. explainingB. to explainC. explainD. explained,10) Is Bob still performing? Im afraid not. He is said _ the stage already as he has become an official. A. to have left B. to leave C. to have been left D. to be left 11) The teacher asked us _ so much noise. A. dont make B. not make C. not making D. not to make 12) The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year. A. carried out B. carrying out C. carry out D. to carry out,13) Robert is said to _ abroad, but I dont know when he came back. to study B. to have studied C. to be studying D. to have been studying 14) She was much disappointed to see the mobile phone she had had _ went wrong again. A. it repair B. it repaired C. repaired D. to be repaired 15) I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _. A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on,16) The thief was brought in with his hands _ behind his back. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 17) With many exercises _, the pupil felt very upset and had to stay up. A. to do B. being done C. to be done D. done 18)(2011天津卷)7. Passeagers are permitted _ only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane. A. to carry B. carrying C. to be carried D. being carried,19)(2011陕西卷)14.Claire had luggage _ an hour befor her plane left. A. check B.checking C.to check D.checked 20)(2011浙江卷)3. Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some _ a life span of around 20 years. A. having B. had C. have D. to have 21)(2011浙江卷)14.Even the best writers find themselves _ for words. A. lose B. lost C. to lose D. having lost 22)(2011重庆卷)33. Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself _(remind) of his own dreams.,reminded,江苏卷阅读Answers: A篇:BDBC; B篇:ACB; C篇:BCD; D篇:DBACA。,C篇大意: 本篇是关于风力涡轮发电的科普文章。如何利用新能源是当今社会所关注的话题,这篇文章体现了时代的潮流,内容有新意。,注意: 阅读理解的题目类型及做题方法: 1主旨大意:找主题句,找到或总结能体现文章主题、目的、中心思想的句


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