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高中英语(外研新课标)选修教材 语言知识教学建议 沈阳二中 周颖,,1、目前的问题:教学的内容和目标相近 但并不统一 1、1 在教学中常见的不同的操作方法 1、2 相同的教学目标 1、3 明确教学内容、合理利用课堂上时间 2、与时俱进的教学方法-语言知识教学建议 3、选修教材的使用建议 4、目前教学中两个常见的使用教材的极端现象,1、1 在教学中常见的不同的操作方法,Step 1 vocabulary Step 2 Listening to the tape Step 3 Ask questions Step 4 read and translate sentence by sentence Step 5 deal with the language points Step 6 finish all the exercises Step 7 some additional exercises,1、2. 相同的教学目标:,高考题的分值分布源于英语的特点:,Although most people believe there is a right and a wrong way to speak English, there is not really a standard form that everyone can agree on. English spread across the world over hundreds of years because of trade, exploration and business, and this process produced many different Englishes. Professors of linguistics, writers and teachers all worry about providing a perfect model to follow but as it is so widely spoken, it has become impossible to say which English is “correct” and which is “incorrect”. Perhaps correctness doesnt matter - as long as speakers can understand each other its communication and counts.(英语第八册外研社),高考,多种渠道、多种方式的高校招生要求学生具备完整的 语言能力,而不是高分低能,如:a. 港澳新加坡大学 b. 英美加澳等大学 c. 提前招生 d. 自主招生,(但是这只是近期目标),新课标的核心理念,应具有的教学理念,The principle of the New Standard English,明确教学目的,优化教学模式,英语教育改革发展方向 信息社会发展对人才的需求 综合语言应用能力-用语言获取信息、处理信息、整合加工信息的能力,英语思维的能力,与世界交往的能力 人格塑造和人的可持续性全面发展,教育教学及所有的考试都是在这统一目的理念下起不同的作用,高中 1 重新认识英语教学的功能和目的:工具性与人文性的统一; 2 高中英语教学的重点:如何在全面发展的基础上,促进学生阅读能力的提高和深化;如何培养学生英语思维能力; 3 拓展教学资源,提高学习效率,培养学生可持续发展能力。,七级阅读,1能从一般性文章中获取和处理主要信息; 2能理解文章主旨、作者意图; 3能通过上下文克服生词困难,理解语篇意 义; 4能够通过文章中的线索,进行推理; 5能根据需要从网络等资源中获取信息; 6能阅读适合高中生的英语报刊、杂志; 7除教材外,课外阅读量,应累计达到250000词以上。,九级阅读,1、能阅读一班的英文报刊或杂志,从中获取主要信息; 2、能阅读一班的英文原著,抓住主要情节,了解主要人物; 3、能读懂各种商品的说明书等非专业技术性的资料; 4、能根据情景及上下文猜测不熟悉的语言现象; 5、能使用多种参考资料和工具书解决较复杂的语言疑难 6、有广泛的阅读兴趣及良好的阅读习惯; 7、能有效地利用网络等媒体获取和处理信息。,1、3 明确教学内容、合理利用课堂上时间,教学的主干内容,重点不是难点,2、与时俱进的教学方法 -语言知识教学建议,树木和森林不可分;语法和语篇不脱离,只能通过无限扩大阅读,在语言实践中达到语言机械化的熟练程度,Harmer suggests: (2003;70) all that anybody needs to learn a new language are those three elements: exposure, motivation, and opportunities for use. He suggests that teachers abandon the ways they have been teaching such as studying grammar, explaining vocabulary, or teaching paragraph organization. Instead, they should devote all their efforts to exposing students to English and getting them to use it, particularly given that they were highly motivated to learn.,阅读,Learning English means more than knowing the rules and words, it means to learn to use the language TO GET INFORMATION AND FOR COMMUNICATION To think creatively,develop your mind and intelligence,阅读练习的设计是top-down (information provided by context )的过程而不是 bottom-up (perceptual information)的过程。也就是通过教学过程,形成学生的思维、阅读习惯。培养学生在日常阅读中,从宏观到微观,从已知推断未知。学生在学习过程中,形成学习策略。 也是从input 到 output 的过程。,有关背景知识, “铺垫式” 在生活中或是在高考中如果没有了老师为学生设置导入和铺垫,那么,学生处理新材料的心理习惯和能力是从那里来呢? Ur, P. 明确指出, such activities can also have negative effects: they may dilute the direct impact of the literature itself which is a pity; and, possible prejudice the learners so that their perception of it is coloured by what they have been led to expect I prefer to let the literature speak for itself. Further background information and exploration come later. ( Ur,P. 2000),直接进入skimming 和 scanning阅读。 新课标明确指出,阅读技能的教学目的是:培养阅读策略;培养语感;特别强调培养学生在阅读过程中获取和处理信息的能力(新课标29页)。,新课标30页对阅读能力的训练提出具体、明确要求,同时也是阅读题的考查的内容和题型:,略读;找读;预测下文;理解大意;分清文章中的事实和观点;猜测词义;推理判断;了解重点细节;理解文章结构;理解图表信息;理解指代关系;理解作者意图;评价阅读内容。,这套教材的一大特点是每个模块最后都有“文化角”cultural corner。 语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的内容。 语言本身的深度和美感在很大程度上来自于所负载的内容。语言学习可能仅仅关注形式而回避内容。,许国璋说:“不要把阅读的目的放在提高英文上。阅读首先是吸取知识,在吸取知识的过程中,自然而然地吸取语言,这就是让知识的力量吸引学生,用智慧的威力征服学生。”,这套教材和以往的教材不同,它的大部分内容都是百科知识。这样一来,既提高了学生的阅读兴趣又丰富了学生的百科知识。它的更深一层的含义是让学生感受到,这一学科的目的不仅是语言,而是通过掌握语言来看世界。这套教材的优势也在此。,世界好像眼前的一个苹果,用汉语只看到半个苹果,学会英语还能看到另一半。,2、1 语言知识教学建议,单词,不要从生词表学起 要改变学习生词的观念每课先学生词表,学会每个生词后在再学课文。在所有的文献中,没有一处说出这种做法的益处,关于词汇,记单词但不要记“单”词, 也不要“单”记词; 在语境、语段中学单词,在体会、应用中掌握单词; 单词学习与技能发展的关系(听、读); 单词的量:记与用的辨证关系;,Learning words by context instead of using lists As for how language should be presented to learners, the common method is to begin with a vocabulary list, only to sacrifice the chance to motivate and get students involved in using their minds to work out the meaning according to the context. Ur (2000:93) emphasizes the importance of dealing with whole meaningful chunks of language in context, rather than decontextualized items such as vocabulary lists, or isolated examples of grammatical structures.,Lewis. M: Some people think of vocabulary learning as writing down words in a notebook. My general pattern in suggestions is to looked for words in a context rather than in word lists, although of course they often organised the words into lists of their own later. One way of remembering words long-term is to work out the meaning for yourself rather than turning straight to the dictionary. It is worth taking time.,Some students think this advice is the teachers way of making things difficult. In fact many studies have show that thinking deeply about the meaning and trying to work out is the way to make the words stick. Word feeling:,通过学习一步一步的深入,学生对生词形成感性认识。 我们的教材也提出学习生词的观点:在必修4模块4learnig to learn中指出:You cant learn all the new words and expressions! Look again at the list of words in activities 3 and 4 and choose just two of them to learn. Think about the reasons for your choice. That will help you to understand and memories the words better. 教材也不要求学生掌握所有的生词,学生能掌握他们印象深的生词,就是正常学习的过程。因此,老师的作用是如何帮助他们加深印象。,我们的教材的编排顺序符合Ur。P的这个观点。,You can get better results if items can be linked with each other, or with ones already known, through meaning-or sound- association. It is better to teach vocabulary in separated, spaced sessions than to teach it all at once. In other words, words will be learnt better if, for example, they are taught briefly at the beginning of a lesson, reviewed later in the same lesson. This needs careful lesson- planning, but will repay the effort.,语法,2、3 建立在阅读基础上的语言知识的学习。 经过skimming和 scanning练习后,学生对整体的含意已经充分理解。但是只停留在这个层次上,学生不会对语言本身自然而然地掌握,还得通过conscious raising的过程,使学生对重要的语言结构和固定的表达方式给予有意识的重视和练习。,Grammatical competence,Discourse competence,sociolinguistic competence,Strategic competence,Implicit knowledge内隐知识,By and large learning English as a second language is like learning your first language it involves developing implicit knowledge through exposure to English in meaningful communication.,Explicit Knowledge外显知识,Explicit knowledge is understanding the grammatical rules of English. It is not the same as knowing English. But explicit knowledge is important for certain types of language use (e.g. academic writing).,Attending to Form,Exposure to English in communication is not enough for successful learning. Learners also need to pay attention to form.,但为避免这个环节上的误区应该: 一、内容要从简,突出重点,而不能精耕细作。 如果面面俱到就等于什么都没讲。讲什么内容要考虑学生能记住哪些内容。,二、要从什么样的角度,什么样的方式进入语言点。应从教材内容入手,根据教材提问题,这一次提问题非常简单、易答,但是要用课文上出现的新的语言知识。,三、对语言知识的扩展只限于学过的,而不涉及没学过的,杜绝“处处开花”现象。,利用课文内容,以和学生谈论的方式,对学生提出问题,让学生呈现出要强调的语言结构,A、 提出的问题要有层次- 语法发现法,B、 不能个个开花,而要通过扩大阅读来 增加所学的语言现象的再现率,C、不能一言堂、或以电脑代替教师,教师的教学理念、教学方式与教学方法要符合新课程的需要。课堂教学应改变以教师为中心、单纯传授书本知识的教学模式。教师应帮助学生发展探究知识的能力、获取信息的能力和自主学习的能力(新课标25页)。,Ur.P Definition, synonym and description tend to be the most popular, perhaps because they are the most obvious and conventional. The use of the others demands more awareness and originality, but can be more rewarding in terms of effective and teaching and interest.,Jeremy Harmer 2003;51: “Motivation is usually defined as some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something”.,When you read a story that interests you very much, try to summaries it in your own language. Trying to sue what youve learnt is the most efficient way of learning.(第七册M.3.leterature,learning to learn),Penny Ur 2000; 275: Our job is to do all we can to encourage the “development of ability and enhance motivation, on the understanding that each will contribute to the other”.,建构主义认识论认为: 知识不是教师传授给学生的,而是由学生和教师共同构建的。学生是知识主要构建者、发现者、转变者和推广者。学生不是被动地从教师或课本中接受知识,而是主动地将知识结合到自己的知识结构中,建立一个新的知识结构。教师的角色和任务是要创建一个环境,使学生能在现有的知识结构中通过加工学习新的材料而建立意义。然后将知识长期地保持在记忆里。从这个意义上来说,知识是学生和教师共同创建的,而绝不是由教师或课本单项给予的。在学生观上,传统观点把学生当作被动地等待填充的容器;新范式则认为学习是个学生主动构筑知识的过程,绝非教师所能替代。,


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