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教育心理学一般智能 general intelligence 中介安置教育措施 middle way educational placement 中途学校中介安置教育处所 transition school; middle way school 中辍中途辍学 dropout 中辍生 dropouts 心理复健计画 Mental Rehabilitation Plan 未婚怀孕 unmarried pregnancy 生活重建计画 Life-reconstruction Plan 生活辅导 daily-life guidance 再辍率 re-dropout rate 危机管理辅导机制 mechanism of risk management and guidance 合作式中途班中介安置教育处所 collaboration transition class; collaboration transition school 多重障碍 multiple impairments 安置辅导 placement 早期疗育 early intervention 自闭症 autism 身心障碍 the disabled 身心障碍教育专业团队 Team of Professionals Specializing in Education for the Disabled 身体病弱 health impairments 防治准则 prevention guideline or preventional guideline 其他特殊才能 other special talents 其他显著障碍 other significant handicaps 性别平等 gender equity 性别刻板印象 gender stereotype 性别歧视 gender discrimination 性别特质 gender traits 性别倾向 gender tendency 性侵犯 sexual offenders 性侵害 sexual abuse 性暴力 sexual violence 性骚扰 sexual harassment 社会因素 society-related factor 肢体障碍 physical handicaps 青少年辅导计画 teenagers guidance program 个人因素 personal-related factor 个别化教育计画 Individualized Education Program = IEP 家庭因素 family-related factor 校外学习成就 off-campus learning achievements 特殊幼稚园 special education kindergarten 特殊教育资源中心 special education resource center 特殊教育学生鉴定及就学辅导委员会 Committee Responsible for Identification and Placement of Gifted and Disabled Students 特殊教育谘询委员会 Special Education Consultative Committee 高危险群学生 at-risk student group 基本课业辅导 school work guidance; basic school work guidance 教训辅三合一方案教学、训导、辅导三合一整合实验方案 Program of Integrative System for Instruction, Discipline and Guidance 通报 report 创造能力 creativity 复学 reentry 复学率 reentry rate 智能障碍 mental retardation 测验题库 item bank 发展迟缓 developmental retardation 视觉障碍 visual impairment 量尺分数 scale score 慈辉班中介安置教育处所 Tzi-Huei class; Tzi-Huei school 资源式中途班中介安置教育处所 middle way class 资源班 resource class 资赋优异 the gifted 隔代教养 grandparenting 语言障碍 language disorders 认辅制度 voluntary guidance program; adoption-guidance program 辅导团辅导计画 guidance group 领导能力 leadership 辍学原因分析 dropout analysis 辍学率 dropout rate 学生辅导工作 student guidance work 学前特殊教育设施 preschool special education facilities 学校因素 school-related factor 学校辅导工作 school guidance work 学习障碍 learning disabilities 学术性向 scholastic aptitude 整合实验方案 integral experimental project 转衔服务 assistances in transitions 艺术才能 artistic talent 严重情绪障碍 severe emotional disturbance 携手计画 Collaboration Plan 听觉障碍 hearing impairments教育学课程九年一贯课程 Grade 1-9 Curriculum 人权教育 Human Rights Education 三明治课程 sandwich course 生命教育 life education 生活伦理道德教育 personal and social education 生活课程 Life Curriculum 生涯发展教育 Career Development Education 由下而上 bottom-up 由上而下 top-down 共同核心课程 common core curriculum 自然与生活科技 Science and Technology 自学进修 self study 行动研究 action research 两性教育 gender education 协同教学 team teaching 社会领域 Social Studies 英语 English 个别化教育计画 Individualized Education Program = IEP 个别化转衔计画 Individualized Transition Plan = ITP 家政教育 Home Economics Education 能力分班 competence-based class grouping; streaming 英 能力指标九年一贯各学习领域课程纲要的分段能力指标 Competence Indicators of Grade 1-9 curriculum 健康与体育 Health and Physical Education 国小英语教学 elementary school English teaching 国民中小学九年一贯课程纲要 Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines 国语 Mandarin 基本能力 basic competence 常态编班 normal class grouping 教育学程 teacher education program 教学评量 instructional assessment 第二外语 second foreign language 统整课程 integrated curriculum 终身学习网路教材 the internet teaching materials for lifelong learning 部编本教科书 official textbooks 乡土语言 dialects 资讯教育 information technology education 精神动员 mobilization of esprit de corps 精神教育 esprit de corps ed. 综合活动 Integrative Activities; Comprehensive Activities 网路学习 web-based learning 语文 Language Arts 远距教学 distance learning; distance instruction 弹性学习节数 alternative learning sections 数位学习 e-Learning 数理学科 mathematics and sciences 数学 Mathematics 课程目标九年一贯各学习领域课程纲要所揭示者 curriculum goals 课程改革 curriculum reform 课程理念 curriculum rationale 课程统整 curriculum integration 课程评鉴 curriculum evaluation 课程纲要 curriculum guidelines 学力指标教育行政机关或学术机构针对学生实际学习成就评量而得之常模性指标 academic attainment indicators 学力测验 academic attainment testing 学科能力分组教学 instruction by academic competence-based grouping 学校本位课程发展 school-based curriculum development 学校教学活动 learning activities in schools 学校课程发展委员会 Committee of School Curriculum Development 学习阶段 learning stages 学习领域 learning areas 学业能力竞赛 academic competence contest 融入式教学 incorporation teaching method 环境教育 Environmental Education 艺术与人文 Arts and Humanities进步测验 progress test 间接训练 indirect discipline 间接教学法 indirect method of teaching 间接学习 indirect learning 集中学习 massed learning 填充法 completion method 新生训练 orientation course 会话法 conversational method 经验法;实征 empirical method 补充阅读 collateral reading 补充读物 supplementary book; supplementary reading 试探科目 exploration course = exploratory course 诘问考试 cross-examination 跳读 skipping reading 游戏法 play method 游戏理论 play-theory 顿悟学习;洞悟学习 insight learning 尝试错误法 method of trial and error; trial and error method 团体游戏 organized play 图示 graphical representation 图示教学法 pictorial method; picture method 图画完成测验 picture completion test 实地工作 field work 实地学习课 field lesson 实作测验 practice test 实物 material object 实物教学 object lesson; object teaching 实习;练习 practice 实习课;练习课 practice lesson 实验教育 experimental education 实验教育学;实验教学论 Experimental pedagogy 实验教学法 experimental didactics 实验学校 experimental school; laboratory school 演示课 demonstration lesson 演讲;辩论术 elocution = oration精读 detailed reading 综合教学 synthetic instruction 语言矫正班 speech-correction class 说话教学 speaking-instruction 辅助班级 auxiliary class 辅助学校 auxiliary school 辅导算术 remedial arithmetic 辅导学习法 supervised study 札记法 notebook method 弹性分组制 flexible shifting group plan 弹性升级 flexible promotion 模仿学习 learning by imitation 练习法 drill method; practice method 练习极限 practice limit 课 lesson 课程 curriculum 课程分化 curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum 课程表 program of studies; table of curriculum 课程建构 construction of curriculum 课间自习 busy work 适性教育 adaptive physical education 阅读法 reading method 阅读书单 reading list 学年会议 grade forum 学校科目 school subject 学习指导 direction of learning 学习效率 learning efficiency 整句教学法 sentence method 整体学习法 whole learning method 机械记忆 rote memory 机械教学 rote teaching英国教育界最常用的缩写词ACCAC威尔士学历管理、教学大纲与评估委员会AICE国际高级教育证书A-level中学高级水平考试ARELS(Association of Recognised English Language Services)英语语言认证教学机构联合会AS-level中学准高级水平考试BA(Bachelor of Arts)文学学士BAC(British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education)英国私立延续教育及高等教育认证委员会BALEAP(British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes)英国学术英语讲师协会 BASELT(British Association of State English Language Teaching)英国公立英语语言教学机构协会BATQI(British Association of TESOL Qualifying Institutions)英国英语教学合格院校联合会B.Eng (Bachelor of Engineering)工程学士B.Sc.(Bachelor of Science)理学学士BTEC(Business and Technology Education Council)工商及技术教育委员会CCEA(Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum,Examinations and Assessment)北爱尔兰教学大纲、考试与评估委员会CIFE(Conference for Independent Further Education)私立延续教育联合会 COSHEP(The Committee of Scottish Higher Education Principals)苏格兰高等教育校长委员会CVCP(Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals)大学校长委员会DENI (Department of Education Northern Ireland)北爱尔兰教育部DfEE(Department for Education and Employment)教育与就业部D.Phil(Doctor of Philosophy)哲学博士EAP(English for Academic Purposes)学术英语EAQUALS(European Association for Quality Language Service)欧洲语言教学质量服务机构EiBA( English in Britain Accreditation Scheme)英国英语认证计划 EEA(European Economic Area)欧洲经济区EIS(Education Information Service)教育信息服务处ELSIS(English Language Service for International Students)外国学生英语语言教学ELT(English Language Training)英语语言培训ESL(English as a Second Language)英语外语教学ESP(English for Specific Purposes)专用英语FE(Further Education)延续教育GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education)普通中等教育证书GMAT(General Management Admission Test)管理专业入学考试GNVQ(General National Vocational Qualification)全国通用职业资格GSVQ(General Scottish Vocational Qualification)苏格兰通用职业资格GTTR(Graduate Teacher Training Registry)毕业教师培训注册处HE(Higher Education)高等教育HEFCE(Higher Education Funding Council for England)英格兰高等教育基金管理委员会HEFCW(Higher Education Funding Council for Wales)威尔士高等教育基金管理委员会HND(Higher National Diploma)国家高等教育文凭IB(International Baccalaureate)国际高中毕业考试IELTS(International English Language Testing System)国际英语语言测试系统(简称雅思)ISC(Independent Schools Council)私立学校委员会IGCSE(International GCSE)国际普通中等教育证书Independent Schools Council私立学校委员会ISIS(Independent Schools Information Service)私立学校信息服务处LCCI(London Chamber of Commerce & Industry)伦敦工商会LEA(Local Education Authority)地方教育局LLM(Master of Law) 法学硕士MA(Master of Arts)文学硕士MBA(Master of Business Administration)工商管理硕士M.Chem(Master of Chemistry)化学硕士M.Ed(Master of Education)教育硕士M.Eng. (Master of Engineering)工程硕士M.Phil.(Master of Philosophy)研究硕士M.Phys(Master of Physics)物理硕士M.Sc.(Master of Science)理学硕士M.Res.(Master of Research)研究硕士M.Sci(Master of Science)理学硕士(本科水平)NARIC(National Academic Recognition Information Centre)全国学术认证信息中心NHS(National Health Service)国民保健体系NISS(National Information Services and Systems)全国信息服务系统NUS(National Union of Students)全国学生联合会NVQ(National Vocational Qualification)全国职业证书 ODA(Overseas Development Administration)海外发展管理局OFSTED(Office for Standards in Education)教育标准办公室PGCE(Postgraduate Certificate in Education)教育学研究生证书PAM (Professions Allied to Medicine)医学有关职业PGCE(Postgraduate Certificate in Education)(教育学研究生文凭)PG Cert(Postgraduate Certificate)研究生文凭PG Dip.(Postgraduate Diploma)研究生文凭Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy)哲学博士QAA(Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education)高等教育质量保障局QCA(Qualifications and Curriculum Authority)教学大纲和学历管理委员会RAE(Research Assessment Exercise)科研水平评估SCE(Scottish Certificate of Education)苏格兰教育证书SEED(Scottish Executive Education Department)苏格兰执行教育部SCE (Scottish Certificate of Education )苏格兰教育证书SHEFC(Scottish Higher Education Funding Council)苏格兰高等教育基金管理委员会SQA(Scottish Qualifications Authority)苏格兰学历管理委员会SVQ(Scottish Vocational Qualifications)苏格兰职业资格TQA( Teaching Quality Assessment)教学质量评估TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)英语外语教学TAE(Teaching Assessment Exercise)教学质量评估TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language )面向母语为非英语者的英语教学课程TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)英语外语考试(简称托福)TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)国际英语考试UCAS(Universities and Colleges Admission Service)高等院校招生办公室UKCOSA (The Council for International Education美国学位Bachelor of Arts B.A. 文学士 Bachelor of Architecture B. Arch. 建筑学士 Bachelor of Arts in Education B.A.Ed., B.A.E. 教育学文学士 Bachelor of Business Administration B.B.A. 工商管理学士 Bachelor of Arts in Social Work B.A.S.W 社会工作学文学士 Bachelor of Education B.Ed., B.E 教育学士 Bachelor of Fine Arts B.F.A. 艺术学士 Bachelor of General Studies B.G.S 通识学士 Bachelor of Liberal Studies B.L.S 文理学学士 Bachelor of Engineering B.Eng., B.E 工学士 Bachelor of Music B.M., B.Mus 音乐学士 Bachelor of Music Education B.M.Ed., B.M.E 音乐教育学士 Bachelor of Nursing B.N 护理学士 Bachelor of Professional Studies B.P.S 专业进修学士 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration B.S.B.A 工商管理学理学士 Bachelor of Science B.S 理学士 Bachelor of Science in Business B.S.B., B.S.Bus 商学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Education B.S.Ed., B.S.E 教育学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Engineering B.S.Eng., B.S.E 工程学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Medicine B.S.Med 医学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology B.S.M.T., B.S.Med.Tech 医技学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Nursing B.S.N., B.S.Nurs 护理学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Social Work B.S.S.W 社会工作学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Technology B.S.T 科技学理学士 Bachelor in Social Work B.S.W 社会工作学士 Bachelor of Technology B.T 科技学士 Bachelor of Law LL.B 法学士 Master of Arts M.A 文学硕士 Master of Accounting M.Acc 会计学硕士 Master of Arts in Education M.A.Ed 教育学文学硕士 Master of Architecture M.Arch 建筑学硕士 Master of Arts in Teaching M.A.T 教育文学硕士 Master of Business Administration M.B.A 工商管理学硕士 Master of Civil Engineering M.C.E 土木工程学硕士 Master of Chemical Engineering M.Ch.E., M.C.E 化学工程学硕士 Master of Criminal Justice M.C.J 刑事学硕士 Master of Divinity M.Div 神学学硕士 Master of Engineering M.E 工程学硕士 Master of Education M.Ed 教育学硕士 Master of Electrical Engineering M.E.E 电机工程学硕士 Master of Fine Arts M.F.A 艺术硕士 Master of Law M.L 法学硕士 Master of Library Science M.L.S 图书馆学硕士 Master of Music M.M., M.Mus 音乐硕士 Master of Music Education M.M.E., M.M.Ed 音乐教育学硕士 Master of Nursing M.N 护理学硕士 Master of Public Administration M.P.A 公共行政学硕士 Master of Psychology M.Psy 心理学硕士 Master of Science M.S 理学硕士 Master of Science in Criminal Justice M.S.C.J 刑事理学硕士 Master of Science in Education M.S.E., M.S.Ed 教育理学硕士 Master of Science in Electrical Engineering M.S.E.E 电机工程理学硕士 Master of Science in Library Science M.S.L.S 图书馆理学硕士 Master of Science in Medical Technology M.S.M.T 医技理学硕士 Master of Science in Nursing M.S.N 护理理学硕士 Master of Science in Social Work M.S.S.W 社会工作理学硕士 Master of Social Work M.S.W 社会工作学硕士 Doctor of Arts D.A 文学博士 Doctor of Dental Science D.D.S 牙科博士 Doctor of Engineering D.E 工程博士 Doctor of Education D.Ed 教育学博士 Doctor of Musical Arts D.M.A 音乐艺术博士 Doctor of Osteopathy D.O 骨科博士 Doctor of Social Science D.S.S 社会科学博士 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine D.V.M 兽医学博士 Doctor of Jurisprudence J.D 法理学博士 Doctor of Judicial Science J.S.D 司法学博士 Doctor of Business Administration D.B.A 工商管理博士 Doctor of Accountancy D.Acc 会计学博士课程名称生物物理学 biophysics真空冷冻干燥技术 vacuum freezing & drying technology16位微机 16 digit microcomputeralgol语言 algol languagebasic 语言 basic languagebasic 语言及应用 basic language & applicationc 语言 c languagecad 概论 introduction to cadcad/cam cad/camcobol语言 cobol languagecobol语言程序设计 cobol language program designingc与unix环境 c language & unix environmentc语言与生物医学信息处理 c language & biomedical information processingdbase 课程设计 c ourse exercise in dbase fortran语言 fortran languageibm-pc/xt fundamentals of microcomputer ibm-pc/xtibm-pc微机原理 fundamentals of microcomputer ibm-pclsi设计基础 basic of lsi designingpascal大型作业 pascal wide range workingpascal课程设计 course exercise in pascalx射线与电镜 x-ray & electric microscopez-80汇编语言程序设计 z-80 pragramming in assembly languages板壳理论 plate theory板壳力学 plate mechanics半波实验 semiwave experiment半导体变流技术 semiconductor converting technology半导体材料 semiconductor materials半导体测量 measurement of semiconductors半导体瓷敏元件 semiconductor porcelain-sensitive elements半导体光电子学 semiconductor optic electronics半导体化学 semiconductor chemistry半导体激光器 semiconductor laser unit半导体集成电路 semiconductor integrated circuitry半导体理论 semiconductive theory半导体器件 semiconductor devices半导体器件工艺原理 technological fundamentals of semiconductor device半导体物理 semiconductor physics半导体专业 semiconduction specialty半导体专业实验 specialty experiment of semiconductor薄膜光学 film optics报告文学专题 special subject on reportage报刊编辑学 newspaper & magazine editing报纸编辑学 newspaper editing泵与风机 pumps and fans泵与水机 pumps & water turbines毕业设计 graduation thesis编译方法 methods of compiling编译技术 technique of compiling编译原理 fundamentals of compiling变电站的微机检测与控制 computer testing & control in transformer substation变分法与张量 calculus of variations & tensor变分学 calculus of variations变质量系统热力学与新型回转压 variable quality system thermal mechanics & neo- ro表面活性物质 surface reactive materials并行算法 parallel algorithmic波谱学 wave spectrum材料的力学性能测试 measurement of material mechanical performance材料力学 mechanics of materials财务成本管理 financial cost management财政学 public finance财政与金融 finance & banking财政与信贷 finance & credit操作系统 disk operating system操作系统课程设计 course design in disk operating system操作系统原理 fundamentals of disk operating system策波测量技术 technique of whip wave measurement测量原理与仪器设计 measurement fundamentals & meter design测试技术 testing technology测试与信号变换处理 testing & signal transformation processing产业经济学 industrial economy产业组织学 industrial organization technoooligy场论 field theory常微分方程 ordinary differentical equations超导磁体及应用 superconductive magnet & application超导及应用 superconductive & application超精微细加工 super-precision & minuteness processing城市规划原理 fundamentals of city planning城市社会学 urban sociology成组技术 grouping technique齿轮啮合原理 principles of gear connection冲击测量及误差 punching measurement & error冲压工艺 sheet metal forming technology抽象代数 abstract algebra传动概论 introduction to transmission传感器与检测技术 sensors & testing technology传感器原理 fundamentals of sensors传感器原理及应用 fundamentals of sensors & application传热学 heat transfer传坳概论 introduction to pass col船舶操纵 ship controling船舶电力系统 ship electrical power system船舶电力系统课程设计 course exercise in ship electrical power system船舶电气传动自动化 ship electrified transmission automation船舶电站 ship power station船舶动力装置 ship power equipment船舶概论 introduction to ships船舶焊接与材料 welding & materials on ship船舶机械控制技术 mechanic control technology for ships船舶机械拖动 ship mechamic towage船舶建筑美学 artistic designing of ships船舶结构力学 structual mechamics for ships船舶结构与制图 ship structure & graphing船舶静力学 ship statics船舶强度与结构设计 designing ship intensity & structure船舶设计原理 principles of ship designing船舶推进 ship propeling船舶摇摆 ship swaying船舶阻力 ship resistance船体建造工艺 ship-building technology船体结构 ship structure船体结构图 ship structure graphing船体振动学 ship vibration创造心理学 creativity psychology磁测量技术 magnetic measurement technology磁传感器 magnetic sensor磁存储设备设计原理 fundamental design of magnetic memory equipment磁记录技术 magnetographic technology磁记录物理 magnetographic physics磁路设计与场计算 magnetic path designing & magnetic field calculati磁盘控制器 magnetic di


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