



高三英语如何写好读写任务中30词的summary一、考纲要求1概括的准确性;2字数大约30词;3不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。二、难点分析1如何迅速、准确地捕捉要点;2如何巧妙串连,将要点串成篇章;3如何灵活诠释,避免抄袭的嫌疑。三、解题思路1巧妙利用opinion,预测材料内容读写任务先读后写。那么“读”的材料肯定是与要“写”的材料话题是相同的,至少是相关的。因此,我们可以利用这一关系来进行有效的预测。以下是两个例子。实例一(阅读材料议论文)We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.In our classrooms, we work in various ways. Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. And advanced pupils can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to achieve this goal.写作内容1. 用约30词概括短文的内容要点;2. 用约120词就“学校该不该分班”这个主题发表你的看法。本例中的主题是“学校该不该分班”,那么,我们可以根据这个话题进行如下预测:(1)阅读材料的论点是什么:该?不该?(2)论据是什么:该的理由?不该的理由?(3)如何论证:有无实例?如有,又是什么实例?这样,心中有了疑问,就好比大海航行有了指南针一样,只要循着这一方向去找,一定能在最短的时间里到达大洋的彼岸迅速捕捉要点。此外,当对话题的具体内容感到迷惘时,我们还可以充分利用写作内容2)里的a) b) c)来帮助我们进一步定向。如实例2。实例二(阅读材料记叙文)Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a rich country. One day, he went for a trip to some distant areas of his country. When he was back to his palace, he complained that his feet were very painful, because it was the first time that he had gone for such a long trip, and the road that he went through was very rough and stony. He then ordered his people to cover road of the entire country with leather. Of course, this would need hundreds of thousands of cows skin, and would cost a huge amount of money. Then taking risks of being killed, one of his wise servants dared himself to tell the king, “Why dont you cover your feet with a piece of leather?” Luckily the king was an open-minded and easily-persuaded man. So though he was surprised, he later agrees to take the suggestion to make a “shoe” for himself. There is actually a valuable lesson in this story: to make this world a happy place to live in, youd better change yourselfyour heart not the world.写作内容1. 用约30词概括短文的内容要点;2. 用约120词就“改变世界还是改变自己”为主题写一篇短文,至少包含以下的内容要点;a) 你遇到过困难吗?你是如何应对的?b) 你认为遇到困难的时候,我们应该改变世界还是改变自己去适应这个世界?为什么?本例中的主题是“改变世界还是改变自己”。那么我们可以分析这一主题:人什么时候需要做出这种选择改变世界还是改变自己?当然是遇到困难或矛盾时。那么,主人公遇上了什么困难?最终是通过改变世界还是改变自己来解决难题的呢?至此,还不知道如何预测的同学,不妨再进一步地利用后面的具体内容要点a) b)来预测如下:1). 原文中主人公遇到(经历)了怎样的困难?2). 他/她是如何应对的?是改变世界还是改变自己?与单纯地通过主题/话题来进行预测而言,这一种预测方法(利用写作内容2里的各小点)更适合记叙文体的阅读材料。2. 分析文章结构,准确捕捉要点有了“指南针”之后,捕捉短文要点就容易多了。那么,如何才能快速、准确地捕捉到文章的要点呢?首先,从文体入手。一般来说,读写任务里的阅读材料按文体可以分成两种:议论文和记叙文。议论文有三要素,即论点、论据、论证,文章的整体结构多数为总分结构、分总结构、平行结构等。因此,我们通常可以去第一段或最后一段找论点。如实例一,论点就在第一段开头找到:Mixed-ability teaching can do good to bright children. On the contrary, streaming students have many disadvantages.再看实例二,这是一篇记叙文,我们要找出它的四要素:when, where, who, what等。带着这几个问题去找,自然很快就找出来了。其次,从过渡语入手。如实例一中,Besides就是一个很好的guide, 因为它通常表示并列或递进的关系,它后面的it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability 很明显是讲的是streaming pupils的缺点,那么在它前面必然还有至少一个缺点。再从第一段的disadvantage看起,就可以迅速找出它的另一个缺点,即have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child as they develop differently. 而这就是论据了。第三段一开头,就用了In our classroom,有具体的地点,那么,一看就知道是在举例了,且举的是Mixed-ability teaching所带来的好处的例子。3. 理清逻辑关系,选择合适连词在捕捉到文章的要点之后,接下来就是要理清他们之间的逻辑关系,再找到适当的连接词,自然衔接,使之成为一个连贯的语段。如实例一可以用图表示如下:4. 灵活变化表达,适度进行paraphrase理清要点之间的逻辑关系之后,不能简单地照搬原句,还必须进行适度的paraphrase,即用自己的话进行改写,才符合“不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子”的要求。那么,如何才能达到“雁过不留痕”的效果呢?(1)同义替换。即用同义或近义的词语或句型改写,如实例一中的 “intellectual ability” 和 “academic ability”就可以用grades(成绩)来替换;grade pupils according to 则可用judge/group pupils by替换; “It does not take into account the fact” 可以变为It fails to consider that(2)语态互换。即主语语态与被动语态的转换,如实例二中he later agrees to take the suggestion to就可以用它的被动语态来表示:he was later persuaded to(3)非谓语动词短语与从句的互换。如实例二中there was a king who ruled a rich country就可以用there was a king ruling a rich country来表达。(4)合并句子。就是将几个意义联系紧密的句子合并为一句话。如实例一中的两个论据We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take intoaccount the fact that children develop at different rates. Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability.就可改为Streaming pupils not only neglects the different rates of students development, but also is unfair for them judging only by their grades.4. 削“枝”去“叶”,实行精“兵”裁“员”由于字数有限制,所以在写summary时还应采取一些必要的手段来进行精“兵”裁“员”,减少字数。惯常采用的方法有:(1)主谓缩写。如they willtheyll; we arewere; should notshouldnt; can notcant等。(2)句式省略。如When he crossed the road=when crossing the road. If theyre corrected too much=if corrected too much.(3)使用代词或含有替代含义的词。如实例二中,有学生会这样写:Once a king wanted to cover the road with leather to protect his feet. A servant advised the king not to cover the road and just make a pair of shoes for himself. Finally the king agreed and made shoes for himself. 这时,我们可以利用代词将其改写如下:Once a king wanted to cover the road with leather to protect his feet, but he was persuaded not to do so. Instead, he made a pair of shoes to achieve the same goal四、避免误区1. 要点不齐,“骨” “肉”分离如实例一中 “学校不该分班”是“骨”,“为什么不该分班”则是“肉”。如果光只写了Streaming pupils shouldnt be adopted in schools.则为有“骨”无“肉”;如果写成Streaming pupils not only neglects the different rates of students development, but also is unfair for them judging. only by their grades.则成了有“肉”无“骨”。这两种写法都属于“骨” “肉”分离的典例。2. 抄袭原文,穷于变化在进行summarize的时候,要符合“不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子”的要求。因此,我们一定要在扎实地进行一句多译的题型训练之上,学会利用上面所介绍的方法或是其它方法来对材料中的观点进行适当的诠释,灵活的变化。3. 不够客观,喧宾夺主在写summary时,要依照作者的观点,客观地转述其要点,不要强加自己的观点。避免这种嫌疑的最佳方法就是在文首加上这样的字眼:According to the passage/the author五、备考策略1过好三关(1)阅读关。首先,要加大阅读量,减少在考试中遇到不熟悉话题的几率。其次,学生还需掌握一定的阅读技巧,对于不同文体的阅读方式要做到心中有数。(2)表达关。在平时的学习中,一定要巩固单词和固定短语的记忆,灵活运用五种基本句型的,以及复合句、非谓语动词、省略句的使用等等。多进行一句多译的训练,养成用英语写日记的习惯,或一周写几篇作文的习惯,或用英语和同学对一些身边发生的焦点问题进行讨论的习惯等。(3)书写关。要特别关注自己的书写及卷容。在同等优秀的作文面前,书写工整漂亮,卷面整洁干净的肯定是占绝对优势的。2. 积累模板要注意归纳和积累summary中常用的句式或模板。如议论文的概要通常可以如此开头:The essay/passage/author highlights the importance of encouragement for students.The essay/passage/author a


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