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政论语篇的翻译,政论语篇的翻译,政论语篇的文体特征 政论语篇一般包括政论文、社科论著、评论及政治性演说等。政论语篇的文体特点在于,概念抽象,逻辑严密,说理性强;语言精确,用词一般规范、严谨、庄重;句法工整,多用长句;叙述客观,少有感情色彩,但有时含有很浓的政治色彩。,政论语篇翻译一般要求,首先,要弄清写作背景和写作意图; 其次,通读全文,把握文章的中心论点及作者的观点、立场; 再次,要分析文章的总体结构,理清作者逻辑推理的层次; 最后,慎重选词择句,切勿歪曲事实。,举例,例1“立党为公,执政为民” 原译:(for the party)to rule for the public and exercise power for the people” 把“立党”译作“to rule”不符合原意。 改译:the Party is built for the public and it exercises state power for the people. 例2外向型经济 原译:export-oriented economy 我国改革开放早期的外向型经济多是指出口,包括劳务输出。而随着形势的发展,现在不仅指出口,也指吸收外资和到国外投资办厂,所以译文也应随之变动。 改译:internationally-oriented economy 或 outward-looking economy,例3全面建设小康社会 原译:to build a well-off society across the country 把“全面”译为“across the country”,这是对原文没能准确理解,在这里“小康”不仅仅指经济生活比较富裕,也包括政治、文化的全面发展,“全面”应改译为“in an all-round way”。 例4鼓励社会力量办学 原译:encourage social forces to run schools “社会力量”是指“民办,非政府机构”。 改译:encourage non-governmental sectors to run schools,例6伤害了中国人民的感情 原译:hurt the feelings of the Chinese people “hurt someones feelings”指的是不顾情面,使人感到不快。这样译用词分量过轻,不符合原文的意思。 改译:wound the national dignity of the Chinese people,例7中国政府希望,在一个中国原则 基础上,双方平等协商,共议统一。 原译:The Chinese government hopes that on the basis of the One-China Principle, the two sides will hold consultations on an equal footing and discuss national reunification. 改译:The Chinese government hopes that the two sides will stick to the One-China Principle in consultations and discussions for national reunification on an equal footing. 依照原文逻辑,该句的重点应强调中国政府希望在平等协商,共议统一时,要坚持一个中国原则,而所给译文的重点中国政府希望平等地进行协商。因此应改译为:,例5经验证明,关起门来搞建设是不能成功的,中国的发展离不开世界。 原译:Our experience shows that China cannot rebuild itself with its door closed to the outside world and that it cannot develop without the help of other countries. 该译文距离原文意思相差太远,“中国的发展离不开世界”在译文里却成了“没有别国的帮助中国就不可能发展”。这种用词不问轻重,随意离开原文自由发挥的倾向,是政论文章翻译中最忌讳的。 改译:Our experience shows that China cannot rebuild itself behind closed doors and that it cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the world.,例8一九九八年一月,为寻求和扩大两岸关系的政治基础,中国政府向台湾方面明确提出,在统一之前,坚持一个中国原则,也就是坚持世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。 原译:In January 1998, to seek and expand the political basis for relations between the two sides, the Chinese government explicitly proposed to the Taiwan side that before the realization of reunification, the one-china principle should be upheld, namely, that there is only one china in the world, and Taiwan is a part of China.,评述,在这个译文中有两处地方值得商榷。原文中说“明确提出”,如果提出的是建议,当然可以用“propose”,但仔细分析原文,这里的提出是在表明我方的立场,即“坚持一个中国原则”,台湾方面必须接受,否则一切免谈。因此这里的提出应译成“state”。,例9中国政府还提出,可先从进行包括政治对话在内的对话开始,逐步过度到政治谈判的程序性商谈,解决正式谈判的名义,议题,方式等问题,进而展开政治谈判。 译文:The Chinese government has also proposed that dialogues may start first, including political dialogues, which may gradually move on to procedural consultations for political talks to solve the name, the topics for discussion and the forms of official talks before political talks are held.,改译,原文的逻辑层次非常清楚即“对话”“程序性商谈”“政治谈判”,而译文中的逻辑则显得有些混乱,不够明确。 改译:The Chinese government has also proposed that we may start with dialogues, including political ones, and then gradually move on to consultations on procedural matters for political talks, in which we will decide on the name, topics, and the forms of the political talks that will follow.,译文:The Chinese government has also proposed that dialogues may start first, including political dialogues, which may gradually move on to procedural consultations for political talks to solve the name, the topics for discussion and the forms of official talks before political talks are held. 改译:The Chinese government has also proposed that we may start with dialogues, including political ones, and then gradually move on to consultations on procedural matters for political talks, in which we will decide on the name, topics, and the forms of the political talks that will follow.,翻译下列政论语篇,我们建立了社会主义制度,实现了中国历史上最广泛最深刻的社会变革。我们创造性地实现了由新民主主义到社会主义的转变,全面确立了社会主义的基本制度,使占世界人口四分之一的东方大国进入了社会主义社会。这是中国社会变革和历史进步的巨大飞跃,也极大地支持和推进了世界社会主义事业。,我们完成了新民主主义革命任务,实现了民族独立和人民解放。经过北伐战争、土地革命战争、抗日战争和解放战争,打败日本军国主义的侵略,推翻国民党反动统治,建立了中华人民共和国。中国人从此站立起来了,中华民族的发展从此开启了新的历史纪元。,参考译文,We have established a socialist system and realized the most extensive and most profound social transformation in Chinese history. We have creatively materialized the transformation from new democracy to socialism and established the basic system of socialism in an all-round way, enabling this big country in the East whose population accounts for a quarter of the world total to enter socialist society. This is a big leap in Chinas social change and historical progress, and also serves as a powerful support and impetus to the cause of socialism in the world.,参考译文,We have fulfilled the task of the new democratic revolution and realized a national independence and the liberation of the people. We founded the Peoples Republic of China after defeating the Japanese militarist aggressors and overthrowing the Kuomintang reactionaries through the Northern Expedition


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