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Unit 5Why do you like pandas? (考试时间:120分钟总分:150分)听力部分(共30分).听句子,根据听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题念两遍。(共6小题,每小题1分;满分6分)(B)1.A.P.E.BBasketball.CYao Ming.Whats your favorite sport? (C)2.A.South Africa.BChina.CAustralia.Where are the koalas from? (A)3.A.Because theyre scary.BBecause theyre friendly.CBecause theyre smart.Why dont you like lions? (A)4.A.By bus.BTwo kilometers.CAn hour.How do you get to the zoo? (A)5.A.Dogs.BPets.CFood and meat.What animals do you like? (C)6.A.Yes, it is.BNo, it isnt.CIts big.Is your favorite animal big or small? .听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,并将代表图片的字母填在相应题号后的横线上。每小题念两遍。(共4小题,每小题1分;满分4分)7_D_8._C_9._B_10._A_7The elephant can ride a motorbike.8He can walk on two legs,so mom likes him very much.9Pandas are from China.They are in danger.10All the people are afraid of tigers.听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)(B)11.A.Because theyre interesting.BBecause theyre beautiful.CBecause theyre cute.W:Lets see the giraffes first, Tony.M:Why do you want to see them, Linda?W:Because they are very beautiful.Q:Why does Linda want to see giraffes first?(A)12.A.Africa. BChina. CAustralia.W:Where do you want to go now? M:Lets see the lions first.W:Where are they from? M:They are from Africa.Q:Where do the lions come from?(C)13.A.Because theyre cute and beautiful.BBecause theyre boring and shy.CBecause theyre shy and lazy.W:Do you want to see pandas? M:Yes, I do.They are very cute.But my sister Jane wants to see elephants first.She doesnt like pandas because they are lazy and shy.Q:Why doesnt Jane like pandas?(B)14.A.Next to the pandas.BNext to the tigers.CNext to the lions.W:Lets go to see the elephants.M:OK! Where are they? W:Over there, next to the tigers.Q:Where are the elephants?(B)15.A.Yes, she can.BNo, she cant.CYes, she does.W:Lets give some food to the animals.M:Oh!No.Look!“Dont feed the animals.”Q:Can the woman give food to the animals?(A)16.A.At eight oclock on Saturday morning.BAt eight oclock on Sunday morning.CAt nine oclock on Saturday morning.W:What do you do this weekend? M:I go to the zoo with my parents.W:What time do you go there? M:At eight oclock on Saturday morning.Q:What time does the boy go to the zoo?(A)17.A.15km.B5km.C50km.W:How far is it from your home to the zoo, Jack? M:Its not far from my home.Its only 15 kilometers.Q:How far is it from Jacks home to the zoo?(C)18.A.Draw the pictures.BDance and sing.CDance and help people.W:I like monkeys very much.They can do many things.M:What can they do? W:They can dance and help people carry things.Q:What can monkeys do?(C)19.A.Friendly.BSmart.CFriendly and smart.W:Do you like to watch a dolphin show? M:Of course! They are so smart.They can swim, jump and dance.They are also friendly.Q:What does the man think of dolphins?(C)20.A.A lion. BA dog. CA cat.W:Whats your favorite animal?M:My favorite animal is a dog.How about you? W:My favorite animal is a cat.Q:What animal does the woman like best?.听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文念三遍。(共5小题,每小题2分;满分10分)(C)21.What animals are cute and shy?AThe giraffes.BThe elephants.CThe pandas.(A)22.Where do giraffes come from?AAfrica.BChina.CAmerica.(C)23.What animals are tall in the zoo?AThe pandas.BThe tigers.CThe giraffes.(A)24.Which show do people like to watch?AThe elephants show.BThe pandas show.CThe giraffes show.(B)25.If you visit the zoo, you cant_Atake pictures of the animals Bgive food to the animalsCget close to the animalsThere are many kinds of animals in the zoo.They come from different countries.The pandas are very cute and shy.They are black and white.China is their motherland.The giraffes are very tall.They come from Africa.Elephants are very big, and they are very smart too.They can play sports or music.People like them and enjoy watching their show.Many kids like to go to the zoo.But remember you cannot give food to the animals.笔试部分(共120分).单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1.5分;满分15分)(C)1.Frank is _He doesnt do any work.Abusy BfriendlyClazy Dsmart(C)2.What do you think of doctors(医生)?They are great.They can _ peoples lives.Akill BhelpCsave Dlearn(C)3._ Im late again, _ the teacher is very angry.ASo; / BBecause; soCBecause; / D/; but(A)4.The trees are small.Dont _Acut them down Bcut them upCcut down them Dcut up them(B)5.The little girl is very_She doesnt want to face so many people.Ascary BshyCclever Dsmall(D)6.Why not take a map with you?I know the city well, so I wont(不会) _Aget up Bget outCget dressed Dget lost(A)7.Many people kill elephants for their ivory, so they are _Ain danger Bout of dangerCat danger Dfor danger(A)8.Julie, dont forget _ your mother about it.Ato tell BtellCtelling Dto telling(D)9.There is _ elephant in the zoo._ elephant comes from Africa.Aan; An Bthe; TheCa; The Dan; The(D)10.The monkey is _ animal.Its _ cute.Aa kind of; a kind of Bkind of; kind ofCkind of; a kind of Da kind of; kind of.完形填空。(共10小题,每小题2分;满分20分)Some people like dogs because they can help people _11_ many things.Some people like koalas because theyre _12_I like pigs(猪) best.Many people think pigs are lazy and _13_But I think pigs are smart and clean.They just(只是) eat lots of _14_ and like sleeping.I _15_ a little pig.His name is Snoopy.Hes smart.He often plays games _16_ me.He can also do tricks(玩把戏)If I say “Go to _17_”,he goes to his bed.If I say “Dance for us”,he dances to the _18_Its great fun _19_ with him.He is really my good friend.Do you like _20_, too? Whats your favorite animal? Can you tell me?(A)11.A.do BdoingCdoes Ddid(D)12.A.lazy BbigCscary Dcute(B)13.A.friendly BdirtyCclever Dshy(C)14.A.eggs BbreadCfood Dfruits(A)15.A.have BtakeCbring Dhelp(C)16.A.at BfromCwith Dto(A)17.A.sleep BrunCeat Dlisten(C)18.A.CD BTVCmusic Dbook(D)19.A.play BplaysCto play Dplaying(B)20.A.dogs BpigsCkoalas Dcats.阅读理解。(共15小题,每小题2分;满分30分)AHello,my name is Annie.I like giraffes.They are tall and friendly.They dont hurt(伤害) people.So we dont need to be afraid of them.Giraffes can live to be about thirty years old.My name is Tina.Im a Chinese girl.Pandas are my favorite animals.They have black eyes and fat bodies(身体)They are quiet and funny.There are only about 1,600 pandas in the wild(野外)They are in danger and they need our help.My name is Sophia.I dont like big animals.I like dogs.I have a pet dog.His name is Doggy.He is smart and he can walk on two legs.He likes running and playing with balls.He runs with me every morning.We are good friends.Hi,Im Peter.I live near the sea.Dolphins are my favorite animals.They are smart and interesting.They like to live together(一起)The baby dolphin usually lives for a long time with its family.I often watch dolphin shows with my parents on weekends.(D)21.Giraffes can live to be about_Aten BfifteenCtwenty Dthirty(C)22.Tina thinks pandas are_Afriendly BnoisyCfunny Dsmart(C)23.What are Sophias favorite animals?ACats. BPandas.CDogs. DKoalas.(D)24.Peter often_ on weekends.Ahelps the animals in dangerBplays with his pet dogClives with his parentsDwatches dolphin shows(A)25.Which of the following is NOT true?AAnnie thinks giraffes are afraid of people.BThere are about 1,600 pandas in the wild and they are in danger.CDoggy likes running and playing with balls.DBaby dolphins usually live with their family for a long time.BThere is a zoo named Zhongshan Zoo in our city.There are many animals.Some animals are very friendly.But some other animals are not.Tigers, lions and some snakes are dangerous.Thats why they must be in cages(笼子)But I dont think its good for animals to be in cages.They need to be free.The animals in cages cannot be happy.Tigers usually live in forests and mountains.They are strong and can run very fast(快)They run after small animals like rabbits and deer(鹿) and eat them, but now they are in small cages.They have nothing to do every day.So they walk around in the cages, and they want to come out.When they are tired, they sleep.I am kind of sorry for them.(A)26.Why do tigers, lions and snakes have to stay in cages?ABecause they are very dangerous.BBecause they are very friendly.CBecause they need to be free.DBecause they like to be in cages.(B)27.Where do tigers usually live?AIn cages.BIn forests and mountains.CIn the zoo.DIn small rooms.(D)28.What do tigers usually do in forests?AThey have nothing to do.BThey walk around.CThey want to sleep.DThey run after and eat small animals.(A)29.Tigers want to _ when they are in cages.Acome outBeat animalsCrun fastDbe friendly to people(C)30.Why does the writer feel sorry for the tigers in cages?ABecause the writer thinks tigers need to eat food.BBecause the writer thinks tigers are dangerous.CBecause the writer thinks tigers need to be free.DBecause the writer thinks tigers are very happy.CThe wolves(狼) are very hungry.They go out to look for food.There are many sheep near the hill.There are also a few sheepdogs with them.The wolves have an idea.They speak to the sheepdogs, “You are like us and we are brothers.But we have a very different life.We do what we like, and you must work for men.They make you look after their sheep.They eat meat and give you the bones(骨头)If you listen to us and give us the sheep, we can eat them together.All of us will be happy, right?” The sheepdogs are happy and do like this.The wolves ask the sheepdogs to go to their house.The sheepdogs go to the wolves home.But the wolves eat them and then eat the sheep.(C)31.The wolves go out for food because _Athey see the sheep near the mountainBthey see the sheepdogsCthey are hungryDthey want to go out(A)32.The sheepdogs work for _Amen BsheepCwolves Ddogs(A)33.Why do the wolves ask the sheepdogs to go to their home?ABecause they want to eat them.BBecause they want to be sheepdogs friends.CBecause they want to help sheepdogs to get freedom(自由)DBecause their home is near this mountain.(B)34.What do the sheepdogs do?APlay with the sheep.BLook after the sheep.CWork with wolves.DEat the bones.(B)35.What do you think of the wolves?AShy. BSly.CKind. DLazy.任务型阅读。(共5小题,每小题2分;满分10分)Animal Shows in City ZooLion showDay:FridayTime:6:00 pm.8:00 pm.Place:Lions HomePrice:¥20/one personElephant showDay:SaturdayTime:8:00 am.9:30 am.Place:Elephants HousePrice:¥30/one personMonkey showDay:SaturdayTime:10:30 am.11:30 am.Place:Monkeys HomePrice:¥10/one person根据短文内容,回答下列问题。36When is the lion show?_On_Friday._37Can you see the elephant show and the monkey show on the same day?_Yes,_I/we_can._38If(如果) Johns parents take him and his sister to see the lion show, how much do they need?_80_yuan_39How long does the monkey show last?_One/An_hour._40What s


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