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2019届中考英语完形填空题(四)有参考答案第一篇Judy was a disabled (残疾的)girl. She had no arms when she was born, _1_ she had to do many things with her feet. There were many questions about whether she could live a normal life. However, her father had full confidence in_2_.With the support of her parents and family, she became confident in herself and continued to explore across the world,with her _3_.As a child,Judy studied _4_ in her hometown. When the first performance arrived,she asked herself to be put in the _5_ row. Her dance teacher told her there was no back row Nervously,she appeared on the stage with the other students and performed _6_.When she finished,the applause (喝彩)from the audience gave her encouragement and the confidence to _7_ dancing for 14 years.After she _8_ high school,she attended the University of Arizona,where she got a bachelors degree_9_ Psychology (心理学)When _10_ her degree,she explains that the way people think has a greater influence on her life than a physical limitation.Now Judy works as a lecturer. She travels the world sharing her story and encouraging people to be creative and confident. She often says,“Think outside the shoes.” ()1. A. and B. but C. so D. or()2. A. them B. us C. him D. her()3. A. feet B. arms C. legs D. mouth()4. A. guitar B. song C. art D. dance()5. A. front B. back C. middle D. right()6. A. terribly B. simply C. well D. badly()7. A. stop B. continue C. start D. teach()8. A. dropped in B. sent for C. left for D. graduated from()9. A. at B. in C. with D. by()10. A. talking about B. talking with C. talking to D. talking back完形填空15 C D A D B610 C B D B A第二篇中考完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。The United States is full of automobiles(机动车) .There are still many families without cars. But some families have two or 1 more. However, cars are used for 2 than pleasure. They are a 3 part of life. Cars are 4 for business. They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no 5 way to get to their jobs. When salesmen are sent to 6 parts of the city, they have to drive in order to carry their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get home. Sometimes small children must be driven to 7 . In some cities school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When the children are 8 young to walk that far, their mothers take 9 to drive them to school One 10 drives on Mondays, taking her children and the neighbours children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays, and so on. This is called forming a car pool. Men also form car pools, with three or four men taking turns driving to the place 11 they work. More car pools should be formed in order to put 12 motorcars on the road and to use less 13 . Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. 14 many cars are being driven,. Something will have to be done 15 the use of cars.1. A. evenB. muchC. littleD. such2. A. betterB. lessC. moreD. farther3. A. greatB. necessaryC. properD. possible4. A. boughtB. usedC. producedD. sold5. A. otherB. longC. shortD. easy6. A. busyB. someC. manyD. different7. A. citiesB. schoolC. parkD. gardens8. A. quiteB. veryC. tooD. so9. A. moneyB. timeC. prideD. turns10. A. motherB. childC. wayD. car11.A. whereB. thatC. whileD. when12. A. moreB. fewerC. manyD. less13. A. timeB. spaceC. energyD. oil14. A. SoB. EvenC. VeryD. Such15. A. onB. forC. fromD. about名师点评美国发达的经济给美国人民生活带来了方便,轿车进入家家户户,但也给社会带来了负面影响:堵车、环境污染等。结合节约能源和增强环保意识这一社会话题,不难完成。答案简析1. A.。因为后面有一个比较级more, 比较级前面加上much, a little, even, still 等词用来较为准确说明比较时相差的程度。如果比较级more修饰可数名词复数,则 more前不可用much修饰.表示程度。2. C。用 more than pleasure 说明车子不只是用来享受,还有其他的用途。3. B。用来说明车子在人们的日常生活中必不可少。4. B。提到了cars的其它用途。5. A。have no other way意思是“没有其它的办法”。6. D。开车送货到市区其它地方。7. B。下文提到了孩子上学。8. C。too to为固定结构,表示“太而不能”。9. D。根据下文可知,母亲们轮流接送小孩,由此推断,take turns(依次、轮流)符合文意。10. A。下文有another mother 提示。11. A.。定语从句的引导词同时在从句中充当地点状语。12. B。路上行驶的车辆要更少,motorcar是可数名词,故用fewer。13. D。车辆使用率低,耗油就少, oil不可数,故用less修饰。14. A。交代前一句的原因:这么多的车辆行驶。many, much, few, little前用so修饰。15. D。关于方面可用about或on。on通常表示“关于专著等方面”。第三篇An old woman lost her only son. The sad woman went to a clever man and asked, “Is there any way I can throw away my_1_?”The clever man said to her, “Go and bring me a seed (种子) from a home that has never known sadness. I will_2_it to drive the sadness out of your life.” The woman_3_at once to look for that magical seed.First, she came to a beautiful house, knocked at the door, and asked_4_, “Excuse me, I am looking for a home that has never known sadness. Is this such a_5_? It is very important to me.”They told her, “Youve certainly come to the_6_place,” and began to describe all the sad things that had recently happened _7_them. The woman said to herself, “Who is able to_8_these people that have had such sadness like me? ” She stayed to cheer them up_9_she went on looking for a home that had never known sadness.But wherever she went, whether in the homes of the poor or the rich, she found one sad story after another. She became so busy helping other people that forgot about_10_the seed that would magically end her own sadness. She even never realized that her helping others had driven the sadness out of her life.()1. A. happiness B. kindness C. sadness D. illness()2. A. push B. use C. lend D. lose()3. A. arrived in B. went off C. joined in D. left for()4. A. politely B. happily C. proudly D. angrily()5. A. room B. place C. floor D. house()6. A. right B. wrong C. clean D. dirty()7. A. to B. with C. for D. by()8. A. catch B. order C. hide D. help()9. A. before B. after C. when D. while()10. A. thinking of B. thinking about C. looking for D. looking after完形填空15 C B B A B610 B A D A C第四篇Im enjoying my staying in Canada. It is my first experience of being abroad. and I am trying to learn as 41 as possible. Classes here are much more fun and very different from classes in 42 . In China there are very few opportunities to practice 43 and listening, so although many Chinese students have good 44 , their speaking is not good. Studying English at Fern is much more practical. We actually 45 the language we are learning. I couldnt speak any English at all when I 46 here. Thankfully after about a month, things started getting 47 and I made friends and started to settle in(安家). I am really 48 to learn English here and Fem is a very good language school. I have always wanted to have a sister. In my Canadian host family my dream has 49 . On the first day when I arrived, my host family welcomed 50 warmly. All the family members were 5l and helpful. and they made me feel at home at once. My 52 , Joise, is very kind. She often explains their manners to me. Her mother explains ordinary things like housework. Together they 53 me study and understand Canada. Joise told me a 54 . Last year, she met a Chinese student on a plane. She said she felt sorry because she did not say 55 to the girl. Im happy to live in Canada. I think it will be an important experience in my life.41. A. many B. much C. good D. better42. A. Japan B. Canada C. China D. America43. A. playing B. reading C. writing D. Speaking44. A. grammar B. writing C. English D. time45. A. write B. read C. hear D. use46. A. entered B. arrived C. arrived in D. went47. A. harder B. freer C. busier D. easier48. A. sad B. sorry C. happy D. afraid49. A. come true B. come out C. come over D. come on50. A. him B. her C. me D. them51. A. serious B. friendly C. famous D. expensive52. A. sister B. father C. brother D. mother53. A. want B. tell C. help D. order54. A. book B. diary C. letter D. story55. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing【主旨大意】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了一位移居加拿大的中国人,在那里的生活


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