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Unit 2 Healthy Eating,Warming-up & Reading,1. Match the food with the festivals it is for,Moon cake Zongzi Dumplings Yuanxiao Chocolate Turkey Pumpkin,Lantern Festival Spring Festival Thanksgiving Day Dragon Boat Festival Mid-autumn Festival Valentines Day Halloween,diet spaghetti nut muscle protective bean pea cucumber,n. 日常饮食 vi. 节食 n. 意大利式细面条 n. 坚果;果仁 n. 肌肉;(食用)瘦肉 adj. 给予保护的;保护的 n. 豆;豆科植物 n. 豌豆 n. 黄瓜,Expressions,Read after the tape and speak out the Chinese immediately.,eggplant pepper mushroom peach lemon balance balanced diet,n. 茄子 n. 胡椒粉;辣椒 n. 蘑菇 n. 桃子 n. 柠檬 vt. 平衡;权衡 n. 天平;平衡 平衡膳食,Words and,Expressions,What do I like best?,Garfield,Spaghetti,(意大利面 ),collar of brawn,猪肉卷,What do I like best?,What do you like best?,pizza,hamburger,French fries,fast food,grapes,peaches,vegetables & fruits,cabbage,cucumbers,peas,mushroom,lemon,eggplants,fish,Meat and fish,beef,pork,chicken,ice cream,chocolate,dessert,cake,What can we get from the food?,sugar, starch, protein, fat, fiber, vitamin, minerals, etc.,What are the six essential nutrients(营养) for human beings?,1. Protein (蛋白质) 2. Carbohydrates (碳水化合物) 3. Fat (脂肪) 4. Vitamins 5. Minerals 6. Water,How much do you know about food? Now do a survey.,1. Which food gives us energy the most rapidly? A. cereal (谷物) B. meat C. fruit and vegetable 2. Which food helps to build our bodies? A. cereal B. meat C. fruit and vegetable 3. Which of the following is the most fattening? A. brown bread B. boiled potato C. salted peanut,4. Which of the following can we get a lot of vitamins from? A. cereal B. meat C. fruit and vegetable 5. People damage their health by eating too much _. A. cereal B. fatty food C. vegetables 6. Which of the following might be dangerous to our health? A. salt B. tea C. milk 7. Vitamin C is good for you because it _. A. makes your hair grow B. helps to fight colds C. helps you to see in the dark,Result: 5-7 healthy; 0-4 not healthy enough.,Please remember: A healthy life is better than a wealthy life.,How many questions did you answer correctly?,Everybody has to eat, but do you know the food you eat helps you grow in different ways?,P9,noodles,rice,bread,potatoes,spaghetti,butter,Energy-giving Food,They are rich in starch(淀粉), _ and _. It provides us with _.,fat,sugar,energy,meat,tofu,egg,cheese,Body-building Food,They are rich in _. It helps grow _ and _.,protein,bones,muscles,most vegetables,most fruit,Protective Food,They are rich in _ and _. It helps our body _.,fibre,vitamins,fight diseases,A healthy diet 健康膳食,energy-giving food能量食物,protective food 保健食品,+,+,body-building food 健身食品,Food that provides energy,Food that helps grow bones and muscles,Food that helps the body fight diseases,The Health Pyramid,protective food body- building food energy giving food,Different food give us different nutrients.(营养)There are three kinds of foods which help us grow in different ways. Do you know what they are?,rice,noodles,nuts,butter,meat,fish,tofu,fresh fruit,vegetables,Discuss what kind food they are: rice, fresh fruit, meat, noodles, tofu, vegetables, fish, nuts, butter,What is a healthy diet? 什么是健康膳食?,Discussion,A healthy diet 健康膳食,energy-giving food 能量食物 Food that provides energy,protective food 保健食品 Food that helps the body fight diseases,+,+,body-building food 健身食品 Food that helps grow bones and muscles,=,We are what we eat,We will become what we eat. B. Our health is decided by what we eat. C. We should buy and eat nutritious food. D. What we eat can make us healthy.,What will happen if we dont eat a balanced diet?,Read the English proverbs. Try to translate them.,You are what you eat. 人如其食。,Eat Vegetables,Do you know any famous proverbs about health? Try to list some.,Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和睿智。,An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,疾病远离我。,Healthy mind lies in a healthy body. 饱满的精神存在于健康的体魄。,COME AND EAT HERE (1),Unit 2 Reading,barbecue mutton kebab roast stir fry stir-fry,vt. & n. 烧烤;烤肉 n. 羊肉 = kabob (印度)烤腌羊肉串; 肉串上的肉块 adj. 烤制的 vt. & vi. 烤;烘;烘烤 vt. 摇动;搅和 vt. & vi. 油煎;油炸 vt. 用旺火炒(或煎、煸),Words Review,Read after the tape and speak out the Chinese immediately.,ought ought to bacon cola sugary sign lose weight,v. aux. 应当;应该 应当;应该 n. 熏咸肉;腊肉 n. 可乐饮料 adj. 含糖的;甜的 n. 牌示;标记;符号 体重减轻;减肥,Words Review,slim curiosity hostess raw vinegar get away with,vi. 变细;减肥 adj. 苗条的;纤细的 n. 好奇心 n. 女主人;女主持人 adj. 生的;未加工的 n. 醋 受到从轻发落;(做坏 事)不受惩罚,Words Review,lie tell a lie customer discount win back weakness strength,n. 谎话;谎言 vi. 说谎 说谎 n. 顾客;消费者 n. 折扣 赢回;重新获得 n. 缺点;虚弱;弱点 n. 强项;长处;力量,Words Review,What do you think should go into a good meal? Do you like eating out? Do you think restaurants can provide you with good meals?,There are some pictures about two restaurants. Which one do you prefer? Why?,Tired of that fat? Want to lose weight? Come inside Yong Huis slimming restaurant.,Read the passage to see what happened to these two restaurants.,Skimming for general idea,Wang Peng and Yong Hui served _ in their restaurants. Wang Pengs diet contains _ while Yong Huis _ food to keep customers _.,different diets,too much fat,lacks energy-giving,Fill in the blanks.,fit,How many parts can this passage be divided? What is the main idea of each part?,Part. 1:,Wang Peng is worried because his restaurant is not as full as it usually was.,Part. 2:,He follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which is very popular.,Part. 3:,P11 4,Worried, he does some research to win his customers back.,(Para. 1),(Para. 2-3),(Para. 4),3,Scanning for specific information,1. Wang Peng felt frustrated because _. A. he failed to serve better food B. his restaurant was to close C. his business was not as good as ever D. he got complaints from customers 2. Which of the following statement is true? A. Wangs food was too expensive. B. Wangs food was rich in fibre and vitamins. C. Yongs diet provided too little energy. D. Yongs food was relatively cheap.,Choose the best answer.,3. Why did the people go to Yong Huis restaurant? A. The food served there was cheaper. B. The food served there was delicious. C. They wanted to lose weight. D. They were tired of the same kinds of food. 4. How did Wang Peng feel after doing some research in the library? A. Proud. B. Hopeful. C. Disappointed. D. Frustrated.,5. What did Wang Peng do to win his customers back? A. Offer slimming foods. B. Advertise. C. Make his food cheaper. D. Both B and C.,Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. 2. Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. 3. Wang Pengs regular customers often became fat.,P11 1,not fit,4. Yong Huis menu gave customers more energy-giving food. 5. Wang Pengs menu gave customers more protective food. 6. Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu.,less,less,with a discount and a new sign,Who wins?,felt frustrated,By lunch time, his restaurant was _, which _ full of people.,empty,ought to be,The menu in Wang Pengs restaurant,why?,barbecued mutton kebabs roast pork stir-fried vegetables fried rice,Nothing could be better!,Li Chang was not coming to eat in Wang Pengs restaurant _ he always did. So Wang _ him.,as,followed,Oh, my god! A restaurant full of people!,_ drove him inside. Yong Hui _ and gave a _ to him, saying, “Ill help you _ and _ in two weeks.”,Curiosity,came forward,menu,lose weight,be fit,The menu in Yong Huis restaurant: _,rice, raw vegetables,be amazed at the price; couldnt believe his eyes,why?,It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant.,He went to the library, because he could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!,What did he find?,serve far too much fat no protective food,serve far too little fat no energy-giving food,Wang Pengs restaurant was _ . He felt happy because he was able to _ and did not look forward to _. He smiled as he _ some customers warmly at the door.,earn his living,being in debt,welcomed,nearly full,The competition between the two restaurants was on.,Yong Hui was very angry and glared at him when she came to Pengweis restaurant because _,Wang Peng explained that _.,She thought he had spied on her restaurant.,he found her menu so limited that he stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of his food.,How did Yong Hui feel when she had the meal in Wangs restaurant?,They sit down and try a meal,“I feel sick with _. I miss my _.,all this fat and heavy food,vegetables and fruit,I do have to _ a lot. But dont you think it would be better_?”,rest,if you were a bit thinner,What did they find after their chat?,They found they didnt offer balanced diets. Because Wang didnt offer enough fibre and Yong Hui didnt offer enough body-building and energy-giving foods.,They sit down and try a meal,“My research has shown me that _ your restaurant _ mine offers a _. Perhaps we ought to _ and provide a balanced menu with food _.”,neither,nor,a balanced diet,combine our menu,full of energy and fiber,raw vegetables with the hamburgers,boiled the potatoes,fresh fruit with ice cream,cut down,increased,In this way, they _ the fat and _ the fiber in the meal.,became _ that _ had turned into a _,such a success,business cooperation,a personal one,Got married and lived happily ever after,True or False,1. Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. ( ) 2. He provided a balanced diet in his menu. ( ) 3.Yonghui served a balanced diet. ( ) 4.Yonghui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. ( ) 5.Wang Pengs customers often became fat after eating in his restaurant. ( ) 6.Yonghuis menu gave them energy foods. ( ) 7.Wang Pengs menu gave them food containing fibre. ( ) 8.Wang Peng admired Yonghuis restaurant when he saw the menu. ( ) 9.Wang Peng decided to copy Yonghuis menu. ( ),T,T,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,Choose the best answer,When Wang Peng thought “Nothing could be better”, he means _ A. His food and drinks were the best. B. His food and drinks were the worst. C. His food should have been improved. D. He could do nothing with his food and drinks. 2. Why did Wang Peng go into the newly-opened restaurant? A. Because he was angry. B. Because he was curious. C. Because he wanted to blame its owner. D. Because he wanted to ask for advice.,Choose the best answer,3. What is Wang Pengs impression on Yong Huis restaurant? A. All the customers in it were very slim. B. It was too small and too noisy. C. The food in it was very nice and better than that in his. D. There was so limited food but the price was much higher. 4. We can infer from the last sentence that _ A. Wang Peng would learn from Yong Hui B. Yong Hui would learn from Wang Peng C. The competition had began and would continue D. The two restaurants would give up the competition,Find or translate the useful expressions,能量食品 健身食品 保健食品 平衡膳食 减肥食品 感到沮丧 到吃午饭时 烤猪肉 炒饭 应当,应该,energy-giving foods,body-building foods,protective foods,balanced diet,slimming foods,by lunchtime,roast pork,fried rice,feel frustrated,ought to,羊肉串 生菜 对感到惊讶 对厌倦 减肥 不能容忍做 被放过 说谎 作些研究 过多的脂肪 保持健康 赢回顾客,mutton kebabs,raw vegetables,do some research,tell lies,get away with,be tired of,be amazed at,lose weight,couldnt have sb doing,far too much fat,keep fit,win the customers back,谋生 期待 欠债 不再 怒视 暗中监视 宣传的好处 同意做 油腻、难消化的食物,earn ones living,look forward to,fat and heavy food,agree to do,advertise the benefits,no longer,be i


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