



典范7-1 Book 1 Walrus Join InWords(动词写原形):1.表演show 2.滑冰skate 3.翻跟头do tumbling 4.潜水dive 5.优雅elegant 6.不高兴angry 7.毁了ruin 8.气疯了furious 9.欣喜若狂overjoy 10.海象walrus 11.很糟terrible 12.没本事的incompetent 13.圆圈circle 14.跳跃leap 15.甜美地sweetly 16.鞠躬bow 17.很pretty 18.绝妙的perfect 19.向前forwards 20.向后backwardsPhrases(动词写原形):1.擅长be good at 2.等待wait for 3.撞上bump into4.突然all of a sudden 5.和一样just like 6.事实上in fact 7.听起来sounded like 8.尽力做某事try ones best to do sth 9.只要as long as 10.如此以至于sothat 11.没关系never mind 12.前排front row 13.摔倒trip up 14.跟一起along with 15.哭的泪流满面burst into floods of tears 16.肯定,确信be sure 17.站不稳fall over 18.一点也不notat all 19.充满bristle with 20.加入,参加join inSentences:1.“我要表演滑冰”北极狐说道,“因为我很擅长滑冰。”“I will do skating,”said Arctic Fox. “Im good at that!”2.海象撞上了北极狐,于是北极狐摔了个大马趴。He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face.3.突然,海象控制不住自己飞,它跳到了冰面上。All of a sudden, walrus just couldnt stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice.4.晚上我耳边充满了甜美的歌声。My ear is filled with voices singing in the night!5.事实上,它的声音听起来像是一个生了锈的旧木桶。In fact, he sounded like a rusty old bucket.6它(海象)尽量让自己别掺和进去。He tried and tried his very best not to join in.7只要你适当地去做,你就能成为小丑。You can be the clown. As long as you do it properly.8.现在他(海象)是如此的棒,以至于北极狐,北极熊,海狮和鲸鱼都想让它加入到表演中。Now he is so good at Fox, Polar Bear, Seal and Whale are glad he is taking part.9.“大家快来看我”他喊叫道。He cried. “Look at me!”10.但是海象一点也不会摔跤。But walrus couldnt skate at all.Book2 Noisy NeighboursWords(动词写原形):1.守财奴miser 2.便士penny 3.吝啬的mean 4.悲惨的miserable 5.邻居neighbour 6.卡车lorry 7.锤子hammer 8.颤抖shivered 9.壁橱cupboard 10.毛巾towel 11.恶劣的nasty 12.诡计tricks 13.烟囱chimney 14.皱眉frown 15.吃力、奋斗strugglePhrase(动词写原形):1.捐赠give away 2.属于belong to 3.透过come through 4.把撕碎tearup 5.遮挡keep out 6.继续go on 7.除掉get rid of 8.一条面包a loaf of bread 9.一瓶番茄酱a bottle of tomato sauce 10.外卖早餐take-away breakfast 11.一把钱a fistful of money 12.一就as soon as 13.卖出sell out 14.准备好了、解决了all set 15.乔迁派对a house-warming partySentences:1.Flinch先生之所以不幸是因为他的邻居们。Mr. Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours.2.Flinch先生那栋灰不溜秋的房子的一边坐落着一栋明艳的红色房子。On one side of Mr. Flinchs grim, grey house stood a jolly red one.3.Flinch先生不停地敲打着墙壁直到它出现破洞,但还是没用。Mr. Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good.4.Flinch先生就是这个“吵闹三明治”中的一块馅料。Mr. Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich.5.没有人想住在一个有老鼠的房子里。Nobody wants to live in a house with rats!6.Poppy眉开眼笑。Poppy beamed with joy with a sumg smirk.7.我一能够卖出房子我就将搬出去。Ill move out as soon as I can sell the house!8.她一辈子也没见过这么多钱。She had never seen so much money in her life.9.他看见Poppy吃力地搬着竖琴。He saw Poppy struggling with a harp.10.再没有比家更好的地方了。Theres no place like home.Book 3 Princess Pips HolidayWords(动词写原形):1.公主princess 2.假日holiday 3.擦亮polish 4.挑选choose 5.女仆maid 6.小马pony 7.无聊的boring 8.肯定的firmly 9.宴会banquet 10.海边seaside 11.建议suggest 12.旅行箱suitcase 13.吊桥drawbridge 14.承认admit 15.沙子城堡sandcastle 16.伤心地sadly 17.讨厌的stupid 18.游乐场a fun-fair 19.野餐picnic 20.赛跑racePhrase(动词写原形):1.太阳帽sun hats 2.跑来跑去run around 3.带去度假takeon holiday 4.照顾look after 5.持续go on 6.玩得开心have a wonderful time 7.在阳光下in the sun 8.噔噔地走开了stomp off 9.再久一点a bit longer 10.把拿出来takeout 11.启程set out for 12.走过,穿过go across 13.味道最好taste best14.沿着往下走go down 15.石阶stone steps 16.就像as if 17.对生气,恼怒be cross at 18.拿起pick up 19.至少at least 20.盯着看stare atSentences:1.恐怕马车上没有地方容纳小马了。Im afraid there wont be room for a pony on the coach.2.到达海滨确实花了很长时间。It did take a long time to get to the seaside.3.有个女孩等在城堡门边。There was a girl waiting by the castle door.4.如果你待在这里再久一点,你会喜欢上海滨的。If you stayed here a bit longer, you might start liking the seaside.5.如果你愿意的话,我带你去看鱼从哪来。Ill show you where the fish come from, if you like.6.你可以把你的长筒袜脱下来。You could take your stocking off.7.让水别再进来了。Make water stop coming in now


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