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,Holiday topic,1.How many holidays do you know? What are they?,2.What holiday do you like best? Why?,Unit 7,Summer holiday plans,( Story time),暑假计划,The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday .,Do you want to know something about their summer holidays? 试着对孩子的暑假计划提一些问题吧,3,1,2,4,Watch, match and say,1. Mike will go back to London. How long will he stay there? A. For a week. B. For a month. C. For three days. 2.Who will YangLing visit in Beijing? A. Her friends. B.Her grandparents. C.Her aunt and uncle. 3.How will YangLing go to Beijing? A. by plane B. by bus C.by train,Read and choose,Who will Mike visit in Lodon?,回去,SuHai will go to Disneyland and Ocean Park in HongKong. ( ) 2.LiuTao will go to Taipei with his classmates. ( ) 3.SuHai will show some photos to LiuTao after the holiday . ( ),T,F,F,Read and judgeT/F(P69),parents,LiuTao,SuHai,LiuTao: Where will you go for the summer holiday, SuHai? SuHai: Ill go to Hong Kong with my family. LiuTao: Will you go to Disneyland? SuHai: Yes,I will.Well go to Ocean park too. What about you, LiuTao? LiuTao: Ill go to Taipei with my parents. SuHai: Thats wonderful.I want to see the city too. LiuTao: OK.Ill show you some photos after the holiday. SuHai: Thanks!,Tip:轻声朗读69页对话,然后判断, 用横线划出关键句。,The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday.,选择你喜欢的方式朗读课文。,Read it together 齐读课文,2. Read in roles 分角色朗读,London,a month,aunt and uncle,train,Disneyland,Ocean Park,Taipei,photos,Try to retell .,Tip:复述课文内容时, 可以借助课文插图。,Enjoy your travelling!享受旅游 Have great fun!乐在其中 Enjoy your summer holiday! 享受暑假 Have a happy life! 快乐生活,proverb,Tower Bridge,Big Ben,the Great Wall,the Bund,the Summer Palace,the Shanghai Museum,the Sydney Opera House,Tiananmen Square,London Eye,Lets enjoy some photos,Taipei 101,Taipei,Taipei 101 is the tallest building in Taipei. It has 101 floors above ground and five floors underground.,Disneylan


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