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,中考英语复习策略探讨,学情分析,学生存在的不足之处: 1.两极分化现象比较严重。 2.英语学习能力较薄弱。 3.基础知识掌握和基本技能还不够扎实。,学情分析,教学反思 : 如何在复习过程抑制两极分化? 如何在通过复习大面积 提高教学质量?,中考复习策略,策略2 采用“三轮复习法”,循序渐进.,策略1 准确把握中考命题原则.,策略3 进行针对性训练,及时调整.,策略1 准确把握中考命题原则., ,策略二 三轮复习法,2.专项强化复习阶段 (2009年4月下旬5月中旬),3.中考题型强化阶段 (2009年5月中旬6月初),1.基础知识复习阶段 (2009年3月上旬4月下旬),第一轮-基础知识复习阶段,重点:知识扫描为主,夯实基础,选择不同难度的练习题,归纳语言点 讲透语言点运用 梳理知识要点 注重基础过关,措施 :课堂复习记忆重点内容 配套的过关练习 阶段性测试讲评,第一轮具体计划 : 1、注重语言基础知识的复习。 2、每周发13篇完形填空和13篇阅读理解。 3、以听写的形式,争取每天单词、词汇、句子过关。 4、每周两次的听力训练。 5、每周一至两篇作文。,第二轮-专项强化复习阶段,侧重点:专题练习,引导学生了解熟悉各个题型的特点 点拔各种题型的解题技巧、 训练提高解题能力及速度,2.专项练习,精讲精练,3.举一反三,触类旁通,1.有针对性地复习,措施:,要求:牢固掌握,突出重点,(1)听力部分,考点:辩音 反应 理解 听写,技巧:1.巧用时间提前读题 答案进行预测 2.带着问题认真“听” 3.善于跳跃难点 利用重复信息 4.学会记笔记 5. 注意抓关键词,方法 : 勤练 技巧,提醒: 听力的第三节 信息点前疏后密,听力(一),2. w: tom, do you go to school by bike? m: yes. i ride to school on weekdays. i have a new bike.,听力(二),7. w: dad, its raining. m: oh, dont forget to take a raincoat with you.,(1)听力部分,考点:辩音 反应 理解 听写,技巧:1.巧用时间提前读题 答案进行预测 2.带着问题认真“听” 3.善于跳跃难点 利用重复信息 4.学会记笔记 5. 注意抓关键词,方法 : 勤练 技巧,提醒: 听力的第三节 信息点前疏后密,听力(三),w: hello, house of noodles. can i help you? m: id like to order two bowls of noodles, please. w: we have chicken noodles, beef noodles and egg noodles. which would you like? m: two beef noodles, please. w: which size would you like, large, medium or small? m: medium, please. w: ok. two bowls of beef noodles, medium. anything else? m: id also like some drinks. w: we have drinks like green tea, coffee and orange juice. m: orange juice. three bottles of orange juice, please. w: would you like anything else? m: no, thanks. how much is everything? w: ¥25. may i have your address and telephone number, please? m: 9 green street, 8923 5162. w: ok.9 green street, 8-9-2-3-5-1-6-2. well send them to your address very soon. m: thank you. bye. w: bye.,(1)听力部分,考点:辩音 反应 理解 听写,技巧:1.巧用时间提前读题 答案进行预测 2.带着问题认真“听” 3.善于跳跃难点 利用重复信息 4.学会记笔记 5. 注意抓关键词,方法 : 勤练 技巧,提醒: 听力的第三节 信息点前疏后密,a: whats your favorite sport , jim ? b: golf is also interesting, but l like soccer best . q: whats jims favorite sport ? i am in class 3. there are 40 students in our class and 20 of them are boys. q:how many girls are there in the class ?,(2)单项填空,考点: 语言知识 从语境中判断并正确使用语言知识的能力 在复杂语言环境中正确使用语言知识的能力,特点: 注重基础 突出语境 巧设陷阱,要考虑语言环境,突出语言交际(注意语言的功用) 注重选题方法的指导,如排除筛选法(如排除法、比较法、联想法),. 编排相关的试题(较容易出现语法正确却不符合语言环境的语法题目),技巧:,(3)阅读和完型失分的原因分析,心理原因-磨练一颗” 平常心” 错误的阅读方法- 指读 回读 译读 不知全文大意 只读与该题相关的文字 生词障碍 3.答题原因-审题不仔细 错误的做题顺序,1. there would be a school party on friday evening. the girls were talking about what they were going to wear the party was held on friday evening. groups of students arrived. the music began. the girls stood in a line on one side, and the boys on another side. q: on friday evening there would be _ (a) a school party (b) a school meeting (c) a sports meeting (d) a birthday party,(a),scanning 1、细节问题:通读全文可以从文章的原句中找到答案。,2. i won a prize for one of my paintings when i was fourteen. that may be why i went to art school four years later when left school, i got some money. i hope to become a full-time craftswoman. q: when finishing school studies, the writer was about_ (a) 14 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 21,(d),scanning 2、推理性题目:不能直接找到答案,要做上下文深层理解。,4. a shark is a large, dangerous fish. what will you do if you meet a shark while you are swimming? one man who knows all about sharks has given some rules to help you swim safely in the sea. q: this passage is about_ (a) what a shark is (b) the best place to swim in (c) how to swim safely (d) how to ride on sharks,(c),scanning 3、概括性题目:对文章做出归纳、概括或评价。,3. one day we invited some friends to dinner. when it was about six oclock, my wife found that we had little bread. so she asked our five-year-old daughter, kathy, to buy some. q: one day kaths parents invited some friends to_ (a) have breakfast (b) have lunch (c) have supper (d) have a party,(c),scanning 4、理解性问题:对文中的个别难词、关键词、词组及句子from the context(上下文).作出解释。,(4) 写作,考点: 以书面形式综合运用英语的能力.,解题技巧: 认真审题,明确文体.(体裁、人称、主体时态、字数 依据提示,列出要点(缺一不可) 连句成篇,谋篇布局(句子结构、段落、连接词) 默读检查(要点、格式、语法、书写、字数),常见问题: 中文式英语条理 不清或结构混乱 漏要点或弄错题意 语法错误较多 标点不恰当 卷面不洁,措施: 1、宜早不宜迟,坚持练 2、面批、全批、抽选批改相结合 3. 放映典型的习作或集中各类错误让学生进行修改 4. 放映优秀作文或范文分析优点 5、根据中考要求选写作题,分阶段进行各种文体的写作训练 6. 不同学生不同要求,1.he would like to qufu one day, confucius was born in there. he has never gone there before. 2. they would love to the place where is exotic. 3.he hopes to take a vacation somewhere is relaxing. 4.id like to go to somewhere interesting. 5.they also like the place that can swim.,visit / go to,been,visit / go to,it,i hope to visit the place where the water is very clear.,the weather is fine.,the seafood is really cheap.,we can have a good time.,there are many fish in rivers. the traffic is not busy. i was born. it is toursty. ,somewhere relaxing somewhere near the sea somewhere in eastern china,where i can swim there.,(4) 写作,考点: 以书面形式综合运用英语的能力.,解题技巧: 认真审题,明确文体.(体裁、人称、主体时态、字数 依据提示,列出要点(缺一不可) 连句成篇,谋篇布局(句子结构、段落、连接词) 默读检查(要点、格式、语法、书写、字数),常见问题: 中文式英语条理 不清或结构混乱 漏要点或弄错题意 语法错误较多 标点不恰当 卷面不洁,措施: 1、宜早不宜迟,坚持练 2、面批、全批、抽选批改相结合 3. 放映典型的习作或集中各类错误让学生进行修改 4. 放映优秀作文或范文分析优点 5、根据中考要求选写作题,分阶段进行各种文体的写作训练 6. 不同学生不同要求,3.第三轮- 中考题型强化


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