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专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 1 Language Practice【语言练习】Language Practice【语言练习】 亲爱的同学,你好! 快到终点啦, 这是第 1 单元最后一部分。 坚持就是胜利!Perseverance is the only way to success.(毅力是成功的唯一途径。 )来吧,跟随我的指引一举攻克它! Vocabulary【词汇练习】Vocabulary【词汇练习】 (教材第 11 页) Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Finish the list of nouns. Then complete the sentences that follow. 【写出下列动词的名词形式,然后完成下列句子。 】 参考答案及译文:参考答案及译文: VerbNoun investinvestment differdifference solvesolution objectobjection survivesurvivor, survival 1.I am afraid there is not much difference in their points of view. 2.Im not sure if we can gain any profit from the investment. 3.There are only a few survivors from the air crash. 4.Nuclear is not the only solution to energy crisis. 5.There is no objection, so we will begin with the next project. 1.在查看参考答案前, 请 借助词典完成本练习。 2.完成练习后, 可以试着 将每个句子译成中文, 然后对照参考译文。 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 2 参考译文: 1. 恐怕他们的观点没有多大区别。 2. 我不是很确定我们是否能从这次投资中获得利润。 3. 这次飞机坠毁仅剩下几个生还者。 4. 核动力并不是解决能源危机的唯一办法。 5. 因为没有反对,那么我们将开始下一个方案。 Exercise 2 Exercise 2 In the grid below, 10 words connected entertaining activities are hidden. Three have been found for you. Find the others. 【在下列格子中, 隐藏着 10 个关于招待活动的单词, 3 个已经示出, 请找出其余 7 个单词。 】 参考答案:参考答案: ballet, skiing, drama, snooker, bar, tea, disco, golf, karaoke, skate Exercise 3 Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with words from the above exercises.【用练习 2 中的单词填空。 】 参考答案及译文:参考答案及译文: 1.In the UK, clerks like to hang out in a bar after work. 2.She used to be a famous ballet dancer. 3.His favorite sport in winter is skiing. 4.In Japan, China and Korea karaoke is very popular. Many people like singing. 5.Two golf courses are available nearby. 6.Disco is usually noisy. 7.Chinese people have a long history of drinking tea. 8.Ding Jun-hui is a good snooker player. 9.In winter, many people skate on the lake. 10. We are moved by the drama. 参考译文: 1.在英国,职员下班后喜欢到酒吧闲呆一会儿。 2.她曾经是著名的芭蕾舞蹈家。 3.他最喜欢的冬季运动是滑雪。 可 参 考 第 1 部 分 Warm-up Exercise 1 中的词汇。 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 3 4.在日本、中国和韩国,卡拉 OK 非常受欢迎。许多人喜欢唱歌。 5.附近有两个高尔夫球场。 6.迪斯科通常比较吵。 7.中国人喝茶已有较长的历史。 8.丁俊晖是顶尖的斯诺克台球选手。 9.冬天,许多人在湖面上滑冰。 10. 我们被这部戏剧感动了。 Translation【翻译练习】 (Translation【翻译练习】 (教材第 11-12 页) Translate English into Chinese and underline the pattern. Study the pattern. Then translate the Chinese into English by using the pattern. Please do the followings according to the example. 【将下列英文句子翻译成中文并将主要句型划线标示。 学习这些句型,然后用这些句型将中 文句子翻译成英文。请按示范做题。 】 参考答案:参考答案: 1.It costs four times as much to gain a new client as it costs to keep an old one. 主要句型:花在方面的钱是花在的倍。 中文翻译:花在获得一个新客户上的钱是花在保留一个老客户上的四倍。 花在买衣服上的钱是花在买书上的两倍。 English translation: It costs twice as much to buy clothes as it costs to buy books. 2.I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to a cocktail party this evening. 主要句型:借此机会,我想邀请您 中文翻译:借此机会,我想邀请您参加今晚的鸡尾酒会。 借此机会,我们想邀请您和您夫人去听今晚的音乐会。 English translation: I would like to take this opportunity to invite you and your wife to the concert this evening. 3.Please let us know if you can make the trip. 主要句型:请告知我们您是否 中文翻译:请告知我们您是否能来。 请告知我们您是否能参加明天的会议。 English translation:Please let us know if you can attend tomorrows meeting. 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 4 4.I should be cheerful if you could come to take part in the event. 主要句型:您如果能来那就叫人太高兴了。 中文翻译:您如果能来参加这个活动那就叫人太高兴了。 您能来参观我们的公司真叫人高兴。 English translation:I should be cheerful if you could come to visit our company. Grammar【语法练习】Grammar【语法练习】 (教材第 13 页) Study the models and rearrange the following words into a correct sentence by using the same tense as the model. Please do the following according to the example. 【参考给定的例句, 使用例句中相同的时态把给出的单词组成正确的句子。请按示范做题。 】 参考答案及译文:参考答案及译文: 1.Demand is becoming high now. 2.Aboy was hit by a car on this street last week. 3.Great changes have taken place since 1978. 4.Tom had collected a thousand stamps by the end of last month. 5.They will have been married for twenty years by next year. 参考译文: 1.目前需求正旺。 2.上周有个男孩在这条街上被小车撞了。 3.自 1978 年以来,发生了很大的变化。 4.截止上个月底,汤姆已经收集了一千张邮票。 5.到明年,他们就已结婚 20 年了。 Listening【听力练习】Listening【听力练习】 (教材第 14 页) 1.如果做题有困难, 可以反复多听 几遍。 2.完成每部分练习后可进行跟读、 视译练习,即:每听完一个句子 随即跟读、模仿语音语调,再做 口头英译汉练习(还可以试试只 听不看哦) 。 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 5 Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Listen and fill the blanks according to the recording. 【根据录音填充句子。 】 参考答案及译文:参考答案及译文: 1.Our plane has landed at Shanghai Pudong InternationalAirport. The local time is 10:30 a. m. 2.For your safety, please stay in your seat until the plane has come to a complete stop. 3.If Im not mistaken, you must be Miss Smith fromAmerica. 4.Im delighted to meet you and let me introduce myself. 5.The flight was smooth and the service was satisfactory. 6.Shall we go to the van now? 7.Is this all your baggage? Let me take this traveling bag for you. 8.Your temperature is normal. Everything is OK. You may go through customs now. 9.Welcome to Shanghai. Your passport, visa and customs declaration form, please. 10. I do feel a little tired, and maybe it is because of the jet lag. 参考译文: 1.我们的飞机已经抵达上海浦东国际机场,当地时间为上午 10 点 30 分。 2.为了您的完全,请坐在您的座位上直到飞机完全停止。 3.如果我没有认错的话,您应该是从美国来的 Smith 小姐吧。 4.很高兴见到您,请允许我作一下自我介绍。 5.旅途很愉快,服务也很满意。 6.我们现在去车上吧。 7.这是您全部的行李吗?我来帮您拿这个旅行包吧。 8.您的体温正常,一切都好,您现在可以通过海关了。 9.欢迎来到上海!请出示您的护照、签证和通关申报表格。 10. 我确实感到有点累,可能是时差原因。 Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. 【听对话回答下列问题。 】 参考答案及译文:参考答案及译文: 1.Who is Mr. Li picking up at the airport? 【李先生在机场接谁?】 Answer: Mr. Johnson. 【约翰逊先生。 】 2.How was the flight? 【旅途如何?】 Answer: The flight was smooth. 【旅途很愉快。 】 3.What company does Mr. Li represent for? 【李先生代表哪间公司?】 Answer: Shanghai Times Garments Import & Export Corporation. 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 6 【上海时代服装进出口公司。 】 4.Where are they going now? 【他们现在去哪里?】 Answer: The parking pot. 【停车场。 】 5.What does Mr. Johnson think of Shanghai PudongAirport? 【约翰逊先生觉得上海浦东机场如何?】 Answer: Very nice. 【很好。 】 对话原文 (Script):对话原文 (Script): A:Ah, Mr. Johnson, glad to meet you. Im Mike Li from Shanghai Times Garments Import & Export Corporation. 【啊,约翰逊先生,非常高兴见到您!我是李迈克,来自上海时代服装进出口公司。 】 B:Glad to meet you too, Mr. Li! Its very kind of you to meet me at the airport. The airport is very nice. 【李先生,我也很高兴见到您!多谢您来机场接我,这个机场很漂亮。 】 A:How was your flight, Mr. Johnson? 【旅途如何,约翰逊先生?】 B:11. The flight was smooth and the service was satisfactory.【旅途很愉快, 服务也很满意。 】 A:Im glad to hear that. I hope youll have a pleasant stay in China. 【太好了。希望您在中国的行程愉快。 】 B:Im sure I will. 【我想会的。 】 A:Shall we go to the parking lot now? 【我们现在去停车场吧。 】 B:Thank you very much. 【非常感谢。 】 A:Is this all your baggage? 【这是您的全部行李吗?】 B:Yes, its all here. 【是的,就这些。 】 A:Let me take this traveling bag for you. 【我来帮您拿旅行包吧。 】 B:Oh, thank you. 【哦,谢谢。 】 A:Lets go. This way, please. 【走吧,这边请。 】 Exercise 3 Exercise 3 Listen to the conversation. In which order do you hear these sentences? 【听对话, 写出正确的句子顺序。 】 参考答案及译文:参考答案及译文: (2)Its very kind of you to meet me.【非常感谢您来接我! 】 (6)Ill drive you to the hotel. 【我开车送您去酒店。 】 (5)Would you like a cup of coffee or tea? 【您想要杯咖啡还是茶?】 (3)Maybe it is because of the jet lag. 【可能是时差原因。 】 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 7 (1)Mr. Johnson,you must be very tired after the long flight. 【约翰逊先生,经过长途飞行您肯定累了吧。 】 (4)Ill be well after a short rest. 【我稍微休息一下就会好了。 】 对话原文 (Script):对话原文 (Script): A:Mr. Johnson, you must be very tired after the long flight. Please sit down and have a short rest. 【约翰逊先生,长途飞行之后您肯定累了吧!请坐下休息一会儿吧。 】 B:Thank you very much. Its very kind of you to meet me. I do feel a little tired. Maybe it is because of the jet lag. Ill be well after a short rest. 【非常感谢! 谢谢您过来接我。 我确实有点累, 可能是时差原因, 不过休息一会儿就好。 】 A:Would you like a cup of coffee or tea? 【您想要杯咖啡还是茶?】 B:No, thank you. Chinese tea is famous all over the world. I have just had a cup of tea on the plane. It tasted good. 【不用,谢谢!中国茶闻名世界,我刚才在飞机上喝了一杯,味道很好。 】 A:Mr. Johnson, our car is waiting outside. Ill drive you to the hotel. I hope youll have a good rest there and recover from the jet lag soon. 【约翰逊先生,我们的车在外面等,我先送您去酒店休息。希望您好好休息,尽快适应 时差。 】 B:Nothing to worry about. Ill be good as new soon. 【不用担心,我很快就会好的。 】 Exercise 4 Exercise 4 Your company is going to invite Mr. Johnson for dinner. Fill in the form after listening. 【假设你所在的公司将邀请约翰逊先生赴宴。听录音填写表格。 】 参考答案及译文:参考答案及译文: Hosts nameMr. Tang Guests nameMr. Johnson Food styleChinese food Dishes which will not be orderedSpicy food Dishes which should be orderedChicken 对话原文 (Script):对话原文 (Script): A:Good morning, Mr. Johnson. Glad to see you again. 【约翰逊先生,早上好!很高兴再见到您。 】 B:Good morning. Glad to see you, too. 【早上好!很高兴再见到您。 】 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 8 A:So, did you sleep well? 【睡得还好吗?】 B:Oh, yes. Thank you for everything. 【是的,很好!谢谢您的一切安排。 】 A:My pleasure. Mr. Tang, you know, our general manager, has prepared a dinner in your honor. I came here to invite you. 【这是我的荣幸。我们公司总经理唐先生已为您设宴洗尘,我特来邀请您。 】 B:Its very kind of him. What time will it be? 【他太客气了。请问几点?】 A:At 7 p.m. Is it okay for you? 【今晚 7 点可以吗?】 B:Sure. 【当然。 】 A:What kind of food would you like to have? Chinese food or western food? 【请问您喜欢什么食物,中餐还是西餐?】 B:Chinese food, of course. 【当然是中餐。 】 A:Is there anything you would not like to have? 【请问有什么您不喜欢吃的吗?】 B:As a matter of fact, I dont like spicy food. But chicken is my favorite. 【其实我不喜欢辛辣食物,不过我喜欢鸡肉。 】 A:I see. Then I might come to pick you up at 6 p.m., Ok? 【我明白了,那我下午 6 点过来接您,可以吗?】 B:It sounds good. 【好啊。 】 A:See you then. 【那就到时再见。 】 B:Bye. 【再见! 】 Speaking【口语练习】Speaking【口语练习】 (教材第 15-16 页) Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Complete the conversation with given sentences and Role-play it according to the following situations.After the practice, change roles. 【根据下列情景用所给的句子完成对话并进行角色扮演。完成一轮后,转换角色练习。 】 After the business talks and sightseeing, Mr. Park is going back. He would like to take some 如果找不到可以一起学习的 伙伴,请独自完成本任务, 即:一人分饰演两个角色, 模拟 Eric 和 Mr. Park 之间 的对话。一定要开口说出来 哦! 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 9 specialty as gifts for his family. Eric decides to recommend silk as a best-choice to Mr. Park. 【在正式会谈和观光之后,Park 先生想买点当地特产给家人做礼物。Eric 决定向 Park 先生 推荐丝绸。 】 Role A: Eric He is going to make recommendation on what specialty to buy. 【他将推荐要购买的特产。 】 Role B: Mr. Park He is asking for Erics suggestions. 【他正在咨询 Eric 的建议。 】 参考答案及译文:参考答案及译文: A:Hello, Mr. Park. How is your feeling after these days in Shanghai? 【约翰逊先生,您好!这几天在上海感觉如何?】 B:Terrific! Shanghai is a nice place. The beautiful scenery impresses me so much. Thank you for your considerate arrangement and your company. 【棒极了!上海是个好地方。美丽的景色给我留下了深刻的印象。非常感谢您的精心安 排和陪伴。 】 A:Thats my pleasure. Well, what do you want to do next? 【这是我的荣幸。嗯,您接下来有什么打算?】 B:Before I end up this trip, Id like to buy some specialties to bring back as presents. Do you have any good recommendation? 【在结束行程前,我想买点有特色的东西带回去当礼物,您是不是有什么好推荐?】 A:Yes, of course. Well, could you tell me first to whom youd give away your presents? 【当然啦,不过请问您要给谁带礼物呢?】 B:OK, Id like to bring something mainly to my wife. 【嗯,我主要想给我夫人带点礼物。 】 A:I see. So in my opinion, I think the silk product is a better choice. China has a world-wide fame of home of silk. 【明白了,那我觉得丝绸产品是最好的选择。中国是闻名世界的丝绸之乡。 】 B:That is really a great idea! My wife must be happy to have a silk coat. 【好主意!我夫人肯定高兴拥有一件丝绸外套。 】 A:Besides silk coat, there are many other silk products like silk gown, silk scarf and silk handkerchief etc. that you can choose to buy for your families. 【除了丝绸外套,还有其它丝绸产品,比如:丝绸睡衣、丝绸披巾和丝绸手帕等,您都 可以挑选给家人。 】 B:Fantastic! So would you tell me where we can get some authentic silk products? 【太好了!那么您能不能告诉我在哪里可以买到真丝产品?】 A:Sure. Ive got just a place for silk shopping. The Shanghai Story is the best place for you. I think you can certainly select your favorites. 【当然!我知道一个销售丝绸品的地方,上海故事这家店就是最好的选择。您肯定可以 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 10 在这选到您的心水礼物。 】 B:Thats very nice of you to give me so much advice and recommendation. And I wonder if you could company me to go shopping in your spare time. 【谢谢您给我这么多意见和推荐。您能不能有空时陪我去买呢?】 A:Id like to. Its only 3 oclock and quite early for the dinner. So why not go shopping right now? 【当然可以,现在才 3 点,离晚饭时间还早。要不现在我们出去逛逛?】 B:Good! I cant wait to be there. 【好啊!我已经迫不及待了。 】 Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Work with your partner to make a dialogue involving the following situation. 【找个同伴根据下面的情景完成一段对话。 】 It is time to see Mr. Park off at the airport. Student A says the sentences on the left by Eric and Student B should try to respond with proper sentences without looking at the book. After the practice, change roles. 【现在 Eric 正在机场送别 Park 先生。A 学生使用左边的句子扮演 Eric;B 同学扮演 Park 先 生,尽量不看课本,用适当的句子做出回答。之后转换角色练习。 】 对话流程图【Flow Chart】 :对话流程图【Flow Chart】 : EricMr. Park Time to say goodbye.Show your appreciation. Express the pity time fillies Remind the happy days. Express the same pity. Express your desire to see him again. Ask him to express your thanks to Mr. Zhang. And thank Eric for showing you around the city. Express its your honor.Express you are happy about the trip. Say goodbye. And wish him to have a nice trip. Say goodbye. 表达范例:表达范例: Eric: 1.The time has come to say goodbye.【该说再见了。 】 2.Here is your ticket. 【这是您的机票】 3.Its my honor.【这是我的荣幸。 】 4.Have a nice trip. 【旅途愉快】 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 11 5.We are looking forward to your visit again. 【期待您的再次来访。 】 Mr. Park: 1.I have had a delightful time.【我此行非常愉快。 】 2.I really appreciate you spending time showing me around the city. 【我真的非常感激您花时间带我游览这座城市。 】 3.Thank you for your warm hospitality. 【非常感激您的热情款待。 】 参考对话:参考对话: A:Now you are to board the plane. Here we are saying good-bye. 【您就要登机了,我们就在此说再见了。 】 B:Its very nice of you to see me off. I really had a delightful stay here. The time has come to say goodbye. 【非常感谢您来为我送行,我在这里过得真的很愉快。是该说再见了。 】 A:How time flies! Youve been in China for nearly twenty days. It seems as if it were only yesterday that I met you at the airport.And now you are leaving. 【时间过得真快!转眼间您来中国已近二十天,仿佛只是在昨天我来机场接您。现在您 就要离开了。 】 B:Yeah, its been a most wonderful experience for me. I wish I could stay a little longer, but I have lots to do back home, you know. 【是的,对我而言这是一次很美好的经历。真希望能再呆久些,可您知道我回去还有许 多事情要做。 】 A:Thats true. I hope to see you again soon. 【是啊。希望很快再次见面。 】 B:I hope so. Dont forget to drop in on me if you and Mr. Zhang are ever in America. 【我也是。如果您和张先生来美国的话,别忘了来找我。 】 A:Okay. 【好的。 】 B:Thank you for your warm reception and hospitality. I really appreciate you spending time showing me around the city. 【多谢您的热情款待!真的非常感谢您花时间带我游览这座城市。 】 A:It has been my honor. 【这是我的荣幸。 】 B:Im sorry I couldnt find time to say good-bye to Mr. Zhang. Will you be kind enough to say thanks to him again for me? 【很抱歉没有时间与张先生告别,请您代我向他再次表达谢意。 】 A:Certainly. Id be glad to. 【当然可以,我很乐意。 】 B:Thank you very much for everything youve done for me. I shall cherish this trip. Lets keep in touch and look forward to next cooperation. 【非常感谢您为我做的一切。我很珍惜这次行程。保持联系,期待下次合作。 】 专科商务英语专业(外贸电子商务方向) 综合英语(1) 课程 Unit 1 Reception 12 A:Sure. We look forward to your visit again. Here is your ticket. Have a nice trip. Good-bye. 【那是当然!我们期待您的再次光临。这是您的机票,旅途愉快!再见。 】 B:Thanks. Good-bye. 【谢谢,再见! 。 】 Writing【写作练习】Writing【写作练习】 (教材第 16 页) Please write an invitation card. Suppose you are inviting Lily Zhou to your fashion party on next Friday, Oct.


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