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第五课时 Listening Using language第一步:学生阅读练习的问题(教师可作简单的提示),如 ANC Youth League第二步:听录音,完成选择题;第三步:全班对答案或同桌之间讨论答案;第四步:精听录音,可重复学生认为难的部分;第五步:小组讨论: 1. What disadvantages did Elias have in finding a job?2. Is it fair to treat others badly for things they cannot change, like sex, the colour of skin or eyes or the race one belongs to?3. Are there any people in Guangdong Province that are not treated fairly? Why do you think they are looked down upon? As a high school student, what can you do to change this situation?第六步:个别同学与大家分享他们的想法。Listening task第一步:老师手持一手提袋(或身边任意物品)问学生:What do you think of the handbag? Do you think it is beautiful?第二步:教师提示:对相同的事物不同人有不同看法(Different people may have different point of view from others. Maybe that is why the police question different people to get accurate evidence);第三步:学生先浏览要求课本题目,然后播放录音,并提醒学生做笔记;第四步:学生先讨论问题答案,然后师生一起讨论,教师不公布正确答案;第五步:再次播放录音。师生共同讨论正确答案;第六步:如学生对答案有异议,可再次播放录音。Homework:Summing Up on page 40.第六课时 Writing第一步:学生讨论问题:1. What do you think is the purpose of this passage?2. Do you think Elias tells his story well? Give a reason.3. What is the tone of Elias story? Do you think you like him because of the way he tells his story? Give a reason.通过对这些问题的讨论,学生可对两篇 reading passage 的篇章结构,陈述的顺序及语气等有一定了解,这对他们之后的写作有很大帮助;第二步:学生讨论已学的关于曼德拉的事迹并阅读关于曼德拉的身平事迹( On page 39);第三步:小组活动,讨论:Imagine now Mr Mandela is in prison. As a high school student who is against racial discrimination, will you do something to save him? What can you do and what will you do to persuade the government to free him?第四步:小组代表汇报讨论内容; 第五步:写一封信给 The President of South Africa;先让学生整理思路,列好提纲,做好写作的准备;第六步:二十分钟内完成写作;个别学生宣读自己的作文,其余同学学习其中精彩的部分。学生范文Dear President,I am writing to ask you to free Nelson Mandela. Here are some reasons why I think he should be free.As we all know, people with different colors should be equal. Nelson Mandela devoted all his life to realize this dream. I n1994, he founded the ANC Youth League to call on people to struggle for their rights to vote. In 1952, he opened a law office to help the poor black people in Johannesburg on their problems. The black people loved him.In 1962, Mandela encouraged people to use violence against anti-black laws to get their rights, so he was sentenced to five years hard labor. One year later, as one of the leaders of the ANC, he led them to blow up the government buildings to realize their dream of making black and white people equal, so that he was again sentenced to prison for life on Robben Island until now.I think, what he did was for his people, his country, not for himself. He has an unselfish and brave heart. As he is a great man, you should set him free. Best wishes!Yours truly,Mary SmithProject第一步:教师提问:Do you think there is a great person in your hometown? What did he or she do to make you believe that he or she is a great person? Can you tell us something about him/ her?可提示列举一些伟人以打开学生思路, 如王若飞( 贵州),毛泽东(湖南)叶剑英(广东)等;第二步:分成四人小组讨论写下一份报告;第三步:学生代表宣读报告。Homework:1. Prepare for the words dictation;2. Hand in your group report on the great person in our hometown.第七课时Summary第一步:老师先让学生 brainstorm, 回忆本单元所学过的词汇,学生边说老师边把它们写在黑板上,并分成四大组: Group 1: hero quality willing republic principle prisoner continue lose heart in trouble out of workGroup 2: fee youth league stage vote position accept violence as a matter of fact blow upGroup 3: equal blanket guard educated terror fear cruelty put in prison come to powerGroup 4: reward right(n.) criminal president sentence(v.) sincerely set up be sentenced to第二步:要求每大组学生选一组词汇在5分钟内写一段话, 必须包括所分组里的所有词汇;第三步:组与组之间比赛,看哪组的代表说得快、准、流利(一个同学说时,其他组的同学可做笔记记下他说得好或不好的地方;第四步:学生互相评价,可以要求他们用上口语课上所学的句型,如:A. 发表意见Why do you think so? What do you think of .?Whats your opinion? I agree/ dont agree. I think/dont think. I prefer. In my opinion.Im afraid.B. 作评论Good idea! Thats an excellent idea.第五步:老师根据实际情况决定冠军组;第六步:评讲 workbook 中的练习。Homework: Re-view what you learned in this unit. 教学反思本单元的教学使学生了解作为伟人所应该具备的素质,激励学生做品德高尚,有所作为的人,启发学生自己思考问题,主动表述对自己心目中英雄人物的看法,学会了正确的评价人物,锻炼了学生分析和总结问题的能力。学生对教学过程中的所有活动都非常感兴趣,尤其是 warming-up 中的调查问卷(老师可根据实际需要由网上下载更多的调查问题),学生们分成四人小组一起讨论,极大地调动了学生的学习热情。另外,在 pre-reading 中,根据实际把课本中的学生知之甚少的 William Tyndale 换成众人皆知的 Bill Clinton 也是一个明智选择。把简单的材料读给学生听,既锻炼了他们的听力水平,又能让他们全神贯注于课堂内容,一举两得。在语法教学方面,由于定语从句,尤其是由关系副词引导的定语从句一直是高一阶段语法学习的重点和难点,老师在讲授这一部分时,一定要注意调动学生发现问题的积极性。让他们自己找出或总结出规律,让他们自己发现问题,意识出影响自己正确理解的地方,即使他们总结的不正确,但对定语从句经过积


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