



隨堂句型手冊 BOOK IUnit 61-1. 電視和廣播電臺都已注意到球迷人數的成長,所以他們已經開始爭取轉播權。Both TV and radio stations _ _ the growing number of the fans, so they _ _ to fight for the broadcasting rights.答案:have; noted; have; started1-2. 我們已經沿著河邊走了兩小時。We _ _ along the river bank _ two hours.答案:have; walked; for1-3. Joe從他起床後就一直播放著同一首歌。Joe _ _ the same song _ he got up.答案:has; played; since2-1. that / the most / This / Ive / one of / is / exciting / ever seen / games _答案:This is one of the most exciting games that Ive ever seen.2-2. one of / tasted / is / have ever / The cookie / the most / delicious / I / snacks _答案:The cookie is one of the most delicious snacks I have ever tasted.2-3. we / is / the best / have ever / one of / had / that / to Italy / The trip / experiences _答案:The trip to Italy is one of the best experiences that we have ever had.3-1. 對於學生來說,這是一種表達他們多麼在乎自己學校的方式。It is a way for students to show _ _ _ _ about their own schools.答案:how; much; they; care3-2. 我們沒有興趣知道為什麼你又遲到了。We had no interest to know _ _ _ late again.答案:why; you; were3-3. Daniel不願說他昨晚去了哪裡和見了誰。Daniel doesnt want to tell _ _ _ and _ _ _ last night.答案:where; he; went; who/whom; he; met4-1. _ these crazy fans, HBL fever is certain to continue growing.(A) With (B) By (C) To (D) Of答案:A4-2. Joe stopped playing football _ the injury on his knee.(A) by (B) from (C) with (D) under答案:C4-3. _ the help of Keith, David found his missing cat.(A) In (B) Like (C) At (D) With答案:D5-1. it / a / shot / What / is / beautiful _答案:What a beautiful shot it is!5-2. How / acted / ridiculously / Billy _答案:How ridiculously Billy acted!5-3. an / Brenda / interesting / got / What / idea _答案:What an interesting idea Brenda got!6-1. 球迷們正叫得如此大聲以致於我幾乎聽不到我自己的聲音。The fans are shouting _ _ _ I can hardly hear my own voice.答案:so; loudly; that6-2. 這杯茶是如此燙以致於我無法馬上喝它。The cup of tea was _ _ _ I couldnt drink it right away.答案:so; hot; that6-3. 這蛋糕是如此美味以致於我還想再吃一塊。The cake is _ _ _ I would like to have another piece.答案:so; delicious; that實力評量I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。(D) 1. _ a hard-working student Allison is!(A) Which (B) How (C) Who (D) What(B) 2. The teacher spoke _ fast _ I could not follow.(A) so; as (B) so; that (C) as; that (D) as; as(B) 3. Clara _ never _ to America before, but she speaks good English.(A) has; gone (B) has; been (C) was; gone (D) was; been(A) 4. The apple pie is _ of the worst desserts _ I have ever tasted.(A) one; that (B) ones; what (C) one; what (D) ones; that(A) 5. Bruno could not decide _ to keep.(A) what pet he wanted (B) which pet did he want(C) what pet did he want (D) which pet he want(C) 6. _ Leos help, I finished the work much earlier.(A) During (B) Into (C) With (D) Of(D) 7. _ Larry _ anything sweet to his girlfriend since they met?(A) Does; say (B) Was; saying (C) Have; said (D) Has; said(A) 8. They fought _ hard _ both of them got badly hurt.(A) so; that (B) such; as (C) as; so (D) enough; that(B) 9. The car is one of the _ gifts that Katy _.(A) better; ever received (B) best; has ever received(C) good; has ever received (D) best; ever receives(A) 10. _ cute the doll is! I would like to buy it.(A) How (B) Which (C) What (D) Whether(B) 11. You _ the book _. So, can you now tell me what it is about?(A) have read; later (B) have read; before(C) will read; twice (D) read; already(C) 12. It was _ cold _ we stayed in the house all day long.(A) so; as (B) too; that (C) so; that (D) too; when(D) 13. Clint didnt want to explain _ for school.(A) how he to be late (B) how was he late(C) why was he late (D) why he was late(B) 14. _ all the problems going on, Kathy feels unhappy.(A) Like (B) With (C) By (D) As(C) 15. The National Palace Museum is one of the _ places that we have ever visited.(A) more fantastic (B) fantastic(C) most fantastic (D) very fantasticII. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。()_ 1. What helpful a workbook it is! (A) (B) (C)答案:A, How()_ 2. Luke is one of the richest guys that I have never met. (A) (B) (C)答案:C, ever()_ 3. The traffic is very heavy that the cars here cant move at all. (A) (B) (C)答案:A, so()_ 4. How a friendly girl Tracy is! (A) (B) (C)答案:A, What()_ 5. Ive never shown how much did I love Andy before. (A) (B) (C)答案:B, I lovedIII. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。1. Kevin是多麼聰明的孩子呀!_ s_ a _ Kevin is!答案:How; smart; child/kid2. 呂老師已經跟小朋友們講過這個故事很多次了。Ms. Lu _ _ the kids the story many times.答案:has; told/read3. Mrs. Wesley是如此地難過以致於說不出話來。Mrs. Wesley was _ sad _ she couldnt say a word.答案:so; that4. 你待會兒就會知道為什麼看現場比賽是非常刺激的了。Later you will know _ _ very exciting to watch a live game.答案:why; its5. 許多外國人說臺灣是他們拜訪過最有趣的國家之一。Many foreigners say that Taiwan is _ _ _ _ interesting _ they have ever visited.答案:one; of; the; most; countries6. 當一名飛行員是多麼美好的夢想啊!_ a wonderful dream _ _ to be a pilot!答案:What; it; is7. 有了朋友們的鼓勵,Debbie已經變得更有信心。_ friends encouragement, Debbie _ _ more confident.答案:With; has; become8. 這名籃球射手是如此得意以致於他失去了得分的機會。The sh


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