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备忘录 一、关于备忘录 Memo是memorandum(备忘录)的缩写,是机 关或公司处理日常事务时广泛使用的一种形式 。其用途通常有:上传下达、提出意见或建议 反馈;各部门之间相互沟通、交流信息、公布 或通知事项;来函回复和成绩评估等。备忘录 可长可短,根据所需传递的信息量的多少而 定 。行文要简明扼要、重点突出、准确清晰,不 能引起歧义,切忌拖泥带水。许多公司都有自 己专用的备忘录信纸,上面印有诸如“致某某” 、“来自某某”、“主旨是什么”以及日期等项。 英文备忘录的写作要注意如下几点: (1)备忘录通常用来作为内部信息交流的手段; (2)备忘录上端应标明:To(收件人)From(寄件 人)Subject (主题)Date(日期)等项; 3)文字简短,一般只涵盖相关的信息; 4)要点的排列顺序要合理,内容较多的备忘录 通常用数字编号; 5)行文有正式、非正式和中性三种; 6)结尾处多用姓名的词首大写字母,用签名的 情况比较少见。 二 范文举例 1范文一:通报信息 公司各办公室之间的信息传递通常采用备忘 录来进行,其长短依信息量的多少而定。此外 ,备忘录也是公司所有员工、同行或有业务往 来的人士之间进行联系的常用方式,具有“通知 ”的功能。当同一件事需要通知到几个甚至几十 个人时,就不必写几十封信,而只需发一个备 忘录即可。2009年5月15日,天河对外贸易学校 外事办主任宣告给本部门所有员工发出一份备 忘录,就美国客人来访一事做了安排,要求他 们各司其职。 MEMORANDUM To: All staff members From: Director of Foreign Affairs Re: Visit of VIPs from U. S. A. Date: May 15, 2009 Please let me know your availability for meeting our U.S.A. group at the airport on the 18th. They will be arriving at 10:00 a.m. and will need to be picked up, taken to their hotel, and helped with any transportation arrangements they may need. An interpreter will accompany them. Please make your calendar for that evening. We will be hosting an after-work cocktail party for them, and I expect all of you to attend. D.H. Extension 406 2范文二:来访安排 美国大通机器制造公司的总经理帕特里夏华盛顿 女士,用备忘录的形式通知各部门经理有关德国市 场营销代理来公司总部参观的事宜及安排。这一备 忘录与“范文一”的格式和行文基本一致,但条理更 清楚。 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To: All department heads From: Patricia Washington, General Manager Subject: Visit of German Agent Date: April 16, 2009 Please note that Katy Schmidt, our German agent, will be visiting the company on Friday, April 26. There will be a meeting on that day at 11: 30 a.m. in the Boardroom, which you should all attend. Ms Schmidt will be presenting her marketing plan for expanding sales in the German market. If you wish to join us for lunch at a local restaurant, please let me know as soon as possible. P.W. 3范文三:确认 泰达网络技术开发公司的销售培训部(the Sales Training Department)是一个很重要的部门,由市场营销部经理展 宏图直接领导。最近,培训部主任张洪向展经理汇报工作 ,并与他商讨培训部机制改革的问题。展经理基本上同意 他提出的方案。张洪为了进一步确认销售培训部新的组织 机构,起草了下份备忘录 A CONFIRMATION MEMORANDUM To: Zhan Hongtu From: Zhang Hong Subject: Changes in the Sales Training Department Date: July 7, 2009 This will confirm our discussion in your office on Thursday in which we agreed on the following. 1. I am authorized to hire two additional people: an instructor and an audiovisual specialist, effective August 1, at a total annual salary not to exceed ¥58,000. I may allocate this amount as I see fit, depending on the qualifications of the people hired. I am to talk with Liu Liying to discuss my needs and get information about her departments applications on file. 2. Two additional modular office units are to be installed on the fourth floor, and I am authorized to order these units and the equipment that will be required by the two new employees. We agreed on a total expenditure of ¥12,600 for these units and equipment, and I am to prepare the purchase orders for your signature. 3. Hu Kai is to be promoted to the position of Coordinator of Training Materials, also effective August 1, at a 15-percent increase over his present salary. I will prepare a memorandum for your signature, announcing Hu Kais promotion, which will be sent to Distribution Lists B and C. If you have any questions or reservations about these points, please let me know. Otherwise, I will assume that we are in agreement on everything mentioned. 4范文四:业绩考评 梅里尔汽车保险公司(Merrill Car Insurance Company)每 年都要对每个员工的工作业绩进行评定(merit ratings),为 其晋级、加薪提供佐证。但主管和经理们在执行过程中存 在一些问题,引起了执行副总经理詹妮弗布什的不满。为 此,她给这些主管和经理发了一份备忘录。 REVIEWING THE IMPORTANCE OF MERIT RATINGS To: All Managers and Supervisors From: Jennifer Bush Subject: Merit Ratings Date: December 18, 2009 Each of you will receive this year merit rating forms for the employees under your supervision. I think it is appropriate to point out that these ratings should not be taken lightly. As you know, they play a major role in employee promotion, ,salary increases, and opportunities for advancement. I am sure you know that you are expected to rate each employee with complete honesty; yet some people insist on giving an “outstanding“ rating in all categories. Its hard for me to believe that there are no average or below-average employees in this company. Certainly there are numerous employees who will be given the highest ratings possible, yet when someone puts all his or her ratings in this category, I suspect the rater is taking the easy way out. Remember, it is your obligation to discuss with each employee the rating you give her or him, pointing out tactfully what you consider to be strong and weak points and suggesting how the employee can improve attitudes, job performance, dependability, and so on. I intend to do a random sampling of the completed merit ratings each of you turns in, and you can expect to hear from me if I think your ratings are unrealistic. 5范文五:申请参加会议 海伦亨特是恒通美国有限公司(Hunt America Inc)办公 室的培训主管,为了获得最新信息和最新技术的培训方法 ,她希望参加美国经理培训协会(American Society of Training Directors ASTD)举办的全国性主题年会。为此 ,她用备忘录的方式向上一级主管提出申请,请求批准她 去参加这次会议。 EMPLOYEE REQUEST TO ATTEND A CONVENTION To: Adam C. Zhang From: Helen Hunter Subject: ASTD Convention in New Orleans Date: February 23, 2009 May I have your permission to attend the national convention of the ASTD in New Orleans on March 12- 15? This years theme is “The Electronic Classroom“ (see program attached). As you will note, there will be various presentations on the uses of the computer and other electronic equipment. Of particular interest to me is the panel “The Usage of Multimedia in Training“. Equally fascinating will be the forty exhibits featuring hardware and software supplied by most of the leading electronics distributors. I estimate that my expenses would amount to $ 400, for travel, hotel, meals, etc. I honestly think it will be worth that amount if we can get a deeper insight into the applications of electronics to our training program. Cordially, Helen 6范文六:新设岗位 马丽萍是一家公司的人事部经理,长期以来,她一直觉得为 本公司员工提供服务的工作需要改进,因此,她建议在人事部 设立一个新的部门,专门负责为本公司员工提供咨询、休闲娱 乐和学习培训等服务。她用书信体格式向老板提交了一份备忘 录,请求老板授权她采取这一步骤。 REQUESTING PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A NEW POSITION To: Elisabeth Taylor From: Ma Liping Subject: Establishing an Employee Services Department Date: February 17, 2009 Dear Elisabeth, When I talked with you last week, you agreed with my suggestion to create a new Employee Services Department in the Personnel Division, and you asked me for my recommendation of an individual in the company who might fill this position. After careful study and observation, I have come to the conclusion that Peng Tielin, now supervisor of recruitment and placement, could handle this position very capably. Peng Tielin has been a member of the Personnel staff for five years and has served in various capacities. In each position he showed imagination, enthusiasm, and energy. He is well liked by his co-workers, and I am confident he would have everyones support in this new assignment. Amy Li, assistant supervisor of recruitment and placement, would fill Peng Tielins present position. Attached is a revised job description for Peng Tielin, which incorporates the suggestion you made when we met. 7范文七:旧物再利用 一个大公司通常会有一些闲置或未充分利用的物品,如 桌子、椅子、计算机、打字机、书架及其他办公用品,一 些讲究效率、懂得开源节流的管理者当然不会无视它们的 价值。长寿保险公司也有不少类似的二手物品。公司总经 理伊恩马克斯给各部门经理和主管发了一份备忘录,要求 他们在订购新的办公用品之前,仔细检查核对公司是否已 经购置这些用品,避免浪费。这篇备忘录行文随意,带有 上司对下属说话的语气。 ABOUT A “GRAB BAG“ OF VALUABLE LEFTOVERS To: All Managers and Supervisors From: lan Max Subject: Valuable “Grab Bag“ of Leftovers Date: July 12, 2009 Have you visited Warehouse B lately? If your answer is “no“, I think you will be surprised at the quantity of “goodies“ there. Filing cabinet? We have 16 of those in very good condition. Desks? We have 22 of those. Settees and divans? Youll find an even dozen of these - some in first-class condition. Want a computer? Six IBM computers, all in usable condition, are available. Chairs. Bookcases. Lamps. Pictures. And so on. I wont belabor the print. But remember, if youll check Warehouse B before ordering something new, you may get a nearly free ride. Ive already asked our director of purchasing, Betsy Brown, to check all requisitions to see if she might find exactly what you want in our “grab bag“. And with immediate delivery! 8范文八:意见与建议 晶华大酒店人事部经理黎志靖向所有员工发出信函,请他 们就酒店内部发行的刊物职工之家提出意见和建议。 酒店会计刘跃林按照黎经理的要求写了一份备忘录,提出 了自己关于如何办好职工之家的想法。 SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE COMPANY HOUSE ORGAN The Opinion Memo To: Li Zhijing From: Liu Yuelin Subject: Suggestions for Staff Club Date: September 26, 2009 I am pleased to respond to your invitation to offer suggestions for Staff Club, the companys house organ. First, let me say that there are many good things about Staff Club that I like, such as the informal style, the editorial quality, the “Shop and Swap“ column, the “Whats New?“ feature, and many other things. But I know you want suggestions rather than praise, and mine follow. TITLE Although a new title for the magazine has been suggested, I believe it would be a mistake to change it. Everyone recognizes the publication by the name Staff Club, and it still seem to me to be entirely appropriate. DESIGN A new masthead would help, and I would like to see us engage a professional designer to do one. Indeed, this designer might be asked to give a new look to the entire magazine. PHOTOGRAPHS More photographs would help - photographs of employees celebrating anniversaries, participating in athletics and hobbies, receiving special recognition, and so on. FEATURES 1. A “Letters to the Editor“ column would be especially popular. It would have good readership and, at the same time, give employees a chance to “sound off“ on their pet likes and dislikes. 2. After studying the issues for the past year, I feel that we have too many management stories and too few stories about the typical worker. It seems to me that this should be principally a publication for and about employees - not a management magazine. 3. I recommend that the magazine establish an Employee of the Month Award. A committee of employees would select this person on the basis of recommendations of supervisors and department heads. You might run the employees picture with a brief biographical sketch and story about that persons special recognition. 4. Finally, I suggest that a monthly gossip column be added. This column would be light and whimsical - nothing scandalous, of course, but fun to read and laugh about. If you wish, Id be glad to discuss these recommendations further with you. Certainly, Staff Club is an excellent instrument for communicating with employees, and Im all for experimenting with ideas that will help to make it even better. 9范文九:借用设备 公司有的员工因为工作需要或有临时安排,要求借用其他部门闲置的办 公设备,如办公桌、电脑、打印机、文件柜等,通常要事先写一份备忘录 ,发送给有关部门,说明自己借用的理由。这种备忘录不限长短,陈述清 楚即可。 A MEMO TO A MANAGER To: Mark Nelson From: Alan Speaker Subject: Work Space Date: April 12, 2009 As you know, I am about to begin work on a new project. This project is very important to the company, and I want to do a good job. For this reason, I need more space to do my work. My desk is very small and old. There is not enough room for papers and other supplies. It has only two drawers on the right side for my files. I think that there is a spare desk in the office down the hall. I hope it is possible to get it before I begin work on the project. 10范文十:请假条 公司的员工可能遇到突发事件,无法按照原定计划完成工作,这样就需 要以书面形式向上级主管请假。在“请假条中,该员工已对自己离岗期间 的工作做出了适当安排,推荐其他人接替自己的工作。 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Mr. John Cheng From: Marsha Sun Subject: Christmas Party Date: December 18, 2009 I am sorry to say that I am unable to help you with arrangements for the annual Christmas party. My mother is sick, so I have to return home as soon as possible. Fortunately, Cherry Jiang in the Design Department has agreed to help you. She has arranged such a party before for another company. Her telephone extension is 4667. I expect to be able to help you again next year. Thank you. 11范文十一:人事任命 泛美商用设备公司的计算机销售市场日益扩大 ,总经理梅森先生需要一个助理来负责新员工的 培训,并协助总经理管理办公室事务。经过一段 时间的考察,梅森先生认为埃伦费拉罗女士是一 个合适的人选。于是,他给她发了一份备忘录, 简明扼要地说明了任命理由、工作责任、办公条 件以及正式上任的日期。这种带有任命书性质的 备忘录,通常文字简练,语气果决。 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Ms. Ellen Ferraro From: Mr. Mason Subject: Position of Assistant Manager Date: January 3, 2009 As you know, our computer sales are growing rapidly these days. We will hire several new employees soon and need someone to train them. This person will also help me to manage the office staff. I would like you to become our new assistant manager. You will be responsible for training the new employees. You will have your own secretary and a new office and desk. I want you to begin your duties in about 4 weeks. I am certain that you will enjoy your new responsibilities. Please talk to me soon about the arrangements. 12范文十二:工作回顾和设想 备忘录还可以用来回顾一定阶段的工作,并就 下一步工作提出设想。培训部经理宋大川应行政 管理委员会的要求,就过去5年来公司提供的行政 秘书培训计划做了一个回顾,并通过调查同一区 域内相同企业开展培训工作的情况,综合比较和 细致分析了调查所得的数据,向行政管理委员会 提出了新的设想。他提出,职业秘书资格考试这 种新的培训模式最适应本公司的需要,最好的培 训计划是开设考试所需的科目。这份报告以备忘 录的形式发送给了行政管理委员会的每一个成员 。备忘录末尾的“PB”为“print by”的缩写,意为“ 打印者”;“Enc”为“enclosed”的缩写,指随这份 备忘录发送的附件;“cc”为“carbon copy“的 缩写,即“抄送”之意。 MEMO OF A TRAINING PLAN To: Executive Management Committee From: Song Dachuan, Training Manager Subject: Training Program for Administrative Secretaries Date: July 3, 2009 As you requested in your memo of June 15, I have investigated a number of alternative programs for training our administrative secretaries. The first step was to review the training programs that have been offered to our administrative secretaries during the past five years. Then I surveyed all administrative secretaries and the executives to whom they report to determine the training needs they perceived. I then telephoned the training managers of ten companies in Changsha which have training departments comparable to oars. I also contacted five organizations that employ consultants who specialize in secretarial training. All the data were assembled and analyzed carefully. The needs expressed by the administrative secretaries and by their executives were summarized. A list of the needs perceived by each group is attached to this report. The needs common to both groups are marked with asterisk. Note that the two lists are almost identical. The training programs offered by other companies and by consultants were basically the same types of programs that we have offered for the past five years. One innovative program was discovered. That program is designed to prepare secretaries to pass the Certified Professional Secretary examination. The examination includes six parts: Behavioral Science in Business, Business Law, Economies and Management, Accounting, Office Administration and Communication, and Office Technology. The material covered in the training program matches the needs perceived by our secretaries and executives. Therefore, t conclude that a training program modeled on the CPS program is our best alternative. An outline of the program is attached. I recommend that we implement it immediately. Song Dachuan PB: CL Enc. 2 c. c. All Committee members 13范文十三:裁员建议 经济波动通常会导致企业雇员的增减,这些举措 是企业在商场搏击中谋零生存发展的法宝。当经 济不景气时,许多公司,尤其是服务行业的机构 。首先采取的对策就是裁员。2001年9月11日,美 国惨遭恐怖主义袭击之后,美国航空业受到重创 ,许多航空公司业务清淡,不得不裁员。“911事 件”后第六天,美国第六大航空公司(US Airways) 就宣布压缩23的业务,裁减雇员11, 000人。菲利 普斯金斯利所在的公司规模不算大,但长期的经 济低迷、市场疲软导致公司举步维艰。为了紧缩 开支,菲利普斯金斯利以备忘录的形式向公司董 事会建议裁员。他对裁员的岗位进行了分析,并 做出了具体的安排。全篇条理清楚,文字简洁, 让人一目了然。 MEMO OF REDUCING STAFF To: James Madison, Director From: Philips Kingsley Subject: Reducing Staff Date: July 20; 2002 I have several proposals for cutting down on office staff. First, I suggest that we eliminate the full-time position of order clerk, since there is not enough work to occupy him throughout the month. Orders and requests for sales information are heaviest at the end of the month; in contrast, there is little to do for the first two weeks of each month. Therefore, I recommend that we hire temporary help for the last two weeks of each month and give the orders from the first of the month to the sales department to process. Second, now that our systems are completely computerized we no longer need a computer programmer on staff. Its true, we will need computer programming services occasionally in future, for instance, when we revise our billing system. In such cases, however, we can hire a freelance programmer. Third, I suggest that I share my secretary with the assistant office manager, thus eliminating one secretarial position. Although this will increase the managerial workload, I feel we can handle it. Moreover, we can always hire temporary help to get us through particularly busy periods. If these suggestions are followed, we should be able to save approximately $ 26,000 in the coming year in salaries alone. So, I believe these changes will result in greater work efficiency. P. Kingsley 14范文十四:婉拒 对一个有上进心的员工来说,带薪进修是一条获取知识 、争取更大晋升机会的途径。但企业往往会对这种学习的 机会进行限制,要求进修者所学专业必须符合工作的需要 ,否则不予支持。在更多的情况下,公司鼓励员工通过不 脱产学习来提高自身素质和知识技能水平。彩虹电子商务 公司的年轻雇员常家华向公司提出带薪进修的请求,但没 有得到公司主管彭浙的批准。彭浙在回函中简明扼要地说 明,公司的规章制度不允许他请假一年带薪进修。文中用 语委婉,以理服人,处处闪现社交技巧,不会使常家华感 到彭浙是在故意为难他。 MEMO OF AN ANSWER TO A STAFF To: Chang Jiahua From: Peng Zhe Subject: Request for Paid Education Leave Date: April 30, 2009 In response to your request for one year of paid education leave to take a degree in literature, I have to inform y0a that we cannot authorize this leave. While we appreciate your desire to improve your knowledge, we feel that literature is not directly related to y


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