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英译汉对策(3) 状语从句的译法 l英语的副词性从句无论在结构外型和内涵表以 上都与汉语大致对等,一般在翻译时不存在太 大困难。但翻译时仍然可以注意的问题有: l1.连词的使用和省略 l例1He must be ill, for he is absent. l译文1他肯定是病了,因为他没有来。 l译文2他没有来,肯定是病了。 l例2As the desert is like a sea, so is the camel like a ship. l译文1正如沙漠像海,因此骆驼就像一艘船。 l译文2如果说沙漠像大海,那么骆驼就像航行 在大海上的一只船。 l译文3沙漠似海,骆驼似舟。 l例3Most comets are so dim that they cannot be seen by the naked eye. l译文1大多数彗星是如此之暗,以至于不能为肉眼所 见。 l译文2大多数彗星都很暗,肉眼是看不见的。 l例4Everybody loves him because he is a good comrade. l译文(因为)他是个好同志,(所以)大家都喜欢 他。 l2.状语从句也可以译为其他成分 l例1Although you undoubtedly know it, the Chinese, principally workers, have played a very considerable role in the history of the Western part of the United States. l译文中国人,主要是中国工人,在美国西部地区的 发展是中曾经起过很大的作用。关于这一点,有必要 重温一下您所知的事实。 l例2She will never accept any dictates, no matter where they come from. l译文他绝不会接受无论来自哪一方面的任何霸道行 径。 l例3A writer needs to be a Walt Whiteman if his faults of technique are to be rated unimportant beside the vigor of his personality. l译文一个作家必须有Walt Whiteman那样的天才,才 能以其磅礴的气势,使人感到他在技巧方面的缺陷是 无关紧要的。 长句的翻译 l1.拆离法 l即把长句中的各种复杂成分从主干上拆离,译 成外形上独立的语言单位。不仅是从句、短语 、独立主格,单个词汇也可以从原文的结构主 干上分离出来,译成单独的句子或短语。 l例1The president said at a press conference dominated by questions on yesterdays election results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a widespread defeat, which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of long- held superiority in the House. l译文在一次记者招待会上,问题集中于头一 天的选举结果,总统就此发了言。他说他无法 解释为什么共和党遭到了这样大的失败。这种 情况最终会使共和党失去在众议院中长期享有 的优势。 l例2Well, the brothers, chatting along, happened to get to wondering what might be the fate of a perfectly honest and intelligent stranger who should be turned adrift in London without a friend, and with no money but that million pound bank-note, and no way to account for his being in possession of it. l译文就这样,两兄弟在闲聊时忽然想到,如 果有一个非常诚实和聪明的外方人漂泊到伦敦 ,举目无亲,手头除了那张一百万镑的钞票以 外什么都没有,而且又无法证明她自己是这张 钞票的主人,那么他的命运会使怎样呢? l例3Well, you can imagine how it was with a young fellow who had never been taken notice of before, and now all of a sudden couldnt say a thing that wasnt taken up and repeated everywhere; couldnt stir abroad without constantly overhearing the remark flying from lip to lip, “There he goes; thats him!” couldnt take his breakfast without a crowd to look on; couldnt appear in an opera-box without concentrating there the fire of a thousand lorgnettes. Why, I just swam in glory all day longthat is the amount of it. l译文你可以想象的到那是什么滋味:一个年轻小伙 子,从来没有被人注意过,现在忽然之间,随便说句 什么话,马上就会有人把它记住,到处传播出去;随 便到哪儿走动一下,总不免听见人家一个个辗转相告 :“那儿走着的就是他,就是他!”吃早餐的时候,也 老是有一大堆人围着看;一到歌剧院的包厢,就会使 得无数观众的望远镜的火力都集中到自己身上。哎, 我简直就是一天到晚在荣耀中过日子十足是哪个 味道。 l2.逆序法 l英语某些句子的叙述顺序和汉语不同,在翻译时可以 改变顺序处理 l例1A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum when in the United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor, the poor under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation, a real phenomenon in the late fifties. l译文50年代后期的美国出现了一个任何人都 不能视而不见的现象,穷知识分子以“垮掉的 一代”这种颇为浪漫的姿态出现而成为美国的 典型穷人。正是在这个时候,大批大学毕业生 被赶进了知识分子的贫民窟。 l例2At the opening banquet, Nixon seemed to have paraphrased his hosts position by saying: “There are of course some who believe that the mere act of saying a statement of principles or a diplomatic conference will bring lasted peace. This is nave.” l译文尼克松在欢迎宴会上说:“当然,有些人认为只 要发表一项原则声明或举行一次外交会议就能带来持 久和平。这是天真的想法。”他这番话似乎是在阐述东 道国的立场。 l3.重组法 l有些英语长句顺译、逆译或拆译都有困难。此 时可以考虑打乱原文顺序,按照汉语的时间或 逻辑顺序重新组合句子。 l例1It has been more than a year since Alfred Jackson, a 38-year-old Brooklyn plumber, was shot and killed by a neighbor because Mr. Jackson wanted to park in the spot where the man was walking his dog. l译文Alfred Jackson,38岁,原先是布鲁克林的一个 水暖工人。有一天他想在邻居遛狗的地方停放汽车, 竟被邻居开枪打死。这件事发生已经一年多了。 l例2When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which compel them to the separation. l译文在人类的发展进程中,有时一个民族必 须解除它和另一个民族之间的政治联系,必须 争取自然法则和上帝所赋予它的权利,以使自 己在世界各国中享有独立与平等的地位。此时 ,出于对人类舆论的真正尊重,这个民族必须 把他们不得不寻求独立的原因公诸于世。 l例3On the marble fireplace in the mathematics building at Princeton University is carved, in the original German, what one might call his (Einsteins) scientific credo: “God is subtle, but he is not malicious.” l译文在普利斯顿大学教学大楼里,大理石壁 炉上用德文刻着:“上帝是难以捉摸的,但他 绝无恶意”。这句话也可称作是他的(爱因斯 坦的)科学信条。 l4.插入法 l利用破折号把括号把难以处理的句子成分插入到译句 中。 l例1There is in fact a strong likelihood that the Administration will preside over a $100-billion-plus budget deficit in the current fiscal year, putting its promise to balance the budget by fiscal 1983which begins in only twenty monthsfirmly out of reach. l译文事实上,政府很有可能将要在本财政年度应付 1000亿美元以上的预算赤字,这样就使其承诺平 衡1983年财政年度(20个月以后就将开始)的预算 根本无法实现。 l例2The method was largely developed by physicists, chemists and biologists; it was later adopted by people working in such areas as education, psychology and sociology, where the subjects of research were often people. l译文这种方法很大程度上先是由物理学家、 化学家和生物学家使用,后来为在教育学、心 理学和社会学等领域内(其研究对象是人)工 作的研究人员所采纳而发展起来的。 Translation Exercise l1.Whatever the attitudes and opinions of individual governments of the group of member states for which I speak today, there is a firm consensus amongst all of them that the General Assembly took a historic decision on the night of 25 October 1971 when, it restored to the Peoples Republic of China its rights in the United Nations, and that the world organization we all cherish is now entering a new era. l2.This is not an easy lesson to learn, especially when we are young and think that the world is ours to command, that whatever we desire with the full force of our passionate being can, nay, will, be ours. l3.My mother, Jane Lampton Clemens, died in her 88th year, a mighty age for one who at 49 was so delicate of body as to be accounted a confirmed invalid destined to pass soon away. l4.When Smith was drunk, he used to beat his wife and daughter; and the next morning, with a headache, he would rail at the world for its neglect of his genius, and also, with a good deal of cleverness, and sometimes with perfect reason, the fools, his brother painters. l5.I should with to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done. l6.One of my best speeches was delivered in Hyde Park in torrents of rain to six policemen sent to watch me, plus only the secretary of the society that had asked me to speak, who held an umbrella over me. l7.Born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany, Albert Einstein was two years old when his parents moved to Munich, where his father opened a business in electric supplies. l8.Law-and-order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in U.S. history. Yet it sis painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing


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