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加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空Most of us have parts that we dont want anyone to know or see. It can be the way we shout at our kids when were _1_ or the horrible experience we had a few years ago.We feel like if people see or know these things about us, we will be _2_ or disliked. So we hide these parts about us and say they are not _3_. As a result, we _4_ to enjoy life. Im going to tell you a(n) _5_:every one of us has parts and experiences in our lives we dont _6_. Were all so busy thinking about what others think of us that we dont have _7_ to really make ourselves free and _8_ with others.No one is _9_ and thats okay. What we need to do is start _10_ that the “good” and “bad” are both parts of who we are. _11_ we do this, those things we dont like about ourselves are just part of us. And then we _12_ to see more opportunities in life, and if we want, we can move towards _13_.Just because you accept that you have a little extra _14_ and you are okay with it doesnt mean you have to _15_ that way. It means you can _16_ blaming (责备) yourself for it and spending all your energy making sure that other people dont _17_.As for things in the past that youd like to remain _18_, finding people who will accept you for who you are and who you _19_ to talk with is important. Also, connecting with others who have _20_ experiences can be helpful to you.语篇解读:许多人会极力掩饰自己认为不好的一面,但是我们只有接受自己的全部,才能有所改变。1A.angryBsadCsurprised Dnervous解析:选A结合文章第一句及该空前的“shout at our kids”可知,我们生气时会冲孩子发火。2A.watched over Bdepended onClaughed at Dthought of解析:选C根据“disliked”和下一句的“So we hide these parts about us”可知,我们觉得如果有人知道或看到我们不好的一面后,我们就会被嘲笑。3A.popular BgoodCimportant Dtrue解析:选D根据该空前的“So we hide these parts about us”可知,我们说那不是真的。4A.mean BfailCagree Dhate解析:选B我们总是担心自己不好的一面被别人看到或知道,所以我们不能享受生活。5A.secret BaccidentCexperience Dstory解析:选A从本空后的内容可知,作者告诉我们的是一个秘密。6A.remember BconcernCnotice Dlike解析:选D结合文章首句可知,每个人都有自己不喜欢的一面或者经历。7A.courage BfaithCtime Dexcuse解析:选C根据该空前的“so busy thinking about”可知,我们没有时间让我们自己闲下来。8A.fight BleaveCcommunicate Dtravel解析:选C从本空前的free和第19空后的talk可知,我们没有时间与别人交流。9A.perfect BpatientCfriendly Dbrave解析:选A每个人都有不想被别人知道的不好的一面,也就是说人无完人。10A.proving BacceptingCimagining Dconsidering解析:选B我们需要做的是接受我们的全部,无论好坏。11A.Until BThoughCWhen DSince解析:选C当我们接受了我们的全部时,我们不喜欢的东西就成了我们的一部分。12A.need BstartCprefer Dwish解析:选B只有我们接受了我们的全部,我们才能开始看到许多机遇。13A.truth BabilityCnature Dchange解析:选D与上文内容承接,只要我们想,我们就能改变。14A.work BweightCenergy Dmoney解析:选B根据上文提到的我们有自己不喜欢的一面及下文的“you are okay with it”可知,此处填weight符合语境。15A.return BriseCsurvive Dstay解析:选D认为自己有点胖没什么,但这并不意味着你一直要那样。16A.stop BadmitCavoid Drisk解析:选A只有自己接受了自己,才能停止责备自己。17A.mind BseeCcome Dappear解析:选B你没有必要整天为此费心地确保别人看不到你的那一面。18A.lost BhiddenCunchanged Dunanswered解析:选B从下文的“who will accept you for who you are”可知,此处指的是你想藏起来的东西。19A.trust BhelpCsupport Dunderstand解析:选A从本空前的“accept you”可知,这些人是你信任的人。20A.interesting BstrangeCpersonal Dsimilar解析:选D根据本空前的“connecting”及该空后的“can be helpful to you”可知,你可以找一些跟你有着相似经历的人交流一下。.阅读理解Sport is not only physically challenging, but can also be mentally challenging. Criticism from coaches, parents and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create too much anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable.The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to cooperate with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents and coaches criticisms to heart and find faults in themselves.Coaches and parents should also pay attention that youth sport participation does not become work for children. The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In todays youth sport setting young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game many parents and coaches focus on the outcome and find faults with youngsters performances. Positive support should be provided regardless of the outcome. Research indicates that positive support motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again, criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout.语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。体育运动既是对人的体力的挑战,也是对人的心理的挑战。在体育运动中,父母和教练应对孩子多鼓励,少批评,让孩子用积极的心态去迎接挑战。1An effective way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is _.Ato make sport less competitiveBto increase their sense of successCto reduce their mental stressDto make sport more challenging解析:选C细节理解题。由第一段的“Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout.”可知C项正确。2According to the passage, sport is positive for young people in that _.Ait can help them learn more about societyBit enables them to find faults in themselvesCit can provide them with valuable experiencesDit teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves解析:选C细节理解题。由第二段的“The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place.”可知答案选C。3According to the passage parents and coaches should _.Apay more attention to letting children enjoy sportBhelp children to win every gameCtrain children to cope with stressDenable children to understand the positive aspect of sport解析:选A推理判断题。由最后一段可总结出父母和教练应该变批评为鼓励,以减轻孩子们的心理压力,使他们拥有积极的动机,从而更喜欢体育运动。所以A项正确。4The authors purpose in writing the passage is _.Ato teach young athletes how to avoid burnoutBto persuade children not to worry about criticismCto stress the importance of positive support to childrenDto discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragement解析:选C主旨大意题。纵观全文可知,作者通过写压力对孩子参加运动的诸多负面影响,使父母和教练们意识到只有更多的积极的鼓励,减少批评,才能让孩子喜欢体育运动。加餐练(二)第卷规范增分练.语法填空Praise can change a person. It is true that _1_ (encourage) words can turn our lives around. Praise is really _2_ (magic). Perhaps many of us have such experiences. Take myself _3_ an example. I was very naughty in the primary school. Most of the teachers and even my parents were _4_ (disappoint) in me. But it _5_ (happen) that I once got a very high mark in _6_ examination and the head teacher _7_ (report) this to my parents. My parents praised me and told neighbors about it. I felt really happy _8_ became polite to others. Every time I heard others talk to me about my excellent examination result, I thought to _9_ (I) that I would work even _10_ (hard) and make greater progress. Just as Shakespeare said, “Our praises are our wages.”答案:1.encouraging2.magical3.for4.disappointed5.happened6.an7.reported8.and9.myself10.harder.短文改错I cant swim so I have a strong fear of water. Look back at my childhood, I think that three reasons might explain fear. Firstly, I am not allowed to go near the water when I was a child, as my mother had an unreasonable fear of it. Therefore, I was taught to see to the water as something danger. Secondly, my eyes became bad when I was five. If I took off my glass in the water, I couldnt see something, and this increased my fear. Whats worse, for a child I once saw a neighbor drowned. Since then I have been more frightening.答案:第一句:sobecause第二句:LookLooking;在fear之前加the/my第三句:amwas第四句:去掉see后的to; dangerdangerous第六句:glassglasses; somethinganything第七句:foras第八句:frighteningfrightened.书面表达小明因在学校使用手机被学校处分,他感到很困惑,写信向你求助。假定你是李华,请根据以下提示,给小明写一封100词左右的回信。开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。1手机的优点:联系便捷。2带手机上学存在的问题:干扰教学,有害学习和健康等。Dear Xiao Ming,Your letter reached me yesterday. It said in your letter that_Yours,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Xiao Min


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