



10 Reasons to Stay in a Job for 10 Years 一份工作要做十年的十大理由 As of January 2012, the median time that wage and salary workers in the U.S. had been with their current employers was just 4.6 years. Other recent data points are equally disturbing: The staffing company Randstad says that 40% of employees are planning to look for a new job within the next six months. Another survey notes that 69% of employees are already at least passively shopping for new job opportunities via social media today. 美国劳工统计局九月中旬发布的最新数据令我们颇为震惊。数据显示2012年1月份,一个拿工资的工 人平均伺候老板的时间为4.6年。另一份数据同样令人不安:猎头公司任仕达发现40%的在职员工都打 算在未来半年换工作。还有一项调查显示69%的职员已经在积极通过网络找工作了。 As business owners, we have big incentives to do all we can to keep our talented people around. But beyond our own motives, we think its often good for employees to stick around, too. Here are the 10 reasons why we think executives and employees need to think carefully before making a jump: 作为企业的主人,我们当然是竭尽所能的留住人才。但除了利己动机之外,我真心希望员工能做的久 一点。在各位高管和员工跳槽之前,下面十点,仅供参考。 1. Seniority: Executives who remain at a single company are able to rise in seniority, rather than having to compete for a stronger role at each new company as they go. 1、资历。呆在老公司的高管可以凭资历升到高层,而在新公司,你需要重新打拼。 2. Leadership Opportunities: With seniority comes the chance to lead others and mentor newcomers through the transition to their new jobs. Executives who build loyal followings are naturally upheld by their teams, rather than having to defend the authority theyve been given in a new firm by decree. 2、领导机会。一旦你有了资历,你就可以“传帮带”那些新人,从而得到领导他人的机会。这些新入 职的孩儿们就会死心塌地的跟你干,远比在新公司用法令法规约束员工来的有威信。 3. Stability: If executives are perpetually moving, its difficult to make long-term plans. A little stability in career and workplace can help them cope more effectively with the stresses that are sure to occur within the rest of their lives. 3、稳定。如果你频繁跳槽,那你很难实现长期规划。职场上的稳定可以相对减少你生活其他方面的压 力。 4. Homeownership and retirement funds: Job hoppers pay a high price in home equity and retirement accounts. Every job change that requires a move will also enact a high transaction cost to change homes, which is never ideal outside of chosen opportunities to move to a more suitable home. Stability is also appealing to banks-lenders look more favorably on prospective borrowers whove held consistent jobs for a minimum of two years, and preferably more. Vesting in 401K and stock option programs is generally badly affected by hops. So while executives think they may gain an advantage by jumping for a sign-on bonus or raise, in the long term, the employees who maximize vesting schedules and maintain their retirement accounts will likely excel. 4、住房和退休金。频繁跳槽的人在房屋净值和退休金上很吃亏。每换一次工作,你都要花上一笔价格 不菲的换房子的费用,而能找到什么样的地儿,能否和你以前住的一样舒适,就不在你的把握内了。 银行同样看重稳定 他更喜欢给那些至少有两年甚至更长时间稳定工作的人贷款。跳槽者的不稳定 严重影响401K 计划和股票期权。所以那些打算跳槽的高管,当你们看到下家丰厚的分红和加薪的时候, 眼光还是放长远吧,这些眼前利益与长期还贷、存养老金比起来简直是小巫见大巫。 5. Increased Benefits: Many companies increase paid time off for employees who stay at a job for a certain number of years. Executives who stay can spend more time with their families and achieve more lifestyle goals with the extra time off and the extra stock and retirement savings long-term employment affords. 5、叠加的优待。很多公司对呆满一定年限的员工都有增加其带薪休假时间的优待。高官们尽可利用这 些时间多陪陪家人,体验梦想生活,投资股票亦或是多存点养老金。 6. Self-Improvement: Executives who show the resilience to address their weaknesses rather than jumping ship and blaming their discontent on former co-workers and bosses may often be further ahead. 7、可靠。如果一位高管可以在一个公司呆十年或者十年以上(尤其是在日本或是其他欧洲国家) ,这 表明此人非常可靠,公司会给予奖励和尊重。 7. Dependability: An executive who is willing to stay the course for 10 or more years (which is typical in Japan and other European countries) demonstrates a level of dependability that companies will generally reward and respect. 8、灵活。如果你在公司做十年或以上,你可以不断变换岗位来提高自己。你可以多多尝试,看自己到 底适合什么。换公司和在公司内部换岗的最大不同是后者可以保留你的职位,让你轻松体验新环境。 8. Flexibility: Most people who stay at a company for a decade or more progress through multiple increasingly challenging roles while theyre there. They typically try their hands at a variety of roles to help determine what theyre most passionate about. The difference between moving within a company and moving between companies is that executives are able to retain their status and benefits while also being free to experiment and try some new things. 9、坚持不懈。遭遇不公待遇或是身处逆境容易使人退缩,但如果你坚韧不拔,找出应对策略,收拾困 局,扭转乾坤,那你就牛 B了。 (但如果你真陷入不良企业,那及时抽身是毋庸置疑的。 ) 9. Perseverance: Its easy to quit over perceived unfairness or serious challenges. But it shows much stronger character to persevere, to find and enact solutions to problems, repair damage, and to take an active role in turning a situation around. (However, anyone who works in a genuinely toxic corporate environment should absolutely take their leave, as quickly as possible, and move on.) 10、公司活榜样。如果高管可以和公司共进退的话,那他对公司绝对有积极影响。 10. A Say in the Companys Future: An executive can have a positive influence on their companys direction if theyre willing to stick with the organization through good times and bad. 我说的句句属实,皆乃亲身经历。我所率领的团队在2010年5月收购公司所有权时精诚团结,而此时, 我们正将公司股票出售给将近一半的公司员工,更多的人在未来半年也会受益。现在,董事和员工共 同拥有公司。职工优先认股权基于职工表现和我先前提到的七大不议付原则。 This is true for our company, and its especially true for the opportunity were beginning right now. Our team had a very direct role in buying ownership of our company back from a former investor in May of 2010. Were in the process right now of granting stock options to nearly half of our employees, and many more will receive shares within the coming six months. Now the employees and management own the company. Stock option ownership is based on behaviors that align with our 7 Non Negotiable principles, which youve heard us mention before. 其实最主要的是我们在创造让职工当家做主的氛围和机会,让他们毫无风险和顾忌的开创自己的事业。 In essence, were creating opportunity for our employees to engage as entrepreneurs at every level of the company, without t


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