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佛山市劳动合同英语版 Labor Contract 甲方(用人单位)名称: Party A (Employer): 公司 地址: Address: 法定代表人: Legal representative: 乙方:(劳动者) Party B: (Laborer) 姓名: Name: 身份证号码: ID No.: 户籍所在地: Place of domicile: 通讯地址: Mailing address: 甲乙双方根据中华人民共和国劳动法 、 劳动合同 法等法律、法规,在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上,同 意订立本劳动合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。 Based on Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, and other laws and regulations, on the basis of equity, free will and consensus, both parties agree to conclude the Labor Contract to commonly comply with all provisions herein. 一、劳动合同及期限 I. Labor Contract and Term 1、 合同期限: 1. Contract term: 本合同自 年 月 日起至年 月日止,试用期限为 3 个月。 The contract is valid from to , and the probation is 3 months. 2、任职职务(工作岗位): 2. Title (post): 3、工作汇报对象: 3. Report to: 4、工作地点: 4. Work location: 公司 5、工作时间: 5. Working hours 每天工作 8 小时,休息日由上级主管结合酒店工作实 际予以灵活安排。每周休息不少于 1 天。 Work 8 hours per day, and the rest day is flexibly arranged by the leading supervisor depending on the actual work in the hotel. It should rest for no less than 1 day per week. 6、工作职责: 6. Job responsibilities: 详见职位说明书 See Job Description of for details. 7、保密约定: 7. Confidentiality: 在工作中得到的有关机密信息管理、公司财产和客户 资料等公司的所有事项无论在职期间或者离职后未经公司 许可不得泄露给第三方。 Without permission of the company, the management of related confidential information, company property, customer data and all matters related to the company obtained during the work shall not be disclosed to the third party. 二、乙方劳动报酬及福利待遇 II. Labor Remuneration and Welfare of Party B 1、工资 1. Salary 试用期及转正后;月工资及福利为 人民币 元/月;发 薪日为日,遇节假日顺延。 After probation and the employee becomes a regular worker, the monthly salary and welfare is RMB Yuan. The salary will be paid on the theach month. In case of festival and holiday, it will be postponed. 以上薪酬包括受聘方加班、通宵工作或外出公干等职 责需求的补偿。 The above remuneration includes the compensation necessary for overtime work, all-night work or business trip of the employee. 每年发放 13 个月月薪。 It issues 13 months of salary annually. 2、奖金 2. Bonus 根据工作业绩和对甲方的贡献程度在年底给予奖金。 Issue bonus based on the work performance and contribution of Party A at the end of year. 3、年假 3. Annual leave 按国家有关规定执行。 It should be governed by relevant provisions of the state. 4、社会保险 4. Social insurance 合同期内,甲方依法为乙方参加社会保险,社会保险 费个人缴纳部分,甲方从乙方工资代扣代缴。 During the term of the contract, Party A makes Party B attend social insurance according to law. The individual contribution to the part of social insurance will be withheld by Party A from the salary of Party B. 5、医疗 5. Medical care 乙方工伤、患病或非因工负伤的医疗待遇及在孕期、 产期、哺乳期内各项待遇按照国家和地方有关政策规定执 行。 The work injury, disease or medical treatment irrelevant to work injury, and all treatments related to pregnancy, perinatal period and lactation of Party B are governed by relevant state and local policies and regulations. 三、劳动保护和劳动条件 III. Labor Protection and Labor Conditions 1、甲方按国家和省有关劳动保护规定提供符合国家劳 动卫生标准的劳动条件和劳动工具,切实保护乙方在生产 工作中的安全和健康,在合同期内应甲方定期组织对乙方 进行职业健康检查。 1. Party A provides the labor conditions and instruments of labor that comply with the state labor sanitation standard in accordance with the state and provincial labor protection regulation, practically protects the safety and health of Party B during the production work, and regularly organizes Party B for occupational health examination during the term of the contract. 2、乙方患职业病或因工负伤的,甲方应按工伤保险 条例的规定办理。 2. In case that Party B has occupational disease or is injured due to work, Party A should handle in accordance with provision of Regulations on Workers Compensation Insurance. 四、劳动合同的变更、解除、终止 IV. Modification, Cancellation and Termination of Labor Contract 1、甲乙双方经协商一致,可以变更或解除本合同。 1. Both parties may modify or terminate the contract through negotiation. 2、双方须依照中华人民共和国劳动法及中华人 民共和国劳动合同法相关条例执行。 2. Both parties must implement in accordance with Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China. 3、解除本合同后,甲乙双方在 3 日内办理解除劳动合 同的相关手续 3. Upon termination of the contract, both parties should conduct procedures related to termination of labor contract within 3 days. 五、劳动纪律 V. Labor Discipline 1乙方应自觉遵守国家和省规定的有关劳动纪律、法 规和企业依法制定的各项规章制度,严格遵守安全操作规 程,服从管理,按时完成工作任务,执行劳动安全卫生规 程,遵守职业道德。 1. Party B should consciously comply with related state and provincial labor discipline and regulations, and all rules and regul ations formulated by the company according to law, strictly abide by the safety operation instruction, and obey the management, as well as complete the task, carry out labor safety and sanitation regulation, and observe the occupational ethics. 2乙方违反劳动纪律,甲方可依据本单位规章制度, 给予相应的行政处分、经济处罚等,直至解除本劳动合同。 2. If Party B violates the labor discipline, Party A may give corresponding administrative sanction and economic punishment based on the company rules and regulations, and even terminate the Labor Contract. 六、法律 VI. Law 1、合同期间,乙方在工作地点以外或工作职责范围外 触犯法律,或因乙方个人原因触犯法律的,由乙方自行承 担一切责任。 1. During the term of the contract, if Party B violates the law out of the work location, or job responsibility, or due to personal reason, Party B should assume all liabilities. 2、非乙方个人原因产生的与其工作职责或甲方有关的 法律问题,甲方需提供法律援助及支付相关费用支持。 2. In case of matter of law caused by job responsibility irrelevant to personal reason of Party B or related to Party A, Party A should be provided legal aid and paid related expenses for support. 3、由于酒店建筑漏洞造成的意外事故,乙方不负任何 责任。 3. Party B will not assume any liability for the accident caused by flaw of hotel construction. 4、试用期后,如乙方在合同期内提出解除劳动合同, 需提前三十日以书面形式通知甲方;如甲方在合同期内提 出解除劳动合同,需提前三十日以书面形式通知乙方或额 外支付乙方一个月工资后,可以解除


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