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四级作文 英语四级作文 问题对策型 四级作文 作文特点 问题解决型作文就是针对命题提出的问题 或论题,列举所能够解决的方法、途径, 并对这些方法或途径提出自己的挑选观点 ,然后结合自己的认识和体会,再做出评 价或结论。 关键:分析问题,找出成因,提出解决办 法 四级作文 写作步骤: 第一步:提出论题。针对命题要求,提出 论题,阐述其重要性。 第二步:列举方法。列举出解决问题的几 种方法或途径。 第三步:做出评价或选择。根据列出的方 法或途径,结合自身体会,做出评价或选 择。 四级作文 问题解决型作文模板 问题解决型模版按照开头、正文和结尾三 个部分呈现。 四级作文 Part One: The Model of Beginning Paragraph 1. -has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way. 2. Recently, -has become the focus of the society. And in this way, people swarm to-. 3. -has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well. 4. Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of-. 5. - is now -,and at the same time -. These two factors have caused - -. Then what shall we do to solve - in the face of such a situation? 四级作文 Part Two: The Model of Body Paragraph 1. A great number of solutions are being offered. Some people suggest that -. Others argue that-. 2. There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can -, there are a number of advantages of -. Another solution is to -. 3.Why-? The first reason is that -. The second reason is -. The third is -. 4. The eventual result it brings out is -. And perhaps the most obvious result of- is -. 5. - is necessary and important to our countrys development and construction. First, -. Whats more, -. Most important of all, -. 四级作文 Part Three: The Model of Concluding Paragraph 1. Personally, I believe that -. Consequently, I am confident that a bright future is awaiting us because-. 2. With the development of society, -. So it is urgent and necessary to-. If every member is willing to contribute himself to society, it will be better and better. 3. But for me, I would rather think of the matter in an optimistic way,because I believe -. 4. My own point of view is that - is a normal behavior in our society. There is no doubt that -. AS an old saying goes, -. 5. From all the reasons above, we know that great changes had taken place in -. And I believe that -. 四级作文 模板二 第一段 With the of , . 问题出现的背景 So it is of great importance for us to . 提出问题 On the one hand, . 问题的后果一 On the other hand, 问题的后果二 第二段 However, we have figured out many ways to . 提出解决这一问题的方法 Firstly, . 解决方法一 So long as . 进一步说明方法一 Secondly, . 方法二 Thirdly, . 方法三 第三段 In fact, . 提出解决问题的根本途径 11That is because . 11支持句的理由 12In a word, . 12总结全文 四级作文 模板三 1.There has been a discussion recently about_. 2.It is true to the present situation that_. 3.But_. 4.As is known to all,there are many ways_. 5.First of all,_. 6.Further more,_. 7.Last but not least,_. 8.So it is high time for us to_. 9.That is because_. 10.Secondly,_. 11.Thirdy,_. 12.All in all,_. 四级作文 模板 四 1.Nowadays,there is a growing concern on_. 2.It is certain that_. 3.However,_. 4.It well cause many serious results if_. 5.Firstly,_. 6.Secondly,_. 7.Finaly,_. 8.In spite of all these, there are still many ways_. 9.First of all,_. 10.In addition,_. 11.Thirdly,_. 12.Only in this way,_. 四级作文 练习1 How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic I. Outline A. Importance of solving the problem of heavy traffic B. Ways to solve the problem of heavy traffic C. My suggestion 四级作文 范文 With population rapidly increasing, heavy traffic has become a big headache for many cities. For this very reason, many government officials and experts have thought up some solutions, among which two draw much attention over the country. Some people suggested that more and wider roads should be laid down. It is evident that it can relieve the traffic congestion in the streets, thus accelerating(加速) the flow of buses and cars. And meanwhile, the fast and smooth flow of traffic reduces the air pollution caused by engine-idling. But the disadvantages of this solution lies in the fact that too much land could be used for farming or housing will inevitably be occupied by more and more roads. Therefore, others hold that the number of public bus routes should be raised so that more people can be transported and fewer people will have to travel in their own cars or ride bikes. Less use of bicycles and private cars will make the roads less crowded. Unfortunately, there is also a drawback in this solution: it will bring inconvenience to those who live or work far away from bus stop. As neither of the two solutions is effective enough to solve the problem of traffic in cities, I favor a combination of the two. While building more roads in places where land is less useful, we should increase the number of public bus lines. Only in this way can we more effectively solve the problem of heavy traffic 四级作文 范文点评: 本文严格按照问题解决型作文成文。作者 首先提出交通问题是一个世界性问题,接 着就列举了两个解决的方法,并就其优缺 点做了阐述,最后作者提出了自己的观点- -综合两者的优点。本文内容切题,每个段 落都围绕文章的主题展开,层次清楚,结 构严谨;文字连贯,句式多变,是一篇得 分较高的文章。 四级作文 练习2 How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities. Four suggested solutions to this problem are listed below. You are supposed to write in favour of one suggestion (ONE only) and against another (ONE only). You should give your reasons in both cases. You should write no less than 120 words. Remember to give a short introduction and a brief conclusion. Write your composition clearly. 四种可能解决住房问题的方案: 1多造高层建筑; 2向地下发展; 3建造卫星城市; 4疏散城市人口。 四级作文 范文 How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities Housing problem has become one of the biggest concerns for people in big cities. With the rapid development of industry and great increase in employment, more people are swarming into cities. Accommodations have become ever difficult, causing inconvenience to peoples work and life. Many proposals have been put forward to solve this problem. Some suggest that more high buildings be constructed. Some insist that the underground be developed. Others propose that satellite cities be built. Still others argue that cities should be expanded to move people to the suburbs. Personally, I am in favor of building satellite cities in the suburbs. For one thing, these cities are not far away from big cities. It is still very convenient for people to go downtown as they wish. For another, the fresh air and adequate space there will be a great attraction for people who are living in crowded cities. If many people move to the satellite cities, the housing problem in big cities will cease to exist. I am against the idea of developing the underground. Because compared with building satellite cities, it is more costly. With each house to light even at daytime, we need a lot of electricity. Besides, it witt deprive people of the fresh air and bright sunshine which they can get so easily when they are above the ground 四级作文 真题 四级英语作文真题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 大学生了解社会的必要性; 2. 了解社会的途径(大众媒介、社会服务等); 3. 我打算怎么做。 四级作文 范文 Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus As the society advances, it is essential for us college students to get to know the world outside the campus. Firstly, enlarges our scope of knowledge. Secondly, it prepares us for entering the


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