



1、哈师大附中高二学年2014年“我是英语单词王”竞赛试题(选修7) (满分:100分)I. 单词拼写: 请根据句意写出所需适当形式的单词。(每个1分)1. There are 56_(少数民族)in our country.2. You cant _ (忽略) the fact that Marie works harder than Jonny.3. Of all the_(顾问), only Mr. Wang gave us some proposals in point.4. This picture _(使想起) her of her school days.5. The boy suc

2、ceeded in r_ a drowning child.6. According to the s_, the first lecture will begin at 9 am., so please be quick!7. She _(牺牲) her life to save the child.8. The thief _(溜出) out by the back door quietly.9. Yesterday Michael a_ to his boss for being late.10.She handled the_(尴尬的)situation with her usual

3、quiet diplomacy. 11. He had had enough, so heq_.(辞职)12. He bought some _(假的) flowers in the shop.13. He became an _ (助理) principal in the school.14. On _(平均), people who dont smoke are healthier than people who do.15. It has been _ (证实)that he was the murder.16. They found themselves _ (竞争)with fore

4、ign companies for a share of the market.17. What do you think are the major factors that I should take into c_ when I want to buy a car?18. They have c_ many horrible crimes against the people.19. Every manager must _(激励,使有动机) and encourage his employees.20. They_(抗议)to the mayor that the taxes were

5、 too high.21. There is no problem for me to be p_ for work though the workplace is far from my home.22. Long ago_(巨大的)animals lived on the earth.23. He claims he has evidence which could prove his _.(清白)24. She _ (继承)a house from her father last year.25. She receives a monthly _(津贴) of $500.26. The

6、accident made him _(瘸了) in the left leg.27. He won a _(奖学金)to Cambridge.28. Clothes and blankets have been _(分发) among the refugees.29. The liner is reported to have been in _(碰撞)with an oil tanker.30. It was c_of you to bring me my raincoat.31. I attended a lot of lectures and _(研讨会)when I was at c

7、ollege.32. He was elected as a d_ to the annual conference.33. It is much easier to _(即兴创作) a song than it is to improvise a symphony.34. If you m_four by five, the answer is twenty.35. Her skin was dry after e_to the wind.36. Many factse_(出现)as a result of the investigation.37. Its healthier to rel

8、ease _(挫折)than to bottle it up.38. Knowledge makes h_, ignorance makes proud.(博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。)39. The hunters blocked up the hole of the _.(野兽)40. _(看起来),its going to rain today.41. Id like to i_some money in real estate.42. The bridge has threea_.43. He thumbed through thed_to look for her number.44

9、. The computer can generate_(立刻的,即时的)multimedia messages. 45. The airplane climbed to a_(头晕目眩的)height. 46. He turned up his coat_(衣领)against the chill wind.47. Several firms haveb_for the contract to build the new concert hall. 48. Grading of oral tests is quite_.(主观的)49. He had the most_(绝妙的)experi

10、ence in Africa. 50. He is passionately opposed to racial_. (歧视)51. Many people_(主张,拥护)building more hospitals.52. HBV is a_ (病毒) that causes inflammation of the liver.53. I gave the radio a_(全面的,详尽的)inspection before buying it.54. They endeavoured to make her happy but inv_.55. She wants to buy a ha

11、ndbag, not _(新潮的)but strong.56. You should be thankful that you have escaped with only_injuries. (受了点轻伤)57. _(涂鸦)existed in ancient times.58. The play succeeded thanks to the wonderful performance of all thec_.(全体演员)59. His letter _(使烦躁)me a little when I read it. 60. We should always bear in mind t

12、hat if we are _(忽视的,不理)of our health for promotion,disease will gradually approach us with the help of tiredness.II. 单词释义: 请根据以下释义写出单词。(每个2分)1.9 C, R) Ua+ * W% l: H& j _ n. kindness toward those who should be punished; the power to be kind or to pardon 2.If you_something such as a piece of paper or

13、cloth, you bend it so that one part covers another part, often pressing the edge so that it stays in place.3. A_place, thing, or person is tidy and smart, and has everything in the correct place.4. _n. the form of something with different details than earlier or later forms5. _v. to name; to choose6

14、. _v.say sth learned aloud from memory7. _is ornaments that people wear, for example rings, bracelets, and necklaces. It is often made of a valuable metal such as gold, and sometimes decorated with precious stones. 8. _n. interest, worry; v. to fear 9. n) x/ H A; w+ N# E8 a! d_v. to guard or fight a

15、gainst attack; to protect 10. % , a/ Y6 W4 Z$ K; |. o An_is the difference in direction between two lines or surfaces.11. _adj. not guilty of a crime; not responsible for a bad action12. A_is a box outside your house where your letters are delivered. 13. If someonew_, he cries.14. A_is a scientific

16、instrument which makes very small objects look bigger so that more detail can be seen. 15. The_ ofan area of land is an imaginary line that separates it from other areas.16. A_is a mark on the skin which is left after a wound has healed.17._n. son of ones brother or sister, or son of ones brother-in

17、-law18._n. rate or speed in walking, running, advance of a plan19._v. ask earnestly or with deep feeling20. When you_something such as clothes, you make them or repair them by joining pieces of cloth together by passing thread through them with a needle.CLASS: _NAME: _SCORE:_“我是英语单词王”竞赛试题答案 (7册)1. m

18、inorities2. ignore3. consultants4. reminded5. rescuing6. schedule7. sacrificed8. slipped9.apologized10. awkward11. quit/quitted12.artificial/fake13. assistant14. average15. mitted19. motivate20. protested21. punctual22.enormous23.innocence24. inherited25. allowance26. lame27. scholarship28. distributed29. collision30. considerate31. seminars32. delegate 33. improvise34. multiply35.


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