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1、PK中考,教材整理复习篇,八年级下册,八年级(下册)Units34,Units34,PK中考英语,中考考点清单,argue,argument,usual,unusual,usually,develop,development,fair,unfair,fairness,stress,stressed,中考考点清单,fold,pass,mess,hate,guess,drop,relation,perhaps,中考考点清单,tour the rubbish,work out,provide sth. for sb.,do chores,look through,all the time,make

2、the bed,depend on,中考考点清单,Could you please,I use your computer,Why dont you,中考考点清单,中考考点清单,中考考点讲解,考点分类讲解之考点单词讲解,1.argue的用法, My parents allow me to play computer games.我父母允许我在周末玩电脑游戏。 We dont allow eating in the classroom. 我们不允许在教室里吃东西。 Passengers are not allowed to smoke.乘客不准吸烟。,中考考点讲解之考点单词辨析,1.辨析:whi

3、le,when与as,Could I at least finish watching this show?能让我至少看完这个节目吗? finish 意为“完成;做好”,后跟动词时,应用v.-ing形式,不能跟动词不定式。 When are you going to finish your work?你打算什么时候完成你的工作? He finished reading the book before supper.晚饭前他把这本书看完了。,中考考点讲解之考点句型,安徽真题体验,1. (2016年安徽,)Helen has got two brothers._ of them likes cho

4、colate, but she loves it. A. Neither B. None C. Each D. Any 2. (2012年安徽,)To protect the environment , supermarkets dont _ free plastic bags for shoppers. A. take B. show C. provide D. carry,A,C,复习效果自测,A,A,1.(2016青海西宁)A smart phone makes a big _ to our life.A. differenceB. decision C. progress D. pre

5、diction 2.If you want to get on well with your parents, _is very important because everything you do is based on it. A.communication B.skill C.doubt D.development,高分作文指导,话题分析,周,围,环,境,我们生活在一个物质世界里,周嗣的环境给我们提供了学习、,活、工作和娱乐的场所。浚话题的写作与我们的生活、学习息息相关。本话题常常是应用文体裁,如写书信介绍某一环境状况或变化,写便条告知活动地点,写日记记录自己的活动,向游客介绍旅游景点

6、等。,常用表达词汇,社会环境:shop; store;corner;park; building; garden; town; city; street; stairs; post office; bank; bus station; street;etc. 环境描写:tidy; beautiful; wonderful dirty ; polluted,常用表达句型,1.My house is between. . .and. . . 2.The computer room is next to our classroom. 3.We have many big shopping cente

7、rs and huge markets. 4.Great changes have taken place in our hometown. 5.The bridge was built last year. 6. Im sure our city will become more and more beautiful and cleaner as long as we all try our best to do something for it. 7.Our teaching building stands in the middle of our school.,假如你是某英文日报社的记

8、者,三年前来到一个偏远的山村采访时看到村民们生活困难,交通不便,孩子们上学要走很远的路。三年后的今天,你再次来到这个地方采访,发现村庄有了很大的变化,老百姓生活富裕了,有楼房、手机、电视机,村里修建了新学校,孩子们现在都免费上学了,也吃上了免费午餐,高速公路(highway)和铁路也通了。这些变化都是政府实施新农村建设的成果。 请你以“A Beautiful Village”为题,用英文写一篇80词左右的短文,报道这个村庄这几年来的变化(要求80词左右,意思连贯,过渡自然,不要逐字翻译。),典例精析,典例精析,A Beautiful Village Three years ago, I wen

9、t to a very poor village._ _,细读所给的文字提示,可以提取以下信息: 1本文是介绍村庄的过去和现在,需要用第三人称。 2介绍村庄过去和现在的情况,需要用一般过去时 和一般现在时。 3.词数为80左右,不得出现真实姓名、校名。,思路点拨,A Beautiful Village Three years ago. I went to a very poor village. People in this village lived poor lives. The traffic there was inconvenient. The children walked a l

10、ong way to go to school. Today I go to the village again for my interview. I see a lot of changes in this village. People live rich lives. A lot of them live in he buildings . They have mobile phones and TVs. They built a new school and now children get to school for free. They also have free lunch. High way and railway also go through the village. The traffic is very convenient now. The villag


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