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1、Unit 1 Task,About your classmate,Para 1 name/ age/ hometown/ live with,Para 2 looks (tall/ short, hair, glasses),Para 3 hobbies, be good at,Para4 friends,Name _ Age _ School _ Class&Grade _ Hometown_ Looks_ Hobbies_,Task: Write a profile of yourself and introduce yourself to others.,1. Name: Age: Li

2、ving place: 2. Appearance(外貌): 3. Hobbies: 4. Ability: 5. Other information:,My name is/ Im _.,Im_ (years old).,I live (with_)in_.,Im tall/short/pretty/small. I have _ hair. My hair is_. I wear glasses./I dont wear glasses.,I like/love.,My hobby is.,Im good at _.,I have some new friends at school. T

3、hey are all very nice. .,假如你是西蒙,请根据下面表格提示的内容,用英语写一篇60词左右的短文。,1. everyone/ every one Here, _ is from Beijing. I like _ of you. _ of my books is on the desk.,总结:everyone 不定代词, “每个人” =everybody every one “每个人/物” 可与 of 连用,everyone of the children () every one of the children (),everyone,every one,Every

4、one,2. be from./come from. I _ from Nantong. I _ from Nantong. She_ from Shanghai. She _from Shanghai. This is Jack. And this is Mary. They _ from America. They _ from America.,来自.,am,come,is,comes,are,come,3. live+介词 (in/ on/ at/.) Tom lives _ the tall building. I live _ Nantong. We live _ No.6 Ren

5、min Road. Liu lives _ Renmin Road. I live_ here/there.,总结:1. live 后接具体门牌号码时, 用介词 at 2. live 后接某条路或某个楼层时, 用介词 on 3. live 后接某地或某个建筑物时, 用介词 in 4. live 后接地点副词 here/ there时, 介词省略。,in,in,at,on,/,4. wear glasses glasses _ glass_ wear _ _ 穿着一件外套 _ 戴着一顶帽子,复数n ,“眼镜”,不可数n,“玻璃”,/ 可数n,“玻璃杯” 、“一杯”a glass of milk,

6、V. 穿着,戴着,wear a coat,wear a hat,5. all the lessons _ all the books _ all the food _ all his friends _,所有的功课,所有这些书,所有这些食物,所有他的朋友,both,all 指三个或以上的人或物; _指两个人或物,结构: all +the +形容词性物主代词+ 名词(可数/不可数),They are all very nice.,We are all very happy.,You are all very cute.,We all like him.,总结: all 在be 动词后,实义动词前

7、,Read and Recite,Hello! I am,Introduce yourself!,Test in class,Homework: 1.Recite the expressions learned in this class. 2.Finish the exercises on P7.(补充习题) 3.Write a passage about Bob. 4.Choose to finish the exercises. (自主单),Goodbye!,自助单2 Monday 二 汉译英 1.Lets meet our new classmates. 2.Mr.Green is f

8、rom London, Britain. . comes from London, Britain. 3.My cousin, Daniel is good at Maths. .does well in Maths. .studies Maths well. 4.We often play basketball after school.,A Game,Who is she/he?,Questions,How old is Daniel? Is his hair short? What does he like? Does he have new friends at school?,He is 12 (years old).,Yes, it is very short.,He likes all the lessons at Sunshine Middle School.,Yes, they are all very nice.,Useful expressions:,Name:,I am/ My name is .,Age:,I am (years old).,Looks:,I am tall/short/ thin/ slim/ fat/ small/ cute/ strong/ pretty,Hair:,I


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