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1、Unit 6Text 1,Black English,Black English,2,Black English,1.Phonetic differences As for phone, the most prominent phonetic character is the simplification of consonant clusters. Words Black English Standard English Passed /pa:s/ /pa:st/ Past /pa:s/ /pa:st/ Desk /des/ /desk/,3,Black English,SE: thing,

2、 thank, thigh, thought BE: thing, thank, thigh, thought (no deviation) BE: dis, dat, dem, dese, dose SE: this, that, them, these, those BE: muvah, bruvah, bafroom, burfday SE: mother, brother, bathroom, birthday,4,Black English,2.Lexical differences A. Spelling E.g. There-dere, without-widout, dont

3、know-dunno, zebra-aebray, himself-hisself Words that indicate the possessive: THEY for THEIR SE: The boys put their hats. BE: The boys put they hats.,5,Black English,B. Difference in meaning and usage a. Be: 1) as a link verb, no change, meaning a habit e.g. She be late every day. 2) as a future ten

4、se e.g. I be going home tomorrow. 3) e.g. You aret sick, is you? 4) been as a past action e.g. He been there before.,6,Black English,b. Done: 1) done equals did e.g. I done my homework this morning. 2) as a completed action e.g. I done finish my work today. c. Regular verb without ed: 1) She look fo

5、r me last night. d. Disagreement of verb and pronoun e.g. She have many friends. e. Mixed usage of s e.g. Two girl just left.,7,Black English,3. Grammatical differences sentence structure of Black English Be: 1) none-be rule e.g. He gone. She too tall. 2) it is or there go replacing there be e.g. It

6、s many children on the playground. 3) double subject e.g. My son, he have a new car. 4) double negative e.g. David dont know nothing.,8,Black English,Black English is the language of black Americans. But not all 36 million African Americans choose to speak black English, especially the educated midd

7、le and upper income blacks. The variety of English spoken by some black people in the US.,9,Black English,In the United States, the term Black English usually refers to the everyday spoken varieties of English used by African Americans, especially of the working class in urban neighborhoods or rural

8、 communities. Linguists generally prefer the term African American Vernacular English (AAVE), although some use the term Ebonics, which saw widespread use in the late 1990s.,10,Black English,In fact, the English spoken by African Americans is highly variedas varied as the English spoken by any other

9、 racial or ethnic group. Sometimes Black English is used to refer to other varieties of English spoken by Black people outside of the United States, as in the Caribbean and the United Kingdom.,11,Why language matters?,12,Language and Dialect,Regional dialects geographical areas Social dialects socia

10、l groups,13,Regional dialects,14,15,Regional dialects,16,Regional dialects,17,Regional dialects: Varieties of English,18,Regional dialects: Varieties of English,19,Social dialects,social groups: social class (India caste) religion (Baghdad different varieties of Arabic among the Christian, Jewish an

11、d Muslim) ethnicity (US - blacks, Italian and Jewish ethnicity) My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女 cockney,20,Language and power,A language has more power than any of its dialects. A language is the powerful dialect but it has become so because of non-linguistic factors, political, social religious, economic The sta

12、ndard variety of any language is actually only the preferred dialect of that language that has been chosen for some reason to serve either the model or norm for other varieties. It is the empowered variety. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Ronald Wardhaugh,21,Language and power,Standard Chines

13、e, Putonghua, Mandarin Cantonese Parisian French Florentine Italian,22,Language and power,Learning a dialect or a foreign language Cantonese 1990s Russian 1950s 1960s English 1990s,23,Language and power,French spoken in Britain after 1066 William the Conqueror aristocracy German taught in the school

14、s of Alsace and Lorraine Province in 1873 after Napoleon lost to Prussia,24,Language and identity,A particular group of people finds a sense of identity through using a particular language. Social, political, religious, or ethnic ties may also be important for the group, but the bond provided by a c

15、ommon language may prove to be the strongest tie of all. In the 19th century, a German nation was unified around the German language. In the 18th century , the same with Russian for Russian people Hebrew unified Jewish people after WWII. “When a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to thei

16、r language it is as if they had the key to their prison.” Monsieur Hamel in The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet,25,The language we speak defines who we are and where we stand in the society and the world.,26,Thesis,Thesis statement: (P1) actually he is speaking a radically different dialect that is a

17、s consistent and elegant as whites consider their Standard English to be. Thesis restatetment: (P7) Black English is using a different set of rules than those of Standard English.,27,P1,Black English? colloquial, incorrect and inferior form of Standard English a dialect with its own grammar, vocabul

18、ary and sound system,28,P1,Very few white Americans are aware of the extent to which the great majority of black Americans suffer from linguistic schizophrenia. Very few white Americans are aware how confused and bewildered the great majority of black feel because of the language they speak.,29,P1,s

19、chizophrenia skitsfrini: a serious mental illness. People who suffer from it are unable to relate their thoughts and feelings to what is happening around them and often withdraw from society 精神分裂症 diglossia: bilingual, with two varieties of the same language colloquial: spoken, informal, non-literar

20、y be stigmatized: be ashamed e.g. Children in single families must not be stigmatized. consistent: (here) logical,30,P2,Two different views on BE the racist: physical characteristic (anatomy of race) inferior eradicated the well-intentioned liberals: educational deprivation a dialect Both views are

21、wrong. Why? History shows that BE has been a different language from the very beginning. It is a different language in its own right.,31,P2,The whole subject of BE is so tied up with both racism and good intention that it rarely is discussed calmly. be tied up: be very closely related to The study o

22、f BE involves issues, such as racism and good intention, so it has never been discussed seriously and fairly.,32,P2,racist: a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others liberal: a person who believes people should have a lot of freedom in deciding how to behave and think att

23、ribute sth. to sth.: believe sth. is caused by sth. eradicate: get rid of completely detect: find,33,P2,much of a .: a big (否)一个大的, 了不起的 e.g. 联想在国外可能没有很强的品牌效应,但收购外国公司一事却对其在中国的发展帮助不小。 Lenovo might not have much of a brand overseas, but its acquisition of a foreign firm has helped it in China. (The Wa

24、shington Post),34,P2,much of a .: a big (否)一个大的, 了不起的 e.g. 联想在国外可能没有很强的品牌效应,但收购外国公司一事却对其在中国的发展帮助不小。 Lenovo might not have much of a brand overseas, but its acquisition of a foreign firm has helped it in China. (The Washington Post),35,P2,departure: difference, deviation, breach, violation 违反, 背离 e.g

25、. 这一举措是对传统习俗惊人的背离。 Such a move is a startling departure from tradition. 这个做法背离了我们的初衷。 This is a departure from our original intention.,36,P3,What should be taken into consideration when describing BE? vocabulary, history, sound system, basic structure not only the vocabulary that has come into Stand

26、ard English What is the wrong impression about BE some white people have got? They think they talk in a genuine black way because they use some words from BE. spirited vocabulary: words with features of the blacks, which are lively and full of vigor talk real soul to sb.: talk to sb. heart to heart,

27、37,P3,Why are the borrowed words not so important in describing BE? They are like the words in SE. They originated by the same process as slangs, jargons, argot words in SE and have seeped out to become part of the general vocabulary. They are superficial because they change from year to year. give

28、rise to: cause, lead to property: quality, characteristic,38,P3,groovy: very good, very chic Your new dress is groovy. square: old-fashioned, conventional Be there or be square! jive: n. nonsense; v. cheat Dont give me any of that jive! chick: girl chick flick dig: understand Do you dig? rip off: ch

29、arge too much Its a rip-off.,39,P4,Five major influences on BE: African languages West African pidgin a Plantation Creole once spoken by slaves in S. US and N. Canada Standard English Urbanization in the northern ghettoes,40,P4,Pidgin language: simplified language that develops as a means of communi

30、cation between two or more groups that do not have a language in common. It is most commonly employed in situations such as trade, or where both groups speak languages different from the language of the country in which they reside (but where there is no common language between the groups).,41,e.g.

31、Chinese+English: 洋泾浜英语(白鸽英语),19世纪中外商人使用的混杂语言,只有口头形式,没有统一的书面形式,变体很多。其语法不符合英语习惯,语音受汉语影响。流行于当时的上海洋泾浜周边地区。中式英语的一种。 英语+上海话(+宁波话+粤语) concession comprador,42,Long time no see. Man mountain man sea, today no see, tomorrow see, tomorrow see, same see. 马赛克mosaic 水门汀cement 瓦斯gas 开司米cashmere 派对party 卡片card 啤酒be

32、er 酒吧bar 沙丁鱼sardine 车胎tire 士多店store 发嗲dear 蹩脚bilge 时髦smart 邋遢litter 闹太套not at all 切克闹check it out 杀马特smart 你out了 好cute 没feel,43,P4,Creole language: a stable natural language that has developed from a pidgin. Creoles differ from pidgins because creoles have been nativized by children as their primary

33、 language, with the result that they have features of natural languages that are normally missing from pidgins, which are not anyones first language. English-based French-based Portuguese-based Jamaican Creole, Hawaii Creole Seychelles Creole, Haitian Creole e.g. Hong Kong Cantonese English+Cantones

34、e MacanesePortuguese+Cantonese 协和语(满洲国) Japanese+Chinese,44,P4,ghetto: get formerly the restricted quarter of many European cities in which Jews were required to live (从前某些欧洲城市中的)犹太人区,“隔都” a poor densely populated city district occupied by a minority ethnic group linked together by economic hardship

35、 and social restrictions (城市中)少数民族聚居区 e.g. the black ghettos of New York 纽约黑人聚居区 long denied: ignored and unnoticed for a long time,45,P4,compelling: strong, convincing 令人信服的 e.g. compelling argument compelling film compelling eyes tote: carry a tote bag chigger: mite yam: sweet potato tater: potato

36、,46,P4,Why is Turners study cited here? to support the view that todays BE is a different language based on some Western African languages for the many resemblances in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar between them, so BE is not a non-standard departure from English.,47,P5,regardless of: in spi

37、te of How does pidginization contribute to the formation of BE? The blacks brought from different areas in Africa to N. America as slaves needed a common speech to communicate with each other. That resulted in a kind of English-based pidgin, which in part contribute to the formation of BE.,48,P6,gra

38、ft: v. addto; transplant 加入;移植, 嫁接 graft on / onto e.g. graft new elements onto the traditional form graft a bone on the damage knee n. a skin graft,49,P7,The wonder is that it took people so long to realize that BE is neither a mispronunciation of SE nor an accumulation of random errors made in the

39、 grammar of SE. I dont understand why people are reluctant to see that BE is not a language that is phonetically and grammatical inferior to SE. utterance: expression,50,P7,beside the point: not the most important thing 不是重点,无关紧要 e.g. Whether this proposal will truly fulfill the ICBs objectives is a

40、lmost beside the point. beside the point: 离题 = beside the question to the point: 切中要害, 切题,51,P7,People may not regard utterances in BE to be “good English” but that is beside the point, because BE is using a different set of rules than those of SE. It is not the most important thing whether people t

41、hink BE is not “good English”, because it has developed a totally different set of rules from SE.,52,Types of evidence,examples (P3, 4, 5) groovy, square, jive, rap, cool, chick, dig, rip off P3 such as tote, chigger, yam, and tatter P4 For example, He done close the door P5 historical facts (P4, 5)

42、,53,Exercises,III. Translation 1 The musicians integration of modern jazz and classical music in his latest composition marked a departure from his previous style. The discussion is purely academic; thus any remark concerning the speakers political background would be entirely beside the point. Smal

43、l as the crack on the pipe is, residents in the neighborhood can still smell the gas that has been seeping out. The whole family is stigmatized for having a son in prison for robbery. The doctors decided to graft a piece of skin taken from his thigh onto his face, which was severely burnt. One of the g


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