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1、Lesson 5 Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R,Winston S. Churchill,I. Background information of the speech,WWII ( 1939.9.11945.9.2) * On August 23, 1939 the Soviet Union signed the Non-aggression Pact with Hitlers Germany in order to protect itself. * On Sept. 1, 1939 Hitler invaded Poland.,* O

2、n June 22, 1940 Hitler attacked the Soviet Union.,II. About the author,1. Winston S. Churchill (30 November 1874 24 January 1965 ) was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II.,2. A noted statesman and orator, Churchill was also an officer in th

3、e British Army, a historian, writer and artist. To date, he is the only British Prime Minister to have received the Nobel Prize in Literature, and the first person to be recognized as an Honorary Citizen of the United States.,Quotes of the day (4),1. What is the use of living, if it be not to strive

4、 for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?,2. To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to change often.,3. In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Good Will.,4. A pessimist sees the difficul

5、ty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.,5. Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.,III. Detailed study of the text,1. invasion of the U.S.S.R.,U.S.S.R.- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (19221991)苏联 It collapsed

6、 in 1991.,2. This changed conviction into certainty.,conviction n. a very firm and sincere belief,3. our policy lay.,lie v. exist, be found, reside (always +adv /prep)lie in / with / outside, etc. e.g. (1)The answer must lie in finding alternative sources of power. (2) The next step lies with us.,4.

7、 Presently General Dill,presently adv. (formal) (1) in a short time; soon e.g. Presently a bell rang and they all trooped into school. (2) now; at this time e.g. Scientists are presently working on identifying the cause of the disease.,5. Who had hastened down,hasten v. Here: to go somewhere quickly

8、 Also: to make sth happen faster or sooner. e.g. Her death had been hastened by large doses of pain-killing drugs.,6.had surprised a large portion of,surprise: to find, catch, or attack someone when they are not expecting it e.g. A security guard surprised the burglars in the store room.,7. grounded

9、 on the airfields.,ground: v. (often passive) prevent an aircraft from taking off e.g. All planes out of Heathrow have been grounded by the strikes. 所有由希思罗机场起飞的飞机均因罢工而停飞。,8. be rounded up in hordes.,*round up: if police or soldiers round up a group of people, they find them and arrest or capture the

10、m 围捕、围剿 *horde: a large crowd of people e.g. Soccer fans turned up in hordes.,9. Chequers (契克斯),the official country residence of British Prime Ministers since 1921,What is Chequers American counterpart? And Chinese?,* Camp David 戴维营,Camp David, is a mountain-based military camp in Frederick County,

11、 Maryland used as a country retreat of the President of the United States and his guests.,Main Lodge at Camp David during the Nixon administration, February9, 1971.,10counting on enlisting ,enlist: win the support / help/ sympathy, etc. e.g. They hoped to enlist the help of the public in solving the

12、 crime.,11. Right Wing sympathies,sympathy: n. support for / approval of赞同、支持 e.g. The seamen went on strike in sympathy with the dockers. (码头工人),12 go all out to help Russia.,go all out: to make ones utmost effort; to spare no effort,* croquet n. 槌球,Croquet is a lawn game, played both as a recreati

13、onal pastime and as a competitive sport , which involves hitting wooden or plastic balls with a mallet through hoops embedded into the grass playing court. *mallet:木槌,Croquet game,13. bow down in the House of Rimmon.,See note 10. Rimmon,(临门,叙利亚人敬奉的神) The phrase means: 违背自己的良心(原则)做自己不愿做的事,14. Whether

14、 he was not bowing down in the House of Rimmon.,Paraphrase: Whether he was not renouncing his previous attitude towards communism; whether he was not changing his position since he had all long been opposed to communism.,15. thereby,adv. by that means, as a result. 因此;由此;从而 e.g. He became a citizen

15、in 1978, thereby gaining the right to vote.,16. make a favorable reference to ,- say a word in favor of,17. to the effect,to this /that / the effect: used when you are giving the general meaning of what someone says, rather than the exact words. 大意 / 要旨 e.g. Jim said he was unhappy at work, or words

16、 to that effect. The college rejected your application. Youll get a letter to that effect.,18. indistinguishable adj.,-things that are indistinguishable are so similar that you cannot see any difference between them. e.g. an artificial material that is almost indistinguishable from real silk.,19. de

17、void of (adj. ),-to be completely lacking in something; to be without e.g. That man is totally devoid of all humor. Compare: *void adj. (be void of : to completely lack something) e.g. Her eyes were void of all expression. *void n. (emptiness, vacuum) e.g. the void between atoms; She looked over the

18、 cliff into the void.,20. It excels all formsin ,excel vt. or vi. (not in progressive form) to do sth very well or much better than most people. (at /in) e.g. She excelled her opponents at playing chess. excel in chemistry / at sport / as an orator,20. It excels all formsin ,Paraphrase: The Nazi reg

19、ime is very effective in cruel suppression of and savage attack on other countries; in this respect it is worse than any other known form of evil.,21. unsay vt.,-take back or retract ( what has been said); withdraw or disavow( a statement , a promise etc.),22. spectacle,- a very impressive scene / a

20、n unusual thing or situation e.g. the curious spectacle of a cat actually chasing a dog. Here: a deplorable, painful sight. * make a spectacle of yourself,23. unfolding,- become clear, more fully known,24. wring sth from / out of,- to obtain sth with difficulty / by force, threats, etc. e.g. We fina

21、lly succeeded in wringing a confession out of him.,25. *hardly adv.,- with trouble or hardship; uneasily, painfully .(Now rare) e.g. Victory was hardly won. 胜利是好不容易才取得的。,26. dandified Prussian officers.,* dandify: from dandy-a man who cares a lot about his clothes and appearance Here: referring to t

22、he uniforms with shoulder-boards,insignia, decorations, etc.,* Prussian officers: the core of the officers of the Wehrmacht (德国武装部队)was Prussian. (普鲁士军官),27. crafty adj.,- clever, cunning (often disapproving),28. fresh from the cowing and tying down of,*fresh from: recently returned from * cow v. fr

23、ighten, intimidate * tie down: fasten down or confine by tying; restrict sbs freedom; enslave,29.the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of,-The German soldiers are stupid, obedient, easy to manage, and savage.,30. still smarting fromwhipping.,*smart v. feel pain, resentment, etc. e.g. They are st

24、ill smarting from the 4-0 defeat last week. * British whipping: punishment by Great Britain,31. Behind all this glare, storm.,*glare: a rather vague term, referring perhaps to “hostile, fierce looks” or “hatred” *storm: fighting, war,32. cataract of horrors,-Its a metaphor: untold miseries and unpar

25、alleled disasters cataract: a large waterfall,33. Dominion n.,-any of the countries of the British commonwealth that had their own governments. 英联邦自治领,34. in due course concur,* in due course: at the right time (in the future) due: suitable, fitting, proper e.g. Your request will be dealt with in du

26、e course. * concur (with) : agree,35. irrevocable,-an irrevocable decision, action etc cannot be changed or stopped,36. vestige n.,-a small part of sth that is left; trace, mark, sign, relics, remains 残留部分,遗迹,37. yoke n. 牛轭,A wooden bar used for joining two animals, especially cattle together in ord

27、er to pull heavy loads.,yoke,(literary) something that restricts your freedom, making life hard or unpleasant; control e.g. the yoke of tradition,38. It follows therefore,follow: happen as a necessary result of e.g. If one writes poetry, it naturally follows that he must understand poetry.,39. Take

28、the same course and pursue it and steadfastly to,pursue: follow persistently steadfast: not changing in your attitudes or aims Steadfastly: unswervingly; unchangingly,40. divergence of aims or slackening of effort,* divergence: going in different directions diverge v. * slacken: ( also slacken off)

29、to gradually become slower, weaker, less active etc, or to make sth do this e.g. The heavy rain showed no signs of slackening off.,41. moralize on/ about,(usually disapproving) to tell other people what is right and wrong especially in order to emphasize that your opinions are correct 进行道德说教 e.g. He

30、s always moralizing about “young people today”.,42. Hitlers blood-lust and the hateful appetites ,*blood-lust: a strong desire to kill or be violent * hateful: very unkind or unpleasant; detestable; loathsome,43. suffer the penalty of his crimes.,- be punished for the crimes he (Hitler) has committe

31、d.,44. prelude to ,- an action or event that happens before another more important one and forms an introduction to it 序幕 前奏 Paraphrase: paved the way for his planned invasion of ,45. The scene will be clear,- the stage will be ready for the final act.,46. hearth and home,* Hearth is the area of flo

32、or around a fireplace in a house. *hearth and home ( literary, poetic) your home and family e.g. the joys of hearth and home,Please point out mantel (mantelpiece), hearth, fireplace and fire,* Rhetorical devices used in the speech.,1. periodic sentence (尾重句,圆周句) Periodic sentences achieve forcefulness by suspense. The essential elements in the sentence are withheld until the end. e.g. If Hitler imagines that his attack on he is woefully mistaken. (p 81),2. rh


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