已阅读5页,还剩22页未读 继续免费阅读




1、目录Unit 1 How can I get there? A Lets learn 说课稿1Unit 2 Ways to go to school A Lets learn 说课稿4Unit 2 Ways to go to school B Lets learn 说课稿8Unit 3 My weekend plan A lets talk说课稿10Unit 4 I have a pen pal A lets talk说课稿14Unit 5 What does he do? A Lets learn 说课稿18Unit 6 How do you feel? A Lets talk 说课稿22U

2、nit 1 How can I get there? A Lets learn 说课稿 Good morning, dear judges. Im the second examinee. Its my great honor to have this opportunity to interpret my teaching design here. My topic is Unit 1 How can I get there? According to the New Curriculum Standard, I will interpret my teaching design from

3、the following parts, such as teaching aims, teaching procedures and so on.I. The analysis of teaching material The first part in my presentation is the analysis of teaching material. (Firstly, please allow me to talk about the analysis of teaching material) This lesson is chosen from part A Lets lea

4、rn of Unit 1 of PEP Primary English, book 7, and the main topic of this lesson is to ask and answer the way. After learning this lesson, students will be able to know how to help others find the way. Therefore, this lesson plays an important role in their studying.II. The analysis of students After

5、analysis of teaching material, lets move to the next step: analysis of students. Students are the subject of our class. Students of this period are active and curious. They are interested in new things after learning English for 3 years. They have some basic English background knowledge, so the teac

6、her should attach more importance to the communication with them.III. The analysis of teaching aims According to the New Curriculum Standard in English, I set the teaching aims as follows: Firstly, knowledge aim: students can understand the basic meaning of some new words, such as crossing, turn lef

7、t, turn right, go along and so on. Secondly, ability aim: students can use some simple expressions and target language to communicate in daily life. Lastly, emotional aim: students are willing to help others after class.IV. The analysis of teaching key point and difficult point Then, I want to put f

8、orward the key point and the difficult point of this lesson. Students can apply these new words and sentences naturally and appropriately.V. The analysis of teaching methods Now I want to talk about the teaching methods. Communicative Approach, Tasked-based Teaching Method and TPR Teaching Method wi

9、ll be adopted in this lesson to active my students.VI. The analysis of teaching aids To help students learn better. I will mainly use pictures and tape recorder as teaching aids.VII. The analysis of teaching procedure Next, lets focus on the most important part of this lesson, the analysis of teachi

10、ng procedures. It consists of the following steps: warming-up, pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening, summary and homework. Now, lets go to the first step, warming-up. In this step, I will divide students into groups Monkey 1 and Monkey 2, the one who gets banana first is the winner. Then I

11、 will sing a song named penguins Game. After listening, students should tell me what they have heard in this song. Then I will tell students this song is about directions. This song is closed related to the topic of this lesson. Besides, Its very interesting for students. They would be very glad to

12、pay attention to this lesson. Then, lets come to the second step, pre-listening. I will draw a map and some buildings on the blackboard. Imagine Im a foreigner and get lost. Let students help me find my way. Then I will show them some new words such as, turn left, turn right, crossing and go straigh

13、t through many actions. And a word game will be arranged. Its a bomb game. If I say a word, students should read after me quickly. But when I read the boom word, students should be quiet. Through this activity, students will be attracted and know how to read and use the new words. Now lets talk abou

14、t next period, while-listening. There are 3 activities in this step. The first activity is extensive listening. Ill ask students to listen to the tape, then find out the main idea of this conversation. The second activity is intensive listening. I will ask students to listen to the tape once again.

15、And try to find the answer, “Where is the Italian restaurant?” The third activity is to read. Students should read after the tape and pay attention to their pronunciation. Through this section, students could develop the ability of grasp detailed information and cooperation spirit. They will join mo

16、re class activities actively. Next step is post-listening. Some students will be asked to come the front of the class, and do some actions. The other students will guess the meaning of these new words. Then I will pick one place in the map like bookstore. Ask students “Where the bookstore?” Students

17、 will tell me the way in their own words according to the map. Role play is very attractive for students. Students would like to take part in it very actively. By this, students can improve their speaking skills and understand how to use these sentences to communicate with others. Now, lets move on

18、to the summary and homework. At the end of the class, Ill make a summary together with students. The purpose of this step is to help students recall what we have learned today. And deepen their impression of the key words and sentences. The homework is to be a guide. Tell their friends the way to th

19、e house with the target language. Next class, Ill invite some students to share it. It can develop their independent learning ability and provide more opportunities to practice after class. At last, I will attract students attention and tell students the winner of this class.VIII. The analysis of bl

20、ackboard design The last part is my blackboard design. These are the new words and phrases. These are key sentences. Its very clear and simple for students. And the pictures can attract students attention. Thats all for my presentation. Thank you for your listening.Unit 2 Ways to go to school A Lets

21、 learn 说课稿一、说教材 本单元以“交通方式和交通规则”为主题,意图让学生了解掌握一些常用的交通方式和学生应该知道的交通规则。交通与我们的生活息息相关,因此,本课的知识点是大部分学生乐于学习和容易接受的。 二、说学生情况 六年级的学生属于小学阶段中的高年级,已经掌握了一定的词汇和句型,初步具备了用英语进行简单交流的能力,对英语交流也产生了一定的兴趣,已有了初步的合作,自主交流的意识,但离灵活应用所学语言知识,深入体会,拓展学习方面还欠缺很多。 三、说教学目标 1.使学生能够听、说、读、写短语by bus、by plane、by taxi、by ship、by subway、by trai

22、n、on foot并能用本节课所学重点句型How do you go to?问答出行方式。 2、能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定的交际任务。 3、教学重难点 教学重点:学生能够掌握四会词组、句子和运用某种交通工具去某地的表达,并能替换关键词回答。 教学难点:能在情境中正确运用某种交通工具去某地的表达。 四、说教法和学法 为了突出重点,突破难点,我主要采用对话法、情景教学法、运用多媒体等教法组织教学,让学生在教师指导下,通过讨论交流、小组合作、情景表演等学法学习,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 五、说教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1.师生一起看视频唱本单元歌曲How do yo

23、u get there? (设计意图:本歌曲节奏明快,内容与本课时内容息息相关,比较容易使学生将注意力从课外转移到课堂上来。) 2. Free talk:用幻灯片呈现句型:How do you come to school? I come to school .同桌进行free talk练习。 (设计意图:复习上节课所学句型,同时为本节课的教学做好铺垫。) 3.课件呈现交通工具图片,复习学过的交通工具单词:car ,bus, bike,boat,plane。并呈现其他几种交通工具图,拓展单词。 (设计意图:复习并了解更多交通工具的单词,为本课的学习和拓展延伸部分做好准备。) Step 2 Pr

24、esentation 新知呈现 (一)热身活动结束之后,依次呈现步行和公共汽车的幻灯片,让学生根据课件呈现的图片回答How do you come to school?先引出短语on foot, by bus。并用张幻灯片呈现句子I come to school on foot。I come to school by foot。判断正误,使学生明白是on foot而不是by foot。 (设计意图:本节课所学的七个短语,有六个是by 开头的,为了避免学生也把on foot混记成by foot。我在这里设计了这个对比练习.) (二)接着分别利用How do you come to school?

25、提问,用课件呈现带有出租车和地铁图片引导回答,分别学习by subway, by taxi。领读,单人读,两人读,小组读。通过找bus和subway的共同读音,加深单词的记忆。 (设计意图:通过课件直观的展示短语的意思,既简单又明了,通过对比字母读音,加强了学生对单词读音的记忆。) (三)利用How do you come to school/Canada?提问,用幻灯片给出火车、飞机、轮船声音引导回答,充分发挥多媒体声形并具的功能分别学习 by train, by plane, by ship. (设计意图:小学英语课程目标指出,小学英语的教学任务是培养学生学习英语的兴趣。因此,我联系学生的

26、生活实际来安排教学。让学生听到生活中真实的声音,不仅可以加大学生的学习兴趣,还可以让学生更深入的理解所学短语,便于记忆。) Step 3 Practice 1.听音跟读。 (设计意图:让学生听一听标准的英语读音,纠正自己的语音,以达到标准的程度。) 2.让学生当小老师领读 (设计意图:一方面检查学生的掌握情况,另一方面,给基础差的的学生一个再次学习的机会,尽力让全班学生都能掌握所学内容。) 3.砸金蛋游戏:让学生根据砸出的内容,回答How do you come to school?复习所学短语。 (设计意图:一方面,此游戏具有挑战性,充分调动了学生的活动热情;另一方面,此游戏避免了学生如果按

27、真实回答,练习不到所有学习的短语,而用所有短语回答,又失去了真实性,脱离了生活实际。) 4、接龙游戏。 (设计意图:接龙游戏中人人复习了词汇,人人运用到了句型,做到了词不离句,面向整体。)Step 4 Consolidation 将学生分组,设计一个场景(每年都有很多小朋友随父母去长途旅行,地点分别是加拿大、美国)让他们策划,选择交通工具;并仿照Write and say部分扮演进行小组内问答。 (设计意图:真实情景中运用所学知识。在策划的过程中既复习乐旧知,又运用了新知。并拓展出新的交通方式短语,提升了学生的语言运用能力。)Step 5 Homework 1、Listen to the ta

28、pe.听音频。 2、Copy and recite the new words.抄写并背诵近日所学词汇。 3、根据实际情况向自己的家人、朋友询问他们都通过什么交通方式出行,并记录下来。下节课和老师同学们一起开个“小小发布会”汇报结果。 (设计意图:首先体现分层教学。其次鼓励一部分学生讲所学语言运用到实际生活中。通过作业进行课外延伸,拓展学生的思维,开拓他们的思路,真正有效地促进了学生的思维能力和语言能力的发展。)六、板书设计Unit Two Ways to schoolA Lets learnA: Lets go to the _.B: Great/ Ok/Hooray!A: How do w

29、e get there?B: _. car bikebussubwayby+交通工具 train(乘) taxiplane on footUnit 2 Ways to go to school B Lets learn 说课稿一、说教材 本单元重点学习如何询问和回答人们日常出行的方式,而本课主要学习基本的交通标志与交通规则,这个话题与学生日常生活紧密联系。本课时的难点是能用描述性语言叙述交通指示灯的作用。二、说学情 由于本课生词量较少,大多数学生已经接触过的单词,学习起来相对而言比较简单,因此本课的学习在以前所学的日常出行的方式上进一步提高学生的交通意识,增加了原有单词的多种表达方式,提高学生

30、的实际交际能力。三、说教学目标1、能听、说、认读单词和词组:slow, down, stop, slow down。2、能听、说、读、写句子:Slow down and stop! Stop and wait! Lets go!3、了解一些简单的交通标志,增强学生的交通意识。四、说重难点1、重点:听说认读句子Slow down and stop at a yellow light. /Stop and wait at a red light./ Go at a green light.并能在实际情景中运用。2、难点:能用描述性语言叙述交通指示灯的作用。五、说教法任务型教学法、小组合作法、情景表

31、演法、游戏法。六、说教学过程Step 1 Warm-up游戏:各就各位拿出表示交通工具的单词字母卡片,并且将字母顺序打乱,四人小组合作按顺序将它们排列成一个完整的单词,比一比哪个组排得快,排得准。Step 2 Preview温故互查:先独立完成后同桌互相检查。连词成句1.to, do, you, school, how, go(?)2.the, to, go, park, I, bus, usually, by (.)3.there, usually, car, John, by, goes (.)4. Park, to , how, I, get, can, Zhongshan(?)Step

32、 3 Presentation 1.Lets do 复习有关颜色的英语单词。2.出示自制红绿灯学习新词及本课重点句型:Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light.3.Lets chant: Slow down and stop, Slow down and stop. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait , Stop and wait. Stop and wait at a red light.

33、Go, go, go. Go at a green light.4.听录音,跟读对话(注意再跟读的过程中模仿录音中的语音、语调)5.同桌两替换关键词或短语进行自由练习最后展示。(小组互相评比,看一看,比一比,哪组表现得好).Step 4 Consolidation and extension Role-play:play a game四人小组玩游戏,一位同学手举交通信号灯并发出指令,其他同学根据做相应的动作。 Step 5 Summary 谈谈这节课你有什么收获?Step 6 Homework七、说评价 英语教学应提倡“学中用,用中学,学用结合,学以致用”。在教学过程中,学和用是一个整体。这节

34、课中,为实现教学目标,我所设计的每一个教学游戏活动始终将学生置于一种自主、和谐、轻松的自然学习氛围中,从而使学生在不断地习得和使用语言中将语言知识内化,为学生自我求知、自我获取知识创造了有利条件,让他们积极参与到课堂中来。 Unit 3 My weekend plan A lets talk说课稿一、 说教材1、教学内容 本课时的教学内容是六年级上册unit 3 My weekend plan的第二课时,主要让学生熟练运用一般将来时态,明确be going to是表示即将发生的动作,并在真实情境中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。本单元学习的主题是周末计划,本课时属于对话教学,该内容贴近学生生活

35、,同时又有上一节词汇课作为铺垫,学生对句型结构的意义有初步感知,所以易于深入和拓展。2、教学目标 1)能够在情景中运用What are /is going to do ? Im , He/She is going to 谈论周末活动计划; 2)能够理解语境语言Sounds great! I have to .Have a goodtime! 的大意; 3)了解be going to 表示将来计划的用法; 4)能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。3、教学重难点 在情景中恰当运用句型What are /is going to do ? Im , He/She is going to

36、谈论周末活动计划和国庆节活动计划!二、说学情 在三年多的英语学习过程中,学生已经学习了很多有关周末活动的词组,如:wash clothes, clean my room, draw pictures , visit grandparents, go hiking ,play the piano, play ping-pong, play football, read a book等,并且在第一课时也接触了新句型What are you going to do ?Im going to.对该句型的语用功能已有了初步了解。三、说教法学法 新课程要求教师从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导

37、体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。依此为基础我设置了listening,guessing,choosing, repeating,acting,pair work, making a survey等活动。1、任务型教学法:学生通过listen and answer, listen and repeat, retell according to tips, pair work, writing等任务的完成来达到层次递进的学习目的。2、情境教学法:利用Today is Saturday.引出weekend一词,并落到本单元主题周末计划上。从Sar

38、ahs and Mikes weekend plans再到our weekend plan,our family members plan水到渠成。3、交际教学法:学生之间对话、小组讨论,师生之间问答无时无处不体现交际教学法。4、多媒体辅助教学法:利用多媒体的直观教学来辅助教学。5、活动探究法:以学生为主体,以活动为载体,在系列活动中,培养学生独立的自学能力、思维能力、表达能力、自我探究能力。6、合作学习法:组织学生进行小组讨论,促使学生在学习中自我发现问题,互助解决问题,培养学生的团结协作的精神。四、说评价 课堂教学评价是为促进学生学习而实施的。根据高段学生年龄、心理特征,让学生体验到英语学

39、习的成功,感受成就感。课堂评价及时具体有指导性。本节课我始终将学生作为课堂的主人,学习的主体。教学的过程是培养学生独立行走、开口说话的过程。鼓励学生在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教,提高学生语篇意识,增强学生语用能力。五、说教具 PPT与白板相结合。六、说教学过程Step 1 Warm up(Look and see) wash clothes、do homework、watch TV、play football、read books、play ping-pong、play the piano、visit grandparents、climb mountains、go hiking、go

40、shopping、draw pictures(设计意图:通过快看快说的活动,集中学生的注意力,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,并复习已学动词类短语为本课时的语言输出谈论自己的周末活动做好铺垫。)Step 2 Lead inT: What day is it today?S: Its Saturday.T:What day is tomorrow?S: Tomorrow is Sunday.T:Saturday and Sunday are weekend. Do you like weekend?Sarah and Mike like weekend very much .They are very

41、happy. They make a plan. But what are they doing now?They are talking on the phone.(设计意图:先利用日历为学生创设真实的情境,自然导入本单元主题weekend plan,再引出本课时人物Sarah and Mike)Step 3 Presentation1.What are they talking about? Lets listen!What did you hear ? Tell me, please!Maybe a word or a sentence.Can Mike go swimming this

42、 afternoon? Why or why not? Listen again and answer the questions, check the answers.2.T: Mike is busy this afternoon, what about tomorrow ? What are Mike and Sarah going to do on Sunday? Can you guess? Ss say sentences using” He /she is going to ” (师listen and say Yes? Maybe!)(设计意图:通过猜一猜游戏操练语言He /s

43、he is going to ,描述他人的计划)3.Now please turn to page 24,read on your own and answer the questions. .Stop please, lets answer together.(设计意图:带着问题读课文,从对话中提取关键信息)4. Group work: read and find difficulties.Who has difficulties? 学生互助解决可能出现的sound 和lesson两个词,(设计意图:通过小组组员互助学习解决文中的难点信息,通过超链接打开辅助句的题目(幻灯0),

44、帮助学生理解辅助句子的意义和情感,并且有感情的朗读表演这些句子)Step 4 PractiseT:Well done! Lets read the talk. Boys are Mike, and girls are Sarah.(Then exchange the roles)1.Look at the screen ,try to say the talk.(遮挡动词、答语、问句,分别给1、2分钟准备幻灯)(设计意图:通过多种形式的机械操练,熟悉对话文本,为之后的表演对话做准备)2.(幻灯呈现Mike and Sarah打电话图 )Try to act the talk without b

45、ooks .practice in pairs .One is Mike, the other is Sarah.( Give you 3 minutes to prepare.) Are you ready? Whod like to show?Step 4roduction:T: Mike and Sarah are going to have a good time! We can have a good time,too! (幻灯15) What are you going to do this afternoon/this evening/tomorrow?(教师和一名同学示范) n

46、ow pair work, talk about your weekend plan. Invite four groups to show.(设计意图:个性化改造对话,结合自身实际创编新的对话)Step 5 Summary and homework Now ,homework :write down your weekend plan .We can write like this :Im going to this afternoon. Remember: A good plan is half done. so think carefully! 2.Interview your fami

47、ly members weekend plan, we can ask like this: What are you going to do ? Ok, so much for today! Bye!(设计意图:在口头模仿的基础上开展书面小练笔并将所学句型应用于实际生活调查家人的周末计划,同时情感渗透计划的重要性!)Step 6 Blackboard design Unit3 My weekend planPart A lets talkWhat are you going to do this afternoon?this evening?tomorrow?Im going to 七、说教

48、学反思 这节课不论是新知识的呈现,还是游戏的设计,都紧紧地抓住学生,以活动为载体,条理性比较清晰,让学生积极参与到课堂中来。学生在用中学,学中用,教师指导到位,会让学生在明确的示范中做到全面发展。学法上,教师注重学生听、说、读、写等各个能力的学法指导。Unit 4 I have a pen pal A lets talk说课稿一、说教材 今天我执教的这节课是六年级上册中的Unit 4 Part B Lets talk。本单元是围绕着my pen pal这一话题对Whats your hobby?进行深入的学习。本单元涉及的大部分动词短语在前六册学生用书中已经出现过,如:go to work,

49、watch TV, read newspapers , ride a bike等等,在教学中应注意激活学生的记忆,以旧引新,引导学生熟练掌握。二、说目标 根据教材编写意图、新课标教学要求,结合学生思维情感、认知发展的需要和教学实际情况,从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观这三个维度进行考虑,确定了以下知识、能力、情感目标。A. 知识目标 1)通过口语交际学生能听、说、认、读、写句型:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps. 2)学生通过教师示范,参与猜测自己同学的爱好,和滚雪球的游戏,能在

50、实际情景中正确运用句型:He/ She likes. 3)通过对主要句子的操练,观看动画,跟录音读,学生能理解对话意思并语音清楚,语调自然地朗读对话。 4)通过本节课的学习和平时语言的积累,学生能仿照对话新编一个对话。B. 能力目标 1)知道动词在不同情况下会有形式上的变化。 能理解和表达有关话题的简单信息:朋友,爱好,文体活动等。 2)培养学生在游戏中熟练运用功能句型和词组的能力,在情境中灵活运用交际用语的能力和知识迁移的能力,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。C. 情感目标 1)通过本课语言知识的学习,教育学生熟悉身边的人所做的事情,并能经常做到关心他人. 2)有兴趣听英语,说英语,背歌谣,做游

51、戏等。乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。D. 教学重难点 重点: 有关业余爱好的英语表达和一般现在时的简单用法,主要句型是:Whats your hobby? I likeHe likes. 听说读写四会句子。 难点: 难点是一般现在时等三人称单数陈述句和一般疑问句的正确运用。三、说教法1、教法设计 积极激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生变被动为主动地跟着教师参与教学活动,运用一些学生喜闻乐见的教学方法和措施,如直观情境教学法、TPR(全身反应法)、活动式教学法。结合多种活动类型和组织形式(如,游戏、比赛、竞猜等)为学生提供了较大的实践空间,能较好的发挥学生

52、的主动性和创造性,有可利于学生间合作学习,使学生在乐中学、学中乐。2、学法指导 本课选择模拟场景和真实场景相结合,用多媒体课件辅助,自主学习和合作学习相结合的方式进行操练,每一环节都是下一学习环节的铺垫和连接,为学习的深入进行打下基础。学生通过师生对话、生生对话、自编对话、听音理解、练习巩固、表演创新等一系列步骤,使学生能扎实地掌握整篇对话,并能在改换场景的情况下灵活运用。让学生在互动和交流中建立自信,感受学习的快乐.教学过程中注意对学生分层,大部分学生要能理解模仿对话,并能创新运用,上台展示。少数潜生可以熟读背诵对话,对重点词句进行替换练习。3、教学手段 用多媒体辅助教学,将英语学习和游戏结

53、合,引导学生积极主动地投入到学习活动中去.四、说评价策略1、目标导向评价策略:对于四会句子的掌握采用对话,翻译的评价方法。2、及时反馈评价策略:学生对知识的掌握教师要及时进行相应的反馈评价。3、分层评价策略:班级学生大致分为两大部分,接收知识能力强的大多数孩子和接受知识慢的少数孩子, 对他们进行不同程度的要求。4、延缓评价策略最基本的学习目标全班都要完成。稍微有挑战性的问题少数孩子可以延缓掌握。五、说教学步骤Step 1 Warm up and reviewa. 头脑风暴:说出尽可能多的动词或动词短语(设计意图:发散学生思维,帮助学生激活以前所学知识。)b. 复习常见动词短语及其ing形式 (

54、设计意图:复习常用的动词短语及ing形式,为接下来的对话做好铺垫。)Step 2 Lead-in 导入呈现任务。(设计意图:激发学习动机,从情绪和知识上做好学习准备。)Step 3 Presentation新课呈现a. 引入课题ok, this lesson we will learn unit 4 I have a pen pal. Part a lets talk. Lets go on talking about our hobbies.b. 教师和学生,学生和学生进行What is your hobby? I like .的问答练习。c. 教师找一个学生问What is your ho

55、bby? 学生答:I like . 教师转述该学生的爱好:he / she likes. 多问几名学生,教师示范句子:he / she likes.d. 看图片猜测爱好。 S: I think he/she likes.(设计意图:初步练习Whats his/her hobby? He/She likes)e. Chain Response.A: I like drawing pictures.B: A likes drawing pictures. I like running.C: A likes drawing pictures. B likes running. I like play

56、ing chess.(设计意图:通过学生乐于参与的2个小游戏,策略性地突破难点He / She likes doing,落实学习目标1和3.)Step 4 Practise a. Introduce the task.T: This week there are four shows in our city: a kite show, a painting show, a stamp show and a bike show. Our task is to find their hobbies and which show they are going to visit.b. Read and match.Get one student as the little teacher to read the text, others listen and answer.(设计意图:通过阅读和听的训练进一步突破难点。)c. We know our classmates hobby. Whats Wu Yifans hobby? What about johns?Lets watch the video .Then an


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