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1、,Whats the best movie theater?,Unit 4,Section B 1a-1e,学习目标:,知识目标与能力目标: 1 能够学会使用creative等8个形容词的最高级形式。 2 能够学会运用“My cousin Li Jing is the funniest person I know. Eliza was the best performer”表达“最的人”。 3 能够从听力材料中获取关于表演者的特征的信息。 情感目标:学会努力做生活中最好的表演者。,quiet loud funny boring creative serious good bad,quietes

2、t,loudest,funniest,most boring,most creative,most serious,best,worst,最 高 级,1 Who is the tallest student in your class? 2 Who is the most popular student in your class? 3 Who is the funniest student in your class?,funniest most creative quietest best,Write these words and phrases next to their opposi

3、tes in the chart.,1a,most creative,quietest,best,funniest,Positive words,Negative words,A: Who is the funniest person you know? B: My cousin Li Jing is the funniest person I know. Who do you think is the most serious person you know? A: I think my English teacher is the most serious person I know.,m

4、ost creative most boring quietest loudest best worst,1b,Tell your partner about people you know. Use the words in 1a.,the school talent show,Vera,upside down,A The talent show was very successful. B People talked about the performers in the show. C The performers acted very well.,Task 1 The conversa

5、tion is about_.,B,Eliza _ Vera _ Steve _ Dennis _ The Math Teachers _,Listen to people talking about a school talent show. Match the pictures with the performers.,a,e,d,b,c,Task 2,1c,worst,loudest,excellent great,funniest,most creative,Listen again. What do the people say about the performers? Fill

6、in the chart with the adjectives you hear.,1d,Task 3,A: Wasnt that a talent show? B : Yeah! A : Who did you think was the _ act? B : Oh, I thought Eliza was the best. Shes an _ piano player. A : Yeah, shes great. And I thought Steve and his dog were the _. B : Me, too! I couldnt stop _!And how about

7、 Vera? Wasnt she creative? A : Yeah, Id say she was the _ _ act!,funniest,laughing,creative,Listen and fill in the blanks,Task 4,best,excellent,most,I dont know many people who can play the guitar upside down. B : Who did you think was the _? A : Oh, Dennis! He was terrible. He kept _the balls. B :

8、I know! A : What did you think of The Math Teachers? B : Well, they were the _ for sure!,dropping,worst,loudest,翻译探究(六人一组讨论,看哪个组最先得出答案),1 Wasnt she creative? _ creative是形容词,意为_. create是及物动词,意为_. 如:她是一位有创造力的歌手。 She is a _ singer. 去年他创作了许多流行歌曲。 He _ lots of popular songs last year.,难道她不是很有创意吗?,有创造力的,创

9、作,创造,creative,created,2 Who was the best performer? _ performer是可数名词,意为“_”。performance也可作为可数名词,意为“_”。perform是_词,意为“_”。 请用perform、 performer、 performance的适当形式填空。 (1) She wants to be a famous_. (2) Last week he _ the best in the show. (3) The _ is very successful.,谁是最佳表演者?,表演者,演出,表演,动,表演,performer,per

10、formed,performance,调查:“班 级 之 最”,In my group, we think Tom is the best singer in our class because he can sing fast songs very well. We think in our class because.,(看哪组合作的最好!),当堂检测,一 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1 Mary is _(quiet) of the three. 2 I think he is a _(create) actor. 3 Sun cinema is the _(good) in town. 二 翻译。 1 谁是最滑稽的表演者? Who


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