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1、Enjoy CET 6,By 王茜,AM 原则,Attitude: the determiner of your action Method: the determiner of the effect Attitude + Method=Winner,Reading Comprehension (20%),模式:字篇 X 2 时间:min (+5min) 体裁:说明及议论 题材:人文社会(环保/教育/移民/经济/医疗/政治) 材料:近几年外刊居多(Times/News Weekly/Newsweek/New Scientist/The Economist/New York Times/USA

2、Today),四大题型,细节理解/推断() 主旨题() 猜词题( ) 态度题( ),阅读解题四步法,扫描题干,划出核心信息词(时间地点人物) 扫描文章,划出核心词(与题干核心信息词相关的信息点段落首尾句因果关系句转折句列举句以副词开头的强调句) 逐题定位 注意同义词替换及干扰项,阅读方法,I 先看文章后做题。注意三点:1、注意文章中心与作者基本观点,即抓大的放小的。 2、注意重要细节的位置,第一遍阅读时在了解主题之后知道某个东西在哪里,胜过你知道它是什么。3、阅读速度稍快。不能过分沉迷于原文,速度要快一点。,II 先看问题再读文章 要抓对重点. 适用于文章:1、难度较大的文章2、只包含一两段的

3、流水账文章。流水账文章段落少层次感较差,可以先看题目看清问题,确定大概的位置。3、细节题较多的文章。 缺点:对主题把握不够明确。,III 读一层意思做一道题,读文章做题交叉进行。本方法适用于:1、段落较多的文章2、阅读速度较慢的同学。注意事项:i每次阅读一小段或者一长段的一半 ii阅读速度比第一种阅读方法要稍慢一些,力求弄清本段意思 iii每次读新的内容之前,最好把接下来要回答的问题要先看一下。,常见七大考点 1.列举处常考。关键看最后一个例子。 例子本身不重要,重要的是所说明的观点 。 2.名人名言的要点在于所说明的观点,本身看不懂不要紧。 3.强转折,强对比处常。but, however等

4、。强对比有三种:in contrast, until, unlike;过去和现在强对比;4.复杂句常考 5.因果句常考 6.特殊标点:冒号,破折号,一般考察标点前面的内容 7.段首,段尾句,考试九大原则,文章首句出现定义或者概念,通常就是主题 出现转折必会考到 主题在末段的可能性接近于零 任何主题题型只要选项包含细节就直接错误,按时间顺序阐述的文章主题通常在首末段,尤其是首段 原文有个词,再在选项中弄一个与其相类似的单词作干扰选项 理科文章口气态度一般都是客观的,出现连串数字或者年代时常被考到 如果四个选项中有两个意思是相反的,那么其中必有一个是正确的;如果有两个意思都是一样的,那么这两个选项

5、一定都是错误的。 选项中口气太绝的是错误的,尤其针对推断题,如infer/imply,长句分析,I think that that that that that girl wrote on the blackboard is correct. Further ahead, by a combination of the great wealth this new age will bring and the technology it will provide, the construction of a vast, man-created world in space, home to th

6、ousands or millions of people, will be within our power.,Listening Comprehension (35%),Short Conversation (8) Long Conversation (2) Passage listening (3) Compound Dictation (11),Problems,Pronunciation (accent) 语音 e.g. access break the ice-break the eyes accent: spot/odd advance,Problems,Vocabulary 词

7、汇 e.g. meet each other half way beat around the bush get more bucks (2007.6/15) hang in (2009.6/12) pass over(2009.12/12),I hear your boss has a real good impression of you, and he is thinking about giving you two more days off each month. M: I hope not. Id rather get more work hours so that I can g

8、et enough bucks to help out my two kids at college. Q: What does the man truly want?,W: These summer days are getting to be more than I can take. It was even too hot to go to the pool yesterday. M: hang in there. According to the weather report we should have some relief by the end of the week. Q: W

9、hat does the man mean? 09.6/12,W: Rod must be in a bad mood today. Whats wrong with him? M: He was passed over in the selection process for the dean of the Administrations Office. Hed been hoping for the position for a long time. Q: What does the man mean? Rod was eliminated in the selection process

10、.,Problems,Intonation 语气语调 赞同 Yeah/You bet/Of course/Can bird fly? 否定、糟糕 Oh, no./Probably not./Well 吃惊 Oh my/Oh dear/Oh my goodness./Wow,2009.12/17 W: Look at this catalogue, John. I think I want to get this red blouse. M: Eh, I think you already have one like this in blue. Do you need every color i

11、n the rainbow? Q: What does the man mean? He would rather the woman didnt buy the blouse.,M: I hear John left his cat in your care while hes on vacation abroad. How are you getting long with it? W: Well, it never comes when I call it. It spills its food and sheds all over the place. I cant wait till

12、 John gets back. Q: How does the woman find the cat? 08.6/13 A real nuisance,1998年1月 architecture artificial 2001年6月 emotionally 2003年1月 species mysterious 2004年6月 established instruments 2005年1月 investigated recommend 2006年6月 schedule necessarily visible 2007年月 competition,2007年12月 proportion rever

13、se 2008年6月 ingredients generating 2009年1月 percentage convenient 2009年6月 administration commerce competence 2009年12月 derive immense texture 2010年6月 hinder vulnerable,Strategy,Shadowing exercise Listening (doing exercise)-Repeating-Retelling-Dictation,听力短对话出题思路,1. 作业多功课难 Im getting absolutely nowhere

14、with these physics problems. W: How about my going through them with you? Q: What does the woman mean?,A She could help him with the problems. B He should go out for a while. C She could go out together with him. D He should do the problems himself.,2. 考试总是难:学生永远的痛 3.订房订票很难:sorry遗憾就是美 M: I wonder wh

15、ether it would be possible to change this double room to single rooms. W: Sorry, sir. All the single rooms are occupied. But if you like, I can check with Imperial Hotel to see if they have. Q: Whats the woman going to do for the man?,A Let him move to a room with two single beds. B Check to see if

16、there are any vacancies in her hotel. C Try to help him find rooms in another hotel. D Show him the way to Imperial Hotel.,4. 男生对比赛狂热 I wouldnt have missed it for anything! 5.男生一般成绩较差 W:By the way, did you hear that Jack failed the mid-term English exam? Its too bad because itll disqualify him for n

17、ext years scholarship. M: He deserved it. Hes never really studied since last semester. Q: How does the man feel about Jacks failing the exam?,A He feels unsympathetic. B He feels its a pity. C He feels its unfair. D He feels glad. 6.人物都有些健忘 Forgetful / Slip ones mind / Slip ones memory Have a short

18、 memory / absent-minded Go in one ear and out the other,长对话涉及到的对话场景内容非常广泛,从校园生活到生活中的各种场景。学生可以通过抓住“信号词”来判断具体场景。经常涉及到的场景有:旅游(飞机,机场及出行准备等),校园,工作面试,访谈等。,1.提前浏览,有备而听 短对话和长对话之间几乎没有什么时间间隔,所以不能等到短对话结束时再来浏览长对话选项,而应在放Section A的Direction时就开始。根据以往真题录音,Section A的Directions大约持续1分20秒左右的时间,如果加上考场试音的时间则更长。这足可以让考生预读前

19、四个短对话的选项和第一个长对话的所有选项。,2.分析选项,预测内容 在分析选项的部分,希望考生能针对如下三个关键部分进行快速判断: A,人物关系(Relationship,邻居?夫妻?同学?师生?同事等,能够为后面做题判断人物身份起到良好的铺垫)。 B,动作行为(动词和动词结构往往是最重要的考察对象之一)。 C,态度词(长对话结尾往往涉及态度判断和结论),3.边听边选,不要走神 尽量在听的时候确定哪个选项能够最大程度的吻合,这是做短文听力的宗旨,同样适用于长对话。平时训练做到“边听边记”、强调语言输出的强化训练为主,上了考场强调“边听边选”。最后听问题确定自己的正确答案,因为听力时间间隔很短,

20、因此哪怕是猜的答案,一旦作出判断,就不要过多纠缠于这一分。集中注意力到下一题当中。,常见技巧型破题法则: 短对话:视听反向原则、同义替换原则、后句更加重要原则,校园场景是小对话的重点主题; 长对话:视听基本一致原则、首句重点原则、转折关系原则,因果原则,注意说话人的态度也很重要。,短文理解六大黄金原则,1.听到什么选什么(同义替换) 2.顺序原则 3.重点词汇考点原则 (转折词汇、因果关系词汇、最高级词汇、情态动词等词汇的后方信息更容易成为答案) 4.首尾原则 5.人名对话原则,复合听写,1. 语言知识方面: 首先,必须提高听力水平,熟悉英、美国家人士的说话发音的不同方式,语音语调;其次对于大

21、纲中所列单词和短语,不仅要认知而且会熟练拼写;这一点相当重要,很多同学在正式考试当中听出来了单词并准确定位出来意思,但是由于拼写不过关导致遗憾丢分。另外,即便拼写正确,又因为单复数时态和大小写而丢分也很多见。,2. 非语言能力方面: 我们应当有意识的加强我们的记忆和速记能力。有时候,同学们会发现:听的内容都懂了,但由于记忆的问题或时间的问题没写下来,这是因为短时记忆力(short term memory)不够。因此在平时的训练中,应当有意识地不是以单个的词而是以意群为单位进行理解和记忆。第一遍先试图听明白意思,第二遍写出重点单词或者句子,第三遍完成整个练习。在短暂的停顿空间,如果时间来不及,可以选用自己熟悉的缩写形式或符号记录,等以后有时间时再复原


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