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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 第一课时(Section A 1a-2d) 课前预习 一1. stay at home 2. take photos 3. 去海滩 4.visit the museum 5.go to summer camp 6. 任何特别的事/东西 7. study for the tests 8. 跟某人外出 9.不少 10.most of the time 二1. stay at home 2. go to the beach 3. visit the museum 4. studying for the tests/visiti

2、ng the museum 5.something special 6.most of the time,课堂练习 一1-5 ADDDB 6-8 ADC 二1. Did, buy, anything 2.studied 3.didnt take 4.Where did, go, your 5.How was 课后巩固 一. 1. went 2. slept 3. drove 4. to go, swimming 5. playing 6.rained,stayed 7.was, took, to go 8.fishing 9.rides,rode 10.got, lucky 二. CEBAFG

3、HD 三. 1-5 DDACB,第2课时 课前预习 一. 1. on vacation 2. 我第一次去那儿 3. 购物 4. 当然 5. 喂养一些母鸡 6. keep/ write a diary 二. 1. on vacation 2.went shopping 3.keep a diary 4.feeds some hens 5.Of course 三.1-5 CEBAD,课堂练习 一. 1-5 CACAC 6-10 BADAC 二. 1.everyone 2,relaxing 3,vacation 4.first 5,interesting 6,weather 7.on 8.delic

4、ious 9.bought 10.spent 课后巩固 1. Did you go anywhere last Sunday/ Did you go to a farm last Sunday 2.Who did you go there with 3.What did you see there 4.Were there many farmers 5.What was the weather like there / How was the weather there,二.1. He came from New York /America. 2.He had 8 dollars left.

5、3.He went there to borrow some money from his friend. 4.Becase he wanted to save some money for the hotel and the food. 5.He had to get off the bus and push it when it went up the hill.,第3课时 课前预习 一.1.enjoyable 2.difference 3,expensive 4,waiting 5,wonderful 6,decided 7,brought 8,felt 9.rode 10,stoppe

6、d 二. 1.arrive in/at, get to 2,decide to do 3.feel like 4.in the past 5.有影响,不同 6.take a train/ by train 7.wait for 8.rain hard/ heavily 9.由于,因为 10.enough money 11,又/再两个小时 12.山顶 课堂练习 一.1-5 ACCDB 6-10 BCDCB,二.1.started,saw,special flowers 2.rained hard/ heavily, went to 3.was,hungry,tasted great/ nice/

7、good/ delicious 4.stopped to eat, later 5.were ,waited a 6.decided to take/bring, with 7.buildings, trees,课后巩固 一. 1. nowhere 2.was, played 3.lived,moved 4.camping 5,didnt have ,hungry 6.wondered 7.kinds 8.lots, differences 9.activities 10.go, try 二. 1.tried 2.making 3,excited 4.interested 5.learn/ t

8、o learn 三. 1-5DDBCA,第四课时 课前预习 一.1.参观故宫 2. Beijing duck 3. take some photos 4. 学习一些重要的东西 5. 最喜欢 6. How do you feel? 二.1.How did you feel 2.visit the Palace Museum / take some photos 3.like best 4.learn something important 5.Beijing duck,课堂练习 一.1-5 CBDAB 6-10 BDBAA 二.1. ducks 2. visitors, to try 3.was

9、 ,hard 4.heard, jumped 5.playing, finished 课后巩固 一.1.What did, buy 2.Did, learn, anything 3.said nothing 4,What, think of 5. had, fun flying 二.1-5 CCACB 6-10 DADBB 三.1-5 CADBB,第5课时(self-check) 一. A.1.anyone 2.anywhere 3.wonderful 4.few 5.most 6.something 7.nothing 8.everyone 9.myself 10.yourself 11.h

10、en 12.pig 13.bored 14.seem 15.someone 16.diary 17.enjoyed 18. activity 19.decide 20.try 21.paragliding 22.bird 23.bicycle 24.building 25.trader 26.wonder 27.difference 28.top 29. wait 30.umbrella 31.wet 32.below,33.enough 34.hungry 35.as 36.hill 37.duck 38.dislike B. 1.stay at home 2 .相当多的,不少 3。most

11、 of the time 4.当然可以 5. visit the museum 6.喜欢 7. wait for 8. 任何特别的事/东西 9.because of 10.去购物 11. keep/ write a diary 12.又/再两个小时 13. decide to do 14,做决定 15. on top of the hill 16.学习重要的东西 17.take photos 18.去故宫游玩 19.Beijing Roast Duck 20.上下跳动 21. go to the holiday 22.高兴地/兴奋地 23. at the shopping center 24.

12、arrive at/in 25.参加夏令营,二.1.to try, paragliding 2.felt, eating 3.enjoyable 4.waiting 5.boring, bored 6.yourself/yourselves 7.keeping,diaries 8.didnt buy, anything 9.wonderful 10.talking,reading/to read 三.A.1.Did you buy anything special for yourself? 2.He really enjoyed running around the park. 3.I di

13、dnt have breakfast at school this morning. 4.I went to (根据实际情况回答) B.1.I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.,2.We took quite a few photos there. 3.每一道菜(食物)都非常好吃。 4.因为天气不太好,我们看不清下面的任何东西。 四.15 FTFTT 五, Dear Jenny, Hows it going? I had a busy Sunday. In the morning, I did my homework. After that I began to clean my room ,My parents were not at home. So I cooked tomato noodles for lunch. I had a larger bowl of tomato noodles.,In the afternoon, I went to visit my grandmother and I helped her wash her clothes. At night, I watched TV with her .I was a lit


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